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Has any online community gone to shit faster than Overwatch's?


League of Legends' community is literal cancer. Like they literally wish you and your family cancer on the regular.

Stay away from it.


I think that any game with a ranked mode in it will have a shitty online community, for some reason ranked games attracts all the toxic people.
I think it has more to do with being on a team. I played StarCraft II Ranked 1v1 for years and there was very little interaction between players at all, usually just a customary 'gg' at the beginning or end of a match, if anything.

I never played the 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 modes, but I bet the salt flowed freely in them.


Turn off voice chat. a very simple fix.

If you're playing casually yes, but these team games need voice chat if you are playing competitively. Without it, team play doesn't work well.

I assume OW is like this as I've tried the free weekends, but just not interested in the game enough to drop $60 on it.
I'm not too bothered by verbal insults. What gets to me is the sheer unwillingness to cooperate as a team, trolly picks and in-game behaviour, in some cases even sabotaging your own team.
I've been playing online multiplayer games since Quake, but this attitude in Overwatch just drives me nuts unlike any other game. Especially when it contributes to a loss in competitive. It boggles my mind how people find joy in playing a competitive team game like that.
I went from loving OW, voting is as my GOTY on GAF, to quitting about 4 months ago. I've no urge at all to return. Which is also different from other multiplayer games I've played.
Eh, I dunno. After 550 or so hours with the game (1/3 of that being competitive), I've experienced worse in CS 1.6 tenfold. Yea people can be toxic or throw games, but I just mute/block them then report and hope for the best. If I lose SR over it, w/e. I play comp to improve and play tryhard games not worry about some number going up or down.

I usually play arcade for a round or two afterwards so that I avoid queuing with them again next game. Also, I'm much older now and I couldn't care less what childish, random anons are fuming over. I actually find it pretty funny sometimes lol.


If you're playing casually yes, but these team games need voice chat if you are playing competitively. Without it, team play doesn't work well.

I assume OW is like this as I've tried the free weekends, but just not interested in the game enough to drop $60 on it.



What happened there? I haven't been up-to-date, but when I first saw, it seems people were having good fun talking about their favorites and such.

The abridged version is some random fan made a gender bender fanart of the characters and someone got pissed off about it so they started a smear campaign against the artist and sending death threats, when the person who started it was called out even by the game devs they doubled down saying "there are causes that death threats are justified for", again, this was over fanart.


Turn off voice chat. a very simple fix.
The solution to assholes is to just ignore them. That way they can run rampant and you gimp yourself and your team.

What a wonderful solution. It worked great for dealing with Trump after all.


Every time I hear about Overwatch's toxic community, I die a little inside because it's been the shooter that attracted people who don't often play shooters. It has a sizable female fanbase who aren't often interested in dudebro shooters. But shitheads are ruining it and it makes me sad.

It's the same with Undertale. What an amazingly diverse fanbase filled with passionate people. And yet it has a terrible reputation.

(I'm not actually convinced the Undertale fanbase is bad)


LoL is several orders of magnitude more popular than Overwatch and is somehow less toxic.

ROFL no...The only thing that could possibly lead you to believe this is that Voice Chat is not inherent to League, and so there are two fronts for you to hear the bitching on Overwatch and only one on League.

Toxicity is just a reality of competitive multiplayer games, Blizzard attempts to address it far better than League does (League has recently stolen Overwatch's post-game honor system).

But ultimately, you're hinging your reward system on the merits of complete strangers, and no competitive point system yet can objectively judge your personal player skill with any metric other than wins/losses.

So, people lose, get frustrated, blame others, and toxicity ensues.

but people get madly toxic when losing in 1-v-1 competitive games like Street Fighter too. There's just too much bruised ego in competitive gaming.



No interest in the gameplay, and unlike a lot of other people, wifu material does not keep my interest in a game.

Every time I hear about Overwatch's toxic community, I die a little inside because it's been the shooter that attracted people who don't often play shooters. It has a sizable female fanbase who aren't often interested in dudebro shooters. But shitheads are ruining it and it makes me sad.

It's the same with Undertale. What an amazingly diverse fanbase filled with passionate people. And yet it has a terrible reputation.

(I'm not actually convinced the Undertale fanbase is bad)

Then you steer clear of Tumblr or such related social media sites or just ignore them because they are BAD. Same with the Steven Universe fandom.
If you're playing casually yes, but these team games need voice chat if you are playing competitively. Without it, team play doesn't work well.

I assume OW is like this as I've tried the free weekends, but just not interested in the game enough to drop $60 on it.

That's why I tend to spend most of my playtime in arcade with the occasional quick play.
The solution to assholes is to just ignore them. That way they can run rampant and you gimp yourself and your team.

What a wonderful solution. It worked great for dealing with Trump after all.

So subject myself to verbal abuse or not listen to assholes and have fun? Decisions decisions.

I play games to enjoy myself and get away from jerks in real life. Why would I further subject my self to this on the off chance my team might do better?

But if it makes you feel any better I don't play competitive.


Competitive can be toxic. Because people care about their rank. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Play Arcade mode with friends and there's a ton of fun game modes to play as a group or quick play. Play other modes in a group.
I'm not too bothered by verbal insults. What gets to me is the sheer unwillingness to cooperate as a team, trolly picks and in-game behaviour, in some cases even sabotaging your own team.
I've been playing online multiplayer games since Quake, but this attitude in Overwatch just drives me nuts unlike any other game. Especially when it contributes to a loss in competitive. It boggles my mind how people find joy in playing a competitive team game like that.
I went from loving OW, voting is as my GOTY on GAF, to quitting about 4 months ago. I've no urge at all to return. Which is also different from other multiplayer games I've played.

Yeah this is what got me to stop. I don't really care about verbal insults but people's unwillingness to use any sort of strategy or teamplay in comp is just mind boggling to me. People FREAK OUT when you make any sort of suggestion or try to talk strategy. It's crazy.

"Hey guys we don't have a tank, is anyone good at tanking"
"Fuck you bitch don't tell me how to play now I'm throwing lol xd"

"Hey guys let's push left"
"NO *goes right*

Literally at least 50% of matches. It's insane.

Hari Seldon

I haven't noticed anyone talking at all in quick play. Don't play the try hard mode if you don't want to be frustrated? Who gives a shit about rank?


The solution to assholes is to just ignore them. That way they can run rampant and you gimp yourself and your team.

What a wonderful solution. It worked great for dealing with Trump after all.

No one ignored him. EVERY piece of media gave him WAY too much attention.

And it isn't just ignoring them, it's not giving them what they want. Trolls want you to feel shitty, they want you to feel bad, you'll either quit or play worse and that increases their rank competitively. Ignoring them and beating them has a huge effect on how they play, including how they treat others.


I haven't noticed anyone talking at all in quick play. Don't play the try hard mode if you don't want to be frustrated? Who gives a shit about rank?

People care about ranks because it's something to play for. You don't even need to play comp to get angry at the game. Quick Play is even worse.


Yeah this is what got me to stop. I don't really care about verbal insults but people's unwillingness to use any sort of strategy or teamplay in comp is just mind boggling to me. People FREAK OUT when you make any sort of suggestion or try to talk strategy. It's crazy.

"Hey guys we don't have a tank, is anyone good at tanking"
"Fuck you bitch don't tell me how to play now I'm throwing lol xd"

"Hey guys let's push left"
"NO *goes right*

Literally at least 50% of matches. It's insane.
It's telling that most "How to rank up in Overwatch" Youtube videos focus on things like how to interact with your teammates without tilting them, rather than things like how to use your Ultimates more effectively.


It's telling that most "How to rank up in Overwatch" Youtube videos focus on things like how to interact with your teammates without tilting them, rather than things like how to use your Ultimates more effectively.

yup it's really something when people are making tutorials and not focusing on getting better at gameplay but how to be nice to your team.


I actually tried LoL fairly recently, my background in MOBAs being Dota2 and hots. Unranked LoL actually felt worse to me than Dota2 in general(I think Dota 2 has better anti-smurf measures, and the meta being less strict means theres less to bitch about). I just kept getting matched with a bunch of smurfs who bitched and whined when they didn't get the role or lane they wanted, or if you happened to not know something. I'm sorry that I happen to only have 10 matches in LoL, and thus don't know everything about the game yet. Safe to say, I quit LoL pretty quickly.

I feel sorry for anyone who is genuinely new to the genre trying the game. Having MOBA experience at least allowed me to be a tiny bit competent despite the lack of knowledge, and also allowed me to have harder skin for that kind of bullshit.

So yeah, while I do think competitive modes are worse for it. I wouldn't go as far to say that it's "far better" in causal modes.

You're right, "far better" may have been pretty generous on my part lol, some days are better/worse than others. When it comes to HotS, I will say, it feels a tiny bit better solely because the two teams can't shit talk each other. Which is something I appreciate honestly, since the vast majority of time there isn't anything but toxic messages thrown between the two teams in other games. That said, HotS is just as bad with shitters in hero league :(, thankfully you only hear from potentially 4 of them, since you can't directly message the other team.



From awesome people hacking together online multiplayer into HaloCE to people calling you nigger and faggot repeatedly with the launch of Halo 2. It was an overnight souring of an entire community.
used to play everyday from Launch day on Xbox with a solid group. built my pc and faded away, really loved the game and was super into the changes and maining certain heroes, got super excited for the big updates like halloween or christmas, and now i dont even care.

built my pc in january, bought it, played it till i got to a round level 35, haven't played it in months. the playerbase really went to shit, with the difference from consoles being the ability to type. i play games to have fun. take it easy man. was really one of my recent favorite games, but now i dont even bother to try out new heroes or updates. just not worth it.
ROFL no...The only thing that could possibly lead you to believe this is that Voice Chat is not inherent to League, and so there are two fronts for you to hear the bitching on Overwatch and only one on League.

Toxicity is just a reality of competitive multiplayer games, Blizzard attempts to address it far better than League does (League has recently stolen Overwatch's post-game honor system).

But ultimately, you're hinging your reward system on the merits of complete strangers, and no competitive point system yet can objectively judge your personal player skill with any metric other than wins/losses.

So, people lose, get frustrated, blame others, and toxicity ensues.

but people get madly toxic when losing in 1-v-1 competitive games like Street Fighter too. There's just too much bruised ego in competitive gaming.

I've never dealt with anywhere near Overwatch's toxicity in LoL, especially recently.

Toxicity, mind, isn't just people telling insults, it's people throwing, trolling, etc. In LoL when people get angry, they still try to win. In Overwatch when people get angry, they sit in spawn or jump off cliffs or make troll picks. It's a direct result of Overwatch's design making people feel like they winning is impossible if just one guy isn't pulling their weight.


Competitive existing actually made QP worse. I don't want to play Overwatch super seriously, but I want to at least try to win. Competitive's existence basically resulted in QP either being people intentionally picking troll team comps or 'fuck you I don't need to switch off hanzo it's QP'. And then the other end of the spectrum, when a competitive season ends you get a flood of assholes salty about being placed in their dumpster tier and rage at everything.

So my only option is to play competitive, get to platinum where people actually start cooperating, and never play with my friends who don't do competitive. Not really what I'm looking for in my casual fun shooter. And it's a shame because pre-competitive the game was a nightly thing for us.
i think the real problem is people just take Competitive far too seriously...in like every game....even my friends do which has pushed me to not play with them as much. im just trying to have a good time, and win too of course but it doesnt have to be so serious to the point you yell and scream obscenities.

in pubg squads for example someone will die and someone else will freak out. i often laugh if i think the death is funny or the situation was just not winnable . like we'll just play another game in ten seconds what difference does it make yaknow?
i think the real problem is people just take Competitive far too seriously...in like every game....even my friends do which has pushed me to not play with them as much. im just trying to have a good time, and win too of course but it doesnt have to be so serious to the point you yell and scream obscenities.

I really wish it was possible to find some middle ground. I want to be in the playlist where everyone is trying their best, but also don't really mind if they lose.


So subject myself to verbal abuse or not listen to assholes and have fun? Decisions decisions.

I play games to enjoy myself and get away from jerks in real life. Why would I further subject my self to this on the off chance my team might do better?

But if it makes you feel any better I don't play competitive.

I really thought my sarcasm was clear there. I do not genuinely feel that ignoring a problem makes it go away. I feel strongly that these are problems that can be dealt with, it's just that those who have the ability to do so are afraid that it will cause them to lose money so they choose not to.

Given how many overrun WoW was (is it still?) with bots I get the feeling that Blizz's priorities don't lie with making the playerbase happy.
No one ignored him. EVERY piece of media gave him WAY too much attention.

And it isn't just ignoring them, it's not giving them what they want. Trolls want you to feel shitty, they want you to feel bad, you'll either quit or play worse and that increases their rank competitively. Ignoring them and beating them has a huge effect on how they play, including how they treat others.
I tried to ignore him. Turns out if somebody is being a complete fuckwad they tend to grab attention, no matter how little you give them personally.

Ignoring these people doesn't work, if these people are not punished for their actions they will continue to act the same way. After all, if they're getting off scot free they have no reason to change.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
People care about ranks because it's something to play for. You don't even need to play comp to get angry at the game. Quick Play is even worse.
What is the point of playing for it when the whole thing is such a mess?
It is kind of funny because I feel like I remember hearing how nice the community was early on and whenever I hear that about any game I always think "Give it time."
Dropped it completely when Titanfall 2 came out, I can pop T2 in and have fun regardless of how my team are doing or if I'm winning.

Overwatch is infuriating when your paired with a bunch of nob heads, which is practically all the time.


Overwatch can be a bit toxic sometime, but I find FFXIV online community to be the absolute worst. Yeah, I'm not even joking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Team-based shooters are always toxic, no matter what.
It's why I avoid using my mic in the first place.

TF2 was wonderful, though I'd imagine a large part of that was because you could set up rooms where moderators would give a shit about cleaning out people who were assholes.

It's amazing what you can accomplish when the people with the power to do something care.


The game just isn't fun for me anymore and it has everything to do with the community. It makes me sad because I actually do like the game.

Unit 33

I got a message from someone after a defeat today.
It read:

'You suck at this game.'

This was a good few minutes after the game.


What? People actually quit because of the bad mannered community? Take it like a man and do your thing. Ignore/mute/report them, or just get a 6 stack team.

There are always rude people in multiplayer games, are you going to quit every single game? You are saying OW's community has gone shit faster than other games is because this game has way more players than other online games, and it's still growing rapidly.
Everyone over here saying "turn off voice chat" to fix the problem...

Meanwhile I'm over here playing Mystery Heroes all day and have been having a great time.

*For anyone that doesn't know, Mystery Heroes gives you a random hero every time you spawn, so you have no control of team comp, which means no one can bitch about team comp, which is probably the largest source of toxicity in this game.


at last, for christ's sake
I got a message from someone after a defeat today.
It read:

'You suck at this game.'

This was a good few minutes after the game.

I had my nick called out in general chat saying I was a noob, nigger, asshole Junkrat main, limey, get cancer etc. Always the same guy who couldn't comprehend how I scored 48 elims and POTG and lost. He was livid
Heroes of the Storm is worse.

I was considering migrating to Overwatch but this thread has convinced me to legit give up on Blizzard games within a year or so.
What? People actually quit because of the bad mannered community? Take it like a man and do your thing. Ignore/mute/report them, or just get a 6 stack team.

There are always rude people in multiplayer games, are you going to quit every single game? You are saying OW's community has gone shit faster than other games is because this game has way more players than other online games, and it's still growing rapidly.

Your post doesn't strike me as familiar with the Blizzard comp community


I’m so happy I’ve never been interested in chatting online with strangers. My online games are completely slur yelling free.


Having spent the last year playing OW and LoL regularly, I can safely say OW is the more toxic community by a good margin. Can it compete with LoL when it was at peak toxicity? Probably, but I can't really tell you if it's gone off that deep end yet.

The fact the OW devs are making updates telling people to play nice and reaffirming punishment is a serious red flag.
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