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Notch calls out Yogscast as "an isolated island of egos".


Jesus some of you guys are melodramatic. OMG they are in transit and unable to defend themselves!!

Holy fuck guys its just a couple of tweets. Simmah down! Whenever this "response" is issued, you're still going to have to choose who to believe so who gives a flying fuck that notch didn't adhere to some mythical mud slinging embargo?


The only thing that sort of bugs me is if they actually are touting themselves as "the reason Minecraft is big". No clue if they really do, just going by what Notch said.

I mean, maybe I'm way off base here, but that makes no sense to me. Minecraft has gotten crazy popular at this point.


The only thing that sort of bugs me is if they actually are touting themselves as "the reason Minecraft is big". No clue if they really do, just going by what Notch said.

I mean, maybe I'm way off base here, but that makes no sense to me. Minecraft has gotten crazy popular at this point.

I wouldn't call them the reason Minecraft is big but they do give it a tonne of free advertising. They are also the main reason I bought the game.


I am leaning towards TB's POV on this, I mean the guy can be a tool himself but overall Notch has one of the most rabid fan-bases known to Based God and he knows it, he became an "overnight" Millionaire and is suddenly worshipped and I can't imagine that hasn't gone to his head.

I am not a fan of the Yogscast either, watched some of their stuff but don't subscribe, I can just imagine that being fellow Brits they can be guilty of being dicks for teh lulz (we really can be, dealwithit.gif) but Notch made a bit deal of it and tried to blame the failure of Minecon on them.

Also, as TB says, his community are about anything but love (unless its for him), and Mojang imho have sort of shown a sudden lack of community by releasing Minecraft iOS with almost less features than the free browser version for £5.


I haven't really been paying much attention to Minecon but how big of a failure has it been? I've heard people mentioning there's been quite a few problems. Can someone fill me in?


I hate how people are judging with out hearing the other side of the story, has Notch even seen the Yogcast, they swear all the time, if he didn't want them to swear he could have informed them. On top of that, the con was in Las Vegas, I'm pretty sure children hearing the word fuck should be the least of his worries considering there are strip clubs, brothels and drunk ass holes all over the place. When I was in Middle School I've heard far worse every day. One kid even came up to me and said he wanted to eat mash potatoes out of the dimples on my ass.

I think the main issue with Yogscast was how they were treating othersand their allegedly holier-than-thou attitude.

Of course, there's two sides to every story, but if they really did address a kid in such a manner, then there is no defence for such a spineless act.


I think the main issue with Yogscast was how they were treating othersand their allegedly holier-than-thou attitude.

Of course, there's two sides to every story, but if they really did address a kid in such a manner, then there is no defence for such a spineless act.

Spineless? To me it sounds like they were just joking with each other. But even if they said "I'm going to cross out Notch and write 'Fuck You!' ha ha, here you go." or some variant of that then what's the problem? Nothing wrong with joking around with the kid.


Spineless? To me it sounds like they were just joking with each other. But even if they said "I'm going to cross out Notch and write 'Fuck You!' ha ha, here you go." or some variant of that then what's the problem? Nothing wrong with joking around with the kid.

You'd say "fuck you" to a kid? Even as a joke?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
while Yogscast might be dicks they've learned a good lesson here - never say that somebody owes you a success until their success is still depending on you. Because Notch has sold 4.1 million copies of Minecraft and he just doesn't give a fuck.


those Yogcast guys are very dumb. they had the chance to play the F-Zero X Expansion Kit and wasted it completely by playing old tracks and didn't touch any of the EK's tracks.


You'd say "fuck you" to a kid? Even as a joke?

Not like that. Would I say I'm going to cross it out and replace it with that? Maybe. Sarcastically of course. And I wouldn't actually do it.

[EDIT]: And we don't even know how old this kid is. 13 maybe? 8? I don't know who would take their 8 year old to Vegas.


Man, Notch really needs to calm down. If somebody has been treated rudely, apologize publicly and talk to the people responsible behind the scenes.

No need to hang your dirty laundry out to dry.
Thank fuck no one in this thread is a judge.

Guilty verdicts all day everyday.

"I am better than ALL OF YOU."

[EDIT]: And we don't even know how old this kid is. 13 maybe? 8? I don't know who would take their 8 year old to Vegas.
Somebody who's taking their kid along to the convention about a video game where you build with blocks. Or maybe the kid was the one who wanted to go in the first place.

Vegas is sold as a pretty family-friendly affair anymore, even if there are still aspects of it that aren't.


If Notch was an Aussie this would never have happened. In fact he probably would have scribbled a dick on what that kid asked him to sign.

Eh, hard to say without being there man, sure if it was just a genuinely well-intentioned ribbing we'd laugh it off, but if they were truly being disrespectful then most self-respecting Aussies would punch on with them and rightly so.


Somebody who's taking their kid along to the convention about a video game where you build with blocks. Or maybe the kid was the one who wanted to go in the first place.

Vegas is sold as a pretty family-friendly affair anymore, even if there are still aspects of it that aren't.

Would they really watch Yogscast though? I don't know of any kids that even know what Minecraft is but I couldn't see them following a VG commentator.

Eh, hard to say without being there man, sure if it was just a genuinely well-intentioned ribbing we'd laugh it off, but if they were truly being disrespectful then most self-respecting Aussies would punch on with them and rightly so.
Yeah, you're right. But until I hear otherwise I'm just assuming they were messing around.
Would they really watch Yogscast though? I don't know of any kids that even know what Minecraft is but I couldn't see them following a VG commentator

My 11 year old boys follow the Yogscast and play Minecraft a lot and a good number of their friends do as well. So, yeah it happens.


Would they really watch Yogscast though? I don't know of any kids that even know what Minecraft is but I couldn't see them following a VG commentator.

My 10-year old brother loves Minecraft and follows tons of videogame commentators (I don't know if he personally subscribes to Yogscast, but I don't particularly care to find out) and has been following things like this since he was 9 - along with plenty of his friends, I know children are more clued in to videogame culture than you're giving them credit for.


I wouldn't call them the reason Minecraft is big but they do give it a tonne of free advertising. They are also the main reason I bought the game.
Oh, absolutely. I'm sure they get a ton of people interested in Minecraft. Just something tells me that they're not quite as important as they think they are (if what Notch has said about their general attitude is true).

But again, I could be totally wrong here. Haven't been keeping up with Minecraft stuff lately.


We don't hear much about him talking about 'copies' of Minecraft (FotressCraft, SurvivalCraft). But because Yogscast have been disrespectful to him and fans it's a whole different matter. I think he should concentrate on the replica's of Minecraft that people are making.

Would they really watch Yogscast though? I don't know of any kids that even know what Minecraft is but I couldn't see them following a VG commentator.
Alot of kids follow the yogscast and play Minecraft.


Still nothing from Yogs?

http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/mkew4/my_experience_with_the_yogscast_team_at_minecon/c31odgc said:
Okay. So I'm not here to stir the pot, but I do want to set a couple of the facts straight. I am not directly connected to Yogscast. But I was the staff member who wrangled them from one place to the next (wearing a black fedora).
First, to @amazingorigami - if you are, in fact, the person who had the sign in FedEx, then thank you again for giving it back to the Yogscast crew. My other teammate took it directly up to them and he said there were cheers of joy that we were able to find it. I had the sign custom made by FedEx earlier that morning for the event. I completely apologize if you felt I tried to rip it out of your bag. I was merely trying to help peel it away carefully. If I had known it left gummy stuff in your pack, I would have found you a second bag as a replacement. Again, thank you for returning the sign. You were super awesome about it and could have said no. But you gave it up without hesitation and with a smile. My apologies again that you ended up with a sticky bag. :
As for the Scrolls/Cobalt. Yogscast made no demands. We politely asked the crew from Mojang if they could record a quick segment about the game, and they agreed it could be done before the doors opened. It is accurate there was a request for 5 minutes, but then a couple of the Mojang team offered to demo the games to them. When the doors opened, the Mojang team decided to continue the demo rather than ask the Yogscast folks to move out of the way. There was no stink about being asked to leave. In fact, when one of the other staff mistakenly took the mouse away from the Mojang team member who was demoing scrolls, they accepted it and moved on. (They paid to come to Minecon just like everyone else btw)
As for the tickets: I numbered them. I handed them out. They were not handed out before the panel ended. And they were handed out in the expo hall - right next to where the autographs were being done. In fact, I waited until after the panel was complete, and folks moved into the expo hall so they would have an equal opportunity. Unfortunately, the expo hall was scheduled to close at 4p, and the Yogscast team were given a very strict cutoff. The line of "True fans would have skipped the panel to get the autograph" is inaccurate. They wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the panel.
It was a good show. I'm a little disappointed there is this much hate and discontent going about without folks knowing the whole story.


Notch makes accusations: thread explodes with people passing judgement.

Someone casts doubt on Notch's accusations: thread hits page 2 in silence and tumble-weeds.
Thank fuck no one in this thread is a judge.

Guilty verdicts all day everyday.

This 100%. The amount of people in here who are going "What be these Yognutttts, fuck thee and give unto Notch all my bodily fluids" is typical GAF. Everyone and their mother appears to have an opinion without knowing what the hell they're talking about.

@My 11 year old brother watches Yogscast avidly. All his friends watch them too. You don't get to being the top ten on Youtube without having a young fanbase. Look at the plebs like charlieiscoollike/fred etc


Though the accounts of what Yogscast did aren't putting them in a bright light, Notch having a public bitchfest on Twitter and airing his dirty laundry isn't any better.

Man, Notch really needs to calm down. If somebody has been treated rudely, apologize publicly and talk to the people responsible behind the scenes.

No need to hang your dirty laundry out to dry.

The first quote is from the 1st page and the other one is from the current one.

I'm not informed on the subject but why is this view relatively popular?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I am so out of the loop when it came to gaming... thought this was some obscure Scandinavian political group or something.


I am so out of the loop when it came to gaming... thought this was some obscure Scandinavian political group or something.

Me too. Isolated island of egos indeed! Reading detached internet drama like this is always hilarious to outsiders looking in. Nobody outside their tiny, insular world of self-promotion and ego gives a flying fuck about them or what they do or even has the first clue about who they are, yet they treat this as if it's The Most Important And Serious Thing To Ever Happen. Babies!
The first quote is from the 1st page and the other one is from the current one.

I'm not informed on the subject but why is this view relatively popular?

The view isn't popular from my viewing of the thread, but I agree with them.

The issue is that Notch chose to vent on Twitter over allegations. The context, the extent and the intention of what is claimed in the allegations is as of now still unknown and Notch leaving brief accusations such as those has put the Yogscast in a bad light. A lot feel that this should have been dealt with privately and not aired to the public so that the community wouldn't take sides. Notch has been known to do this in the past - see Bethesda lawsuit.

The Yogscast crew, who are travelling home (the may have arrived at this stage) were not in a position to respond and hence we haven't heard their side to the story. In many respects it can be viewed as unprofessional behaviour on Notch's part.


Do we know for sure that Yogs and Notch didn't first privately confront one another, or is everyone assuming they didn't?
Me too. Isolated island of egos indeed! Reading detached internet drama like this is always hilarious to outsiders looking in. Nobody outside their tiny, insular world of self-promotion and ego gives a flying fuck about them or what they do or even has the first clue about who they are, yet they treat this as if it's The Most Important And Serious Thing To Ever Happen. Babies!
You could say this about any drama.. it's important to them.


Do we know for sure that Yogs and Notch didn't first privately confront one another, or is everyone assuming they didn't?

If Notch did in fact talk to them and then proceeded to post his beef on twitter, his behavior looks even worse.
Do we know for sure that Yogs and Notch didn't first privately confront one another, or is everyone assuming they didn't?

We don't unfortunately, but even if they had a private meeting, you shouldn't then go post about it. If Notch had said nothing we'd be none the wiser that they weren't getting along (assuming Yogscast would not have posted something if he hadn't)
Me too. Isolated island of egos indeed! Reading detached internet drama like this is always hilarious to outsiders looking in. Nobody outside their tiny, insular world of self-promotion and ego gives a flying fuck about them or what they do or even has the first clue about who they are, yet they treat this as if it's The Most Important And Serious Thing To Ever Happen. Babies!

It's important to fans of both Notch and the Yogscast who respect both parties. This is their job and regardless of whether you think it's important you'd be a fool to think that either party involved don't have a significant impact on the gaming community and very large fanbases(1.2 million Youtube subscribers for the Yogscast, millions of copies of Minecraft sold for Notch). I like how you jump to the conclusion that they have massive egos based on internet rumors and no prior knowledge of them or what they do.


We have no idea what was said before Notch went to twitter.

If Notch did in fact talk to them and then proceeded to post his beef on twitter, his behavior looks even worse.

We don't unfortunately, but even if they had a private meeting, you shouldn't then go post about it. If Notch had said nothing we'd be none the wiser that they weren't getting along (assuming Yogscast would not have posted something if he hadn't)

I see. Though my only concern then would be if Notch actually had a justifiable reason why he hinted at the fallout on Twitter.

This thread is filled with nothing but assumptions.

Yeah too many assumptions is not a good thing.
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