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IGN Rumor: Xbox 3 GPU ~= AMD 6670, Wii U ~5x current gen, Xbox 3 ~6x, Dev Kits August

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The Translator
To be fair this wouldn't be such a prevalent opinion if the article said it was five times as powerful as the Wii U. IGN has a good track record on this, and we do know something now.

The denial theories in this thread are golden.

I don't think they have a particularly good track record, at all.

And while I am unfortunately resigned to the fact that MS will not go cutting edge this time around (which is betraying their roots with the Xbox/360), I wouldn't just blindly believe any old shite that's made up on the internets.

You know, even if it would fuel my agenda/strengthen my preconceived ideas of what I wish to be true or not.

Ah well.


I don't think they have a particularly good track record, at all.
I would say nailing the Wii specs and the 3DS and earlier Wii U devkit is a pretty good track record. I'm not saying you should believe it outright, but this cannot be dismissed like that either. I'm not saying you have an agenda here at all. It was more of a comment of some of the logic we're seeing here in general which goes like "Wow, IGN has sources saying the next Xbox is only six times as powerful? This is not what I was expecting, so it cannot be true! (Or) This is not the exact same thing that happened lastgeneration so it cannot be true! Lol IGN!"


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
if true, and ps4 is significantly more powerful (much more so then this gen), i may jump ship. i'd be torn however, as the halo games are far and away my most cherished series.


This is a technical demo trailer of real-time physically-based rendering on current generation consoles.

meh, all in all, I still think the zelda demo looks considerably better. The Tri-ace demo has some neat tricks and nice controlled camera angles, but the global illumination in the zelda demo and its overall IQ seem more impressive. The shot where the guy changes the lighting on the goma looks particularly marvelous. There are some really ugly, blurry textures in that tri-ace demo (zelda demo too, but they hide it a little better I guess).

That's just my novice opinion anyway. *shrugs*

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
There is no chance in hell that Sony will push the hardware envelope as they did with PS3.
Sony basically cannot afford another PS3 level loss per hardware.

Not only that but Sony has to maintain the Vita as well.

My speculation is that Sony will sell the machine at close to breaking even as possible or even with some profit, because in reality, it does not make any sense whatsoever that both Sony and MS should take the financial burden to release a machine at a loss, so that 3rd partys can have some nice toys to play with.

Basically, 3rd parties will have to deal with whatever MS and Sony gives them (but I do understand that they have imputs in what they expect to see in the coming hardware)
And besides, MS, as far as financial situation, is the only company of these two that can take that burden of selling a machine at a loss, without impacting the bottom line of the company, Sony, not so so much.. (again, as far as I can see).

So people expecting Sony to blow MS out of the water specs wise, that is really no going to happen. The climate of gaming biz has change so much during this gen, we have the whole mobile gaming sector that is somehow making inroads in the console biz....

anyways.. my 2 cents.. ching ching


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I would say nailing the Wii specs and the 3DS and earlier Wii U devkit is a pretty good track record.

They were wrong about the 3DS RAM, SD storage, and we don't have official specs on the rest other than the GPU being from the PICA line. I'd hardly call that nailing it.


They were wrong about the 3DS RAM, SD storage, and we don't have official specs on the rest other than the GPU being from the PICA line. I'd hardly call that nailing it.
They nailed the devkit. It is known Nintendo doubled the RAM and doubled the clock speed on the PICA200 when 3D was added. Otherwise the specs are exactly in line with what homebrewers have found.

Azure J

I'm beginning to wonder if something was lost in translation with this particular rumor. Not that I don't believe "affordably powerful" is not what Microsoft is headed for, but something about the actual numbers one gets in performance with a 6670 and the mention of Wii U being 5x this generation while performing 20% under the rumored Xbox with this part is leaving me thinking something's up.

Perhaps there was a misreport from a 6770?


The real problems with these specs:

- They should hold 5-7 year and we are talking about a mid-hardware from 2010 to launch in 2013 and hold until 2018-2020
- Smartphones and tablets are getting each day more poweful its reasonable to think about a smartphone in 7 or 8 years with more power than a HD6670 since it's a mid range hardware
- Why people will jump from these gen to next just to get a little bit more polished games?

I mean graphics are pretty good nowadays but u don't have constance... i mean u have a nice model from a caracther in a game(Ex: God of War Kratos or Uncharted) but the whole environment doesn't have the same level.

I want a game where u have rich environments, rich ai and rich physics.

But what they are telling us with these specs is simple... U gonna have actual games in 1080p just that...


The real problems with these specs:

- They should hold 5-7 year and we are talking about a mid-hardware from 2010 to launch in 2013 and hold until 2018-2020
- Smartphones and tablets are getting each day more poweful its reasonable to think about a smartphone in 7 or 8 years with more power than a HD6670 since it's a mid range hardware
- Why people will jump from these gen to next just to get a little bit more polished games?

I mean graphics are pretty good nowadays but u don't have constance... i mean u have a nice model from a caracther in a game(Ex: God of War Kratos or Uncharted) but the whole environment doesn't have the same level.

I want a game where u have rich environments, rich ai and rich physics.

But what they are telling us with these specs is simple... U gonna have actual games in 1080p just that...
I think thats reaching, but not too far from reality. The next generation might be the shortest generation in the history of gaming. Is this the birth of a six year cycle?


That's just my novice opinion anyway. *shrugs*

yeah, direct feed vs offscreen footage... offscreen you could make Pong look like next next ubergen.

EDIT: just to be clear: Zelda looks really nice. but judging anything from this video (especially textures) is not really possible.


I'm beginning to wonder if something was lost in translation with this particular rumor. Not that I don't believe "affordably powerful" is not what Microsoft is headed for, but something about the actual numbers one gets in performance with a 6670 and the mention of Wii U being 5x this generation while performing 20% under the rumored Xbox with this part is leaving me thinking something's up.

Perhaps there was a misreport from a 6770?

Well both are possible but the one IGN is citing is more apt for a SoC.


I stopped caring about hardware...I'm all about new experiences over visuals...fuck graphics...worse thing to happen to gaming is this graphics culture...


2 Different consoles sounds like a terrible idea. Unless the only difference is 1080p between the strong of the two would be getting the short end of the stick. I could see them using a 7670 instead since it will be around by then.

2 SKU's, Xbox720 and Xbox1080.


Next-gen system far outperforms current expectations, Develop source claims

Nintendo’s next generation hardware will be roughly twice as powerful as Microsoft’s current system, the Xbox 360, according to a studio source speaking to Develop.

The person, communicating anonymously from a studio currently building a Wii U title, said the new Nintendo console could achieve roughly twice the processing and graphical potential of Microsoft’s current generation machine.

While twice the power of an Xbox 360 is broadly above market expectations, Develop’s source claimed this is in fact less than some studios had expected.

“I've heard [a project designer] complain it's underpowered compared to what Nintendo announced, resulting in people having to de-scale their plans,” the source added.

Nintendo’s persistence with non-disclosure agreements means that it has been difficult for Develop to cross-examine the source’s claim, which was made late last year.
Article continues below

However, yesterday a separate insider source told IGN that the next generation Xbox will be “six times as powerful” as its predecessor – the key addition being that this will mean it yields a “20 per cent greater performance than Wii U”.

That unverified calculation, if true, echoes claims from the Develop source who claims the Wii U is far more powerful than current expectations.

Develop also understands that a prominent UK racing studio has committed to support Wii U with one project each year.

lol math
I stopped caring about hardware...I'm all about new experiences over visuals...fuck graphics...worse thing to happen to gaming is this graphics culture...

graphics and gaming have pretty much ALWAYS gone hand in hand. I think you're bitching more about the internet and everyone having a platform to talk and bitch about graphics.

I'm sure if the internet in it's present form were around when NES and Master system launched, we'd still have "WHICH HAS BETTER GRAPHICS" threads like we do now.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I imagine Microsoft has learned from Nintendo and Sony that you don't need bleeding edge technology in order to turn a profit. Their console will be good enough to show a fair increase in power from the 360 and they will sell boat loads of the console to the average customer.

That's all they need. No need to overcompensate.

Exactly. It's pretty hilarious reading all the bitching and moaning from graphics whores that the Nextbox and Wii U don't have the same power as top of the line gaming PCs. Historically, video game consoles never did. They've have always lagged behind PCs when it came to power/graphics ability. I'd say that this past generation was an aberration in that you had the HD twins actually trying to compete with PCs power-wise.
Xbox 720p, maybe?

IGN does have a good track record with rumors and this next generation doesn't seem to be the arms race to graphical power as this gen was.

I know people are will be disappointed, but the focus this gen is interface and functionality, not power. This means sacrificing expenses allowed in parts and dumping it in software R&D.

Im not sure. But pc gaming is cheaper every year because the console are so lackluster and with next gen also being lackluster i bet a $600 laptop in 2014 can outperform the next gen xbox wiiU.


People do realize more power isn't just great visuals but better AI, animation and scale.

Their is a reason villages, cities in Skyrim for example seem empty at times. Its because PS3 and 360 cant handle huge amounts of NPC's + everything else.
This seems way more believable than what IGN posts about the WiiU. If the WiiU was this powerful we probably should have seen some more impressive demos. I don#t believe the whole bait and switch thing...

when? why are people still presuming dev kits = final hardware. and why?

we WILL see more impressive demos at E3, even if the hardware is the same. you can't expect people to get the full power out of something after a few months with the dev kit.

remember how people felt about early Xbox 360 demos (and hell, Xbox 1.5 was still going strong at launch).
This seems way more believable than what IGN posts about the WiiU. If the WiiU was this powerful we probably should have seen some more impressive demos. I don#t believe the whole bait and switch thing...

Develop says they believe IGN's claim as of now according to their sources though.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
This seems way more believable than what IGN posts about the WiiU. If the WiiU was this powerful we probably should have seen some more impressive demos. I don#t believe the whole bait and switch thing...

If I reading the article correctly the underpowered quote was from last year, and the hardware has since improved. That is inline with what has been discussed in the wii u thread, the the hardware recently improved.
this thread has 1300+ posts, i admit i read only the first and last page. is there any reason to believe this rumor over the others, or do people just like bad news?

I think that people tend to accept the 'bad news' so that they can only be pleasantly surprised. I do it all the time. It's better to accept bad news and be pleasently surprised than to accept good news and be disappointed. See it as a poker game where you're are not sure if you'd like to go all in or not but do it anyways. When I get called I immediatly go 'I shouldn't have went all it in, I'm gonna lose anyways'. When I lose I say told you so, when I win I'm :D


What? How?

Originally I thought Sony would go for a high end console again, but what's been recently posted at B3D has me thinking otherwise now. =/


I think that people tend to accept the 'bad news' so that they can only be pleasantly surprised.

That may be the case for some people, but I think many who are eager to believe these rumors only believe it because they want it to be true. If the rumor was centered on their company of choice, it would be different.
We don't doubt MS/Sony will go for a more profitable console ventures this round. However, just expecting a marginal improvement over the WiiU, which is perceived as a marginal improvement from the actual consoles doesn't make any sense, considering these consoles are being set to release at least a year later.

In that case, if the cost of hardware were the real barrier MS and Sony could prolongate the current gen even more, since they would remain competitive, until they can offer important technical improvements. They have the means to achieve this, Kinect has been properly exploited yet and Sony could dedicated themselves to the Vita and possible interactions with the PS3.


Exactly. It's pretty hilarious reading all the bitching and moaning from graphics whores that the Nextbox and Wii U don't have the same power as top of the line gaming PCs. Historically, video game consoles never did. They've have always lagged behind PCs when it came to power/graphics ability. I'd say that this past generation was an aberration in that you had the HD twins actually trying to compete with PCs power-wise.

Actually it's the opposite. For at least three generations consoles have been in the same ball park as high end PC's. That's why this is such a shock to lots of people's system. From the psone and n64 era to the ps2 era to the 360 era, the consoles released may not have been better than the top PC hardware but they were in the same ball park. If this rumor pans out and Sony follows suite, it will be a deviation from the normal transition.


So looking back (and the analogies are not perfect)

The Super NES was what the NES wanted to be. A 2D powerhouse.

Ps2 was what Ps1 wanted to be. Best 3D gaming in an SD world.

This next generation will just be a perfected version of the HD era. It simply won't be as big a jump or have that impact.
That's just how I look at it. Not a bad thing. Super Nes and Ps2 era were awesome.


People do realize more power isn't just great visuals but better AI, animation and scale.

Their is a reason villages, cities in Skyrim for example seem empty at times. Its because PS3 and 360 cant handle huge amounts of NPC's + everything else.

This. Also GFX still matter to me. With better graphics (and everything which belongs to it) I can get more immersed in games (Witcher 2, I'm looking at you). If 3D is going on it will be even more importan.t


So looking back (and the analogies are not perfect)

The Super NES was what the NES wanted to be. A 2D powerhouse.

Ps2 was what Ps1 wanted to be. Best 3D gaming in an SD world.

This next generation will just be a perfected version of the HD era. It simply won't be as big a jump or have that impact.
That's just how I look at it. Not a bad thing. Super Nes and Ps2 era were awesome.

Except 720p will be the norm.


So looking back (and the analogies are not perfect)

The Super NES was what the NES wanted to be. A 2D powerhouse.

Ps2 was what Ps1 wanted to be. Best 3D gaming in an SD world.

This next generation will just be a perfected version of the HD era. It simply won't be as big a jump or have that impact.
That's just how I look at it. Not a bad thing. Super Nes and Ps2 era were awesome.

SNES and PS2 were massive leaps visually. This next-gen at a 6970 level of performance can be amazing. I really hope this shit ain't true. MS has the money :(.


Kind of an off-question, but would this mean the Samaritan demo of Epic's wouldn't be able to run on the new Xbox? Assuming this rumor to be true, what does that mean for Epic?



I'm confused, what does this mean?

While twice the power of an Xbox 360 is broadly above market expectations, Develop’s source claimed this is in fact less than some studios had expected. - So developers expected more power in WiiU?

Next sentence...

“I've heard [a project designer] complain it's underpowered compared to what Nintendo announced, resulting in people having to de-scale their plans,” the source added. Whats underpowered, the WiiU? What has Nintendo announced so far?


aka Mannny
Kind of an off-question, but would this mean the Samaritan demo of Epic's wouldn't be able to run on the new Xbox? Assuming this rumor to be true, what does that mean for Epic?

Even if microsoft made a Bleeding edge console sumaritan wouldn't have ran.
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