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AP sources: Trump speaks to advisers about firing Sessions

I hope he fires Jeff for multiple reasons.

It's lose-lose for Trump all around, so it's good for our country if Trump does it himself.

1. Sessions is one of those guys who could have really enforced Trump's barbaric policies. So getting rid of him stalls that, at least until he finds another dinosaur for the job.

2. It would be another termination by Trump, directly related to disrupting the Russian collusion and money laundering investigations against him and his crooked family. It makes him look more and more guilty. And if he fires Mueller too, well, he's digging his own grave.

I see no positive outcome for Trump by firing Sessions, so I wholly support it.


So, what prevents Mueller from going with an Obstruction of Justice charge, to kick things off? That seems like a quick slam dunk. That's gets Trump out of the way.

He can then have the time and space needed to prosecute folks on the Russia collusion without having the sword of Damocles hanging over him.


I think there might be a pile of skeletons in the closet he wants nobody to see or investigate. Just a hunch.
So, what prevents Mueller from going with an Obstruction of Justice charge, to kick things off? That seems like a quick slam dunk. That's gets Trump out of the way.

He can then have the time and space needed to prosecute folks on the Russia collusion without having the sword of Damocles hanging over him.

You come at the President, you get one shot at it


I do hope sessions stays on and forces Trump to fire him. Trump fired Comey but pinned it on those two. He'd look so much more guilty if he has to fire him.
As much ask hate sessions, now I hope he doesn't resign as a fuck you to Trump.

It's very weird to me that I find myself almost forgetting who Jeff Sessions is right now and thinking of him as a sympathetic victim of Trump bullying. He almost seems like the hero of this story. Then I come back to reality and remember that this is still Jeff Sessions we are taking about.



My mom is stupidly loyal to the Republican party and at this point Trump, but when I pressed her about the possibility of Trump firing Sessions as a means of getting rid of Mueller she framed it as a threat to our form of government. I have a bit more hope that this would be a a breaking point for Trump. That said, anyone hoping that Trump tries it so it backfires is crazy. Nothing is guaranteed right now.

Mr Swine

So why does the GOP/republicans get shat on so frequently by Trump and still by his side? When is enough is enough for them? Or are they secretly liking this?


So why does the GOP/republicans get shat on so frequently by Trump and still by his side? When is enough is enough for them? Or are they secretly liking this?

They already sold their soul and country for money, not like they have anything left.


...lacks reading comprehension.
“So why aren’t the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?” Trump tweeted Monday. His tweet came just hours before his son-in-law, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, traveled to Capitol Hill to be interviewed about his meetings with Russians.

Because she is not the President of the US, orange turd. How about you step back, let her take the job and then make sure she is being vetted. The best vetting.

Nice to see the leaks just keep coming. At this time I think it's not anyone close to Trump. Instead Trump probably speaks to everyone around him what just happened in his life. There is no stopping leaks when he is the leak other than making him STFU. Which we know won't happen. Sessions must really hurt him. But since he was likely the one that made him meet with Russia he can either fire him and see Sessions go all witness for Mueller or keep him around and hate him so much publicly, that he goes away voluntarily. Trump thinks he is playing it smart but in reality he is Session's bitch. If Sessions goes down, Trump goes down.
I hope he fires Jeff for multiple reasons.

It's lose-lose for Trump all around, so it's good for our country if Trump does it himself.

1. Sessions is one of those guys who could have really enforced Trump's barbaric policies. So getting rid of him stalls that, at least until he finds another dinosaur for the job.

2. It would be another termination by Trump, directly related to disrupting the Russian collusion and money laundering investigations against him and his crooked family. It makes him look more and more guilty. And if he fires Mueller too, well, he's digging his own grave.

I see no positive outcome for Trump by firing Sessions, so I wholly support it.

Agreed. And I think he actually realizes this somewhat so he hasn't fired him yet. Trying to make him quit.


I'd like to hope that if Trump fired Sessions that Congress would block any potential nominee for AG while the Russia Investigation was still in process. I'd like to hope that if Republicans still sided with party over country that voters would replace anyone voting for the replacement AG if approved. I'd like to hope...

Well that severely limits the fuckboys willing to work with him.
Probably only leaves Ted Cruz, gross.

You forget about Chris Christie?
Giuliani said no. I wonder who would say yes.

Trump Job Posting:

"Looking for one Attorney General. Willing to commit obstruction of justice to save my orange ass and be ready to be thrown under the bus at any given moment. No experience needed."


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'd like to hope that if Trump fired Sessions that Congress would block any potential nominee for AG while the Russia Investigation was still in process. I'd like to hope that if Republicans still sided with party over country that voters would replace anyone voting for the replacement AG if approved. I'd like to hope...

You forget about Chris Christie?

He has his future in talk radio and bags of pork rinds


...lacks reading comprehension.
Working on major Trade Deal with the United Kingdom. Could be very big & exciting. JOBS! The E.U. is very protectionist with the U.S. STOP!

Ahahaha. He just screwed the UK so well. UK is not allowed to make trade deals while they are still in the EU. He weakened the UK position enormously by that tweet in the talks between May and EU. Holy shit.


Sessions was respected by his Republican colleagues when he was in the senate and they all voted for him. Attacking him this way would just weaken the Republican support he has.

Also, does he not see that his tweets are just hurting him at this point? A random guy on the street would have easily avoided half the problems Trump is facing now.
If Sessions was going to resign, it would have happened last week.
The racist and the man baby are at an impasse.

Correct. Sessions doesn't want to resign both to save face and keep a job - his Senate seat is someone else's now. If Trump fires him, it is exclusively about him recusing (the correct thing to do).
I hope he keeps Jefferson Beauregard for now, but I would be morbidly curious to see Sessions's reactions. Can you really picture him going gentle into that good night? The man looks spiteful.

I think he'll go quietly into the night in public. Will continue to keep his relationships throughout the Administration and in government, and hope for a change in Republican leadership, and then hope for a post on another administration (state or federal). He'll get bonus points for taking a public spanking.

He's not the type to go scorched Earth because even at 70, he's looking for the next job, or looking for the next job placement for a friend, or the next fundraiser, etc. Most politicians are like this.

Spicer is similar. Most of the public is laughing at Spicer, but among Republican political strategists, he's getting a lot of credit for doing an impossible job and then diligently stepping down without a peep (so far) when god kind Trump grew dissatisfied with him. He'll get a good paying job in another campaign and administration, maybe not a public-facing one for a few years, but he'll make bank on his next role and future politicians will trust him that he won't cut and run or scorched earth in a failed campaign.

Sessions was respected by his Republican colleagues when he was in the senate and they all voted for him. Attacking him this way would just weaken the Republican support he has.

Also, does he not see that his tweets are just hurting him at this point? A random guy on the street would have easily avoided half the problems Trump is facing now.

Trump doesn't see this.
1) He believes his bot army on Twitter is real
2) He's lived in a fantasy world of celebrity glad handing so long that he, truthfully, believes his own bull shit.

He honestly believes that the evil media is misrepresenting him, and that the thousands of fake Twitter accounts ("Trumpism 3.0," or whatever the hundreds of bots that reply w/ MAGA stuff to every one of his posts) are real supporters.
he's planning to go to ohio. i expect great great speeches about dems and healthcare there. oh and russia of course. don't forget.

Don't forget about the election. we need to relive that amazing November night where all of the map turned red. They said he couldn't win but the FAKE NEWS media was wrong again!!


I wonder if Trump rewatches the inauguration every night to feel better, like when everything congratulates him on his way up.


Wait, is this true? Very worrying if so.

If the Senate is adjourned for more than 10 days, then Trump can fire Sessions and make a "recess appointment" that will expire at the end of the next session of the Senate (after the 2018 midterm elections).
Step 1. Fire Sessions

Step 2. Hard pivot to marijuana legalization

Step 3. Rip millennial support from democrats.

Step 4. ???

Step 5. Moonwalk into second term.

If Trump had the balls to hard push for marijuana legalization in all 50 states, I'd honestly consider voting for him for the second term. That would singlehandedly bring about huge amounts of tax revenue for states, suppress some of the illegal drug trade and associated gang violence, massively reduce the incarceration rates of Americans (especially minorities), and with the reduced incarceration rates bring about more stabilized families which will lead towards generational benefits.

I would forgive a lot of Trump's shit if he actually lead the charge towards full legalization across the US, not just "state's rights"-level of support.


Edit: Completely misunderstood the intent of that article.


Unconfirmed Member
If the Senate is adjourned for more than 10 days, then Trump can fire Sessions and make a "recess appointment" that will expire at the end of the next session of the Senate (after the 2018 midterm elections).
That sounds like a tale from a third world country tbh


If the Senate is adjourned for more than 10 days, then Trump can fire Sessions and make a "recess appointment" that will expire at the end of the next session of the Senate (after the 2018 midterm elections).

I do believe that they (the Senate) can leave at least one person in Washington to prevent something like this yes?


I do believe that they (the Senate) can leave at least one person in Washington to prevent something like this yes?

If the Senate is adjourned, then the Senate is adjourned. All of the Senators could still be in DC and it wouldn't be relevant.
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