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Please don't spoil games for others.


I can't even browse Youtube half the time because of the FREAKING SPLATOON 2 THUMBNAILS

LOL, related videos on YT are the best.

I got at least one of The Witcher 3's endings spoiled because, while looking at some random video about masonry, one of the related was called something like

They didn't forget anything.
I feel I need context here. I know it is a dick move, but the gane came out some time ago and you were on Reddit maybe reading about it. I don't think it was some guy just PMing you the spoiler, but if it was then that sucks. Reddit does have full spoiler threads for games and stuff so beware.

I have rarely been spoiled on a game that it wasn't my own doing for searching info about said game. I think the only thing spoiled for me has been Force Awakens, which sucks, but I saw it coming.

In the end it sucks because Horizon has one of the best narratives of the past years. Delivery is still awesome so just keep with it.

The thing to learn here is not to trust the internet.


I've had some people argue that it still counts as spoilers because they avoid the trailers and promo material.
Still, this is basically how I try to think about it as I right posts that might have spoilers. I've spoiled things sometimes and always felt like a jerk about it, so taking a few seconds to think about it and click that spoiler tag is helpful.

Yeah, those people are definitely wrong. Some trailers can be spoilery as all fuck (Dark Souls 3 and Nier: Automata come to mind) but they're still trailers. In situations like those I just go on a media blackout until I've finished the game.

You can never get your second viewing back. Or third. Or last. There are a lot of things you can't get back. What's childish is assuming you can go through life consuming culture in a vacuum. You can't. Just by having played Pokemon Red, your playthrough of Pokemon Black years later is irrevocably changed by your prior experience.

The only difference with regards to "spoilers" is people have built up this illusory castle in their minds dedicated to the untarnished "pure" experience that doesn't exist. Everyone who follows comics knows all the plot threads in the MCU films. But they'd still like to experience those films without "spoilers". Is their experience "pure"? I'd argue it isn't, but I think that they believe there is still a purity in that experience.

I honestly can't see how someone would ever think "prior experience with the franchise" is equivalent to "having knowledge of important story and gameplay twists that weren't advertised beforehand." Seriously, the points in this argument are just beyond me.

Happens all the time in the TV/movie threads. Someone talks about the latest promo material: "Omg I haven't had a chance to watch that yet how could you". I remember people talking about spoilers for the Nintendo Conference? It's hard to keep track.

There is no universally consistent system for not spoiling someone. There is no "common sense" approach to spoilers that isn't drawing arbitrary lines in the sand, that carries zero risk of pissing someone off except one method: Not talking, about anything, ever. That's the only way you can be sure of never ruining someone else's experience, and that is unreasonable if nothing else is.

There's always going to be someone who thinks anything and everything surrounding a thing is a spoiler; that doesn't make spoiling other aspects of the thing that haven't been shown publicly yet any better.


I've said before that it's arbitrary and you should really know based on the context if you aren't intentionally being obtuse but what I do know is that ONE OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT EMOTIONAL MOMENTS IN SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS IS A SPOILER

You clearly don't give a singular fuck about what is an isn't a spoiler when you can't even stop yourself from posting a spoiler so obvious and so clear that someone who's never even seen a PS2 would know it's a spoiler.

Take some responsibility for your media consumption habits. I will not tiptoe around you just in case you haven't seen or watched thing.
I feel you're trying to delineate what is and isn't a spoiler but as this thread shows, there is no clear line. Are weapons and enemies spoilers? Are boss encounters spoilers? Twists in a story can come at any point, including near the beginning. Are those spoilers too or are they just setting up the premise? Is Edge of Tomorrow spoiled if I tell you the guy respawns like Bill Murray in Groundhog day or is that just part of the setup?

I don't think anyone has to be incredibly smart to know what would be widely considered an spoiler and what wouldn't. If I'm beginning to see Game of Thrones and you tell me that Sean Bean is Ned Stark and their children get some wolves as pets, that's obviously not an spoiler, but
if you tell that he's going to die, that's a fucking spoiler for anyone with a normal functioning brain
. Of course there's people who's going to be all crazy about things like the alolan raichu, but that's just stupid and if they're that much concerned about such small things that's their problem, but anyone who spoil things like death of characters, major plot points or endings like to the OP? yeah, they can just fuck off. It's not onerous and annoying, it's just one damn click with your mouse what it takes to spoil something, another click to reveal the black bar.
Even if you don't care about spoilers, It's just a matter of respect to the others to hide it when there's a lot of people who does care about them, and it's very clear what it's an actual spoiler, it only takes one click, but some people doesn't even care.

Take some responsibility for your media consumption habits. I will not tiptoe around you just in case you haven't seen or watched thing.

Welp, thanks for being a dick. Hopefully you won't break your finger doing one click.
I feel I need context here. I know it is a dick move, but the gane came out some time ago and you were on Reddit maybe reading about it. I don't think it was some guy just PMing you the spoiler, but if it was then that sucks. Reddit does have full spoiler threads for games and stuff so beware.

I have rarely been spoiled on a game that it wasn't my own doing for searching info about said game. I think the only thing spoiled for me has been Force Awakens, which sucks, but I saw it coming.

In the end it sucks because Horizon has one of the best narratives of the past years. Delivery is still awesome so just keep with it.

The thing to learn here is not to trust the internet.
To be reasonable, way more effort falls on the person who doesn't want to be spoiled than the person who has to tag stuff

For example, I haven't finished Horizon yet and I know nothing about what happens past where I am. I don't go to the OT or the Spoiler thread, or any discussion threads regarding the story. I don't go to related subreddits or search for gameplay

It's a two way street. One has the context and common sense to know what is a spoiler or not, the other has the common sense to avoid situations where they could be spoiled

In some way, I think "spoiler" is the wrong word because it gives the implication that it spoils/ruins the work. Like bad rot on an apple. But that's not how people in general regard or react to spoilers. They can still enjoy and appreciate the work, but that enjoyment is different than if they had no foresight because such knowledge changes context, expectations, implications, and so on


Take some responsibility for your media consumption habits. I will not tiptoe around you just in case you haven't seen or watched thing.


xevis trying not to spoil Shadow of the Colossus for no reason, 2017


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I honestly can't see how someone would ever think "prior experience with the franchise" is equivalent to "having knowledge of important story and gameplay twists that weren't advertised beforehand." Seriously, the points in this argument are just beyond me.
There is no such thing as a "pure" experience, because media isn't consumed in a vacuum. Spoilerphobes are, in my estimation, under some delusion that there is. People keep talking about "playing the game the way the developer intended it to", but how does that work for long running franchises? Is every entry in the franchise suppose to be approach without foreknowledge of the previous entries? Is every entry supposed to played in order? My core problem with the arguments from the spoilerphobe camp is that they're not rigorous, and they bring up and discard standards as is convenient in order to label others as rude and inconsiderate. I'm not down for this kind of finger pointing, it shouldn't be encouraged and that's what I feel is happening every time someone defends spoilerphobia as "reasonable".

There's always going to be someone who thinks anything and everything surrounding a thing is a spoiler; that doesn't make spoiling other aspects of the thing that haven't been shown publicly yet any better.
So why do you think the latter is wrong but the first is alright? What is the standard you use to judge whether some amount of spoilerphobia is "reasonable", and does that standard hold up under scrutiny?
To be reasonable, way more effort falls on the person who doesn't want to be spoiled than the person who has to tag stuff

True, but you're asking for a blanket consideration of your spoilerphobia from everyone around you. Spoilerphobes don't demand much from any single person, I'll admit, but they do expect, somehow, for the entire world to conform to their standards. In terms of scale, the spoilerphobe is asking for much more than they're contributing to the issue at hand.


Gold Member
I mean....that game has been out for a little while..

Don't know where you were on Reddit, but if you were actually on a HZD forum, then that is on you.
There is no such thing as a "pure" experience, because media isn't consumed in a vacuum. Spoilerphobes are, in my opinion, under some delusion that there is. People keep talking about "playing the game the way the developer intended it to", but how does that work for long running franchises? Is every entry in the franchise suppose to be approach without foreknowledge of the previous entries? Is every entry supposed to played in order? My core problem with the arguments from the spoilerphobe camp is that they're not rigorous, and they bring up and discard standards as is convenient in order to label others as rude and inconsiderate. I'm not down for playing this kind of finger pointing game, it shouldn't be encouraged and that's what I feel is happening every time someone defends spoilerphobia.
It's not about being "rigorous"; it's that people feel different about different genres, mediums, and so on.

It's no different than enjoying one genre more than the another, and having different standards for different works.

Like I prefer not to be spoiled on books and games, but couldn't care less about blockbuster movies and The Walking Dead. I'll actively seek out leaks and plot summaries of TWD episodes and knew everything that would happen in TFA and Civil War weeks ahead of seeing them, but I saw The Witch as blind as possible and don't know anything that happens in the second half of Horizon

There is no "spoilerphobe camp", it isn't this weird us vs them thing.
Go to watch history, cancel it, and pause it. Now the only recommended videos are related to the video you're currently watching.

Is there a way to block channels completely? I Google it and tried what I found except it was different from what I found.

I agree OP.

For me

I actually watched a completely Story play threw of Horizon Zero Dawn. Watching it made me interested in the game so I bought it at full price. It's currently the only game I've ever Platinum.

Reading the first page is something else. It doesn't matter if you personally can see a plot twist coming a mile away. It's about not being a cock and spoiling it for someone else.

For the record, I loved the Story of Horizon Zero Dawn. I didn't see some of the things happening coming a mile away when I saw the story play threw and enjoyed it greatly when I play threw it myself.
There were twist in Horizon? I mean the story is explained on the second or third quest.

Still Youtube is your strongest enemy with MAYUS TELLING YOU EVERYTHING then asking you to watch the video


There is no such thing as a "pure" experience, because media isn't consumed in a vacuum. Spoilerphobes are, in my opinion, under some delusion that there is. People keep talking about "playing the game the way the developer intended it to", but how does that work for long running franchises? Is every entry in the franchise suppose to be approach without foreknowledge of the previous entries? Is every entry supposed to played in order? My core problem with the arguments from the spoilerphobe camp is that they're not rigorous, and they bring up and discard standards as is convenient in order to label others as rude and inconsiderate. I'm not down for playing this kind of finger pointing game, it shouldn't be encouraged and that's what I feel is happening every time someone defends spoilerphobia.

No, "spoilerphobes" aren't under any delusion that one can have an experience devoid of all context, they just want people to not be dicks.

So why do you think the latter is wrong but the first is alright? What is the standard you use to judge whether something is "reasonable", and does that standard hold up under scrutiny?

Please see:

Plum's Guide to Spoilers

Step 1)
Before writing a post ask yourself "Have the contents of this post been explicitly shown off or discussed in official marketing material?"

Step 2)
If yes:
Write the post.
If no:
Click the spoiler tag and then write the post.
If you're not sure:
Use your goddamn brain

It isn't difficult. Spoiling a major plot point will always be a spoiler no matter how old or how much of a "meme" said spoiler is. Spoiling a boss or area not seen before in a Dark Souls game will always be a spoiler. The amount and severity of the reactions to those spoilers may differ wildly but they are still spoilers and you will still, in some way, be a dick if you don't take a second out of your day to use the spoiler tag.
True, but you're asking for a blanket consideration of your spoilerphobia from everyone around you. Spoilerphobes don't demand much from any single person, I'll admit, but they do expect, somehow, for the entire world to conform to their standards. In terms of scale, the spoilerphobe is asking for much more than they're contributing to the issue at hand.
No they don't. There are no standards to conform to. There's merely common sense. It's "hey, you guys knows what happens, what's important and crucial, and I don't."

You really see this as a weird "spoilerphobes trying to control the entire world's discussion" thing?
No, "spoilerphobes" aren't under any delusion that one can have an experience devoid of all context, they just want people to not be dicks.

Please see:

It isn't difficult. Spoiling a major plot point will always be a spoiler no matter how old or how much of a "meme" said spoiler is. Spoiling a boss or area not seen before in a Dark Souls game will always be a spoiler. The amount and severity of the reactions to those spoilers may differ wildly but they are still spoilers and you will still, in some way, be a dick if you don't take a second out of your day to use the spoiler tag.


nah to hell with this walking on eggshells bullshit


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It isn't difficult. Spoiling a major plot point will always be a spoiler no matter how old or how much of a "meme" said spoiler is. Spoiling a boss or area not seen before in a Dark Souls game will always be a spoiler. The amount and severity of the reactions to those spoilers may differ wildly but they are still spoilers and you will still, in some way, be a dick if you don't take a second out of your day to use the spoiler tag.
I've already explained why it doesn't hold up. Some people don't want to be spoiled on "official marketing" as well. I'm sympathetic to their desire for the total blackout even I think they're really stupid for chasing it. You never answered my question why this guy, who doesn't want to be spoiled about anything, takes less precedence than the guys who can deal with marketing material?

How do I title a Dark Souls 3 thread?
Dark Souls 3: Some weapon in some place that belongs to some important guy.
It's ridiculous.

There's merely common sense.
I wish you'd stop saying this, it isn't common if we're having a 13 page back and forth about it.

You really see this as a weird "spoilerphobes trying to control the entire world's discussion" thing?
We have split threads now on the OT for a lot of major properties, like GoT, JoJo, ToonamiGAF. Every TV thread comes with, usually mod-backed, groundrules for what is and isn't okay to talk about. When I read the AVClub reviews on Mozart in the Jungle every article begins with a warning about spoilers. Every article/group of writers have different standards now when it comes to writing about popular media.

It's not weird at all. It is actually affecting the way I talk about things, the way that discourse about media is being framed all over the internet.


I'm not spoiling something on purpose to people I'm talking to.

Neither am I spoiler tagging anything about a 4 month old game if I want to talk about it today. Can't wait for this god damn culture to die out.
Once I became post-spoiler and stopped caring about spoilers, but not necessarily seeking them out, it made my life way more stress free.
To be reasonable, way more effort falls on the person who doesn't want to be spoiled than the person who has to tag stuff

For example, I haven't finished Horizon yet and I know nothing about what happens past where I am. I don't go to the OT or the Spoiler thread, or any discussion threads regarding the story. I don't go to related subreddits or search for gameplay

It's a two way street. One has the context and common sense to know what is a spoiler or not, the other has the common sense to avoid situations where they could be spoiled

In some way, I think "spoiler" is the wrong word because it gives the implication that it spoils/ruins the work. Like bad rot on an apple. But that's not how people in general regard or react to spoilers. They can still enjoy and appreciate the work, but that enjoyment is different than if they had no foresight because such knowledge changes context, expectations, implications, and so on

Which is as it should be. There's a reasonable level of civility and keep others free from spoilers.

If I know my friend is currently watching The Walking Dead, I don't spoil it for him. If a show just aired, trying to keep spoilers tagged or to a minimum. But there is the other end as well.

If you enter a GAF or Reddit thread about a topic, there's a certain amount of acknowledgement that you're joining a conversation, with folks who are more verse in the subject than you. They should be allowed to have a discussion on the topic freely. They do not have the full details of where you are, everyone is at different places, and spoiler tagging everything everywhere is untenable. It's why hard guidelines like Plum's example don't work.

As an example, if you see Sean Bean on an interview (technically, official material) and you're only on the first episode of Game of Thrones, you're going to get spoiled. That same is true of many of these spoilers casually dropped in this thread. (P.S. While I understand the point, don't do that, it's an unkind move.) Should Bean or others around have to talk about a specific narrative situation because you're only on Episode 1? No, that's probably not going to work.

It's a shared responsibility, use it well and do not attempt foist all the responsibility on another party.

You really see this as a weird "spoilerphobes trying to control the entire world's discussion" thing?

To be fair, we had an entire Zelda thread derailed because someone made a joke that folks thought was a spoiler. We had the derail in the Dark Souls Man at Arms thread pointed out above.
I got Fallout 4 spoiled for me, but whatever. The journey was worth it.

Andromeda also got spoiled for me, but after 60 hours I pretty much clocked out anyway even though I'm the biggest ME fan in my group.
What part of the story was spoiled? There are a few things I can imagine being "major" spoilers, but knowing one or two things shouldn't detract from watching it all unfold. I understand it's upsetting, but I think it's worth playing through, OP.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
To be fair, we had an entire Zelda thread derailed because someone made a joke that folks thought was a spoiler.

I remember this.

It reminds me of another incident in the Attack on Titan anime thread where someone was speculating about some future plotpoint. The Attack on Titan manga readers, having foreknowledge of said plotpoint being real, called him out on it, ironically spoiling the very thing they wanted to avoid spoiling others on. Correct speculation is now also spoilers apparently.

Everyone's so suspicious of everyone else, just itching to report them for toeing the line, like the citizens living Big Brother.

This is not a healthy media culture, not in the least, and shouldn't be encouraged or defended. Yeah, don't go into a spoiler free thread to drop story bombs, fine, but don't seek to warp discussion around your tastes either.


where do people go to get all their stuff spoiled lol. I spend most of my free time on the internet and I don't really see spoiler for anything unless I'm specifically looking into that game/movie
I've already explained why it doesn't hold up. Some people don't want to be spoiled on "official marketing" as well. I'm sympathetic to their desire for the total blackout even I think they're really stupid for chasing it. You never answered my question why this guy, who doesn't want to be spoiled about anything, takes less precedence than the guys who can deal with marketing material?

How do I title a Dark Souls 3 thread?

It's ridiculous.

I wish you'd stop saying this, it isn't common if we're having a 13 page back and forth about it.

We have split threads now on the OT for a lot of major properties, like GoT, JoJo, ToonamiGAF. Every TV thread comes with a, usually mod-backed groundrules for what is and isn't okay to talk about. It's not weird at all. It is actually affecting the way I talk about things here.
Those major properties tend to be adaptations and have two audiences: the ones who read the original work and know what's going to happen, and the ones who haven't. That's not a "spoilerphobes controlling the discussion" effect

As for the previous point, I'd argue that the reasonsble common sense thing is to let others have the same experience you did going in.

Basically, spoilers are all about expectations. What you expect going in versus what the work presents to you. As the person who knows what happens, you knows if the movie/game/book met or subverted your expectations, and thus what constitutes as a spoiler for that work.
where do people go to get all their stuff spoiled lol. I spend most of my free time on the internet and I don't really see spoiler for anything unless I'm specifically looking into that game/movie

Twitter and Neogaf. As I posted before, I got Guardians of the Galaxy 2 spoiled, in a thread about the Wonder Woman movie.
Obviously OP is right and no one should spoil games for others but if having the ending spoiled makes you not want to play it anymore then it wasn't very good to begin with
I remember this.

It reminds me of another incident in the Attack on Titan anime thread where someone was speculating about some future plotpoint. The Attack on Titan manga readers, having foreknowledge of said plotpoint being real, called him out on it, ironically spoiling the very thing they wanted to avoid spoiling others on. Correct speculation is now also spoilers apparently.

Yes, this is another situation where I had to step in and say something.

Those major properties tend to be adaptations and have two audiences: the ones who read the original work and know what's going to happen, and the ones who haven't. That's not a "spoilerphobes controlling the discussion" effect

I offered two examples to the contrary. Now, three.


Unsolicited spoilers are lose-lose. Either I don't care about the spoiler (if I wanted to know I'd have search it out already) or I didn't want to know about it.

There is no upside to you spoiling something before asking if I want to know about it. Tag it or pick another subject for discussion.

Joey Ravn

Fact: spoilers improve stories.

If you're quitting because spoilers maybe the game just isn't that good?

Eeeeeeh. I call bullshit on that "fact".

1. the article is incredibly dickish. Why go out of your way to spoil the big twist of a movie just to prove your point? "You have to enjoy media the way I do" is all I'm reading from that article (not the study, though).

2. it's not the spoilers that make you enjoy the movie more. It's the knowledge you have of what is happening that makes you pay attention to aspects of the narrative that you wouldn't notice otherwise. But how you get to that knowledge is what makes or breaks your enjoyment of said narrative.

You may want to take everything at face value, let the narrative (The Usual Suspects in this case) "take you for a ride" and let it tell you the story it wants to tell. If there's a big twist at the end, then you are free to rewatch the movie with the knowledge you gained from your first view. Believe it or not, some people actually like being surprised by what they are watching, reading or playing!

It's not really hard to say "Hey, this can be considered a spoiler by someone, so I'll try not to be too specific about it", or even use the frigging spoiler tag we have in these forums. But if someone behaves like the dude who wrote the article and purposefully deprives other people of the choice and the experience of going through a narrative without prior knowledge about it by spoiling the big plot twist, then they are a douche. They are trying to force people to enjoy something the way they do or, in the worst case scenario, they are enjoying messing up their experiences.


I'm a bit sensitive to this stuff, even though I shouldn't be. It's more than story too. Knowing too much about a game, even on a superficial level, bothers me.

For example, I don't want to know how many worlds there are in Super Mario Odyssey or how many Power Moons. Will probably have to leave the internet to keep that unknown for me, lol.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
As for the previous point, it is common sense. The reasonsble common sense thing is to let others have the same experience you did going in.

I watched a particular episode of Game of Thrones Season 6, only after I heard about what happened on it in my chatrooms and in the threads. I don't follow the show otherwise, I am a book reader, but the show was past the books at that point. I follow it now.

I was "spoiled" on it, so that's my experience "going in". Do I then spoil that episodes for others? No, of course not, I'm not out to ruin other people's fun. But the point of this is example is to demonstrate that your "common sense" approach isn't common, because this desire for the "pure" experience isn't universal, and it shouldn't be treated as though it is. Otherwise it creates a feedback loop of people assigning ever more importance to this experience and people getting ever more anxious about maintaining about that experience, and how this cycle can ironically ruin things for people if it goes out of control, like in the AoT thread.


Twitter and Neogaf. As I posted before, I got Guardians of the Galaxy 2 spoiled, in a thread about the Wonder Woman movie.

I empathise with you but this is a great example of unreasonable expectations. Not only are others not allowed to talk about thing without tags (in case of spoilers) but also other stuff in relation to it.
I watched a particular episodes of Game of Thrones Season 6, only after I heard about what happened on it in my chatrooms and in the threads. I don't follow the show otherwise, I am a book reader, but the show was past the books at that point. I follow it now.

I was "spoiled" on it, so that's my experience "going in". Do I then spoil that episodes for others? No, of course not, I'm not out to ruin other people's fun. But the point of this is example is to demonstrate that your "common sense" approach isn't common, because this desire for the "pure" experience isn't universal, and it shouldn't be treated as though it is. Otherwise it creates a feedback loop of people assigning ever more importance to this experience and people getting ever more anxious about maintaining about that experience, and how this cycle can ironically ruin things for people if it goes out of control, like in the AoT thread.

It doesn't need to be universal, people just should be respectful just for the people who does care (which is probably most of the people). It doesn't take much work to do two clicks.

Of course, people getting upset for the name of a sword are too much and it's then their responsibility to get out of those "spoilers" if anything is considered an spoiler for them, but things like death of characters, major plot points or endings are considered spoilers for anyone who cares about them at a minimun, there's no excuse about spoiling that, it's just being a dick.

Also the thing in the AoT thread was just stupid. It was like someone who just saw the third episode of Twin Peaks guessing who killed Laura Palmer and people telling him to shut up because randomly got it right. I don't know what these people where thinking tbh

I empathise with you but this is a great example of unreasonable expectations. Not only are others not allowed to talk about thing without tags (in case of spoilers) but also other stuff in relation to it.

So it's an unreasonable expectation to expect that nobody is going to be enough of a dick to spoil you Guardians of the galaxy 2 in a damn Wonder Woman thread?
wtf dude, c'mon now, use the damn spoiler tag.

As an example, this is a theory. Not a spoiler. But, many without my prompting here, would treat it like a spoiler. This is a problem when it comes to discussion. If you lack the additional knowledge to determine if something is a spoiler or not, then you should not comment on it.

I empathise with you but this is a great example of unreasonable expectations. Not only are others not allowed to talk about thing without tags (in case of spoilers) but also other stuff in relation to it.

I think not being spoiled about Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in a Wonder Woman thread isn't an outlandish expectation. I'd lean on a spoiler tag in that case. Not being spoiled about Wonder Woman in a Wonder Woman thread is an outlandish expectation.


I remember this.

It reminds me of another incident in the Attack on Titan anime thread where someone was speculating about some future plotpoint. The Attack on Titan manga readers, having foreknowledge of said plotpoint being real, called him out on it, ironically spoiling the very thing they wanted to avoid spoiling others on. Correct speculation is now also spoilers apparently.
Yup I don't know that particular situation, but my favorite "spoiler" was a thread about Secret sequels to video games, and OP mentioned that they recently watched a movie that gave them this thread idea. They didn't write the name at all, not even with spoiler tags or gave any additional context where people could maybe figure it out. And they got called a dick for "spoiling". But ofcourse the people who had an idea what OP was talking about started to talk about the movie with it's name.

Getting worked up and calling this a spoiler is absolutely insane. So yes, there's some unreasonable expectations from people and how they'd allow people to discuss things.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It doesn't need to be universal, people just should be respectful just for the people who does care (which is probably most of the people). It doesn't take much work to do two clicks.
What do you recommend for Twitter, then? Where you can't tag spoilers? Facebook? Discord voice channels?

I feel like people are missing the scope of I'm taking about. Yes, you can follow the "rules of spoilers" on GAF, in any one thread, with any one person, but how do those rules function once you leave this narrow space? What do those rules mean for us, as a culture of consumers? How does this culture influence the the future of entertainment? What are its affects on every day interaction? On literary discussion?

I'm primarily concerned with spoiler culture as a broad, modern social trend, not the OP getting spoiled because he walked into r/Horizon (which admittedly is really dumb) or whatever.
Story, combat, and characters are all equally unparalled.

Yeah....no, no they are paralleled and overshadowed by games like the witcher 3 for story and characters, dark souls for combat and quite a few others, horizon was great and i enjoyed it, but an unparallelled masterpiece it is not


If a game/movie/book or any form of media has been out for a month then I am sorry but I will not hide spoilers because the onus is on you to avoid it and you can not expect people to tiptoe around you nor should they.

while i agree with your general sentiment, i don't feel Horizon had any twists that i didn't see coming from a mile away.

Like, Aloy's origins (being
a clone
), the setting (earth
recovering from a man made robot apocalypse
) ...

the only thing i could think of would be the thing where
evil Elon Musk sabotages the Zero Dawn project and kills the surviving scientists

You should still finish the game, imho.

So my predictions was on the right track and I just based that on the advert alone.


For real? lmao

At one point in a Zelda thread this year people freaked out that someone put the name of a forest area in the title of the thread. Not a story point, not a screenshot, not a surprise unrevealed character, not a boss name, not anything but the name of a location that has no relevance to anything except that happens to be the name of the place. I don't know why people who are that tightly clenched are even on the internet at all until they've finished the media product in question.


If you enter a GAF or Reddit thread about a topic, there's a certain amount of acknowledgement that you're joining a conversation, with folks who are more verse in the subject than you. They should be allowed to have a discussion on the topic freely. They do not have the full details of where you are, everyone is at different places, and spoiler tagging everything everywhere is untenable. It's why hard guidelines like Plum's example don't work.

I admit I worded it badly because I wouldn't call the guidelines I posted "hard" at all. The "use your goddamn brain" part, whilst brash, was the most important part of the entire thing when I was writing it. It was essentially a long winded way of saying "if it's been shown in the media then fair game; if not then don't blindly post and consider whether someone might be spoiled by what you want to post before doing so." It doesn't mean you have to spoiler tag everything that hasn't been shown in the media, just that you should always use a little bit more tact than just "post it, fuck if anyone cares it's their fault anyway."

Though, really, we shouldn't need guidelines. It should be clear what is and isn't a spoiler yet this weird need I've seen in some people to openly post spoilers (as has happened in this very thread multiple times) only obfuscates things.

I empathise with you but this is a great example of unreasonable expectations. Not only are others not allowed to talk about thing without tags (in case of spoilers) but also other stuff in relation to it.

I doubt you have much empathy if you're willing to spoil SotC for no reason just because someone mentioned it as an example.
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