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Kong: Skull Island Director Takes on Cinema Sins


Fuchsdh already did the second half of your post, so I'm just here to ask you if you have anything to back up this statement.

...the entire concept of Death of the Author?

The fact that satire only works if people can tell it's satire?

The number of comments on every fucking CinemaSins video saying "man glad I didn't watch this!!!!!!"?


Junior Member
They do film reviews.

Their film reviews make many of the same points that later pop up in Sins videos.

Their film reviews therefore share all of the same flaws.

Can we not cherrypick responses? I made a fairly lengthy post, and this was one of the things I said. Also, again, this is a fairly baseless post. I haven't seen their reviews, so I can't take your statement of "well, they suck too" as anything. And it takes my point out of context. So when you're trying to say it's not fair of Cinema Sins to do that, I'd hope you could respond to my entire post.

The fact that satire only works if people can tell it's satire?

The number of comments on every fucking CinemaSins video saying "man glad I didn't watch this!!!!!!"?

It needs better backing up that people can't tell it's satirical than just saying people can't do it. Also, when did YouTube comments become a statistical representative of anything?
Cinema Sins drives me crazy. In the same way that people thinking "Raiders" is bad because supposedly Indiana Jones didn't do anything in it that wasn't already going to happen.

Please let more filmmakers shit on them. There's legitimate criticism concerning whether or not the artist achieved their goal and whether their goal was worth it, and then there's Cinema Sins.


This is patently false, unless you believe that American History X is actually pro-white supremacy or think that The Producers is a terrible film. Poe's Law is a thing for a reason.

Most don't look at American History X as a supremacist film or The Producers as a terrible film.

Someone said Cinema Sins is satirical, show me. Show me what is satirical about it. If their intent is satire, they're fucking bad at it. If you want to see satirical film criticism done well, go watch The Cinema Snob - same uppity snobby approach but actually funny, smart and clear with intent.

The responses in this thread show how most view Cinema Sins on this board alone, the perceived idea of Cinema Sins isn't humor, it's that it's film criticism. The comments in their videos also note that people look at them as a way to validate the opinions of the movie they already have, not that it's some well done bit of humor.


Junior Member
Most don't look at American History X as a supremacist film or The Producers as a terrible film.

Someone said Cinema Sins is satirical, show me. Show me what is satirical about it. If their intent is satire, they're fucking bad at it.

The responses in this thread show how most view Cinema Sins on this board alone, the perceived idea of Cinema Sins isn't humor, it's that it's film criticism. The comments in their videos also note that people look at them as a way to validate the opinions of the movie they already have, not that it's some well done bit of humor.

At this point I feel both sides over emphasize the point of comedy. Let's rather say entertainment. I watch Cinema Sins because I'm entertained. I may not always laugh, but I'm mostly entertained.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Wow I did not expect all this cinemasins hate. I wouldn't call their criticism my go to style for it, but I think that there can be a case made for people who get really off-put by numerous little discrepancies, historical mistakes, and just general nit-picking. Yeah, you might not like that style and think it's a little too mistaking the trees for the forest, but that is a style of criticism too if your forest is growing redwood and palm trees right next to each other.

At this point I feel both sides over emphasize the point of comedy. Let's rather say entertainment. I watch Cinema Sins because I'm entertained. I may not always laugh, but I'm mostly entertained.

This pretty much. They occasionally have a few valid things, but lets not pretend cinemasins main goal isn't to throw five jokes per minute at you. These aren't essays, they're bullet points.


And it takes my point out of context. So when you're trying to say it's not fair of Cinema Sins to do that, I'd hope you could respond to my entire post.

Just for clarity I'm joking, or being satirical, which means you're not allowed to criticise me.


At this point I feel both sides over emphasize the point of comedy. Let's rather say entertainment. I watch Cinema Sins because I'm entertained. I may not always laugh, but I'm mostly entertained.

It's cool to be entertained by it. I don't want to say "you can't enjoy this" or something, people can enjoy whatever they want. I'm entertained by random stuff too, but I have to sometimes say "yeah, this is kinda junk and stupid." I just watched this for Christ's sake. Like five times in a row.
I'm all for people shitting on Cinema Sins. They almost always come off as mean spirited to me and 80% of their sins are because they don't factor in context for whatever they're talking about.

Yep. Their videos are basically worthless pandering meant to make the average pudding brain feel smart by calling something else stupid. Nothing makes someone feel smarter than getting to call something else stupid.

I tried to like it once upon a time but so much of the time I just got angry at the video for completely missing the point for the sake of being dicks. I get that they're trying to be funny but it's just...not?


Junior Member
It's cool to be entertained by it. I don't want to say "you can't enjoy this" or something, people can enjoy whatever they want. I'm entertained by random stuff too, but I have to sometimes say "yeah, this is kinda junk and stupid." I just watched this for Christ's sake. Like five times in a row.

The point was that I can't believe people take it as valid criticism based on hearsay. I think most people watch it because they find it entertaining, not as a form of a movie review.

Just for clarity I'm joking, or being satirical, which means you're not allowed to criticise me.

...have I done something? Like, what warrants this behavior in response to me actually having put thought into trying to refute your points? I did not expect someone to pull something this low in response to me saying "hey, why are you only responding to parts of the things I'm saying?". I legitimately was looking forward to discussing the merits or demerits of Cinema Sins, trying better to understand why there's so much hate for what I go to as a form of entertainment.

Your response to that is a non-sequitur that doesn't make sense, and is an outright slap in my face for asking us to have a good discussion going? You're posting as if I've touted that Cinema Sins are above reproach because they're comedic, which is basically as far from my points so far. What the fuck?
CinemaSins is awful. Watch bobvids and Shaun's videos on them.

Wasn't the biggest fan of Kong Skull Island, but I'm a bigger fan of it than Cinema Sins. MST3K and Honest Trailers do what they do so much more endearingly than CS ever has, in my opinion. CS just seems like the YouTube equivalent of that one guy at a dinner party who belabors his issue about whatever brand of cheez-wiz is being served with the crackers.

Cheez-Wiz is a brand though

They are entertaining, if you take them seriously you are missing the point.

Incase it not been posted, they even did themselves and make it clear what they're about.


And others have done EWW videos of specific movies or general CS issues and pointed out tooons of instances where CS is being lazy or just being flat-out incorrect.


CinemaSins is, literally, just pointing out flaws in films... if you don't want your film on it, don't have flaws.

It's also comedy, I'm fairly certain those guys onlt nitpick because it's funny.

Nitpicking is only funny when you're making actually funny revelations or criticisms. It isn't funny when you're making misinformed or misguided reaches for the sake of a weak smart-ass joke. That's called being an asshole.
Cinema Sins is bad comedy, worse criticism, and the VO guy has one of the most grating, smarm-filled voices I've ever heard. It is devoid of merit on pretty much every level.

That example from earlier in the thread of the 'sin' of a match-cut to a guy eating a sandwich in Kong is a perfect example of CS being a waste of everyone's time. It's a basic editing technique that operates as both a fun little joke and a scene transition. Seeing that and saying 'was it too graphic to just show a guy getting eaten?' isn't a joke, it's just empty commentary.
Cinema Sins is bad comedy, worse criticism, and the VO guy has one of the most grating, smarm-filled voices I've ever heard. It is devoid of merit on pretty much every level.

I could see CinemaSins as a parody and satire if the narrator sounded like Comic Book Guy instead of the smarmy smartass.


CinemaSins is awful. Watch bobvids and Shaun's videos on them.

Cheez-Wiz is a brand though

And others have done EWW videos of specific movies or general CS issues and pointed out tooons of instances where CS is being lazy or just being flat-out incorrect.

I've seen videos pointed out that said how RLM is also "awful", and yet I still like watching RLM.

Maybe just let people form their own opinions.
Wait Cinemasins is considered authoritative or akin to Rotten Tomatoes with regards to affects on films? I always looked at them as comedic, like that friend who has to hate everything or they die a little on the inside. Sure, sometimes I have confirmation bias when he mocks something I too thought was dumb. But, I mean the guy puts in sins for things like "Anna Kendricks is not my girlfriend in this scene."


CinemaSins is entertainment, not critique. No one should treat them as "reviews" or try to complain about them as if they were. If you don't like it, don't watch it... it doesn't affect the movies' RT or Metacritic scores, so who gives a shit?

And frankly, Kong was bad enough that I don't even want to experience it again in a CinemaSins video.
I've seen videos pointed out that said how RLM is also "awful", and yet I still like watching RLM.

Maybe just let people form their own opinions.

I didn't say that these videos showed CS to be awful, I said that they showed CS to be well flawed beyond what CS shows in their own "EWW CS" video. A consistent pattern of CS either not paying attention to the movies they feature or deliberately missing things out for comedy is not the same as "here's a smattering of mistakes we've made."

People may deem it humor, fine. People may deem it satire, fine (well, not fine since satire has to be of something, but whatever). But too many people deem it as actual criticism. But this: "CinemaSins is, literally, just pointing out flaws in films... if you don't want your film on it, don't have flaws"? That just kills discourse. Too many people don't know what CS is and wield it as actual criticism. RLM can be wielded as criticism; the videos that are at their silliest are always fairly validly taken as actual criticism. I'd be curious if there is anyone who went into their deep analyses of, say, the Prequels and pointed out as dense of flaws as there were in the Shaun or bobvids videos.
Between this and that god forsaken aspect ratio thread it is abundantly clear that there are too many people have no fucking idea about the medium they are discussing. The director was absolutely right to bring this up they are wilfully misunderstanding film grammar for effect.


I think CinemaSins works with some people because they do point out inconsistencies which they may have also questioned while watching a movie. This confirmation of their own experience resonates with those people. They get a chuckle out of it and are more likely to take the other nitpicks and distortions it presents as more such things that they might have missed.

These people will say lighten up, it’s not supposed to be serious. We get that. The problem is that it’s mundane, repetitive and not actually funny. When you joke about problems with a movie with friends, you bounce things off each other and the jokes build upon the problem. Some podcasts where there are multiple people discussing a film do this when they criticise a film and it’s funny when people joke about it and take it well beyond the problem in the film.

CinemaSins isn’t that. There’s no joke and no punchline. It’s just nitpicking the most mundane things over and over. Where podcast banter can be equivalent to joking between friends, this is where it’s comparable to that guy who just moans incessantly about problems with movies that are just totally unrealistic and impossible and who nobody wants to see movies with again.
On the one hand, fuck Cinemasins

On the other hand, they feed off the obnoxious, lazy, hyperbolic, thoughtless nit-picking of trying to be smarter than the movie you're watching that ALREADY exists in nerd film culture and thus pervades a lot of Internet movie discussion (please note the fact that i said "nerd film" instead of "film nerd" because that's super fucking important). Cinemasins is a symptom of why I really hate talking about movies on the Internet a lot of the time rather than, like, a source. Though they don't exactly help.
Their passive aggressive contempt for Captain America Winter Soldier was what got me to stop watching CinemaSins.

Like if you don't like the movie fine but so much of the video felt like, "I don't like this so why is it popular."

It's especially annoying that he dismisses people who like Captain America. Wasn't there a thing at the time that showed that Captain America was more popular than Batman and Superman? Or was that well later?
On the one hand, fuck Cinemasins

On the other hand, they feed off the obnoxious, lazy, hyperbolic, thoughtless nit-picking of trying to be smarter than the movie you're watching that ALREADY exists in nerd film culture and thus pervades a lot of Internet movie discussion (please note the fact that i said "nerd film" instead of "film nerd" because that's super fucking important). Cinemasins is a symptom of why I really hate talking about movies on the Internet a lot of the time rather than, like, a source. Though they don't exactly help.

I'll just quote that instead, because 100% in agreement.


I think CinemaSins works with some people because they do point out inconsistencies which they may have also questioned while watching a movie. This confirmation of their own experience resonates with those people. They get a chuckle out of it and are more likely to take the other nitpicks and distortions it presents as more such things that they might have missed.

These people will say lighten up, it’s not supposed to be serious. We get that. The problem is that it’s mundane, repetitive and not actually funny. When you joke about problems with a movie with friends, you bounce things off each other and the jokes build upon the problem. Some podcasts where there are multiple people discussing a film do this when they criticise a film and it’s funny when people joke about it and take it beyond the problem in the film.

CinemaSins isn’t that. There’s no joke and no punchline. It’s just nitpicking the most mundane things over and over. Where podcast banter can be equivalent to joking between friends, this is where it’s comparable to that guy who just moans incessantly about problems with movies that are just totally unrealistic and impossible and who nobody wants to see movies with again.

Yet as others said in the plinkett ghostbusters thread....humor and comedy is all subjective. There are some people here that happen to find stuff like queefs, eating pringles, etc as funny. I don't understand it at all, but it's their opinion. I happen to find a decent amount of the CS things funny.
Yet as others said in the plinkett ghostbusters thread....humor and comedy is all subjective. There are some people here that happen to find stuff like queefs, eating pringles, etc as funny. I don't understand it at all, but it's their opinion. I happen to find a decent amount of the CS things funny.

But a lot of people aren't even talking about CS being bad for pointing out things as flawed, they're criticizing CS for pointing out things as flawed that aren't even true.


On the one hand, fuck Cinemasins

On the other hand, they feed off the obnoxious, lazy, hyperbolic, thoughtless nit-picking of trying to be smarter than the movie you're watching that ALREADY exists in nerd film culture and thus pervades a lot of Internet movie discussion (please note the fact that i said "nerd film" instead of "film nerd" because that's super fucking important). Cinemasins is a symptom of why I really hate talking about movies on the Internet a lot of the time rather than, like, a source. Though they don't exactly help.

I was typing out something, but this is much better.



But a lot of people aren't even talking about CS being bad for pointing out things as flawed, they're criticizing CS for pointing out things as flawed that aren't even true.

So some stuff they say might be hyperbolic or incorrect. That doesn't make them pure awfulness as some people here are saying, being hyperbolic.

Ivan 3414

It's shocking to me that people are up in arms about Cinema Sins

You can think Cinema Sins is garbage sure, but to suggest they are ruining film criticism is magnifying their scope to a ridiculous degree

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I have not seen this film and have no intention to do so, but Cinema Sins is without merit. It has no value at all.

On the one hand, fuck Cinemasins

On the other hand, they feed off the obnoxious, lazy, hyperbolic, thoughtless nit-picking of trying to be smarter than the movie you're watching that ALREADY exists in nerd film culture and thus pervades a lot of Internet movie discussion (please note the fact that i said "nerd film" instead of "film nerd" because that's super fucking important). Cinemasins is a symptom of why I really hate talking about movies on the Internet a lot of the time rather than, like, a source. Though they don't exactly help.



He's right. Most critics/filmmakers agree with him

Yep, hes absolutely right. The issue is its impossible to get traction on this. Because for every film (no matter which film it is) there's always a good selection of people that dislike said film, and won't admit that these filmmakers have a point; they instead just claim the filmmaker is mad/salty. But the Cinemasins/EverythingWrongWith stuff is absolute garbage, it really is.

On the one hand, fuck Cinemasins

On the other hand, they feed off the obnoxious, lazy, hyperbolic, thoughtless nit-picking of trying to be smarter than the movie you're watching that ALREADY exists in nerd film culture and thus pervades a lot of Internet movie discussion (please note the fact that i said "nerd film" instead of "film nerd" because that's super fucking important). Cinemasins is a symptom of why I really hate talking about movies on the Internet a lot of the time rather than, like, a source. Though they don't exactly help.

This is true too. I also notice it more and more lately in serialized TV show discussions and I absolutely loathe it.
CinemaSins is awful. Watch bobvids and Shaun's videos on them.

amazing videos that shows how the Cinema sins creator does not pay attention while watching the films but feels the need to nitpick inaccurate things about the stories. And before anyone says "he's doing it for comedy", he posted some raw footage of him in a car with a friend critiquing Avengers with the same nuances he would later put in the Avengers Cinema Sins video he did.

Also I 100 percent agree with Roberts on this.
So some stuff they say might be hyperbolic or incorrect. That doesn't make them pure awfulness as some people here are saying, being hyperbolic.

I mean, it's not just incorrect or hyperbole, he'll literally just cut out half a conversation, act like the conversation doesn't make any sense, and ask a dumb question that was literally answered in the part he cut out. It's not really funny, or entertaining, it just makes him look like an idiot.


I always assumed they were joke videos, hence why the creators went on record of saying they like Dark Knight despite doing a cinemasins about them.
I always assumed they were joke videos, hence why the creators went on record of saying they like Dark Knight despite doing a cinemasins about them.

He has another channel where he supposedly posts his "real" reviews, but frequently those "real" reviews include the same complaints and criticisms he has in the Cinema Sins videos. It sort of weakens the "they're just joke videos" defense imo.


He has another channel where he supposedly posts his "real" reviews, but frequently those "real" reviews include the same complaints and criticisms he has in the Cinema Sins videos. It sort of weakens the "they're just joke videos" defense imo.

That and even if they were 'just jokes', they're shitty jokes because they play on falsehood and lies about inconsistencies in the films.

It's like joking about the beastiality Luke performed in Empire Strikes back. "What beastiality?", you ask? Exactly.
Cinema Sins sucks.

Kong Skull Island was great.

On the one hand, fuck Cinemasins

On the other hand, they feed off the obnoxious, lazy, hyperbolic, thoughtless nit-picking of trying to be smarter than the movie you're watching that ALREADY exists in nerd film culture and thus pervades a lot of Internet movie discussion (please note the fact that i said "nerd film" instead of "film nerd" because that's super fucking important). Cinemasins is a symptom of why I really hate talking about movies on the Internet a lot of the time rather than, like, a source. Though they don't exactly help.

This is a great post. I completely agree. This is why I still prefer to get my movie impressions from actual film critics, because they don't seem to try and miss the whole point.


Its (failed) attempts at being entertaining doesn't mean it isn't critique.

It is by definition critique.

It's your opinion. I don't see why this is so hard for people to fathom. You don't find it funny or entertaining. Great. Lots of people do. So why is it so hard for you and others to let that go?


I don't watch CinemaSins anymore but when I did, it felt jokey and light hearted in pointing things out.

Have things changed or is there a large group of idiots who interpret it as actual criticism?
I don't watch CinemaSins anymore but when I did, it felt jokey and light hearted in pointing things out.

Have things changed or is there a large group of idiots who interpret it as actual criticism?

they're now 15 to 20 mins of bullshit he makes up or conveniently excluded scenes or context so he can make some lame joke and add another point to the sin counter.
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