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Triple H |OT| February Wrasslin

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That wrist thing sure caught Rock off guard and seemed to throw him off for the rest of the promo.

Did Rock always do that wrist thing?

Weird thing for Cena to point out. What next? Rocks gonna call out Cena for not selling moves? Only using 5 moves and just phoning in the last few years of his career?

God I hate shoot Cena. He never gets it right. You point out stuff that doesnt make wrestling look completely fake in order to add a sense of reality to the feud. you dont go "well this is all scripted and your not really that character"

he did it with del rio if you remember.
I'll mark out big time if Rock calls Cena on no-selling a DDT on concrete


more money than God
Agreed with this. Rock best work was always fast, hard, funny and just well done. This was long, unfocused and was heading to pointless until Cena came out.

The note thing was a cheap shot and I'm sure unplanned, but it got the heat that Cena needed, it refocused the tension between them. Its starting to build a bit, but the next time the Rock comes out, he needs to ignore the fans, hit hard and a bit dirty in his next promo. Bring the heat and sell me on that you two really don't like each other. Fuck twitter, fuck cliches and slogans. Bring the heat and put an ass in a seat
Yes! Forget the crowd. If they chant what you say, don't jump around like an idiot cause you made it happen. The sad thing is that it's just so lame. Kung pao bitch? WTF is that? No balls? Lady parts? Why? Just kick his ass. Stop laughing and smiling, the old Rock practically NEVER did that. Take it seriously, and focus on a subject. Twitter, chants, slogans, Cena, old guys, fight for you, WM, your family. What the hell are you talking about?


That wrist thing sure caught Rock off guard and seemed to throw him off for the rest of the promo.


"The Rock,Dwayne Johnson, Dwayne Johnson, The Rock." response is building off real criticism Cena has a few years ago and mentioned in Cena's promo. Leaving wrestling business for movies and removing "The Rock" from movie credit billing.
I don't even know how I feel about this. I like The Rock and I hate John Cena but they're cutting the same promo every time. Rock being obsessed with Twitter and Cena talking crap about movie star Dwayne Johnson. The Rock needs to come out and lay the smackdown on his candy ass.

This feud needs a "Pull apart semi-brawl" so badly. Not too much contact, but just enough to really push it into overdrive then security steps in to break it up. Vince being out there to make sure his WM main event isn't ruined would make it even better. How many times can they go face to face, or cut the same promo without someone throwing a punch? Cena just leaving was so anticlimactic.
Rock couldn't do his Finally... thing because he has never been to Portland before. King even talked about it during Rock's entrance.

Hmm, I did hear that, I just assumed he would do it anyways (If anything, for the TV crowd).

Still, the whole thing was just pretty bad to me. Rock only touched on a few important things. If Cena can call out the wrist band "secret" or whatever, you would think that The Rock could shoot a bit more as well.
Both bjb and jmd (and others) agree with me, they're joke characters too!!!!11 Fuck off. I can't stand getting belittled like that. I've contributed a lot in this thread for an entire year+ and have made many lengthy posts and given my honest opinions, I don't deserve to be belittled like that with some shitty one-liner when I take the time to type out my thoughts. There was nothing wrong with my post:

LMAO no sorry, get a damn clue. The Punk/Jericho 'best in the world' ad nauseum promo was nothing compared to what we just witnessed, you blind as a bat fool.

What we just witnessed was legit heat and legit rage and something I never would have expected for tonight: John Cena destroyed The Rock. I'm in shock. Rocky was so filled with rage at the end there he didn't even know what to say, fumbling his words, pacing around, he was shook. The wrist promo remark daggered him. Right when Cena said that Rock stepped up closer to him and you could sense he just wanted to punch his lights out for real. WOW, I can't believe this. Rocky better come back hard in the coming weeks.


Maybe I'm reaching a bit but remember when most of us here at WrassleGAF were under the impression that WWE is trying really hard to get Cena over for WM? Think about it. They wrapped up the Kane/Eve/Ryder/Cena feud by dumping the feud in its entirety on Eve so she'd turn heel in hopes that Cena could go over as a stronger face with the whole "hoeski" thing.

Could it be that Rock was cutting shitty promos on purpose to get Cena over? For as long as I've ever seen The Rock on TV, yeah, he's mailed in some promos in his career, but he's never required notes, so who knows, maybe as fans we're being worked and this is just a ploy to get Cena over, again.

All according to keikaku.


My Member!
lol @ quitting wrestling.

RAW was super entertaining and both Punk/Jericho and Rock/Cena were great in their own way.

I stopped for a month in December, I taked a week or two off every once in a while, honestly the only reason I'm wtaching now is just wrestlemania. I couldn't even be bothered to watch the chamber shit after a match.

Why fool yourself, you know this is going to end bad. Triple H and Taker aren't going to leave the cell and have a boring match, punk and jericho will be cut down to like 10 minutes, and rock vs. cena will end in a non finish with them shaking each others hands.

Anything bad can and will happen.


I got grudge sucked!
That wrist thing sure caught Rock off guard and seemed to throw him off for the rest of the promo.

Did Rock always do that wrist thing?

Weird thing for Cena to point out. What next? Rocks gonna call out Cena for not selling moves? Only using 5 moves and just phoning in the last few years of his career?

God I hate shoot Cena. He never gets it right. You point out stuff that doesnt make wrestling look completely fake and bring in legit stuff in order to add a sense of reality to the feud. you dont go "well this is all scripted and your not really that character". it ruins the whole thing.

he did it with del rio if you remember.

The Del Rio thing was awful and really almost ruined his character. The note thing...ehhh...Cena has said that before (having someone write his promo) and I don't think the point was, "guys this is fake and you are fake" more like the Rock had left for hollywood and couldn't make the effort to be a real wrestler anymore. Thats the dynamic they've been trying to build the feud on anyway, so I don't fault it here so much.
This feud needs a "Pull apart semi-brawl" so badly. Not too much contact, but just enough to really push it into overdrive then security steps in to break it up. Vince being out there to make sure his WM main event isn't ruined would make it even better. How many times can they go face to face, or cut the same promo without someone throwing a punch?

This was my problem with the promo. All this "real heat" yet Cena walks away and Rock does nothing. It's already old considering these two have been doing nothing but talking at each other for a year. Cutting just another promo at this point does nothing for me.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Maybe I'm reaching a bit but remember when most of us here at WrassleGAF were under the impression that WWE is trying really hard to get Cena over for WM? Think about it. They wrapped up the Kane/Eve/Ryder/Cena feud by dumping the feud in its entirety on Eve so she'd turn heel in hopes that Cena could go over with the whole "hoeski" thing.

Could it be that Rock was cutting shitty promos on purpose to get Cena over? For as long as I've ever seen The Rock on TV, yeah, he's mailed in some promos in his career, but he's never required notes, so who knows, maybe as fans we're being worked and this is just a ploy to get Cena over, again.

All according to keikaku.

The notes on the wrist line was clearly something too good for Cena to come up with on his own. I bet Rock gave him that line to use, Rock is such a great guy putting over talent even when it works against him.


Both bjb and jmd (and others) agree with me, they're joke characters too!!!!11 Fuck off. I can't stand getting belittled like that. I've contributed a lot in this thread for an entire year+ and have made many lengthy posts and given my honest opinions, I don't deserve to be belittled like that with some shitty one-liner when I take the time to type out my thoughts. There was nothing wrong with my post:

I don't always agree with what you say...

but people shouldn't say you are a joke because they don't agree on something.

edit: ok really leaving now!


Both bjb and jmd (and others) agree with me, they're joke characters too!!!!11 Fuck off. I can't stand getting belittled like that. I've contributed a lot in this thread for an entire year+ and have made many lengthy posts and given my honest opinions, I don't deserve to be belittled like that with some shitty one-liner when I take the time to type out my thoughts. There was nothing wrong with my post:

Oh shit.

He's shootin!
What exactly was bipolar about my post above? I thought The Rock would kill Cena tonight and it went the other way which shocked me. How is that bipolar and different from all the other people who said the same thing? Please get off my junk.
Both bjb and jmd (and others) agree with me, they're joke characters too!!!!11 Fuck off. I can't stand getting belittled like that. I've contributed a lot in this thread for an entire year+ and have made many lengthy posts and given my honest opinions, I don't deserve to be belittled like that with some shitty one-liner when I take the time to type out my thoughts. There was nothing wrong with my post:
I respect you, and I respect your opinion about you.


Unconfirmed Member
Hmm, I did hear that, I just assumed he would do it anyways (If anything, for the TV crowd).

Still, the whole thing was just pretty bad to me. Rock only touched on a few important things. If Cena can call out the wrist band "secret" or whatever, you would think that The Rock could shoot a bit more as well.

Again. You've got weeks more of this. This was Rock coming back to have some fun and Cena ethered him. That's fine. You don't need Rock tearing into the guy and shooting left and right out of the gate.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
That was a lot of fun. Rock kept talking after the show went off air about how he lived in Portland when he was 10 and his dad wrestled in old Portland wrestling. He did his finally the Rock has come back, called a Cena fan in the crowd a 21 year old virgin.

Cena and Kane wrestled a dark match that Cena, of course won.
Rock was genuinely pissed off about something that Cena said and you could tell by the way his voice changed afterwards. Most likely it was the promo written on wrist line, because Rock is old school in his wrestling mentality and it probably fucking pissed him off legit that this idiot is out here exposing the business that he gave so many years of his life to and possibly hurting his Mania payday by doing so as well. I hope Cena gets his ass chewed out backstage by Rock for that shit.
I don't know why the Rocks promo had such a short weak ending but if they wanted it to seem like Cena got him, I think they would have sold it better.


Could it be that Rock was cutting shitty promos on purpose to get Cena over? For as long as I've ever seen The Rock on TV, yeah, he's mailed in some promos in his career, but he's never required notes, so who knows, maybe as fans we're being worked and this is just a ploy to get Cena over, again.

All according to keikaku.
<smiles> Seeing how getting Cena over as a babyface supercedes all else and that Dwayne's just going back to making movies after this why WOULDN'T he deliberately flub his mic work in order to make Cena look better?

It is the ultimate objective here, after all. And clearly seems to be working on you guys.

Everyone must be sacrificed to make Cena look great.

The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Zack Ryder, Eve, Kane... why not Rocky? Why should he be any different?
NONE of those people have WrassleGAF's respect any more. The master plan is working. The Rock is just another character being lined up to fall on the proverbial sword.
The Punk/Jericho 'best in the world' ad nauseum promo was nothing compared to what we just witnessed, you blind as a bat fool.

This type of stuff comes off as trolling (to me). You can't compare the two and to say it was 'nothing compared' to Rock/Cena. Everyone is praising the promo (Punk/Jericho) and for you to state that comes off as saying things just to say things.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Rock was genuinely pissed off about something that Cena said and you could tell by the way his voice changed afterwards. Most likely it was the promo written on wrist line, because Rock is old school in his wrestling mentality and it probably fucking pissed him off legit that this idiot is out here exposing the business that he gave so many years of his life to and possibly hurting his Mania payday by doing so as well. I hope Cena gets his ass chewed out backstage by Rock for that shit.

Are you kidding me? Vince probably fed Cena that line to use. It was brilliant and maybe it'll actually get Rock to actually pretend like he gives a shit even if he really doesn't.


<smiles> Seeing how getting Cena over as a babyface supercedes all else and that Dwayne's just going back to making movies after this why WOULDN'T he deliberately flub his mic work in order to make Cena look better?

It is the ultimate objective here, after all. And clearly seems to be working on you guys.

Everyone must be sacrificed to make Cena look great.

The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Zack Ryder, Eve, Kane... why not Rocky? Why should he be any different?
NONE of those people have WrassleGAF's respect any more. The master plan is working. The Rock is just another character being lined up to fall on the proverbial sword.

I'm just pointing out that the company is trying to get Cena over with the fans as much as possible. Seriously speaking, The Rock is a trained actor. Do you think he really needed to read notes live during his promo? WWE doesn't want everyone cheering for Rock even though it's most likely going to happen in Miami.

Sucks, but yeah, they're feeding Rock to the Cena Machine
Oh shit.

He's shootin!

I'm just tired of getting belittled. I get belittled in the nba thread, I get belittled in this thread which is my favorite on the board. it's bullshit. I made an honest lengthy post about Raw tonight and some fucking badass with an anime avatar Kyokokuufu drops a one-liner like that at me. It's just belittling as hell and takes away from all the time i've spent posting in the thread, like Cole burying someone on commentary. Shut the hell up. You wanna call me a joke character, take it to fucking PM you asshole


This feud needs a "Pull apart semi-brawl" so badly. Not too much contact, but just enough to really push it into overdrive then security steps in to break it up. Vince being out there to make sure his WM main event isn't ruined would make it even better. How many times can they go face to face, or cut the same promo without someone throwing a punch? Cena just leaving was so anticlimactic.

Something like this would be great and the way Cena left The Rock today leads me to believe that it might just happen.



Something like this would be great and the way Cena left The Rock today leads me to believe it might just happen.
I could see it happening on the go home show. If done right, it could be really effective.

I thought the Cena/Rock promo was good. Only thing I happened to catch tonight.
This type of stuff comes off as trolling (to me). You can't compare the two and to say it was 'nothing compared' to Rock/Cena. Everyone is praising the promo (Punk/Jericho) and for you to state that comes off as saying things just to say things.

Punk/Jericho was a GOOD promo but not nearly as good as the segment we just saw. Punk/Jericho was just them going on and on about best in the world and them playing their characters, there was heat there but it was lukewarm. What we just saw when Cena came out was legit heat, Rock was shook and enraged at the end. That is something that never happens and was something we will remember.

Punk/Jericho going on about who's the better wrestler and stealing from each other isn't in the same league, I'm sorry. It was good but not comparable.
Damn, this last page has brought me back to reality. Am I really just a fucking dumbass mark? I don't think these guys really hate each other or some crap like that...but I guess I still assume that their is some creative freedom, and that dudes probably take "some" creative pleasure in good jabs like the wrist thing.

STILL, I would argue that, even if everything tonight was written purposely like that....still wasn't fun as a Rock fan. Rooting for him, hated the ether.

Rock was sounding like Jay on that post-ether Hot 97 interview, rap fans know what I mean.
Rock just brings an energy and charisma that noone else has on the roster. Punk/Jericho promo was great and Cena did his usual shit, but a little more edgy, but Rock just lights up the screen when hes on and chews up the scenery. There's a reason he's a successful movie star.
Rock just brings an energy and charisma that noone else has on the roster. Punk/Jericho promo was great and Cena did his usual shit, but a little more edgy, but Rock just lights up the screen when hes on and chews up the scenery. There's a reason he's a successful movie star.
But he hasn't done anything for the business. He just shows up and steals the spotlight from people who deserve it. Like The Miz.
The TENSION at the end there wasn't a work, Rocky was raging and fumbling his lines and legit pissed off. That was LEGIT heat at the end, stop tryin gto be smarky and say it was all a work when it wasn't. Rocky was enraged when Cena made the wrist promo comment, he stepped up closer to him (go watch it again and how he got closer) and you could slice that tension with a butter knife, he wanted to beat his ass in.
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