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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |Thread4| NOT Doomed

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Eufloria is blowing my mind. Such a beautiful, relaxing, surprising game. Fits perfectly on an iPad, and I am loving it.
Anybody willing to try Endnight HD? Looks interesting.

Also, how does DDPBD compares to DDPR?

Gave ENDNIGHT HD a spin and the GAFer did a great job! Very atmospheric. Think old Resident Evil or The Thing (PS2/Xbox) with randomized enemies. Infinitely (and enjoyably) re-playable. Basically, locked overhead camera angle. Scavenge for supplies. Survive against very aggressive zombies. You're not Superman so expect pain. Hide and heal tactics. Controls are spot-on. My ONLY gripes with the game are that you can't zoom the camera out, and that you can't adjust the lighting a PINCH.

Regarding camera zoom, the game holds a really awesome middle ground between Resident Evil and another iOS fave, AFTERMATH. The game has an incredibly effective auto aim so you don't need to futz with twin stick controls (similar to Aftermath). Hit fire, and it WILL hit the target. You needn't worry about missing, but you do need to worry about resource management of bullets. FANTASTIC design call. This is why I hope that the dev updates with the ability to zoom out.

Theoretically, zooming out wouldn't affect the atmosphere of the game because you still need to pay attention to details within your environment, which requires a closer cam. Because the camera is locked AND CLOSE, it's very easy for enemies to overwhelm you without giving your sufficient time to formulate an escape strategy. Enemies come from all sides when they overrun you. Again, I appreciate that the dev is trying to keep tension, but, like Aftermath, just being able to zoom out a little gives the gamer a little more breathing room with a good view of the environment. Trust me, during action moments, you WANT that. I'd guess that the dev would feel that implementing the wider cam option would make the game feel too 'arcadey', but you're too weak for that to be any concern. A quick in/quick out to a fixed wide and close cam would be aces.

Overall, though, love this purchase. There's a nice arcadey feel to the item pickup and activation sound effects, and like MineCraft, the sound of zombies coming that you don't immediately see is disconcerting. It's fantastic. Updates of new weapons, more environments, and possibly more enemy types in the future through IAP would be worthwhile. GREAT JOB.


Also picked up EUFLORIA. I love that more PC indie guys are making iOS games. EUFLORIA is an sweet game...but i can't shake that the only difference between this and GALCON is the art design and game speed. This isn't nearly as great a jump over Galcon as I'd hoped. Think Galcon as made by the pixelJunk guys, with the lullaby feel of Osmos. Eufloria is a tad disappointing, but still a wonderful game...


Haven't tried Raid Leader yet because it looks like Battlehearts without the charm or the polish. Am I way off?

Can't stop playing Kingdom Rush. This is by far the best Tower Defense game on iOS.

Beat Hazard Ultra is a great twin stick shooter with copious amounts of eye-candy orgasm explosions to keep the attention deficit (me) happy. Nice middle ground between a CAVE game and Geometry Wars clone. Touch controls do the best they can, but there's no denying that this would work so much better with a physical interface. Ah well. Still worth more than the 99cents the devs are asking for.
The Tiny Bang Story HD on iOS!!!

i got this in a bundle a few months back. great point and click game, even better on the go.



Beat Hazard is recommended to play with a headache. Completely cures it.

And replaces it with a migraine.

In all seriousness, I didn't really like it on Steam.

Tried the demo on Steam a while back, seemed neat but just didn't flow for me. I'm digging it much more on iOS. I mentioned before the fps is sometimes a problem on the iPhone 4 it seems but I'm actually really enjoying it the more I play it.


There's a few impressions in the OT here. I have no complaints I feel won't be addressed soon in updates, and for $1 Arabian Nights delivers plenty of enjoyment. Right now in some ways, I feel the game is perhaps better suited to the smaller screens, as they hide some of the lower quality assets.

There's a free version in addition to the $1 one, so there's no risk in finding out yourself! I think the free version nags you to buy the table, but in either version, all tables are free to play (demo), so you shouldn't get burnt on buying it if you try it first.
Holy shit, it's out?!? Hopefully coming to consoles/PC soon. I had no idea!

Also, I was up until fucking 1am last night playing Beat Hazard. Was top 3 of all regular leaderboards. Got the two-hour cheevo. Not addicted. Not addicted. Not addicted.

Jedeye Sniv

Does anyone know why my Caverns of Minos highscore isn't recorded on Gamecenter? I'm no 1 on OpenFeint but no 2 on GC since it has me at around 1 mil lower. What gives?

Also, everyone needs to be playing this game, it's aces. Cave put out a game and everyone goes nuts over it, this gem gets forgotten. It's kinda sad.

As for today, I've been playing lots of End Night and I love it. iPad2 only right now but there is an iPhone version on the way too. It's balls hard and I die constantly but I really dig what the dev is trying (and mostly succeeding) to do. Fix the controls and this is a classic.
Anyone even use OpenFeint? I'm hoping it will die off.

OpenFeint seems to be a lot more prevalent on Android, where there is no built-in system like Game Center (yet). Cave's first iOS releases predate Game Center, which is why I imagine they still support them, despite a period where they only supported one or the other up until Deathsmiles' release.

The banner was never there until the first update to Deathsmiles though.
Anyone even use OpenFeint? I'm hoping it will die off.

as long as it keeps popping up when a game loads, itll never die. i rather click yes than say no and have to go through the "is this your account" shit.....wait, that was the Plus+ network.

im with you tho, i hope they all drop off and apple steps up its gaming. open a division and utilize game center properly or something.....
as long as it keeps popping up when a game loads, itll never die. i rather click yes than say no and have to go through the "is this your account" shit.....wait, that was the Plus+ network.

im with you tho, i hope they all drop off and apple steps up its gaming. open a division and utilize game center properly or something.....

I think one of OpenFeint's major strengths is that it's cross-platform. My OpenFeint account sees use across both my iPad and my Android phone.
Played Beat Hazard survival...lasted 20 minutes...MY EYES!!

Enjoying the game. Don't have any music on my iPad 2, so I've been playing the songs they included as well as trying out some of the internet radio stations.

Looks like i'll be sticking with the single stick controls. Controls could be better.
Nah, it's not up in the UK. Tried all permutations of Darius, Darius Burst and DariusBurst as well as 'Taito'. Oh well, I have the Saturn and PSP games to keep me going :)

I'm smiling a lot today, must correct that :mad:

Darius is up in the UK now. UK gaffer reporting in. It's a good game, frame rate is high, no slowdown on 4GS. Loving it so far.

The music is insane. Like a mixture of techno and Japanese ghost in the shell style chanting & some smooth Jazz. Its been so long since I've played the old Darius games. Did they always have such kicking rad nuts music?

Ok stage E has bagpipes in it. I have to find the soundtrack for this game...
Darius is up in the UK now. UK gaffer reporting in. It's a good game, frame rate is high, no slowdown on 4GS. Loving it so far.

The music is insane. Like a mixture of techno and Japanese ghost in the shell style chanting & some smooth Jazz. Its been so long since I've played the old Darius games. Did they always have such kicking rad nuts music?

Not sure, but I believe the soundtrack is unique to this version.


Tried Darius on my iPhone 4 earlier, looked like 60 fps as on my iPad 2. Things could change later in the game for all I know, but at least in the early stages it's solid.
What are the controls for Beat Hazard?
Single stick (automatic shooting/direction) or usual twin stick.
Darius & the new DoDonP? WALLET AM CRY.

edit: and a price drop on Bug Princess I had not noticed previously.
It was always $5. DDPR got a price drop to $6 (from $8?) though!
Is Beat Hazard playable if I don't have any iTunes music on my iPhone?
Yeah, I only have one song on my phone right now and more songs showed up for me, I guess it has some built in. It also has an internet radio option which is cool, I think it just uses Shoutcast or whatever and streams whatever song is playing live.
I've come around a bit more to Bike Baron. For a long while, I was convinced the hard and expert levels were totally cheap. I recently started playing again, and found I could sail through some of those hard levels that I used to think were unfair or impossible with the controls. Either my iOS dexterity has improved, or the game is better than I gave it credit for.

But I also didn't know there were genuine Trials games on iOS. Gah!
They changed up some of the harder levels because complaints, so you might be seeing that.
Also, how does DDPBD compares to DDPR?
Haven't gotten the iOS one yet...cause it's probably my least favorite DDP (but I might pick it up down the line anyway, particularly if they make it universal like Bug Princess). The tolerance for chaining is brutal and there's no bullet canceling. Basically it's harder. Not Mushi Ultra hard or anything, but a good fair kind of hard.
They actually did for a while, but later patched the support back in. I guess people were actually using it?

I have mine attached and don't really mind since it doesn't affect me in any way beyond the title screen. Most of the time I'm in-game before it even has a chance to load.
I remember Bug Panic came out without OF and saw a lot of people on TouchArcade complaining about it. I blame them. Part of the argument was some stupid fandom sounding shit, the other was people that haven't upgraded their devices to 4.1 (or whatever had GC), and part of that was because they wanted to keep their jailbreak.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Can anyone explain why the music in all Cave iOS games is always horrendously low-quality? They're already past the 20mb limit, why does the sound have such a low bitrate?

Also, wow, Pinball Arcade is definitely a bit of a disappointment. The visuals and physics certainly aren't as good as Zen Pinball, and the boards are pretty expensive. I'll buy Space Shuttle if that's ever available, but it just doesn't have the polish Zen Punball does. Plays a lot like the collection games on the Wii. (which aren't bad by any stretch, just not Pinball FX/Zen Pinball good.)
Can anyone explain why the music in all Cave iOS games is always horrendously low-quality? They're already past the 20mb limit, why does the sound have such a low bitrate?

Probably memory concerns. Cave's games tend to push the amount of available memory in most iDevices to near (and often past) the point of crashing.

Fun fact - with the exception of Blissful Death, you're getting the music at pretty much the same quality the original arcade hardware put out.


Could I ask you guys a question?

When you buy a game for your iPad, what does it get bound to? Your account, your iPad or both?

Or asked differently; could I buy a game with account A and keep playing it while logged in with account B?


Can anyone explain why the music in all Cave iOS games is always horrendously low-quality? They're already past the 20mb limit, why does the sound have such a low bitrate?

I'm no expert, but I'm going to guess the sound quality is related to the limitations of the outdated arcade hardware these games are ported from.
Ah ok, thx.

Is there maybe any chance of giving it to another account as a present? (afaik does Steam allow something like that)

Do you mean buying it as a gift and giving it to someone? Or buying it, playing it, then giving it away? I know you can't do the latter but I'm not sure about gifting.
I'm no expert, but I'm going to guess the sound quality is related to the limitations of the outdated arcade hardware these games are ported from.

Better masters of the soundtracks for all the Cave games on iOS exist and have been used both for soundtrack CDs and ports to home consoles. That's not the reason.


Do you mean buying it as a gift and giving it to someone? Or buying it, playing it, then giving it away? I know you can't do the latter but I'm not sure about gifting.
Yeah I mean the former one, so not playing it myself

Yes, you can gift apps but you can't use iTunes credit to purchase it
Ah, alright. Though the game I have in mind would be "Ghost Trick", it's actually free to download in the store and the full version can only be purchased from the game's menu. I assume it wont work in this case? (since technically the app is for free)


Beat Sneak Bandit is the game to watch, you guys. So clever, so addictive and so full of Scandinavian charm.

The backing track is the new Pon-Pon-Pata-Pon in terms of getting stuck in your brain.

Seriously, grab it as soon as it hits the App Store next week.
Beat Sneak Bandit is the game to watch, you guys. So clever, so addictive and so full of Scandinavian charm.

The backing track is the new Pon-Pon-Pata-Pon in terms of getting stuck in your brain.

Seriously, grab it as soon as it hits the App Store next week.

Oh, I definitely am. Can't wait to play it.

I love the Cave shooters and Darius Burst is great!

Darius B is pricey but compared to the PSP import, it's a great deal.

Plus it's still relatively new so I think the price is justified. Unlike Ray Force which Taito is charging too much for.



Excellent work sir.

Downloading Darius Burst out of curiosity, boredom, and inability to NOT buy things on the App store. All of my iOS shooters are of the bullet hell variety so far, so I think this warrants checking out. Question: if you're not constantly dodging curtains of bullets, what is the game's hook? I'm guessing there is more nuance to the shooting and positioning mechanics.


DDP Blissful Death is great. If you like the other Cave shmups on iOS, this one's a no-brainer.

I also picked up Dariusburst. Haven't played too much of it yet, but so far it's been fun, and the controls work well.

I'm not feeling Beat Hazard. I really like the concept of the game's flow following your music, but the gameplay itself doesn't sell the game well for me (which feels like a poor man's Geometry Wars), and the controls (though 'okay') are really subpar compared to how other iOS shmups have been implementing. At least it only a buck.

EDIT: Oh, just noticed Venture Towns is on sale at 2 bucks. I really should start playing these Kairosoft games instead of just collecting them when they're on sale :D
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