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Kong: Skull Island Director Takes on Cinema Sins

Nitpicks are criticism. Its the lowest form of criticism, but its still criticism.

Jokes can also be criticism.

Nitpicky jokes are criticism. Low, shitty, stupid criticism, but still criticism.

Stop saying what they do isn't criticism. It is. Its stupid, shitty, highly viewed terrible criticism that is often pointless. But still criticism.

Stop saying people aren't supposed to take it seriously.

The people making it take it seriously. Their bank account probably takes it seriously. Filmmakers take it seriously enough to complain about it, film fans take it seriously enough to pay attention to its effects on the larger fandom, and you take it seriously enough to come in here and spend time and energy arguing (not enough energy to actually read someone else making your exact same thin and weak defense of CS typically on the same page you're posting to, but still) that people aren't supposed to be taking it seriously.

Its shitty, joke based bad criticism that is taken seriously to some degree by everyone involved.

That's what it is.

Yeah. When you have to invent flaws in the movie in order to make your shitty jokes, you aren't being fair to the movie, and people who haven't seen it will reasonably conclude those invented flaws are real.


Yeah. When you have to invent flaws in the movie in order to make your shitty jokes, you aren't being fair to the movie, and people who haven't seen it will reasonably conclude those invented flaws are real.

People who watch CinemaSins before they watch the movie probably dont really care about the movie that much anyway.


Yeah. When you have to invent flaws in the movie in order to make your shitty jokes, you aren't being fair to the movie, and people who haven't seen it will reasonably conclude those invented flaws are real.
i would have no problem with someone nitpicking movies, but they're often simply wrong, so wrong that i question if they understood of even watched the movie

Like this shit

This was literally explained in the same exact scene
Hell pretty much seconds later

Even as a joke what's the joke


You really aren't supposed to take it seriously though.

They take the enterprise seriously yeah, in the sense they devote time and money to make videos that make them money. But all of the on average, 100 observations/nitpicks per? Nope. If you seriously think they seriously think there are 100 problems with a film deemed to be a classic or personal favorite, or If you think "does not contain a lap dance" is criticism meant to be taken seriously, you are simply disconnected from reality. That is what it is.

Beyond that, you may not think it's funny which is fine, but so what? Millions do.

I think Guardians of the Galaxy is painfully unfunny. Millions don't (allegedly). So what?
Michael Fassbender gives the performance of his life, but the glass in front of him had more beer in it than in the last shot *ding*

Not only do I think Cinema Sins is bad, but it's also a symptom of how a lot people today are absolutely incapable of watching and criticising a movie correctly. Pointing out continuity error, "clichés" and "plot holes" (I use quotation marks because half the time they are wrong about that too) is the lowest from of criticism. Yes, it's fair to point some of those things out, but what about aesthetics, themes, metaphors, performances, mis-en-scene, dramaturgy, societal relevance etc. It's part of this crappy roasting/savage internet culture with nothing positiv to bring to the table.
I noticed Cinema Sins blowing up around the time of The Dark Knight Rises and people pointing to their video for plot holes as if that was the end all be all of criticism. Even RLM were like who gives a shit about that inconsequential stuff.

HOW DID HE GET BACK?! Everything has to make chronological sense! What is editing?


Cinema Sins is serious enough that they removed the "scene does not contain a lap dance" joke, because people complained.


I watch CinemaSins and find it fun, I dont really take what they say seriously because it is all just nitpicks, jokes and sometimes just wrong. The Sins have no value, they have said it themselves. They themselves have said they dont consider themselves reviewers just assholes.
If you dont like CinemaSins that is fine, it isnt everbody's cup of tea.

Edit: CinemaSins>Honest Trailer :)


You really aren't supposed to take it seriously though.

They take the enterprise seriously yeah, in the sense they devote time and money to make videos that make them money. But all of the on average, 100 observations/nitpicks per? Nope. If you seriously think they seriously think there are 100 problems with a film deemed to be a classic or personal favorite, or If you think "does not contain a lap dance" is criticism meant to be taken seriously, you are simply disconnected from reality. That is what it is.

Beyond that, you may not think it's funny which is fine, but so what? Millions do.

I think Guardians of the Galaxy is painfully unfunny. Millions don't (allegedly). So what?

But people do take it seriously, not just detractors but fans. Fans will hold these opinions/videos in some form of high regard and will think that a movie has a bunch of things wrong with it when, in fact, some of those problems are completely made up. If someone never saw I, Robot and just saw the CinemaSins video of it it will look dumb to them and a waste of time regardless of the actual quality of the film. This can be said for literally any film.

Sure, there are "obvious" "jokes" like the lap dance joke or Hermione not being old enough to be hot but then there are things they think are legit wrong like The Iron Legion not fighting instead of the Avengers. People aren't gonna go "yeah, Hermione isn't old enough, this is awful/dumb" but they may go "yeah, why aren't these unmanned drones doing the fighting instead of the Avengers? This is awful/dumb".


For a guy who made a very bad movie designed to kick off some bullshit cinematic universe, you'd think he'd be sensitive to how cinema sins is responding to the commercial realities of running a YouTube channel.

It's not like Kong was some brave, bold work of pure creativity. Cinema Sins videos are products and as such make some sacrifices between the "pure vision" and hitting market. If you wanna say that those sacrifices cost to much to make the endevour worthwhile, fine, but don't pretend there isn't a reason the videos went from three to eighteen minutes.
The joke is that most of the criticisms aren't good and the sin points don't actually matter.

If you can't see that this argument is less than a millimeter to the left of "there is no point in watching this at all then" I don't know how else to make this more clear.

Your defense of the useless thing is that it is useless and nothing matters.

Like, if you have to invoke the tenets of nihilism to explain/defend why you watch shitty YouTube videos, I dunno if that's a YouTube video that's worth the trouble.

(and considering how many of the defenses of this channel, and how you're supposed to watch it, are reductive and borderline nihilistic in the exact same way, I just... This consistent glitch/disconnect in logic is confusing as fuck, really. Again: Imagine if people took this much time and pride in learning anything as they do defending their right to watch something whose greatest benefit as criticism is its total meaninglessness)

For a guy who made a very bad movie designed to kick off some bullshit cinematic universe, you'd think he'd be sensitive to how cinema sins is responding to the commercial realities of running a YouTube channel.

So... he shouldn't take it seriously because Cinema Sins hustle isn't too different from his own?

(but it is very much different)


If you can't see that this argument is less than a millimeter to the left of "there is no point in watching this at all then" I don't know how else to make this more clear.

Your defense of the useless thing is that it is useless and nothing matters.

Like, if you have to invoke the tenets of nihilism to explain/defend why you watch shitty YouTube videos, I dunno if that's a YouTube video that's worth the trouble.

I enjoy watching CinemaSins shitting on movies that I hate and enjoy, I enjoy there delivery more then anything else. Just because I dont take there criticism seriously doesnt mean I cant find some enjoyment out of it and therefore not making it useless.
CinemaSins to me is like watching Transformers movies, just sit back dont give a fuck and enjoy the ride. Of course if you go in expecting some deep criticisms then yh the ride will suck, just like if you go in to Transformers expecting and amazing story it will suck.
For a guy who made a very bad movie designed to kick off some bullshit cinematic universe, you'd think he'd be sensitive to how cinema sins is responding to the commercial realities of running a YouTube channel.

It's not like Kong was some brave, bold work of pure creativity. Cinema Sins videos are products and as such make some sacrifices between the "pure vision" and hitting market. If you wanna say that those sacrifices cost to much to make the endevour worthwhile, fine, but don't pretend there isn't a reason the videos went from three to eighteen minutes.
So the Cinema Sins videos are longer because that's how they make money now? If so, seems like an even better reason to criticise them.
Aside from the point of Cinema Sins being garbage humor or criticism (their videos are way too long), I've only seen filmmakers engage with Honest Trailers by being on their show and all. Has any filmmaker done that with Cinema Sins aside from critiquing them for not knowing basic film stuff?

I'm pretty sure the channel really took off when a director positively tweeted their video about his movie. They've had several people who made a movie they covered comment on them, both positive and negative.
Whelp he started tweeting again, once again he raises good points, but the salt is really coming through. Seems to be reacting to the responses from yesterday.

The biggest issue really is the people who keep insisting that CS is satire. It really isn't and I've yet to see people make a point as to why it is. Paraphrasing an interaction I read on Twitter.
"Well sorry you don't understand satire."
"How is it satire?"
"Well if you can't understand how it's satire I shouldn't have to explain it to you."

^ How informative. Same applies to the people that call it parody. Parody of what?

The concept started fun 3-5 minutes of light jabs at popular movies. The videos were longer for larger misfires and I enjoyed it for that, but then the longer videos became the new standard and they just got nastier and more indulgent. Went from small jabs to I just like the smell of my own fart. And at times they just flat out showed the entire movie so I never understood how they don't deal with copyright issues. Fair use my balls.

Wait, people are taking Cinema Sins seriously?!

It's riff entertainment, just like MST3k.

The first tweet that kicked this whole thing was the director differentiating the two. And just because something is a joke or isn't serious doesn't mean it can't be criticized.


I enjoy watching CinemaSins shitting on movies that I hate and enjoy, I enjoy there delivery more then anything else. Just because I dont take there criticism seriously doesnt mean I cant find some enjoyment out of it and therefore not making it useless.
CinemaSins to me is like watching Transformers movies, just sit back dont give a fuck and enjoy the ride. Of course if you go in expecting some deep criticisms then yh the ride will suck, just like if you go in to Transformers expecting and amazing story it will suck.

That's the thing though, shitting on an actually shitty movie is fine and I guess entertaining? But when they're shitting on something that isn't actually shitty, it's just stupid. Like saying "why did they do this? it's so stupid. he should have done this instead." Is fine if it ends there in the movie, but if the very next scene explains why it happened as it did, and you know it was explained because you watched the movie, what they said falls flat. And if you didn't watch the movie, you'd be thinking, "yeah that is stupid. what a stupid movie."


i would have no problem with someone nitpicking movies, but they're often simply wrong, so wrong that i question if they understood of even watched the movie


I haven't watched iRobot in a long time, but did they not EXPLAIN the reasoning? Like. IIRC Will Smith actually states the reasoning aloud right after the cutscene.

Guy really should research why YouTubers need longer videos these days. Is where the money is.

That really only makes it worse, and doesn't really address or fix anything he said about them though.
He's still going ...

This thread might as well be called Everything Wrong With Cinema Sins, except, it's actually constructive instead of being a nitpicky asshole for the sake of comedy.
Just because I dont take there criticism seriously doesnt mean I cant find some enjoyment out of it and therefore not making it useless.
CinemaSins to me is like watching Transformers movies, just sit back dont give a fuck and enjoy the ride. Of course if you go in expecting some deep criticisms then yh the ride will suck, just like if you go in to Transformers expecting and amazing story it will suck.

You guys hit me for saying this shit is "criticism for people who hate criticism" and then these posts pop up and I'm like "how am I supposed to describe it in any other way."

How bout this: If you're actively seeking out situations in which you get to "not give a fuck" then maybe you're not quite understanding how not giving a fuck works.

"I don't give a fuck" isn't a level you should be aspiring to in either art OR criticism.

(the brainfrying irony - I think it's irony? I dunno anymore - in people suddenly picking up this thread that CinemaSins useless, pointless, shitty comedic criticism is now beyond criticism because it pays well is...)
I haven't watched iRobot in a long time, but did they not EXPLAIN the reasoning? Like. IIRC Will Smith actually states the reasoning aloud right after the cutscene.

You're right, he explained it right after that flashback. The Robot saved him because he has a higher chance of survival.


That's the thing though, shitting on an actually shitty movie is fine and I guess entertaining? But when they're shitting on something that isn't actually shitty, it's just stupid. Like saying "why did they do this? it's so stupid. he should have done this instead." Is fine if it ends there in the movie, but if the very next scene explains why it happened as it did, and you know it was explained because you watched the movie, what they said falls flat. And if you didn't watch the movie, you'd be thinking, "yeah that is stupid. what a stupid movie."

If you didnt even watch abit of a movie then your opinion on a movie is invalid, just like gaming, I dont take the criticism of people who haven't played a game seriosuly.
Your post literally screams like CinemaSins hated on something I like so they suck now. What defines a shitty movie? I think Twilight is a shitty movie but my cousin loves it.
Also I aint saying CinemaSins is above any criticism, they get shit wrong, they have admitted that.
"Their videos don't count as criticism, a joke nor satire. They play 18 minutes of someone else's movie with their shit commentary track. And they make a fuck ton of money doing it."

My dude is seriously trying to bury these guys.
i would have no problem with someone nitpicking movies, but they're often simply wrong, so wrong that i question if they understood of even watched the movie


OK so I normally don't sweat these things but that is an absolutely awful take

Immediately right after that is Will's biggest monologue in the film about it, it's his main character motivation

This dude fucking sucks


Never heard of Cinema Sins before so I watched a few videos to familiarize myself.

Have to agree with the director here. This Cinema Sins guy has a moving target. He often criticizes movies for doing things not inherent to the plot. But he also criticized Into the Woods for having Emily Blunt wander around the woods looking for a cow. He specifically noted the quest to find the cow was only so she could run into other characters and advance the plot. So anything that does't advance the plot is bad. But also doing something to advance the plot is bad.

He just wants to find things to nitpick yet he's hypocritical on those nitpicks. So his nitpicks don't really mean anything. He's pandering to audiences who want hate on things.


I haven't watched iRobot in a long time, but did they not EXPLAIN the reasoning? Like. IIRC Will Smith actually states the reasoning aloud right after the cutscene.

Yuuup. Robot sees he has a higher chance of survival so saves him whereas he knows a human would've picked the kid. It's all cold, unfeeling logic that allowed a little kid to die.
He is STILL going. Wants to use the Looper sins video as an example since I think Rian Johnson (who's probably like, "keep me out of this shit" right now) was the first director to criticize them (pretty lightly) 4 years ago.

How it must feel as people hating CS and trying to take them down (and RLM).


We get it, you like Cinema Sins.
I haven't watched iRobot in a long time, but did they not EXPLAIN the reasoning? Like. IIRC Will Smith actually states the reasoning aloud right after the cutscene.

That really only makes it worse, and doesn't really address or fix anything he said about them though.

Yes, in that conversation he tells the scientist lady that the robot saved him instead of the young girl because she had something like an 11% chance of surviving while his was considerably higher. I mean, this is really basic stuff and you have to assume that the CS guy knows his 'criticisms' are total bullshit but keeps them in anyway.


He is STILL going. Wants to use the Looper sins video as an example since I think Rian Johnson (who's probably like, "keep me out of this shit" right now) was the first director to criticize them (pretty lightly) 4 years ago.
An endless supply will he ever stop.
Criticizing something is not "trying to take them down"

They can keep doing their thing, I don't care. I just think that what they offer is bad.

As much as the guy you're to responding has been annoying me in this thread, I think it's safe to say at THIS POINT Vogt-Roberts is trying to take them down.


He is STILL going. Wants to use the Looper sins video as an example since I think Rian Johnson (who's probably like, "keep me out of this shit" right now) was the first director to criticize them (pretty lightly) 4 years ago.

We get it, you like Cinema Sins.

I get it, you don't like cinemasins.

Just like the RLM threads....there are only so many ways to say you don't like them and why they are bad.
So i dont really want to touch on the subjectivity of comedic taste and how people get to like whatever they like, but there is something about CinemaSin's output that i just find genuinely wrong.
and im pretty sure some of this has already been said, but hey, bobby has (understandably) repeated himself like 15 times by this point so im guessing yall wont mind me parroting some things just this once.

So CinemaSins very frequently straight up misrepresent films, a prime example of this was posted recent about the I-Robit video, but there are many many more. These misrepresentations are frequently not done for any clear comedic purpose, they are played straight, presented as though they are a legitimate problem with the film. whether is deliberate or an honest (if really irresponsible) mistake, they are misrepresenting a film with the intent to demean that film, to paint it in a negative light to a very large amount of people, many of whole will never have seen that film, and have no reason not to believe it.

And thats just absolute bullshit, even if the intent is comedic, they are actively harming the reputation of a film, and by extension the reputation of the filmmakers, for at most a cheap laugh, and more often nothing more than another freaking DING.
I haven't watched iRobot in a long time, but did they not EXPLAIN the reasoning? Like. IIRC Will Smith actually states the reasoning aloud right after the cutscene.

Rephrase, why aren't robots made to always put children first. The movie's explanation flies in the face of what humanity has decided for a long while now.

Do you understand why it a sin now?
I get it, you don't like cinemasins.

Just like the RLM threads....there are only so many ways to say you don't like them and why they are bad.

I'm actually subscribed and find some of their videos entertaining, but I've yet to see a criticism in this thread that was untrue. Whereas you're being super defensive about everything said here.
Rephrase, why aren't robots made to always put children first. The movie's explanation flies in the face of what humanity has decided for a long while now.

Do you understand why it a sin now?

That's not a "sin" or a plot hole or a flaw or anything. That's a stretch to spin it as a negative.


Rephrase, why aren't robots made to always put children first. The movie's explanation flies in the face of what humanity has decided for a long while now.

Do you understand why it a sin now?
Because they designed to save based on the chance of survival and what are you talking about decided
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