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Woman admits to false rape charges against her father; father set free after 11 years

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Maybe she's lying now



benevolent sexism
This just proves that men get screwed often when it comes to rape cases. Guilty until proven innocent.

This one incident "proves" that men get screwed "often"?

I know what you're trying to argue. Look how much power women have when it comes to rape charges! As long as real rapes far outnumber cases like these, that argument isn't going to get you anywhere.


And she is now going to jail for 11 years for having ruined another person's life, right?


... right?



I cannot believe this sort of thing happened. The girl should have been charged with something.


False rape accusations are why people treat accusers so poorly.

Blatantly false accusation (not just accusations that can't be proven) should be charged/sentenced with the same amound of time a rapist can get.

Even a rape accusation with no charge/trial can ruin your life. Good friend of mine had sex with a girl at a party (she doesn't drink so don't jump to that). After someone ratted her out for cheating on her bf she cried rape. After bf realized she was just lying/cheating he dumped her and she had no more "reason" for the accusation and dropped it. He lost his job, and probably would have to move across the country to get a job in his field (dude majored in education and was already teaching a Kindergarten class.

Dude Abides

Whats bullshit is the fact they are refusing to charge her with a crime because it "could prevent legitimate rape victims from stepping forward"

Fuck that if you are legitimate you dont need to worry about ruining someones life with a lie. She deserves to spend every day in jail that her Father did

But you do need to worry that people won't believe you.
Whats bullshit is the fact they are refusing to charge her with a crime because it "could prevent legitimate rape victims from stepping forward"

Fuck that if you are legitimate you dont need to worry about ruining someones life with a lie. She deserves to spend every day in jail that her Father did

No, because it could prevent other people who falsely accused others of raping them from coming forward. If they get punished, others who accused innocent people might not come forward at all.

It's bullshit but yea.


Jew Gamer
Whats bullshit is the fact they are refusing to charge her with a crime because it "could prevent legitimate rape victims from stepping forward"

Fuck that if you are legitimate you dont need to worry about ruining someones life with a lie. She deserves to spend every day in jail that her Father did

No, they are worried that other people who FINALLY feel guilt won't bother to come forward with it.

It is one of those dilemmas, basically if they want to get people free, outside of a fair trial where an innocent person DOESN'T go to jail (but that is a pipe dream) they can't charge the people who come forward to let them free

This one incident "proves" that men get screwed "often"?

I know what you're trying to argue. Look how much power women have when it comes to rape charges! As long as real rapes far outnumber cases like these, that argument isn't going to get you anywhere.

I think you are ignoring a large point of it, and that is that anything involving sex it is very hard for a male to get a fair trial.

Which shows a broken system. While sex crimes (especially involving children) are a serious matter innocent until proven guilty and fair trials need to be taken just as seriously or innocent people are going to continue losing their lives.
Apparently this is quite rate, somewhere between 1.5% to 2% of rape claims turn out to be false. Although some studies suggest the figure is up to 10%. As far as I'm concerned, claiming to have been raped is as heinous as the act itself. I find no reason why these women cannot be placed on the sex offenders list themselves.

That's several hundred times less rare than I would like it to be.
If we make it the case that situations like these carry legal repurcussions, there will be no incentive for other people who have made false accusations as a child to come forward.


Holy crap. I feel so bad for that guy. Such a terrible thing to be accused of, and everyone believed her. Holy shit. I was wondering why she never got charged then I read this from the link:

Prosecutors said if they were to charge Cassandra Kennedy with a crime, it might discourage people from coming forward about their fabricated claims in the future, potentially leaving innocent men and women behind bars.

Sadly it makes sense. I hope the guilt ate 11 years off her life.


Holy shit! That's some crazy timing. I should really stop posting from both of my accounts at the same time.
"I did a horrible thing," Cassandra told detectives in January, according to a police report. "It's not OK to sit and be locked in this horrible place for something you didn't do. It's just not right."

You don't fucking say?

Lock her ass up.


Christ, thank God we don't have castration laws.

That said, I wonder if she's only doing this because family pressured her into letting him go. "Your father has suffered enough - we miss him at Christmas". I've actually seen similar things happen.


Christ, thank God we don't have castration laws.

That said, I wonder if she's only doing this because family pressured her into letting him go. "Your father has suffered enough - we miss him at Christmas". I've actually seen similar things happen.

as in they convinced her to lie to set him free or they were in on the lie to begin with?
that child is dead to me the moment they send me to prison for a horrible crime i didn't commit against them.

Got sentenced to jail for 11 years?

Let me reemphasize: I'm not even saying that would necessarily be the right thing to do, but I think it's a bit over the line to say that he definitely shouldn't.

I don't expect everyone here to get that, though. "There is nothing my child could do that would make me stop loving her/disown her/etc." is one of those things that sounds an awful lot like bullshit until you have children of your own.

Shit's complicated, is what I'm saying.

That said, I wonder if she's only doing this because family pressured her into letting him go. "Your father has suffered enough - we miss him at Christmas". I've actually seen similar things happen.

Good point. I've seen this happen too.


Disservice to rape victims? What are you talking about. She admitted to lying to put another human beign in jail. A rape victim who's rapist is found not guilty, is not same thing. There simply may not have been enough evidence for a conviction. A jury would have to proove the woman lied.
I'm talking about the public image of rape victims here.

Being accused of lying must be a horrible experience for every rape victim and now those people have another precedent to base their reasons on.


and this is why dudes get super defensive in rape threads. Women can lie and there's not one goddamned thing a man can do about it.


Hmm. That's an interesting idea. If you are found to have falsified your claim of rape, you now end up on the sex offender registry.


If we make it the case that situations like these carry legal repurcussions, there will be no incentive for other people who have made false accusations as a child to come forward.
Or maybe it'll make people think twice about claiming rape in instances where none took place, preventing the problem in the first place.


Or maybe it'll make people think twice about claiming rape in instances where none took place, preventing the problem in the first place.
I'm sure you'll get convicted if the law can prove that your accusations are false, but in situations like this, everything depends on the confession.

Only very few people voluntarily go to prison.


Let me reemphasize: I'm not even saying that would necessarily be the right thing to do, but I think it's a bit over the line to say that he definitely shouldn't.

I don't expect everyone here to get that, though. "There is nothing my child could do that would make me stop loving her/disown her/etc." is one of those things that sounds an awful lot like bullshit until you have children of your own.

Shit's complicated, is what I'm saying.

i get that. it is your opinion that until i or others have kids and are put in such a situation that we cannot fully understand what goes through one's mind. however, if my child fucks me over like that, i will not ever speak to them again. period. end of story. and i can say that with all the confidence in the world.

i hope he absolutely doesn't forgive her and i would hope he shuts her out of his life.
While it sucks absolute shit that this was allowed to happen, and this is specifically what trials are designed to prevent, I am not sure charging her is a good idea.

If she knew she was going to be charged, or someone else in a similar situation knew they would be charged after seeing this case, they might not come forward and admit it. You'd have a hard time teaching children and teenagers about consequences, so it wouldn't serve as a deterrent, but you can at least enable people to help those they wronged get a little bit of their life back.
I know this is going to sound fucked up, and I think it is, but if you convicted false rape allegations, you'd never see women step up for the person they've wrongfully convicted. You seriously think she would have stepped up for her father if it meant she'd serve 1-11 years in prison?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
And people wonder why I've historically been to afraid to initiate any sort of sexual relationship with a woman. If she lied and said afterward that I raped her, I'd be presumed guilty.

Poor man, 11 years gone forever. Bitch needs to be punished!
Kids are so fuckin scary. Anything they say is taken as gospel, and for good reason. But fuck, one spiteful kid can fuck someone over entirely and what can you do about it? Wait till she is old enough to have a conscience.

yep. it's a hard thing to realise, but it's better than the alternative. that's the thing so few people consider when it comes to law. it's about finding the smallest evil, because no law is going to be so water tight that it can't be abused one way or another. you just have to minimise that potential for abuse...

and given child rape cases... where you can't always expect there to be any remaining physical evidence... what else can you do but make the assumption that only a very small number of kids are going to make up something like this?

if we could draw the lines so that no one innocent ever went to jail, and no one guilty ever got away with anything, that'd be great, but here in the real world we can't.

if you have to send a few innocents to jail to send most of the criminals to jail... isn't that better than having no innocents wrongly sentanced and way more criminals out on the street?

it's not like there aren't things in place to allow for the wrongly accused to one day be released. would i like it? of course i wouldn't, but then i wouldn't like it if some previously accused and unconvicted child rapist raped my niece either.
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