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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Junior Member
I've been playing OW for months now on a shitty sofa chair and I think I destroyed my lower back. :(

Was sleeping all day long yesterday.
Well, I played 3 games tonight and won all three so I decided to quit early. I feel like I just got lucky with some of them. In the final game everyone wanted to pick defense heroes. The 5th person went mercy so I went d.va. No one chose DPS which like never happens, so I took a screenshot.


Neo Member
I love how Orisa's ult functions as a reveal of just how terrible your DPS are. If you pop the drum and your Soldier/Reaper/whatever gets zero kills you can safely write off that whole match.


I feel like this "no dupe" change really screwed me over as a new player. I only get 1 event item in each box and they were all mostly blues and whites.
These events are kinda bummed when you get real shitty luck and keep getting boxes full of nothing.

26 boxes, no new event skins. Only 1 legendary and it was Horus Ana which I'll never use cuz ghoul.

1 purple event skin from last year, Tracer.

I love how Orisa's ult functions as a reveal of just how terrible your DPS are. If you pop the drum and your Soldier/Reaper/whatever gets zero kills you can safely write off that whole match.

It doesn't mean anything. Orisa is not an amazing tank at creating space. A lot of players misuse her and give their DPS a hard time moving and pushing because thiccrisa players 90% of the time drop shield early and never attempt to push.

The timing of the ult, cooldowns of the other team and barriers have a lot to do with it. It doesn't mean you get auto picks just because you pressed Q ignoring all the circumstances around your DPS players.

A good Ana player can easily shut down your Orisa ult down with just burst healing. Lucio can disengage easily out of your ult LoS. Tracer, Pharah whatever can take your ult down easily as well. It is not amazing unless you combine it with another ult or use it at the right time when the other team pushes.

The damage buff doesn't mean anything. Might as well have D.Va right click your DPS. This is why people are complaining about the community in OW; people just like to shift the blame on others all the time. It is hard to pinpoint a singular source of the problem in OW. For example, you need tanks for space and aggro control, which DPS need to do well, and tanks are enabled by healers, who also need some form of peeling. A lot of things happen in team fights; you can't just blame the DPS all the time.
Really gotta learn to adopt the two loss rule in Comp and not play late at night too. Just got DCed from my last match of the night and I'm pretty sure I did more harm than good to my rank overall as well.

I really just don't know, I feel like I got a pretty ok understanding of the game after playing since launch and mechanically I've been playing FPSes for a longgggg time but this season has just been all over the place for me.

I'm currently nearly 1000 points below where I was last season (32xx) and even worse compared to the season before that where I nearly made master at like 3452, which is nuts because I don't feel like I'm worse than what I was then.

I try to play to the team comp as well as I can and I currently main Zen, Winston, and Reaper while having backups I can play if the role is filled but still I just can't seem to hit diamond this season, I'm perpetually in the 2400-2800 range. It just feels like at this rank no one wants to play to the team comp and it's all about their fun over actually winning.

The amount of games I've seen slip out of our fingers because we just need one more fucking healer or someone decides to jump on their spotty Junkrat/widow because we are up one or no one wants to run Winston when a Sym is up or we have DPS that still cant grasp the concept that if you kill their healers the team fight is basically over, etc, etc is just mind boggling.

Phew, I'm really trying not to be the typical salty OW guy who blames everyone else cuz I know I have games where I'm not up to snuff but it really sometimes feels like this bracket is some oppressive hell of dumbassery. I don't know if it's just because of the summer that the kids are out in force and they just don't give a fuck, or it's because it's the end of the season, or maybe the OW community on Xbox is on its last legs and it's nothing but trolls left lmao.


Even after all this time, Torbjorn completely losing his shit when the objective is being taken still makes me laugh.

Maybe it's the whole "art imitates life" angle, but I always crack a grin when Torb yells at the team to get on the point.
Not a bad night, went up 100 points and got a hate message in Mystery Heroes. It read "You kind of suck head on noob"

I laughed and stroked out a bit trying to comprehend it.


He's right though, Lucioball was a total waste of development time. There are far more pressing issues with the game than a pointless comp diversion.

Oh I know, but most of his posts are complaints or "this/that sucks", which I find hilarious.


Really gotta learn to adopt the two loss rule in Comp and not play late at night too. Just got DCed from my last match of the night and I'm pretty sure I did more harm than good to my rank overall as well.

I really just don't know, I feel like I got a pretty ok understanding of the game after playing since launch and mechanically I've been playing FPSes for a longgggg time but this season has just been all over the place for me.

I'm currently nearly 1000 points below where I was last season (32xx) and even worse compared to the season before that where I nearly made master at like 3452, which is nuts because I don't feel like I'm worse than what I was then.

I try to play to the team comp as well as I can and I currently main Zen, Winston, and Reaper while having backups I can play if the role is filled but still I just can't seem to hit diamond this season, I'm perpetually in the 2400-2800 range. It just feels like at this rank no one wants to play to the team comp and it's all about their fun over actually winning.

The amount of games I've seen slip out of our fingers because we just need one more fucking healer or someone decides to jump on their spotty Junkrat/widow because we are up one or no one wants to run Winston when a Sym is up or we have DPS that still cant grasp the concept that if you kill their healers the team fight is basically over, etc, etc is just mind boggling.

Phew, I'm really trying not to be the typical salty OW guy who blames everyone else cuz I know I have games where I'm not up to snuff but it really sometimes feels like this bracket is some oppressive hell of dumbassery. I don't know if it's just because of the summer that the kids are out in force and they just don't give a fuck, or it's because it's the end of the season, or maybe the OW community on Xbox is on its last legs and it's nothing but trolls left lmao.

Same here on my main account. Im at like 700 sr difference on it (2700 vs 3400 last season). Meanwhile on my alt I'm at 4100 because fuck, why not

SR gains are absolutely bloated when you understand that to climb easily, you should only play two heroes MAXIMUM
Really gotta learn to adopt the two loss rule in Comp and not play late at night too. Just got DCed from my last match of the night and I'm pretty sure I did more harm than good to my rank overall as well.

I really just don't know, I feel like I got a pretty ok understanding of the game after playing since launch and mechanically I've been playing FPSes for a longgggg time but this season has just been all over the place for me.

I'm currently nearly 1000 points below where I was last season (32xx) and even worse compared to the season before that where I nearly made master at like 3452, which is nuts because I don't feel like I'm worse than what I was then.

I try to play to the team comp as well as I can and I currently main Zen, Winston, and Reaper while having backups I can play if the role is filled but still I just can't seem to hit diamond this season, I'm perpetually in the 2400-2800 range. It just feels like at this rank no one wants to play to the team comp and it's all about their fun over actually winning.

The amount of games I've seen slip out of our fingers because we just need one more fucking healer or someone decides to jump on their spotty Junkrat/widow because we are up one or no one wants to run Winston when a Sym is up or we have DPS that still cant grasp the concept that if you kill their healers the team fight is basically over, etc, etc is just mind boggling.

Phew, I'm really trying not to be the typical salty OW guy who blames everyone else cuz I know I have games where I'm not up to snuff but it really sometimes feels like this bracket is some oppressive hell of dumbassery. I don't know if it's just because of the summer that the kids are out in force and they just don't give a fuck, or it's because it's the end of the season, or maybe the OW community on Xbox is on its last legs and it's nothing but trolls left lmao.

maybe youre just at the elo level your skill deservers? the fact that you main 3 situational characters should be kind of a of a giveaway


Had two games last night with Yager where I had to pick a third dps because the other two were doing nothing. Gotta love those random two-man dps stack groups who insta-lock and aren't able to contribute at all... Ended up with gold elims in both of those games with Reaper.

I just wish people would switch if something is not working for them, I do it without hesitation (even if I've got an ult) so why can't others?
hes very situational. youre playing in platinum with droolers, not GM with people who understand the game and know how to coordinate

That's cool man. You can rank shame, but never once this season has there been an instance where I wouldn't take Winston as one of the tank slots. Plat droolers or not, he's solid.

leng jai

This season ends soon right? Think I've stopped caring about my SR, just going to treat my first season as a wash. Hopefully the next one is better now that I have a 50 matches under my belt.


Saying Winston is situational in current meta is pretty hilarious.

This season ends soon right? Think I've stopped caring about my SR, just going to treat my first season as a wash. Hopefully the next one is better now that I have a 50 matches under my belt.

Aug 28


Well, I played 3 games tonight and won all three so I decided to quit early. I feel like I just got lucky with some of them. In the final game everyone wanted to pick defense heroes. The 5th person went mercy so I went d.va. No one chose DPS which like never happens, so I took a screenshot.
There's 4 dps there
So Doomfist is like the best thing to ever happen to this game.

The satisfaction of laying hands on people is so deep, so pure. The value in his ability to just straight up remove enemy heroes from the field of play cannot be understated in a game where death timers are long and distance covered to get back into the fight is even longer. Where uptime is essential to your ability to gain and use ultimates. Being able to get 15-25 final blows every match carries great value. Even when you don't have a damage medal you're still probably securing the W with key pickoffs at key times.

Yea, I've only been playing DF for like a week. My 6 hours of Doomfist play is already more time than I've played several heroes since the game launched. I've yet to even come close to losing with him in ranked (okay that's only like 4 games but still!) and I haven't enjoyed playing a melee experience in a FPS game this much since the energy sword was new in Halo 2. The 6 hours of play have also made it very clear what sorts of comps mean it's time to switch.


So Doomfist is like the best thing to ever happen to this game.

The satisfaction of laying hands on people is so deep, so pure. The value in his ability to just straight up remove enemy heroes from the field of play cannot be understated in a game where death timers are long and distance covered to get back into the fight is even longer. Where uptime is essential to your ability to gain and use ultimates. Being able to get 15-25 final blows every match carries great value. Even when you don't have a damage medal you're still probably securing the W with key pickoffs at key times.

Yea, I've only been playing DF for like a week. My 6 hours of Doomfist play is already more time than I've played several heroes since the game launched. I've yet to even come close to losing with him in ranked (okay that's only like 4 games but still!) and I haven't enjoyed playing a melee experience in a FPS game this much since the energy sword was new in Halo 2. The 6 hours of play have also made it very clear what sorts of comps mean it's time to switch.

How I feel. Soldier and Mccree were always just okay for me. Had my moments with em. But being up in the competitions face constantly makes all the fights so fun.


So Doomfist is like the best thing to ever happen to this game.

The satisfaction of laying hands on people is so deep, so pure. The value in his ability to just straight up remove enemy heroes from the field of play cannot be understated in a game where death timers are long and distance covered to get back into the fight is even longer. Where uptime is essential to your ability to gain and use ultimates. Being able to get 15-25 final blows every match carries great value. Even when you don't have a damage medal you're still probably securing the W with key pickoffs at key times.

Yea, I've only been playing DF for like a week. My 6 hours of Doomfist play is already more time than I've played several heroes since the game launched. I've yet to even come close to losing with him in ranked (okay that's only like 4 games but still!) and I haven't enjoyed playing a melee experience in a FPS game this much since the energy sword was new in Halo 2. The 6 hours of play have also made it very clear what sorts of comps mean it's time to switch.

He's a fun hero but I tend to get focused on too much whenever I play him. The worst is if the other team has a McCree constantly picking me off.
Situational. LMAO.

That reads like someone who hasn't played the game in a few months and is still using outdated information to troll and act better than everyone else. Reaper I could still see an argument for but since his healing buff he's been much better in a lot of comps, despite not being a full pro meta choice. But Winston and Zen are really good in the current climate and not situational at all.

We still rank shaming in here eh

Always. Platinum is the new wood tier, apparently.

He wasn't able to take out ana in tank meta.

Ana is the one support I hesitate to dive on as Winston. A well timed sleep dart will end you, and her grenade gives her way more sustain than other supports to Winston's tickles. Plus if you're relying on a Zen orb to sustain your dive and she anti-heals you, it's pretty much game over.
Ana is the one support I hesitate to dive on as Winston. A well timed sleep dart will end you, and her grenade gives her way more sustain than other supports to Winston's tickles. Plus if you're relying on a Zen orb to sustain your dive and she anti-heals you, it's pretty much game over.

I dive on anas, cause I like the risk reward of making them miss sleep dart or not. 7 times out of 10 I make them miss (especially when using barrier when you think they are gonna sleep u) but man...those times they get me.....I pray my team helps. lol

hes very situational. youre playing in platinum with droolers, not GM with people who understand the game and know how to coordinate

what is this nonsense? People in plat understand the game and know how to coordinate......for the most part at least.

Also, Winston isn't situational. Perhaps your skill level and understanding of the game is higher than that of every team in Apex last season and this current season using Winston (which was/is every team). Robert Kraft maybe needs to sign you.
After a couple games of Copa Lucioball, I ran into two other California players and we clicked.

We stayed together as a team and went about 7-2 I think? With the last match of the game being a complete shutout of one of the teams we lost to a few matches earlier, which felt really good.

We all had a great time, I'm at a new season high (3250), and one of the guys is one win away from Diamond.

Feels good. Might have a comp team to play with now too, since they live in the same time zone and all.

Kantprop and Mynameismav, thanks for breaking numerous ankles with me.


Ana is the one support I hesitate to dive on as Winston. A well timed sleep dart will end you, and her grenade gives her way more sustain than other supports to Winston's tickles. Plus if you're relying on a Zen orb to sustain your dive and she anti-heals you, it's pretty much game over.
Eh Winston fucks up Ana. I play Ana a lot and Winston and Dva are her biggest problems. My point was Winston didn't work in tank meta.

If you're having trouble with diving Ana wait for her dart to be used. It's pretty easy to hear and bad anas don't hold it an size it whenever. If not just bubble as she darts. It has a second to wind up before it lands.
I'd rather dive an Ana than a Zen, discord will melt Winston pretty quickly and you end up just giving them ult charge
With discord zen does 120 damage if he lands headshots. With Winstons hp and armour you got like 5 seconds to kills zen before you die assuming he lands all headshots.

Winston does 60 damage and will kill zen in four seconds. Assuming no body helps the zen you should win that. Then on top of that you have your bubble and can dance around it before you have your jump back.
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