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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

So... I should craft Open the Waygate until the Druid mess is over, I suppose. I'm kinda disappointed that my first craft of Lich King is gonna be an Un'goro card, but on the other hand, I really do enjoy decks like Exodia mage. I'll still have enough for 3 other legendaries after that, so maybe it's worth it.

I would not craft Waygate right now.


So... I should craft Open the Waygate until the Druid mess is over, I suppose. I'm kinda disappointed that my first craft of Lich King is gonna be an Un'goro card, but on the other hand, I really do enjoy decks like Exodia mage. I'll still have enough for 3 other legendaries after that, so maybe it's worth it.

Nah, the meta is a mess right now. The only reason that Jade Druid is doing so well is decks are disproportionately trending slower. The lists are also unoptimized, while Jade Druid is largely the same.

I actually unpacked that card during Ungoro, but I have never played it. Maybe I should give the Giants version a try.
I still cannot bring myself to touch Jade Druid, but I am now playing Druid more than I ever did in the last few months. My fave deck right now is Ramp Druid with Medivh, Ultimate Infestation, Lich King, and Druid DK. Tar Keeper and Druid of the Swarm (5 health taunts) save the early game if you cannot ramp quickly enough. Moonglade Portal saved me a few times too, as it is easy to fatigue with the deck, and getting 2 6 Mana minions on board with that when the Medivh weapon is up is amazing too.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm watching ADWCTA's first arena stream, and he seems to really, really hate what they did to the droprates. Can't say I disagree either. I thought this was going to be a great arena set, but they screwed it up with this dumb new droprate system that makes you draft Elemental decks most drafts.

I'm watching ADWCTA's first arena stream, and he seems to really, really hate what they did to the droprates. Can't say I disagree either. I thought this was going to be a great arena set, but they screwed it up with this dumb new droprate system that makes you draft Elemental decks most drafts.


If there is little to no offering bonus for KFT in Arena then that explains why the Warlock deck I drafted yesterday was so bad lol. Got offered none of new good cards and only had 3 KFT cards in the deck. Got trounced. Blizzard pls.
You're as confused as ever. Yes, best favored decks by pros have zero rng, freeze mage, combo druid, patron and so on. Just because they have to play something doesn't mean they like it.

I'm only confused as to why you think the best decks by pros have zero RNG when that is absolutely not the case. They play the best deck regardless of whether it has RNG cards, hence ragnaros being a thing for years, yoggsaron for several months... need I give more examples?


I always happy when I play Lich King personally

Its big dude with Taunt on 8

Its as good as I thòùght

I thinķ there is no reaason to plaý tirion òver TĹK if you play Uther instead Nzòth

No Yaboosh he much better than ysera

Why not both? I run a N'zothless Pala DK deck both I run both LK and Tirion, if I wasn't doing that I feel I would be too light on late game threats.


Nah, the meta is a mess right now. The only reason that Jade Druid is doing so well is decks are disproportionately trending slower. The lists are also unoptimized, while Jade Druid is largely the same.

I was thinking similar myself, but I'm leaning towards it is broken as we go along. Time will tell i guess


Unconfirmed Member
If there is little to no offering bonus for KFT in Arena then that explains why the Warlock deck I drafted yesterday was so bad lol. Got offered none of new good cards and only had 3 KFT cards in the deck. Got trounced. Blizzard pls.

Yeah. I feel he's right there's no KFT bonus after three arena runs myself. Unless they already gave things like Bonemare a flamestrike style nerf.

I also think this synergy stuff is going to take some getting used to. It seems easy to craft a terrible deck thanks to it, and I'm not sure if its the new RNG the synergy picks add to the process, or if I'm just bad at picking those. Probably both.


damn, that new trolden video is so funny, especially the part with the unlicensed apothecary, haha. I didn't know that it works this way :D


I'm only confused as to why you think the best decks by pros have zero RNG when that is absolutely not the case. They play the best deck regardless of whether it has RNG cards, hence ragnaros being a thing for years, yoggsaron for several months... need I give more examples?

Because strong decks that have no RNG work more consistently obviously.

Yes, sometimes random decks can be very strong as the variance is lopsided to work than not work in your favor, like in mage. If something is powerful, you gotta play it because everyone else will too but the failure rate is frustrating for the players. They don't like it, it feels bad to win with, it feels bad to lose to, we keep hearing from players all the time. Which part of this you don't get?

Most recently, evolve/devolve is target of the most complaints but it's good so people play anyway but they're not exactly happy about it. You never hear these things about druid.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Jade Druid being stronger has little to do with the meta slowing down because people don't know what to play. It's legitimately just substantially stronger with the new cards. The armor gain is absurd at this point and the weakness the deck had against aggro decks is much less pronounced. The meta will take time to settle down but it's obvious that Malfurion is one of the strongest DKs, and Spreading Plague/Ultimate Infestation are the strongest spells by a long shot. I find it very unlikely that Jade Druid won't be a tier one deck for the life of this set.
What's this new synergy thingy on arena?

The first card you pick in your Arena draft will influence what cards are offered later in the draft. So picking an Elemental will make it easier to have an elemental synergy deck, and so on.

It's a good idea on paper but so far it seems like it's just making people choose bad cards.
This game was insane. I probably made mistakes but after valeera I somehow managed to turn it around. Valeera hero power let me play 0 mana arcane giant, and double vilespine slayer. Then the next round I was able to mimic pod for van cleef (last card) and play 2 van cleefs at 6/6 and 8/8. Next turn I was again planning to play 2 van cleefs. And I had gotten a heal off hallucination I was gonna heal for 6 twice the turn after. Just insane power from that death knight.


Here is the deck 2.0 version btw. It is tailored to beat druid and control decks in general, it's weaker to aggro and murloc paladin as a result.

### Shadow Deaths
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Backstab
# 2x (0) Counterfeit Coin
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 1x (1) Cold Blood
# 2x (1) Hallucination
# 2x (2) Eviscerate
# 2x (2) Sap
# 1x (3) Edwin VanCleef
# 2x (3) Fan of Knives
# 2x (3) Mimic Pod
# 2x (3) Questing Adventurer
# 1x (3) Shaku, the Collector
# 1x (4) Sherazin, Corpse Flower
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 2x (5) Vilespine Slayer
# 2x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
# 2x (12) Arcane Giant
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I ended up going 10-4, and oddly only played 4 druids so... lol. Should be higher than that if the druids come back. I won all 4 druid matches.

Because strong decks that have no RNG work more consistently obviously.

Yes, sometimes random decks can be very strong as the variance is lopsided to work than not work in your favor, like in mage. If something is powerful, you gotta play it because everyone else will too but the failure rate is frustrating for the players. They don't like it, it feels bad to win with, it feels bad to lose to, we keep hearing from players all the time. Which part of this you don't get?

Most recently, evolve/devolve is target of the most complaints but it's good so people play anyway but they're not exactly happy about it. You never hear these things about druid.

Druid might not have card generation, maybe even less overall RNG. BUT, ragnaros was staple in many druid lists. And in ramp druid you had ysera. Now in ramp druid you have ysera still, plus lich king, plus barnes (barnes pulled lich king which got him frostmourne just today), and you have other annoying forms of RNG like innervate openers, having or not having ramp (much more common now since they have so many options but back in the day the joke was that if druid got ramp they won but if they didn't they lost).

It's true that most pros aren't happy with certain RNG cards, but that won't stop them from running them if they think it's the best fit. Evolve shaman is perfect example.

On second thought, they do have some RNG stuff in their cards, it just happens that some of those cards are not good enough. There is the 3 drop that generates a random minion with attack of 5 or higher, just for example. Then you had that discover card that rotated out. Plenty of RNG there. Yoggsaron was basically staple in most druid lists, especially token, especially at the pro level.


I have to do a "play 50 warrior cards" and "play 10 weapons" quest. Which deck is better suited for that task thank pirate warrior?


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
I don't know why some people didn't think that Ultimate Infestation would be amazing. It's like an auctioneer that doesn't force you to use a bunch of spells to draw.
Uhhh are things bugging out for anyone else? Friends list is blank, went into a game and nothing happened, and just did a challenge a friend for 80g and we both didn't get the gold after


Why not both? I run a N'zothless Pala DK deck both I run both LK and Tirion, if I wasn't doing that I feel I would be too light on late game threats.
In case you dont want be too greedy

And I seeing vanilla ashbringer overrid the lifesteal one too often already

Bte these buff druid starting replacing more spell for more minion

Freeze mage might good to play for this reason


Uhhh are things bugging out for anyone else? Friends list is blank, went into a game and nothing happened, and just did a challenge a friend for 80g and we both didn't get the gold after

Friend list is bugged.

For the quest try to restart and check if they add your gold or not.

I had a bug earlier, crafted Fandral, but it didn't show up, but dust already spent. Had to restart.


I noticed a strange thing: Since the patch every time I start a new arena, the first three cards are always the same: gadgetzan auctioneer, coldlight seer and devilsaur egg. Three really bad arena cards, but I can't help it. And I have the feeling that they keep showing up.
How does this synergy thing help here? I don't get it.
I noticed a strange thing: Since the patch every time I start a new arena, the first three cards are always the same: gadgetzan auctioneer, coldlight seer and devilsaur egg. Three really bad arena cards, but I can't help it. And I have the feeling that they keep showing up.
How does this synergy thing help here? I don't get it.

Arena is kinda busted right now, I don't plan on playing again until Blizz announces some fixes.


Unconfirmed Member
The first card you pick in your Arena draft will influence what cards are offered later in the draft. So picking an Elemental will make it easier to have an elemental synergy deck, and so on.

It's a good idea on paper but so far it seems like it's just making people choose bad cards.

That's not how I understand it.

Basically the first 2 picks only give you a pool of synergy cards that need enablers, so that you can spend the rest of the 28 picks trying to find enablers for it. That's why everything's elemental now, because those seem to be commonly the best first picks. Egg seems ok first pick too, just because there's a lot of buffs. Murloc, Pirate, or Dragon can be ok too.

The biggest problem is the pool of synergy cards seems small and boring, with a lot of bad cards that you don't build decks around even in arena, like that card that gets buffed when you play battlecry cards. Or Roll the Bones, which how would you ever get enough deathrattles to play that card in arena? The whole thing is so limiting if there are only like 5 real build arround options to choose from the pool of cards that you can get in the first two picks.

Apparently Hyldnir Frostrider is not in arena either. Must be bugged. They should have said something if it is banned.


Keep running into token Shaman on ladder. Defile just eats it all up.

Krul Warlock won't be a thing in standard because only running one Defile is terrible.


The first card you pick in your Arena draft will influence what cards are offered later in the draft. So picking an Elemental will make it easier to have an elemental synergy deck, and so on.

It's a good idea on paper but so far it seems like it's just making people choose bad cards.

Which is kinda... good? Picking synergy is fun if the system is balanced.


Had a game against warlock with mountain giant, twilight drake. I guess amaz and dog's version.

Luckily he also used jaraxxus which actually helped me won.


I'm gonna be so glad once Ice Block is HoF'ed. Just had another mage RNG 3 blizzards and 1 extra frost nova.

Ah well, you win some, you lose some.

edit: and another one, jeez. Time to tech in eater of secrets and only face druids after -.-'
I did it!



You don't always draw it on time, unfortunately, but Druids auto-conceding to Skulking Geist is every bit as satisfying as I thought it would be.

One of the Druid's who did it wasn't even Jade. He was just low on life and it nuked both of his Earthern Scales.


So... I should craft Open the Waygate until the Druid mess is over, I suppose. I'm kinda disappointed that my first craft of Lich King is gonna be an Un'goro card, but on the other hand, I really do enjoy decks like Exodia mage. I'll still have enough for 3 other legendaries after that, so maybe it's worth it.

Hold off crafting anything for a while. Wait for the meta to settle and the knees to stop jerking.

First week always sucks because new decks and flying and you want to craft everything under the sun but it's just a waste of dust. That said I doubt anyone can go wrong with Ultimate Infestation and Spreading Plague. Jesus.

Glad I have a good amount of dust saved too after my awful pulls, still salty about that.
I said that, and he never replied, then removed me as friend. I think he was just checking, as I was annoyingly flooding the board every turn with little strategy.
Funny. I love getting ragemail, gives you opportunity to troll it's such a bummer when they just remove you again.
So... I should craft Open the Waygate until the Druid mess is over, I suppose. I'm kinda disappointed that my first craft of Lich King is gonna be an Un'goro card, but on the other hand, I really do enjoy decks like Exodia mage. I'll still have enough for 3 other legendaries after that, so maybe it's worth it.

You shouldn't but I don't think you'd be all that wrong for doing it either. It's a powerful strategy even when it isn't a powerful deck.


Even Jade Druid remains as strong as it is right now just try to not quit the game until 2018, than jades are history.
I personally don't think it's very strong actually, i beat many of them with my control warlock which i run one skullking geist and Priest's Medivh+ Big spell+ Death Knight+ Arthas is too much for them to deal with )


I think Druid may be what pirate warrior was in msg--the obviously great deck that got discovered right away and will be tier one until it's nerfed or the entire rest of the meta techs against it.

Fucked up thing is even if they nerf Jade druid the new midrange and aggressive druid builds are just as good.

Gotta say I'm at least pleased the OP cards of this set are a defensive 5 mana spell and a crazy 10 mana spell instead of a one mana aggro wet dream.
Even Jade Druid remains as strong as it is right now just try to not quit the game until 2018, than jades are history.
I personally don't think it's very strong actually, i beat many of them with my control warlock which i run one skullking geist and Priest's Medivh+ Big spell+ Death Knight+ Arthas is too much for them to deal with )
One of these is not like the others.


Had 100 gold and cracked a pack and opened Bloodreaver Gul'dan. So now I have 8/9 heroes, and I still haven't opened a single Prince. Also dodged Putricide and Arfus.:)

If the next legendary I open is Valeera the Hollow I'll be done opening packs til next expansion. The only other legendary I'm missing that I kind of want is Sindragosa.

This duplicate protection is so fucking awesome. I opened same number of packs in Ungoro but had a lot fewer legendaries cuz I kept keeping the same ones over and over.


This is always the toughest part of the year for me. I really want to try out the new Druid decks but I didn't open the Druid DK or get any Ultimate Infestations. I must remain strong and wait for the meta to settle... must... not... craft!
Had a game against warlock with mountain giant, twilight drake. I guess amaz and dog's version.

Luckily he also used jaraxxus which actually helped me won.

Like I said, Jaraxxus is a dead card these days. Dust-worthy. More of a liability than a help. Every archetype destroys him.


Had 100 gold and cracked a pack and opened Bloodreaver Gul'dan. So now I have 8/9 heroes, and I still haven't opened a single Prince. Also dodged Putricide and Arfus.:)

If the next legendary I open is Valeera the Hollow I'll be done opening packs til next expansion. The only other legendary I'm missing that I kind of want is Sindragosa.

This duplicate protection is so fucking awesome. I opened same number of packs in Ungoro but had a lot fewer legendaries cuz I kept keeping the same ones over and over.

In how many packs?


Last opponent left and gave me a free win, finally reached Rank 20! My garbage record was 4-6 from Rank 23. I can't believe it took me this long just to rank up, thankfully, I don't have to think about Ranked mode for the rest of the month. Also decided to craft DK Rexxar though I haven't used him yet.
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