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Has any online community gone to shit faster than Overwatch's?


The only thing better about the console version is that you aren't in the voice chat by default, so you don't have to hear toxicity while your team ruins the match for you.

I really liked Overwatch but I just can't handle the experience of playing Overwatch anymore. You really do need a set team of five friends to get any enjoyment out of games like this, lol. At least in games like Titanfall or Splatoon every player character is similar enough that you can do a hard one-man carry and still win sometimes.


at last, for christ's sake
OW's competitive community is truly the worst i have ever experienced, the amount of racism, rudeness and general idiocy is staggering. Never seen so much garbage playing RTCW, Battlefield, MMORPGs etc and I played a ton of those

Ps: PC here
Overwatch has the single worst community of any game I've played. I've played DotA2, CSGO, League, TF2, etc., Overwatch somehow manages to be worse than any of them.


I don't think i've ever experienced a game that has given me such enjoyment and grief in equal measure.
When I saw your post OP in the Overwatch thread mentioning the freedom of having uninstalled it, there was almost a bit of envy on my end like "damn, this guy did what I can't bring myself to do, yet feel like I should".

Thing is the toxicity effects me differently, oh sure I've had some hate mail for not being good enough at healing from a solo act genji trying to tackle an entire team spawning from their attack base on route 66, in other words your more traditional example of it.
But what gets me is in fact what the game has slowly done to me.

The biggest mistake I made with Overwatch was getting competent at it and understanding it, the early days of wacky hero adventure into the unknown with friends seems so distant to the experience I have now over a year later.
I don't use comms, that's just the way it is with me, with my friends sure but team chat ain't happening and in fairness it worked for me, got to masters on PS4 and never returned to comp afterwards.
I spent years avoiding online titles out of anxiety and I'm not about to open that path to potential ranting and raving through comms. I can comfortably say I've never yelled at random players down a mic or sent hateful messages, but even then the game will have me cursing out loud.

I may not be communicating with people directly but if I feel like my team are dropping the ball boy do I let myself know about it, yelling into the void about those bloody DPS morons running off the payload in the pursuit of needless kills and such. I then after I've finished my personal vent session over a videogame I have to step back and consider, what does this make me? because while I'm not swearing at anyone directly here I am becoming what I always feared from online play, I miserable git who gets soured easily and will blame others if I can.

Of course issues with Overwatch's gameplay in general that have been highlighted by others are a big factor here (you can't truly carry, the teamwork aspect is incredibly important, Blizzard's balancing act is trash mostly) that can cause me to go from walking in with a calm cool mindset to GAME RAGE in about 20 minutes, when it feels like you're doing all you can to no avail.

So to tie this back in with toxicity, the game has managed to me make me toxic, someone who doesn't even use comms (and rarely passive aggressive "thanks" spam, when I use thanks it's usually because I mean it). Sometimes I do believe in the idea of something being able to influence mood by association, yeah I'm going to deep dive into some psychobabble nonsense here, which is to say, I feel as if Overwatch is just inherently toxic to play these days, like something made for good that became corrupted over time and it seeps into those playing.
Including me, oh I dislike all the standard toxic community antics that plague the game for sure, the ones this thread is founded upon for instance.
But for me the worst part is that something I enjoyed so much can make me such an arse, that's the real negativity of overwatch for me.

A sad and common story. You can become your own villain!


It sucks that just about any online game that gets incredibly popular invites a massive amount of toxic behavior. League, DOTA, WoW, Overwatch, PUBG.

It's sad to the point where it feels like it's human nature to be vile to one another when consequences are minimal at best.


I remember on launch day for the PC version, I picked Mei on a map and proceeded to get shouted at in chat for my character choice. Got told to uninstall and go back to CoD(Which I don't even play, never have), as well as a few other insults.

So, my opinion is, the community was always questionable to a certain degree.

Sadly, I think it comes with the territory of a popular competitive game that requires team work. A lot of people seem to lack self-reflection, and instead would rather blame their teammates for their mistakes, instead of looking at their own mistakes and spending the time improving that instead. More over, a lot of people seem to totally lack empathy or caring for other people playing, totally willing to throw hateful insults like they're nothing over silly things. Though that can be said for the internet in general, too.
Play on PC and not on a console

Ignoring the fact that you didn't even read the OP, most indications point to the PC version being the most toxic by far.

90% of people on consoles don't even talk, and when they do, I have never, not once, heard a single person be toxic/terrible. I play on PS4, have about 150 hours in the game. And it's anecdotal sure, but I've even asked all my friends that play (several who have played far more than I have) and they all say the same thing.

Almost all the toxic behavior we've seen comes from the PC version. Almost all the complaints about toxic players comes from the PC version. With this game at least, this is a PC problem, not a console problem.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I tend to stick to Arcade only while playing Overwatch(PC), mostly with Mystery Heroes. People are usually quiet there, barely any text or voice chat worthy of being called toxic. And by being random heroes...well, no one can talk shit to anybody for picking the wrong hero. And I like the random nature of the mode, so yeah. Still have plenty of fun.

I'll never ever touch Competitive though. Quick Play, from what little I've played in the past month seemed ok, but maybe I was just lucky.
Probably because the game is pretty simple, and the meta is quite strict.

People got a good understanding of the entire game, within weeks, and that understanding was available to even the most casual player. It was easy to see which characters were useless, and which were useful, and the manner in which the game allows you a lot of flexibility with what you pick, combined with the fact that many of the picks are effectively bad choices.

The problem with that is that you can switch character any time, so what would have just been a moment of frustration as players realise their team is suboptimal, becomes more frustrating because the players believe they can will their team to switch over the course of the game.

Additionally, the game itself is incredibly team orientated. It's difficult to get anything done on your own, even compared to traditional mobas, because the game is effectively a constant 5 vs 5 team fight. Many abilities, and in some cases, whole characters, only play with any degree of effectiveness if paired with appropriate team mates. Again, this makes it more frustrating if your team mates aren't in sync with you.

Alternatively, if players do listen to the people screaming at them, and switch character, they're often playing a character they don't like to play, just for the sake of winning. That isn't typically a whole lot of fun, and when you're playing for function, rather than enjoyment like that, I'd imagine it's more likely you'll be irritated when things don't come together. If you make me play Lucio for 10 minutes, and we still lose, I'm going to go away from that a little bitter about the experience.

Together, these features lead to a perfect storm for player frustration.

In my experience, Paladin's is much better for its community. Most likely because if someone picks the a bad character, you can't shout at them for the rest of the game to switch, what's done is done. Plus, they can also adapt with item purchases in the game, while still being able to stick with the characters that they like to play.

This is a huge cause.

As an individual player, your contributions don't mean much compared to many traditional FPS titles. The mechanical skill gap is highly compressed to the point that IDDQD pulling off an ace is a godlike maneuver instead of something that is somewhat uncommon but still doable, like 1v5 in CS. Advanced movement tricks that add mechanical depth are quick to be sledgehammer nerfed if not outright removed. It's very difficult to do anything that isn't outside the overspecialized niche that Blizzard have carved out for the hero you're currently playing. As such, the game is structured so that you are one of six quadriplegics who must come together to form Voltron. And because overspecialization is an intrinsic part of Blizzard's hero design, metas where more than 8-10 characters see lots of play at high levels will remain a pipe dream.

This leads to people feeling like they're boned as soon as they see a sub-par player on their team, so they give up trying to win and just scream into the mic, throw, etc.


I think it is as equally as bad as other games with a competitive focused mode (which is where I primarily see the extreme toxicity), I would put Dota 2, LoL, and CSGO all on equal footing with OW with toxic player from my experience. The point someone made about pressuring people to change characters I think also adds to the frustration for the reasons the post mentioned. While I won't say the casual modes are free of the toxicity, it seems to be far better than the competitive modes. The higher stakes of playing comp just seems to intensify the assholes.


The reason why so many online multiplayer communities are toxic and uncooperative is because all the nice people are playing MonHun.
I feel like I've gone through the Harvey Dent arc of The Dark Knight via Overwatch

Ain't that the truth.

I had a match where no one was getting picks / kills in KotH on Oasis, so I picked Junrat and went to work.

Everyone stopped asking me to switch once we were winning, but for the rest of the match I just keept spamming "DON'T PICK JUNKRAT GUYS HE'S BAD WE'LL LOSE" on the mic until people got sick of me.

Then I called it a night. I've never been more toxic than that match.

I think it's the ability to switch during a match, tbh. League at least lets you define what roles you want to play before the game starts, and there's some expectation that you'll do so or get reported for being an ass. Overwatch is built around switching though, so I doubt you'll see something like that anytime soon.


I think it is as equally as bad as other games with a competitive focused mode (which is where I primarily see the extreme toxicity), I would put Dota 2, LoL, and CSGO all on equal footing with OW with toxic player from my experience. The point someone made about pressuring people to change characters I think also adds to the frustration for the reasons the post mentioned. While I won't say the casual games are free of the toxicity, it seems to be far better than the competitive modes. The higher stakes of playing comp just seems to intensify the assholes.

I actually tried LoL fairly recently, my background in MOBAs being Dota2 and hots. Unranked LoL actually felt worse to me than Dota2 in general(I think Dota 2 has better anti-smurf measures, and the meta being less strict means theres less to bitch about). I just kept getting matched with a bunch of smurfs who bitched and whined when they didn't get the role or lane they wanted, or if you happened to not know something. I'm sorry that I happen to only have 10 matches in LoL, and thus don't know everything about the game yet. Safe to say, I quit LoL pretty quickly.

I feel sorry for anyone who is genuinely new to the genre trying the game. Having MOBA experience at least allowed me to be a tiny bit competent despite the lack of knowledge, and also allowed me to have harder skin for that kind of bullshit.

So yeah, while I do think competitive modes are worse for it. I wouldn't go as far to say that it's "far better" in causal modes.


I feel you bro. I tried do play a bit yesterday and QP was allright. After a few matcher I've decided to give Competitive a try and holy fuck man all it took was one match. Brazilians are fucking unbearable, and I'm BR myself. I swear to god I understand why people hate us so much.
It's not a BR only problem, i've played a couple of seasons and i've had perfectly smooth and nice games...i'd say at least half of the time...but this is in the beginning of the season with no comms in psn...but when people want to be toxic they will do thanks spam and etc)i don't know about pc other than people comment on the toxicity in all servers constantly in the ow reddit... so i'd say it's not exclusive to us, it is an community problem, kr servers seemed especially bad last time i've heard..i think that when the comment is in your mother language it hits harder

I've turned off random messages on psn because someone told me to swich off sym attacking hanamura...in quickplay :| never turned it on again

Well playing the game 4 hours a day since i bought it on july last year I'd say part of the problem is in how it's designed. Blizzard madr a lot of colorful and awesome characters tha people will undoubtely identify with, but they also make a system where you can swich off of them at anytime, as some people already noted here. Coupled with the rock paper scissors counterpicking balancing and you get a situation where you cannot use the character you identify with because you will have a harder time using it.

I'm not saying the meta is the thing saying what you're going to play. Tbh i laugh everytime someone go winston when i'm on symmetra because, honestly, i've played sym so much time i can handle most winstons with ease. The problem is that the team sometimes won't try to understand it and make some pressure to switch, in other games people would try to adapt to my playstyle, but in ow it only makes people switch to something trolly or whine. When the person playing is not skilled with said off meta hero they'll switch and be sad they have to play woth something they don't identify with and that is a crushing experience. I am a support main mostly because I liked winning, but i don't enjoy playing some supports, like zenyatta, but he is one of my most played heroes because of uncooperative flanking dps.

The game is also crushingly reliant on team play. I had a group of friends that played it daily, and one of them cannot handle well situations where you have to rely on others to making plays. Overwatch made that friend of mine becoming extremely salty and he often shouts at some people in our team that cannot hear it(we use group chat), the rest of the team can't handle the pressure and noise and this everyone plays badly, and that was so constant we had to stop playing at all so we didn't ruin our friendship. Ow is a stressing game for us, we have to be winning to mantain group morale because we have a salty player, but playing that well in order to win is hard. I'm a mostly lucio/sym main and i cannot attack sym because it's a hard thing, one of my friends enjoys widowmaker and junkrat a lot but became a rein main because people never go tank, and we gotta play with a guy who chooses whatever he wants to because we can't risk to tilt him, that means we have 2 people doing hard work on teamplay to please a guy that cannot lose or else he'll enter "no effort mode" and whenever we try to get more friends playing it'll either be wonderful or the worst experience in the world, because of the salt :/

Playing ow feels like a chore if you want to win, the game is harsh and people can't handle the concept of being able to turn the tides on overtime :/


I just do placements and then quickplay. I have also had everyone muted for a very long time. As far as I can tell I am just playing with good bots lol.

E92 M3

My question is this: There have been so many shooters that came and went, why did OW become like this?

Any catalysts?


I loved it for the week of beta access before the launch and then began to regret the purchase immediately.

I was so hyped but people are so terrible.

Thankfully PUBG is here.

Somehow having 96 people screaming racial slurs, "China Number One", and playing music so loud it is nearly painful is still more enjoyable than even 30 seconds of 2-4 Overwatch players.


The Overwatch competitive community prepared me for what is supposed to be a "toxic" wasteland over at League of Legends.


My question is this: There have been so many shooters that came and went, why did OW become like this?

Any catalysts?
Ow is a moba fps and people can't understand that most of the time choosing a "low skill" hero is going to do better service to your team than being the mccree that can't kill shit but chose mccree because it is an fps, you are forced to play in a team because pure skill isn't always rewarded, unless you play at a grand master level. By being a shooter a lot of "lone wolves" wanted to try the game, so people arr going to find some heroes "cheap" because they expect to be great at the game by being great mechanically at the game, when you can be pretty bad mechanically and do just as well if you have good game sense

That and the hero switching aspect that should help players adapting to the game, but only ends up punishing people for going "off meta"

Tbh i believe every hero in overwatch is viable and sorta balanced(except for junkrat and maybe the pharmarcy combo) on console, at least, but the community prevents them from working because they try to use the high skill pro meta. If people whined less about the team picks the game would be way more enjoyable


Funny that I had the exact same feeling when I uninstalled Hearthstone a couple of weeks ago.

I think my time with Blizzard games is at an end. I always regret the time and money wasted.


Its not surprising. Overwatch makes you feel uniquely powerless to affect the outcome of the game (whether or not thats true). This leads to a lot of raging at teammates.
I constantly hear all the stories about how bad overwatch's community is and how toxic it is.

300 hours of play and not noticed any to be honest.

will gladly play 300 more.
It's the game design. Blizzard set out to make a 'shooter for everyone' that obfuscates performance so that everyone would feel comfortable playing it, even if they were brand new to shooters. What ended up happening was you have a game where everyone blames eachother for everything. It's always someone else's fault that your team lost or you can't take the point. The classes are so different and actual real performance made to not be quantifiable in an effort to not pressure individuals like a traditional shooter does that it led to everyone thinking they are the best and it's everyone else thats failing. You can't even rely on damage or k/d ratios because of how far apart the different classes are making them unable to be compared, and this just feeds into it more.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
My experience tells me that horrible online communities happen every time a popular game has any competitive nature at all. They draw people who receive some sick sexual gratification from being as offensive as humanly possible and you having no recourse against it. Personally I just don't play those type of games much anymore despite competitive multiplayer games being my favorite. What little fun can be garnered from playing is rendered mute by wanting to jump through the monitor and strangle trolls. On a side note, I personally noticed a considerable uptick in people trolling since Trump started his campaign. Racial slurs became quite popular again.


It's not a BR only problem, i've played a couple of seasons and i've had perfectly smooth and nice games...i'd say at least half of the time...but this is in the beginning of the season with no comms in psn...but when people want to be toxic they will do thanks spam and etc)i don't know about pc other than people comment on the toxicity in all servers constantly in the ow reddit... so i'd say it's not exclusive to us, it is an community problem, kr servers seemed especially bad last time i've heard..i think that when the comment is in your mother language it hits harder

I've turned off random messages on psn because someone told me to swich off sym attacking hanamura...in quickplay :| never turned it on again

Well playing the game 4 hours a day since i bought it on july last year I'd say part of the problem is in how it's designed. Blizzard madr a lot of colorful and awesome characters tha people will undoubtely identify with, but they also make a system where you can swich off of them at anytime, as some people already noted here. Coupled with the rock paper scissors counterpicking balancing and you get a situation where you cannot use the character you identify with because you will have a harder time using it.

I'm not saying the meta is the thing saying what you're going to play. Tbh i laugh everytime someone go winston when i'm on symmetra because, honestly, i've played sym so much time i can handle most winstons with ease. The problem is that the team sometimes won't try to understand it and make some pressure to switch, in other games people would try to adapt to my playstyle, but in ow it only makes people switch to something trolly or whine. When the person playing is not skilled with said off meta hero they'll switch and be sad they have to play woth something they don't identify with and that is a crushing experience. I am a support main mostly because I liked winning, but i don't enjoy playing some supports, like zenyatta, but he is one of my most played heroes because of uncooperative flanking dps.

The game is also crushingly reliant on team play. I had a group of friends that played it daily, and one of them cannot handle well situations where you have to rely on others to making plays. Overwatch made that friend of mine becoming extremely salty and he often shouts at some people in our team that cannot hear it(we use group chat), the rest of the team can't handle the pressure and noise and this everyone plays badly, and that was so constant we had to stop playing at all so we didn't ruin our friendship. Ow is a stressing game for us, we have to be winning to mantain group morale because we have a salty player, but playing that well in order to win is hard. I'm a mostly lucio/sym main and i cannot attack sym because it's a hard thing, one of my friends enjoys widowmaker and junkrat a lot but became a rein main because people never go tank, and we gotta play with a guy who chooses whatever he wants to because we can't risk to tilt him, that means we have 2 people doing hard work on teamplay to please a guy that cannot lose or else he'll enter "no effort mode" and whenever we try to get more friends playing it'll either be wonderful or the worst experience in the world, because of the salt :/

Playing ow feels like a chore if you want to win, the game is harsh and people can't handle the concept of being able to turn the tides on overtime :/

If you are playing in europe and want a tank, send me a PM. I can't play OW up until January, but after that i should be around.
The caveat of my offer is that i'm just diamond, so don't expect someone super hardcore.


Mostly muted QP is all I do, or I play with some friends when we all happen to be online at the same time (which isn't often). I just don't get that invested in games like this, and it sounds like I've retained my mental health because of it. LOL The more popular something is, the more toxic its community will be. I don't think OW is unique in this regard.
I've never really had too much of a problem with it. I give people the benefit of the doubt, enter in good-faith discussions about our team comp, and if people do start flaming, I just block them and carry on as normal (that winds them up more than anything, so it's cathartic as well).

I don't tend to play it for more than an hour or so without a break though, which I think helps, both in terms of my standard of playing and being able to mentally deal with the negative side of things.

E92 M3

Ow is a moba fps and people can't understand that most of the time choosing a "low skill" hero is going to do better service to your team than being the mccree that can't kill shit but chose mccree because it is an fps, you are forced to play in a team because pure skill isn't always rewarded, unless you play at a grand master level. By being a shooter a lot of "lone wolves" wanted to try the game, so people arr going to find some heroes "cheap" because they expect to be great at the game by being great mechanically at the game, when you can be pretty bad mechanically and do just as well if you have good game sense

That and the hero switching aspect that should help players adapting to the game, but only ends up punishing people for going "off meta"

Tbh i believe every hero in overwatch is viable and sorta balanced(except for junkrat and maybe the pharmarcy combo) on console, at least, but the community prevents them from working because they try to use the high skill pro meta. If people whined less about the team picks the game would be way more enjoyable

Thanks and it would also help if Blizzard didn't nerf heroes into the ground - I'm looking at Hog.


I play with voice chat off and the match text channel off as well. The platinum tier doesn't really necessitate the need for a lot of communication. I don't play characters to fill in the gaps anymore because it's more harmful than helpful when I'm playing something I'm less effective with.

I've found that not being a team player is the best way to play this particular game if you don't have a group of your own. Not sure there's anything Blizzard can do about it, but unless they do, the community is always going to be shit.

I've met some great people who make the game fun, but they're far fewer than the ones who try to ruin everyone else's fun.


I know this is meant for Online games,

But that Dream Daddy dating sim game's fandom went from zero to rallying up a literal lynch mob in less than 10 days.
I never found balance issues or community toxicity to be the issue causing my declining interest, it was moreso boredom. The new heroes didn't offer much in the way of new gameplay experiences, new maps were few, far between and always pretty safe and similar to the base maps and the combat mechanics, while solid enough, aren't engaging enough to keep me playing for them alone. I just got bored and dropped it and to be perfectly honest, don't miss it. There are far more entertaining games that have my attention at the moment.


If you are playing in europe and want a tank, send me a PM. I can't play OW up until January, but after that i should be around.
The caveat of my offer is that i'm just diamond, so don't expect someone super hardcore.
I play in Brazil and on psn, but thanks, finding tank mains is pretty hard nowadays ^^(I'm on plat and gave up on climbing up the ranks...my career high was 2896 and this season i've placed 2506 and hasn't played ever since. Season 5 placed me on gold and i don't want to go back there)

I want to change to pc so I don't have to play on ps anymore... turning on ps4 OW makes me so sad right now... The only friend i had that could handle comp realized he couldn't play with the characters he likes and wrote me a long rant about the game... After that i didn't want him to play something that would make him feel that bad

I had to stop playing because it'd ruin mt groups' friendship... i don't really know how to handle that...


I know this is meant for Online games,

But that Dream Daddy dating sim game's fandom went from zero to rallying up a literal lynch mob in less than 10 days.

What happened there? I haven't been up-to-date, but when I first saw, it seems people were having good fun talking about their favorites and such.
I wish Internet Anonymity wasn't a thing for online gaming sometimes. It would expose all the insecure scumbags of the earth for who they are.


My question is this: There have been so many shooters that came and went, why did OW become like this?

Any catalysts?

At a guess, it's the complaints can start on the character-select screen before the match has begun and continue from there.

With a lot of online multiplayer games, it takes a few minutes for a pattern of gameplay to develop and for players to exhibit some behaviour (low k/d ratio, not playing the objective, whatever) that can give rise to the abuse. In Overwatch they don't need to wait and see how a player performs so the toxic shits can get to work immediately.

QUICK EDIT: For clarity, I'm not saying that having a low k/d ratio justifies being verbally abused, just that the sort of people who are going to dish out verbal abuse won't have anything to key in on for a few minutes.


Overwatch is the only game I've actually quit because of the high amount of toxicity. It just straight up got the point where I questioned myself why I bothered playing.

I have over 1000's of hours on both LoL and Dota2 - and it never got as bad as OW for me with those games. I for the most part weren't the guy getting flamed either, but there were flaming on my team most of the matches. It got so noteworthy to my friends whenever we got a ranked game without people berating eachother that we would always comment to eachother "yo guys, I actually got a ranked game where my team weren't total assholes to eachother" as if it was something special.

I hoped that if I just pulled through, and got to the higher SR's that the matches would be better, but oh no it did not. Even at 3000++ SR the match quality were still poor and people would still be assholes.

My friends do still ask me if I want to play a regular game of OW with them but I just cannot say yes anymore, I'm completely burned out of it.


The Overwatch competitive community prepared me for what is supposed to be a "toxic" wasteland over at League of Legends.

Nothing I've seen in my 1000+ hours of Overwatch even comes remotely close to 2011-2012 era League of Legends. I haven't played LoL in years and I've heard it's gotten much better, but I think it's actually impossible for me to experience worse toxicity than I did in my time playing League.
"gone to shit"

It's a competitive online team-based game

there was no other path for its online community to take

Team Fortress 2 was never even a fraction as toxic despite also being a popular, competitive online team-based shooter. LoL is several orders of magnitude more popular than Overwatch and is somehow less toxic.

Overwatch's community problems stem directly from Blizzard's design missteps, and in no way is just something inevitable.
I quit overwatch a long time ago for the same reasons. It's clear that blizzard have no intention of tackling the ugly side of its community.

League of legends has made fantastic improvements in its community. I honestly can't remember the last time I read racial/sexist/homophobic comment. People get punished quickly and they've learned. In addition, people who don't get reports get constant small "rewards" - I think positive reinforcement has had a massive impact.


I think that any game with a ranked mode in it will have a shitty online community, for some reason ranked games attracts all the toxic people.
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