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Hearthstone |OT10| Ultimate Infuriation

I have a lot of experience with threads where people are going back and forth, quoting and responding to individual points within large posts, creating their own large posts that also get quoted and responded to.

That experience has told me to stop doing that, because it just means everybody is arguing in circles, nobody is listening to anybody, and it just makes the thread more toxic.

You're right, for sure. It's just hard to fight the feeling that people will think you're conceding or were "owned" or something if you say you're stopping or that you'll take it to PMs. It's dumb to care about stuff like that, but we are just apes, after all. :)

I apologize for contributing to the hijacking last page.


Well anyway, I know a bunch of people were worried about "Priest meta."

If that ends up being the case I still think the deck is vulnerable. Greedy versions of midrange Jade Shaman, N'Zoth Hunter and Dead Man's Hand N'Zoth Warrior seem like they could be quite good against it if aggro actually does fall off.

There are probably even more out there but that's just off the top of my head. I also think double Dirty Rat could start to become a thing again if Mage grows in popularity alongside Priest.

Of course this all relies on Druid not seeing as much play, which I'm not sure is likely at all considering I don't really believe that class got hit all that hard.

That's what I was thinking, no way will Razakus Priest go unpunished. That deck has serious vulnerabilities, as well as being somewhat inconsistent due to draw.


lol blizzard tourneys

This game has no competitive integrity at all.

Think about that next tie you cry for cards to get nerfed or balance change
You're right, for sure. It's just hard to fight the feeling that people will think you're conceding or were "owned" or something if you say you're stopping or that you'll take it to PMs. It's dumb to care about stuff like that, but we are just apes, after all. :)

I apologize for contributing to the hijacking last page.

You're worried about seeming like you gave up while you unabashedly attack me on a personal level. You have your priorities in order.


what are you trying to say?
Frequent disconnects causing players to lose games when they're ahead, horrible venue horrible planning.

And the reason they pushed these nerfs to tomorrow was because of this hct playoff.

It's a damn joke.

There is no legitimacy to any of it. They obviously don't give a shit about the competitive state of this game.
You're worried about seeming like you gave up while you unabashedly attack me on a personal level. You have your priorities in order.

I can't help it. I'm just so vicious.

Anyway, like I alluded to earlier, I'm done with this discussion (at least in the thread.) If you don't want to take what I said to heart, that's fine. It's always been your choice. I feel like I made my points extremely clearly (and rather calmly, IMO) so any further discussion on my part would be redundant. If you want to discuss it further though, I'm more than willing to do so in PMs.

Everyone bitxhing about the meta and meanwhile this weekend was some of the most fun I've ever had. :shrug:
I had a similar experience. Played Exodia Mage and, even though it's not a great match for the meta, I had a great time.
Alucard shits all over Mobius with a bunch of dubious claims and supports it with posts like "Welcome to card games?" (Mobius, you asshole!), then tries to act like he's taking the moral highground by not responding anymore. Thanks for your vomitous virtue signaling.

And just to be clear, nothing is more bullshit than saying "I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking the way you are acting". Take that shit back to church!

I still hate it. It's this awful mix of random bullshit and infinite ice blocks that make you feel like nothing you do matters.
Based on Blizzard's last post, there's something like a 100% chance Ice Block moves to the Hall of Fame in the next rotation.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Not on forums. Person with the last post in always wins man because the other person gave up!

I'm going to respond to you by simply rewording my previous statement in slightly different words because I don't actually have anything new to add. So my post doesn't mean anything but since I'm quoting you it gives the appearance that I'm still engaged in debate with you, and thus one step closer to simply exhausting you from this argument.
I can't help it. I'm just so vicious.

Anyway, like I alluded to earlier, I'm done with this discussion (at least in the thread.) If you don't want to take what I said to heart, that's fine. It's always been your choice. I feel like I made my points extremely clearly (and rather calmly, IMO) so any further discussion on my part would be redundant. If you want to discuss it further though, I'm more than willing to do so in PMs.

I had a similar experience. Played Exodia Mage and, even though it's not a great match for the meta, I had a great time.

Yeah, you're willing to take it to PMs now that you've had your chance to publicly rant up a storm of character assassination. Oh, and we're all supposed to ignore the fact that you claimed I consistently rank shame people but when it came to you couldn't find a single damn instance of me ranking shaming and you went so far as to go to another discussion thread to take statements out of context.

I've never rank shamed anyone. Only when you tear my post out of context is it rank shaming. It's not a large logic leap to conclude that a rank 12 player is not playing optimally and can make a huge mistake leading to a loss. That is not rank shaming. That is stating a that I understand the logic behind kars saying what he said. In context, my post says that. I stand by that. I still think that rank is relevant there. He said he got out greeded. Kars said no, the other guy sucked. I said yeah I can see why kars would say that, although it could have also been poor draw order. I later admitted he could have had huge gnomeferatu hits and you accused me of continuing to "take away" from his glorious victory. I mean, you obviously don't care about intent when it applies to other people. So I am sure you'll go on continuing to believe I was just rank shaming, and not contextualizing kars' opinion.

I get where people are coming from with this whole last say thing. But to me, I am being publicly flogged so I deserve a chance to respond in the same forum as he chose to assault me in. But I do agree and therefore I intend for this to be my last post on this subject here.
Well anyway, I know a bunch of people were worried about "Priest meta."

If that ends up being the case I still think the deck is vulnerable. Greedy versions of midrange Jade Shaman, N'Zoth Hunter and Dead Man's Hand N'Zoth Warrior seem like they could be quite good against it if aggro actually does fall off.

There are probably even more out there but that's just off the top of my head. I also think double Dirty Rat could start to become a thing again if Mage grows in popularity alongside Priest.

Of course this all relies on Druid not seeing as much play, which I'm not sure is likely at all considering I don't really believe that class got hit all that hard.

There will be some non-aggro druid list that is still tier 1 or tier 2. Innervate is a massive nerf, but you can still ramp indiscriminately and refill your hand like nothing happened. I think what this does is just kill the less optimal lists / archetypes (that are still good right now).

Aggro druid will still be a thing. I don't know how good since the whole aggro meta is changing, but it will still be played and effective at a respectable level. People cut one or both innervates in Ungoro at times with solid results.

The game won't go that slow / greedy. Maybe at the beginning just because people always want to use their greedy / exciting late game cards, but aggro isn't going away. Aggro never goes away.

Interested to see how good hunter ends up being. Maybe T2. Lot of bad match-ups hit with the nerfs.
Yeah, I know many aggro decks got nerfed, but they're still going to be a force. They will always beat slower decks on average (and if they don't, we'll have another problem entirely,) so they'll always have a spot in the meta. It's just going to be a matter of how much.

Plus, it's faster to ladder with aggro decks, so there's even more incentive to use them (assuming a reasonable winrate, of course.)


You also don't win arguments by getting the last word in.

Not on forums. Person with the last post in always wins man because the other person gave up!

I'm going to respond to you by simply rewording my previous statement in slightly different words because I don't actually have anything new to add. So my post doesn't mean anything but since I'm quoting you it gives the appearance that I'm still engaged in debate with you, and thus one step closer to simply exhausting you from this argument.

Holy shit guys, calm down with the arguing. Don't make me ignore list you two and get a mod in here. It's against the ToS.
Evolve is fun until you remember that totems are worth 1 mana, and you have a tendency to Doomsayer your own board as a result. I would honestly rather totems be worth 0 mana just so that isn't a risk.

I honestly can't tell if this is a serious post or not.

Anyway, around what time will the patch hit, I'm trying to get in as many wins with druid as possible

Your circuitry is malfunctioning.

We must all band together and fight our common enemy, the Priests.
With every ounce of my power to bitch, I will complain about Priests until they nerf Anduin or Raza. Or both. And Naga Sea Witch.


I'm pretty convinced that Razakus can win against anything, especially if you play the really cycle heavy styles that basically include everything with the word "draw" in it (I don't play the murloc, myself). Haven't even needed Geist recently --teched that shit out of there, they never get high enough that you consider them a threat.
I'm pretty convinced that Razakus can win against anything, especially if you play the really cycle heavy styles that basically include everything with the word "draw" in it (I don't play the murloc, myself). Haven't even needed Geist recently --teched that shit out of there, they never get high enough that you consider them a threat.

Have you tried the Hesingwary + Benedictus version?


Evolve is fun until you remember that totems are worth 1 mana, and you have a tendency to Doomsayer your own board as a result. I would honestly rather totems be worth 0 mana just so that isn't a risk.

I don't find myself evolving totems that often actually. Opponents are trying to keep your board clear and they die quickly. The Evolve itself tends to wait for a Doppelgangster or something bigger. Most of the time it's the DK evolving a stray totem or two and there's no Doomsayer to worry about there.


Turn 2 10/10 Edwin stopped me getting rank [censored] grrr

e: next game I got an opening hand full of 5 cost cards as Aggro Druid gg. had to get this trash luck.
Snitches get stitches
A lot of kids at school say this line. Then we have school shootings about kids who were bullied but wouldn't tell adults.

I actually looked at one kid who said this and said "Well if you don't snitch, you're going to stay his..." and looked off. For years he told tell other kids I called him a bitch once, and I would always say I had no idea what he was talking about. =D

Turn 2 10/10 Edwin stopped me getting rank 5 grrr
I am triggered by you mentioning your rank.


I'm not gonna chase legend this season. Haven't played a lot, still demotivated. I got tired of the meta really fast. Still have to wait for another 3 months.


Have you tried the Hesingwary + Benedictus version?

I have not, but I don't really understand the premise behind that version and why it would be better. I'm willing to be convinced but the below 5 mana cards in your deck serve distinct purposes that I don't feel can be replicated by copying another person's deck. Running a lot cycle means having a lot of gas even after you complete the combo -- compared to the unpredictable nature of using somebody's deck for the rest of the match. The only match where I could see playing the Hemet + Benedictus combo being better is in heavy control matchups, but I don't think you need help on those matchups at all.


The only good thing about all priest is that i can play rogue. Maybe this month i'll push for ******* since i'm already **** *

Played against like 2 giant decks in 100 games. I'm convinced reddit is just people who don't actually play the format
I'm not gonna chase legend this season. Haven't played a lot, still demotivated. I got tired of the meta really fast. Still have to wait for another 3 months.
I will never, ever do that again without a strong incentive from Blizzard. Such a stressful experience. I want my win streak bonuses!

It's way more fun to hit rank X, where X can be any number that you feel is appropriate for you, and then just play random fun decks. Like I spent today just playing Frost Lich Jaina in the Brawl. That deck is really appealing to me. It just needs to become viable in ladder. :p

I honestly feel like you mulligan for Jaina like you do for Barnes in Big Priest. She changes the whole game that much. I actually got to live THE DREAM today where I was down to 6 health with Anomalous on the board and got to play Jaina and then ram him into White Eyes for a board wipe and heal to 30. Soooo satisfying.

Okay cool hit rank [redacted] before patch. Goal achieved. Bonus points for hitting 420 gold at the same time.
Grats, and thank you for your improved tone of civility in this productive and happy thread of ours. I can tell you are improving as a person.

I have not, but I don't really understand the premise behind that version and why it would be better. I'm willing to be convinced but the below 5 mana cards in your deck serve distinct purposes that I don't feel can be replicated by copying another person's deck. Running a lot cycle means having a lot of gas even after you complete the combo -- compared to the unpredictable nature of using somebody's deck for the rest of the match. The only match where I could see playing the Hemet + Benedictus combo being better is in heavy control matchups, but I don't think you need help on those matchups at all.
The idea is that you lose your cycle cards but now you are guaranteed to get Raza and DK Anduin in a reasonable time period. So your worst situation, which is one of your combo pieces being on the bottom of your deck, is no longer a problem. Then you guard yourself from fatigue with Benedictus.

So your combo game is much weaker, but your deck is significantly more consistent. If the game lasted to turn 8, you might be playing against a Jade Druid, so now you get UI and such.

The only good thing about all priest is that i can play rogue. Maybe this month i'll push for ******* since i'm already **** *

Played against like 2 giant decks in 100 games. I'm convinced reddit is just people who don't actually play the format
The giant players already hit legend. I mean some of these decks hit 70% winrates.


I'm having a blast playing evolve shaman. I actually might be motivated enough to try for legend this month. Devolving a full board of murlocs or living mana is the best feeling I ever. I hope the hex nerf won't be too bad for shaman.

Also had to learn the hard way that a totem is better than a random 2 drop because I was getting Doomsayers left and right. ALWAYS hero power after evolving.

edit: I forgot to mention playing Volcano against Hydra is an auto win.


I will never, ever do that again without a strong incentive from Blizzard. Such a stressful experience. I want my win streak bonuses!

It's way more fun to hit rank X, where X can be any number that you feel is appropriate for you, and then just play random fun decks. Like I spent today just playing Frost Lich Jaina in the Brawl. That deck is really appealing to me. It just needs to become viable in ladder. :p

I honestly feel like you mulligan for Jaina like you do for Barnes in Big Priest. She changes the whole game that much. I actually got to live THE DREAM today where I was down to 6 health with Anomalous on the board and got to play Jaina and then ram him into White Eyes for a board wipe and heal to 30. Soooo satisfying.

Grats, and thank you for your improved tone of civility in this productive and happy thread of ours. I can tell you are improving as a person.

The idea is that you lose your cycle cards but now you are guaranteed to get Raza and DK Anduin in a reasonable time period. So your worst situation, which is one of your combo pieces being on the bottom of your deck, is no longer a problem. Then you guard yourself from fatigue with Benedictus.

So your combo game is much weaker, but your deck is significantly more consistent. If the game lasted to turn 8, you might be playing against a Jade Druid, so now you get UI and such.

The giant players already hit legend. I mean some of these decks hit 70% winrates.

I don't think the trade off in consistency is worth the additional chance to draw your combo pieces. For one, the order in which you draw your new combo pieces is significantly more difficult:

1) You have to get Hemet
2) Raza
3) Anduin
4) Benedictus

and play them in a very demanding order: 1 can be played anytime, but is best first. 2 and 3 can be interchanged but 2 can never be played before 4. 3 can be played anytime. 4 must be played after you play 2 (which is just the converse of the 2nd requirement).

Seems to me that there is a lot of downside with potentially very little upside. Hard to calculate, but assume you shave like 10 cards in your deck on turn 6(assuming you draw no more combo pieces). That makes you about 50 percent more likely to draw a second combo piece but you can't play one of them right away. So, lets say like 35 percentish more chance to draw a playable second piece.
I'm having a blast playing evolve shaman. I actually might be motivated enough to try for legend this month. Devolving a full board of murlocs or living mana is the best feeling I ever. I hope the hex nerf won't be too bad for shaman.

Also had to learn the hard way that a totem is better than a random 2 drop because I was getting Doomsayers left and right. ALWAYS hero power after evolving.

edit: I forgot to mention playing Volcano against Hydra is an auto win.

I get the sentiment to play around the doomsayer roll. I think that always playing around it is a bit of a mistake though, because you're just as likely to get a 4/4 like millhouse.

But totems have value too and I think people do get greedy sometimes. I think the expected gain is about +2 stats from a 2 stat minion to a 2 drop.

I haven't played a ton of shaman lately, but yeah volcano on hydra is one thing everyone must do at least once.
I'm gonna say it

but having Eater of Secrets in my druid deck is fantastic against exodia mages
I have Flare in my Hunter deck and while it can be useless in most match ups, getting wins through Ice Block feels way too good to take it out.

Also had a quick question about Eternal Servitude. If multiples of the same minion die, can it take up multiple slots of the discover, or is it only just one?


So anybody discussing that player getting robbed at HTC?

Opponent DC when he was CLEARLY winning the matchup, so they had to do a full remake, which he then lost.

How is that not abusable?

How difficult is it for someone to turn off their Wireless adapter the moment they're about to lose a game, forcing a remake?

Really hard to believe a turn-based game like this can't handle loading of a game state. IT'S FRIGGIN TURN-BASED! COME ON!


So anybody discussing that player getting robbed at HTC?

Opponent DC when he was CLEARLY winning the matchup, so they had to do a full remake, which he then lost.

How is that not abusable?

How difficult is it for someone to turn off their Wireless adapter the moment they're about to lose a game, forcing a remake?

Really hard to believe a turn-based game like this can't handle loading of a game state. IT'S FRIGGIN TURN-BASED! COME ON!

That part always been stupid, but no matter how obvious it is, you cannot objectively ruling that player "win" at where they DC so the rematch has to be done

This problem only can be solved if Blizzard willing to put load state in-game, come fucking on its played on "friend battle" mode afterall, why you can't pause, load, and shit


Super Sleuth
I have Flare in my Hunter deck and while it can be useless in most match ups, getting wins through Ice Block feels way too good to take it out.

Also had a quick question about Eternal Servitude. If multiples of the same minion die, can it take up multiple slots of the discover, or is it only just one?

Flare is way more useful than eater of secrets in non secret matchups.



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