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Has any online community gone to shit faster than Overwatch's?


Never played Overwatch, but this is pretty much exactly how I felt after I quit paragon. Community really went to shit after their game changing update. Pretty much same issues as OP. Just utter toxicity unless you played with friends. Solo Q was a complete nightmare. God forbid you tried a hero or a role you weren't already exceptionally good at.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I uninstalled Overwatch a few months back and my happiness levels have increased substantially. Been playing Battlefield 1 on and off and it's been so much better in terms of community and ability to enjoy a game.


I uninstalled Overwatch a few months back and my happiness levels have increased substantially. Been playing Battlefield 1 on and off and it's been so much better in terms of community and ability to enjoy a game.

Larger team games like BF will always be more enjoyable because a team can still win even with an AFK player. In 6v6 you better be on your A++++ game or you're getting chewed out by toxic people. Games are supposed to be relaxing, not stressful.
Oh heavens no, I thoroughly enjoy it when the McCree main with less than 1 hour of play across all supports combined insists on kvetching endlessly that it's the healers' fault he died whilst trying to flank the enemy team solo.


I still play the game here and there. Comp just makes me want to pull my hair out, so I've played less and less.

I feel you bro. I tried do play a bit yesterday and QP was allright. After a few matcher I've decided to give Competitive a try and holy fuck man all it took was one match. Brazilians are fucking unbearable, and I'm BR myself. I swear to god I understand why people hate us so much.
I miss the first 6 months of the game, that was the best time.

Not played for months now I even skipped the summer games event.


not me
Uninstalled it two weeks ago and haven't thought about it since. Think I saw one Reddit headline about a new map and went, "Huh" then went back to playing Guild Wars 2.

I have no faith the issues with Overwatch will ever be fixed, either by Blizzard or the community.
I don't play it much anymore, but I still hop on for events, which is basically how I played Team Fortress 2 for several years.

I think being on console is a bit better because there is no text chat, but every time I play on PC it's like breathing garbage air. It's really unfortunate, because Overwatch launched as a fun and fresh experience, but Blizzard's inability to manage it's own community, and thus the community devolving into the lowest common denominators of stream trolling, meta worshipping, and general toxicity, has made it a real chore to even feel like playing.


Uh, I like overwatch. Yeah there's toxic people, but that's just the internet. Tho it's not surprising this thread is in time with the free weekend.


Meta gets confused with strategy at times, but it's basically about predicting what your opponents will use and planning specifically to counter that.

For example, suppose there was a character (let's call them Goadlog) in Overwatch that was completely OP, to the extent that almost every game was 6 Goadlog v 6 Goadlog. Now suppose you discovered that one of the weaker character, let's call them Zombra, happens to perform very well against Goadlog, even though it's kind of shit against anything else. Now the best strategy is to use the overpowered Goadlog, but the best meta strategy is to use the relatively weak Zombra. As more people catch on to this, more people will use Zombra, and the meta shifts.

A lot of people say meta when they just mean strategy though. Tbh I'm not even sure if my example is proper usage, but it's definitely a common usage of the term.

It's called meta because you are playing a game of picks and counter picks on top of the actual game of shooting stuff.

Ah fuck, yes! That answers my question, thank you!


Play on PC and not on a console

Are you trying to kill him?

I'm on the fence which is worse, DOTA2 or OW.
I have many more hours in DOTA2 but the toxicity in EU servers kinda comes with language barrier so it isn't that bad in the end, but it has its toll too.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
nintendo was right.

talking is bad. so is typing.

friends only chat is where its at. fucking zero comms with anyone else because literally everybody is a cunt


I don't think it's gone to shit especially fast but it has felt lie a constant trend over the last year or so. On console at least the toxicity isn't usually that egregious in terms of abusive players but it is unbelievable in terms of throwing players, griefing players and otherwise uncooperative players. I know that people seem to want different things out of the game but I am sick and tired of playing with people who aren't willing to contribute, who don't care if they win or lose, or who obsessively play as characters that are wildly inappropriate and unhelpful. I am sick of playing with people that seem to forget they are playing with others and that they have a moral obligation to not make the game a miserable experience.

I don't think Overwatch suffers from this problem any worse than most other games that emphasise cooperation, but that does mean it suffers worse than pretty much all other contemporary shooters which feature a much higher degree of self reliance. The game suffers from the community issues MOBAs have, and so far, Blizzard have made no meaningful progress in solving it. Personally all I want is to find matches where everyone is actually trying to win. I don't care if some people want to mess around in Quick Play or Arcade, I simply don't want to have to play with them, because they absolutely do wreck the game for everyone around them.



So... what's he saying here?


I play it on consoles and have all chat outside of my friends muted by default. You can already do all of the necessary teamwork communication through the chatwheel, so 95% of the chat is shit I don't want to hear.
I'm glad I was able to experience Overwatch Year One. It's the closest thing to "Vanilla" but the anniversary update, Doomfist, and new balance changes really killed the game for me.

It'll still be succesful, but damn, it was really my favorite shooter since Halo 3. I wish it was as good for as long.



The OW community complains of rising toxicity, meanwhile streamers like xQc get more and more popular by the day on the back of viral clips with them screaming at people and acting like a jackass.

People will complain about getting flamed in their games and then go laugh their ass off at YouTube clips of people telling Mercy mains to kill themselves.


Imagine all those problems you listed.

Then imagine you have to spend a minimum of half an hour putting up with them every time you run into one.

Welcome to DotA.

Exactly. Every time I see someone complaining about Overwatch's community I chuckle to myself because I have been through the horrorshow that is Dota's community.

Imagine behavior ten times worse and a system that HEAVILY penalizes you for leaving and match times that rarely go below forty minutes and a game that relies on teamwork to a far greater degree and you have the nightmare that is DotA.
Probably because the game is pretty simple, and the meta is quite strict.

People got a good understanding of the entire game, within weeks, and that understanding was available to even the most casual player. It was easy to see which characters were useless, and which were useful, and the manner in which the game allows you a lot of flexibility with what you pick, combined with the fact that many of the picks are effectively bad choices.

The problem with that is that you can switch character any time, so what would have just been a moment of frustration as players realise their team is suboptimal, becomes more frustrating because the players believe they can will their team to switch over the course of the game.

Additionally, the game itself is incredibly team orientated. It's difficult to get anything done on your own, even compared to traditional mobas, because the game is effectively a constant 5 vs 5 team fight. Many abilities, and in some cases, whole characters, only play with any degree of effectiveness if paired with appropriate team mates. Again, this makes it more frustrating if your team mates aren't in sync with you.

Alternatively, if players do listen to the people screaming at them, and switch character, they're often playing a character they don't like to play, just for the sake of winning. That isn't typically a whole lot of fun, and when you're playing for function, rather than enjoyment like that, I'd imagine it's more likely you'll be irritated when things don't come together. If you make me play Lucio for 10 minutes, and we still lose, I'm going to go away from that a little bitter about the experience.

Together, these features lead to a perfect storm for player frustration.

In my experience, Paladin's is much better for its community. Most likely because if someone picks the a bad character, you can't shout at them for the rest of the game to switch, what's done is done. Plus, they can also adapt with item purchases in the game, while still being able to stick with the characters that they like to play.


Uh, I like overwatch. Yeah there's toxic people, but that's just the internet. Tho it's not surprising this thread is in time with the free weekend.

I don't want the "Internet" in my games. I want to enjoy playing a video game, not be part of an interactive YouTube comment shitshow. The faster we can ban these people, the better off the future of gaming will be.
Probably because the game is pretty simple, and the meta is quite strict.

People got a good understanding of the entire game, within weeks, and that understanding was available to even the most casual player. It was easy to see which characters were useless, and which were useful, and the manner in which the game allows you a lot of flexibility with what you pick, combined with the fact that many of the picks are effectively bad choices.

The problem with that is that you can switch character any time, so what would have just been a moment of frustration as players realise their team is suboptimal, becomes more frustrating because the players believe they can will their team to switch over the course of the game.

Additionally, the game itself is incredibly team orientated. It's difficult to get anything done on your own, even compared to traditional mobas, because the game is effectively a constant 5 vs 5 team fight. Many abilities, and in some cases, whole characters, only play with any degree of effectiveness if paired with appropriate team mates. Again, this makes it more frustrating if your team mates aren't in sync with you.

Alternatively, if players do listen to the people screaming at them, and switch character, they're often playing a character they don't like to play, just for the sake of winning. That isn't typically a whole lot of fun, and when you're playing for function, rather than enjoyment like that, I'd imagine it's more likely you'll be irritated when things don't come together. If you make me play Lucio for 10 minutes, and we still lose, I'm going to go away from that a little bitter about the experience.

Together, these features lead to a perfect storm for player frustration.

In my experience, Paladin's is much better for its community. Most likely because if someone picks the a bad character, you can't shout at them for the rest of the game to switch, what's done is done. Plus, they can also adapt with item purchases in the game, while still being able to stick with the characters that they like to play.

You bring up the interesting point that since switching characters is an option, people are pressured to so so.

I always wondered what would happen if Blizzard has a "draft" sort of thing like mobas. Where before a match starts, each team member gets to pick a character one at a time, and that character gets locked and cannot be changed.

Quite frankly, it'd make the game a lot more interesting, but the downside is that if you have a significantly worse team comp, you have very little chance of winning


I have restricted myself to only playing Mystery Heroes and hiding chat. It's hilarious how people get so salty even in an arcade mode.

But yeah I refuse to play QP anymore because it is just terrible.


Yep last week I tried to play comp and people got so mad and I didn't have it. I responded to their trolls ans toxic shit and it was dumb as hell. Still like the game though.
I was just thinking earlier about the game. I haven’t played competitive mode for seven months now and don’t miss the toxicity. Maybe if/when their new reporting and punishment system weeds more toxic players out I’ll try again but that’s going to take time. I don’t even play quick play much, just arcade. It’s generally much more fun and relaxed.
Competitive has the most toxic community I've ever played with in any PC game.

Arcade is great though, which makes me think Comp attracts assholes.


I've left Overwatch to go back to Dota.

To be fair it wasn't just the toxic community though that played a large part. The development team is just awful at designing the game with heavy handed nerfs to heroes that would ruin them like what they did to Roadhog. Though, the fact that reporting toxicity did nothing to the infantile abusers on chat was really killing my enjoyment.

I don't miss it.


Ive stopped playing only to come back for the events, mainly because of how they have handled balancing. They listen to the /r/overwatch reddit page far too much, which is a hive mind of nothing but DPS players saying that every character except their main needs a nerf.

Not to mention their competitive mode is laughable.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Larger team games like BF will always be more enjoyable because a team can still win even with an AFK player. In 6v6 you better be on your A++++ game or you're getting chewed out by toxic people. Games are supposed to be relaxing, not stressful.

It's so true. Ever since realizing this I'm never going back to small-scale multiplayer. I just don't have space for that kind of negativity in my life.


I feel you bro. I tried do play a bit yesterday and QP was allright. After a few matcher I've decided to give Competitive a try and holy fuck man all it took was one match. Brazilians are fucking unbearable, and I'm BR myself. I swear to god I understand why people hate us so much.

Im from Chile and i've had a fair share of bad BR experiences. I would say its like 20% cool people, 80% omg please kill me. Those who speak english tend to be more mature and objective oriented.
I know many people disable chat, but its a team game, at least mute the people who are annoying/not helping. Don't disable it all together.
To be fair, I haven't played OW in like 2 weeks, I'm playing splatoon 2 more, which is also a little bit toxic, but since it lacks voice chat its on a different level, milder.


I personally find every MOBA I've ever been near to be a far more toxic environment than Overwatch.

I play on PS4 and PC, btw.
I don't think i've ever experienced a game that has given me such enjoyment and grief in equal measure.
When I saw your post OP in the Overwatch thread mentioning the freedom of having uninstalled it, there was almost a bit of envy on my end like "damn, this guy did what I can't bring myself to do, yet feel like I should".

Thing is the toxicity effects me differently, oh sure I've had some hate mail for not being good enough at healing from a solo act genji trying to tackle an entire team spawning from their attack base on route 66, in other words your more traditional example of it.
But what gets me is in fact what the game has slowly done to me.

The biggest mistake I made with Overwatch was getting competent at it and understanding it, the early days of wacky hero adventure into the unknown with friends seems so distant to the experience I have now over a year later.
I don't use comms, that's just the way it is with me, with my friends sure but team chat ain't happening and in fairness it worked for me, got to masters on PS4 and never returned to comp afterwards.
I spent years avoiding online titles out of anxiety and I'm not about to open that path to potential ranting and raving through comms. I can comfortably say I've never yelled at random players down a mic or sent hateful messages, but even then the game will have me cursing out loud.

I may not be communicating with people directly but if I feel like my team are dropping the ball boy do I let myself know about it, yelling into the void about those bloody DPS morons running off the payload in the pursuit of needless kills and such. I then after I've finished my personal vent session over a videogame I have to step back and consider, what does this make me? because while I'm not swearing at anyone directly here I am becoming what I always feared from online play, I miserable git who gets soured easily and will blame others if I can.

Of course issues with Overwatch's gameplay in general that have been highlighted by others are a big factor here (you can't truly carry, the teamwork aspect is incredibly important, Blizzard's balancing act is trash mostly) that can cause me to go from walking in with a calm cool mindset to GAME RAGE in about 20 minutes, when it feels like you're doing all you can to no avail.

So to tie this back in with toxicity, the game has managed to me make me toxic, someone who doesn't even use comms (and rarely passive aggressive "thanks" spam, when I use thanks it's usually because I mean it). Sometimes I do believe in the idea of something being able to influence mood by association, yeah I'm going to deep dive into some psychobabble nonsense here, which is to say, I feel as if Overwatch is just inherently toxic to play these days, like something made for good that became corrupted over time and it seeps into those playing.
Including me, oh I dislike all the standard toxic community antics that plague the game for sure, the ones this thread is founded upon for instance.
But for me the worst part is that something I enjoyed so much can make me such an arse, that's the real negativity of overwatch for me.
My intuition is that every game community sours in relation to its popularity as time goes on. When you play a game at release, you're playing mostly with normal people that are new to the game. When you play a game a few years from release, normal people play more sporadically (assuming they've not moved on to new games), so you have a disproportionally higher chance to play with those that pretty much play 24/7; that is, those that have played the game 24/7 for years. WIth popular games, there are more of such players, so they can play continuously without any downtime, and also without the need to be friendly to less, er... dedicated players. This is, quite self-evidently, a worst case scenario.


The game soured for me faster than most online games I play. I can tolerate a bad community if the game is good and I can handle a mediocre game if the community is good but Overwatch got to a point for me where both of those aspects reached a point so low that I was just done.


honestly, I've never seen a community as toxic as battle.net (actual hate groups notwithstanding)

Everyone is convinced blizzard is out to get them, their class/race/team/whatever specifically like they have some sort of anti-paladin or anti-roadhog or whatever agenda like

if they hated the class they would just? not have it in the game?


The League of Legends community went to shit pretty fast.

I would say the lol community is only bad if your playing ranked which is toxic af. But I've been playing alot of normal draft on league lately (because Paragon is the most toxic game people say it's as bad as other games but it's wayy worse) and I've been having aton of fun.


This happens to any game that gets hugely popular. The more people play, the more toxic people there are, simple as that.

It happened with CoD, it happened with Dota, it happened with LoL.


Counter Strike community was shit from day one pretty much. I remember in the very early beta days, most people's #1 complaint was the game's toxic player base.
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