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Trump ponders Rudy Giuliani for attorney general


Junior Member
I'd move to Canada within 24 hours of Trump announcing "verb, noun and 9/11" Giuliani as AG.

Imagine walking down the street to enter a convenience store to get a coke and getting harassed.

Imagine heading into a job interview for a corporation. Everyone is at lunch with windows overlooking the campus. You get S&Fed in front of the gate with everyone watching. You get the full treatment of who are you, where are you going, basically interrogated. Do you think that you'll get the job?

AG "verb, noun and 9/11" is the absolute worst choice for AG given his track record. Imagine him giving the CBC the same speech he gave in Brooklyn where basically told all those black people these crimes were their fault. He'd bring back those racist statistics that only mention this alleged black on black crime that stopped in 2005.

Honestly under Republican rule we're about 2-3 years from that anyway.


Why would Guiliani take the position? Despite being a part of the campaign, he's flown under the radar for the most part of this Presidency. He takes the job, he's back in the spotlight. Especially since he'd almost certainly have to recuse himself, due to his involvement in the campaign.

It'd be brought up during his confirmation hearings. And if he'd try and say "I don't have to recuse! Fake News!", he'd probably make an enemy of himself of the intel folks leaking all this shit in the first place. And unlike Trump, and like Sessions, he at least seems to have some understanding of when not to kick the beehive.
I would love to see the reason Trump fires Sessions

Sessions: I'm resigning to spend more time with my family
White House: We had him resign so we can have our interests aligned more with the new Attorney General's
Trump: I punched that stupid elf in the face


With Sessions, it's only a matter of time until he is gone. I could totally see Trump picking Rudy just because Rudy is a New Yorker who will tell Trump how great he is without a whiff of self-respect or ethics.
Yes, as the new AG would be Rosenstein's boss and would not be recused from the investigation.

The only reason why Rosenstein was able to appoint Mueller was because Sessions recused himself from the investigation.

Well, in that case, the best scenario would be if Sessions were fired but attempts to replace him get held up in the Senate oh who am I kidding they'll roll over and beg for treats like usual
At this point it's better if Sessions stays and Rosenstein having autonomy.

Giuliani was part of the campaign, they'd easily have a case he should recuse himself as well. Whether he would is another story.

Sessions is technically recused because he was part of the campaign and the investigation involves the campaign. Nothing to do with Russia.


As a brown person Giuliani scares me more then Sessions. Like the difference between passive and active fuckery


Sure, what the hell, he should just fire Sessions.

Why? Because I'm sure he'll come on national TV and say it's because of the recusal. It'll add more evidence. And because Sessions is terrible.

Fingers crossed that Guiliani could never get confirmed.
What's with Trump and his fixation with hiring fantasy creatures in his cabinet? First, we have a Keebler Elf as AG, who's likely going to be canned for Nosferatu.

I'm also pretty sure I fought Steve Bannon recently in Persona 5.

Trump's presidency is literally shattering the fabric of reality.


I'd move to Canada within 24 hours of Trump announcing "verb, noun and 9/11" Giuliani as AG.

Imagine walking down the street to enter a convenience store to get a coke and getting harassed.

Imagine heading into a job interview for a corporation. Everyone is at lunch with windows overlooking the campus. You get S&Fed in front of the gate with everyone watching. You get the full treatment of who are you, where are you going, basically interrogated. Do you think that you'll get the job?

AG "verb, noun and 9/11" is the absolute worst choice for AG given his track record. Imagine him giving the CBC the same speech he gave in Brooklyn where basically told all those black people these crimes were their fault. He'd bring back those racist statistics that only mention this alleged black on black crime that stopped in 2005.

Yeah, fuck Giuliani. He's a fucking racist. Of course, Sessions is a racist too. I doubt that Trump will appoint an AG who isn't.


It doesn't really if Sessions goes or not. Some of you really, really need to brace yourselves because Mueller will be fired one way or another. That thread is going to be one of total despair I can already tell because some think Sessions being there still will stop it.


It doesn't really if Sessions goes or not. Some of you really, really need to brace yourselves because Mueller will be fired one way or another. That thread is going to be one of total despair I can already tell because some think Sessions being there still will stop it.

If Sessions or Rosenstein don't do it...who will?? Assuming Trump sticks with these two?


If Sessions or Rosenstein don't do it...who will?? Assuming Trump sticks with these two?

I remember hearing that Trump could repeal certain rules that would allow him too. I think he'd only be hesitant about that because it puts all the onus on him instead of throwing an attorney general down the bus.


Remember that Sessions also recused himself from any Clinton investigation. Trump clearly wants investigations re-opened into Clinton so he can point to them and distract; he's already trying that without them.

So, yes, he wants revenge on Sessions for recusing and not protecting him from investigation, which was the quid pro quo for being given the job; yes, he wants to fire Mueller and Sessions can't do it. However, he also wants new bullshit Clinton investigations and he needs a new AG for that too.

Giuliani is one of the few craven and evil enough to fire Mueller, open new investigations into Clinton and abuse the office to protect Trump from scrutiny, all while continuing all the systematic racism, of course.
True. Those calling for Sessions to be replaced don't realize that Sessions can't interfere with the Russia investigation whereas Rudy can fuck up everything. Rudy also can't be trusted. He teased the Comey letter. Not to mention that Rudy has a history of supporting racist policies too (although not as racist as our friend tortured Keebler Elf).

Is that actually true or is this something that's just been assumed and made up because it makes us feel better?

Because as far as I can tell Sessions has barely recused himself from anything. I'm not sure what recusing himself actually means apart from he promises not to get involved?
It doesn't really if Sessions goes or not. Some of you really, really need to brace yourselves because Mueller will be fired one way or another. That thread is going to be one of total despair I can already tell because some think Sessions being there still will stop it.

Firing Mueller will go as well as the Saturday Night Massacre did for Nixon.

Limiting the scope of the investigation and throwing some low level cronies under the bus would have the most legit way Trump could get away from Mueller investigation.

Firing people will only escalate this further and not in his favor.

Giuliani is one of the few craven and evil enough to fire Mueller, open new investigations into Clinton and abuse the office to protect Trump from scrutiny, all while continuing all the systematic racism, of course.

Giuliani would have to recuse himself too. He was part of the campaign.


Honestly, sounds like Guilliani isn't much better if better at all and he can fire Meuller and I would bet is more loyal to Trump so he won't recuse himself even if he should...

So... I'm not cheering for this.

Why trade one evil for another if the other is going to be able to do something the other one cannot at least?

And I think people are overoptomistic that firing Meuller will do anything to Trump other than more bad PR for the people who already don't like him. The Republicans seem happy to let him do whatever and his base certianly either doesn't care or purposely disbelieves any of this shit so you won't reach them either. But I'll be very happy to be wrong in this (and the more wrong the better ;) ) if he does fire Meuller. Very happy. Especially if I'm super wrong and it brings him and the Republicans down (keep in mind a lot of his evil is just doing what the Republicans want).


Trumpy working overtime to find a stooge that will fire Mueller. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Sessions needs to stay right where he is.
Oh good grief. Just fire Sessions already. Like you care about anything. You fired Comey and nothing happened. Just fire him.

I disagree. Nothing obvious happened but it did increase the intensity of the leaks and was a primary reason this collusion story is headline news. US intelligence is furious with the WH as well.


I remember hearing that Trump could repeal certain rules that would allow him too. I think he'd only be hesitant about that because it puts all the onus on him instead of throwing an attorney general down the bus.

I understand Trump can dissolve the committee...just the poster stated Mueller being fired regardless if Sessions goes or not. I don't understand how that would work if Sessions stays.
It'll be difficult to get Guiliani through the senate. Sessions got through with 52 votes (+1 Sessions himself) because despite being controversial, he had good relationships on the senate floor with most senators. Some Democrats were outspoken in opposing him, but most weren't because in their senate careers they had compromised with Sessions before and had a relationship with him.

Guiliani doesn't have that relationship with anybody in the senate. There's a block of ~10 Republicans who dislike him and would likely split on him (5 giving in and going along with the president knowing that the 5 others will stick to their scruples), and for Guiliani to be confirmed, they'd need a solid 100% of Republicans to confirm him, because every Democrat will vote against, and many more Democrats will vocally oppose his position.

If Guiliani could be confirmed (I don't think he could be), then it's a toss up for "who's worse." In terms of the Russia investigation, Sessions is uninvolved because he recused himself, and it would seem like Sessions would not be willing to disrupt the investigation anymore or comply with his undersecretaries on this. Sessions is not a political idiot, knows the fallout from this, and also knows that his political and legal career would be over if he made the wrong move here. Guiliani would likely do whatever Trump wants and does not care. Outside of the Russia investigation, it's a bit of a wash... Guiliani is more centrist on issues that Sessions is far right on, like Guiliani has historically been pro-choice and has has supported public funding for planned parenthood. He also is not as extreme as Sessions on drug enforcement, though he still has an extreme position on it. GUiliani and Sessions differ most on immigration, as Guiliani has long been seen as one of the few Republicans to support paths to citizenship, immigrant rights, and extending services to immigrants/children of immigrants, but this has likely changed in the last 10 years... Especially as Guiliani has come to feed into the tea party, alt-right, and Trumpist/Populist wings of the Republican party, which are staunchly anti-immigrant. Sessions, of course, is one of the chief opponents of immigration reform and was one of the most ardent anti-immigrant legislators. That has continued into his AG post.
It's worth noting that any new AG pick will almost certainly be required to recuse themselves from the Russia investigation in order to pass Senate confirmation.


He should. In fact, I think anyone Trump picks must recuse, because Trump picked them. But will they? Trump thinks Sessions shouldn't have recused.

Is there a way for candidates to pre-recuse themselves before getting appointed? The Senate does actually seem like they want Mueller's investigation to continue, so I could see it being a requirement if possible.
He should. In fact, I think anyone Trump picks must recuse, because Trump picked them. But will they? Trump thinks Sessions shouldn't have recused.

Trump expects absolute loyalty. I guess even Sessions wasn't dumb enough to put himself in the firing line for Trump.

He wants to stay in office and implement his sick agenda and not go down with the USS Trumptanic.
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