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Game Informer: " Why Xenoblade Chronicles Makes Me Want To Punch a Kitten"


I can't really fault the main point of the article. Sure, it would be nice if Nintendo's games were in HD. Who doesn't want that? We're already getting that before the end of the year.

His tone's what's awful. And his writing, of course. And some of the other points he's trying to make. I really can't stand it when I hear the whole "Grandma Waggle Party IV" demographic argument being made. That or the "kitschy" gameplay criticisms. Very few of Nintendo's first party games on Wii are gimmicky.

But, hey, it's an opinion piece written by a non-professional writer on a website for a game retailer owned magazine.

I also really, really, really can't stand his use of punctuation. Especially semicolons. There's four of them in that article. What the hell?


His post reads like the opinion of some people here about PS360 graphics. "LOL Battlefield 3 on the PS3 and 360 looks sooo baaad OMGGG, look at those ground textures maaaan".
I just don't see the problem with old ass PS2 graphics. Ps2 games still look pretty awesome to me. MGS3, ZoE2, FFX, and so on are still very impressive. Maybe mostly because of their arttyle. They will probably age better then say Doom 3 then or how Battlefield 3 will.

Actually I remember when Gears 1 came out, FFXII had come out a few weeks eariler. I was easily far more impressed with XII then Gears. There's no doubt in which one has the better graphics, but XII was just a spectacle in art design and everything.

Xenoblade doesn't quite come close. The armor is ugly as are most of the characters. Not every level in the game is amazing either. But when the enviorments do wonder, they are pretty amazing. Part of it is the scale. The scale of the game blows me away.

Like this shot


I mean sure the graphics aren't great, but the convey the game well enough. And thats really all I want from my graphics.


i'm reading his twitter.

Xenoblade Chronicles keeps getting better and better. Honestly, if it wasn't for the graphics, I think it could be this generation's FFVII.

It's just a shame to see all the hard work Monolith put into it and *know* that their effort could've turned out so much better on 360/ps3.

Here's the thing: I'm not a graphics whore (far from it), but there's so many subtle emotions they're trying to convey with the Wii and the

technology just does not do the characters justice. It's frustrating to know that it *could have* been done, but wasn't.

Case in point: moving death scene? Not quite as impactful when your characters look like fish gasping for air every time they talk.

he's not a graphics whore! he even says so. it just can't convey subtle emotions? idk


Of course not, it doesn't have an Emotion Engine in it.

I'm not sure if he's misguided or not conveying his thoughts correctly, but it sounds like he's arguing here that the Wii isn't capable of facial animation. That's not true. They could easily have subbed in different models for the cutscenes and had them be a fair bit more expressive; that's a completely trivial process and in no way something that would be limited by the Wii hardware. Heck, they could just go with FMV cutscenes and be done with it (and then it'd be just like how FF7 conveyed emotion! He'd be overjoyed by that!)

They *chose* not to do that; most likely due to financial constraints. Being on more powerful hardware would not have changed those financial constraints.



Here we go :)

He fits right in, don't see the fuss


I want to push both sides of this argument into the furnace.

On the review side - i see the point and i've argued the same toss on numerous times with various platforms ("why is MH3rd on PSP?!" "Why is Epic Mickey on Wii?!" etc etc). I "get over it" but that's not to say i don't secretly yearn for games on a nintendo platform to be better, but ultimately it's a rant that has been done to death and there's little millage left in the argument... except with one other angle....

... the other side, ah! Nintendo fans! Look - there's a fair few in your number already starting to mention "best looking versions" of 3rd party games and it does seem that some of the specualtion about the possible upper end level of performance of the Wii U shows that Nintendo fans do want things to look better. Also - how many times have we seen amazing shots of Xenoblade posted by Nintendo fans (running under dolphin!!!) ??

So - it's a tired argument , but whilst i still think there's some validity in it - it just doesn't need to dominate a review. Maybe mention it and move on but after X years of Wii , you KNOW what you are getting at this point in time. But _some_ Nintendo fans have to stop deluding themselves that , deep down, that they're GAGGING FOR IT! ;)

he's not a graphics whore!

we all are, just some of us lie about it more than others. Even if you are hardcore retro and don't like "new" games graphics - you'll still have a level of graphics whorism on your platform of choice.


Only saw this now

Chris Kluwe ‏ @ChrisWarcraft
Since apparently NeoGAF takes forever to approve accounts, I will answer MYE's question on Twitter (this'll be the only one) - Lost Odyssey.

My original question was: "where is the HDJRPG that rivals Xenoblade's scope?"

Didnt play this game. I'll have to ask fellow GAFers if it compares to Xenoblade.
You don't have to be a graphics whore to hate how it looks on the Wii. You just have to be an aesthetics whore.

A graphics whore would still complain about all sorts of things about the game running on Dolphin, but an aesthetics whore recognizes that the game is now visually very, very appealing, thanks to a minimum level of technology.
Only saw this now

Didnt play this game.
I'll have to ask fellow GAFers if it compares to Xenoblade in scope.

Lost Odyssey compared to Xenoblade in scope.

Don't make me laugh.

Magna Carta 2 is more comparable, if you must chose a current gen game.


Oh I did.
What you probably don't get is that he isn't simply asking for a more powerful console than the Wii, he's asking Nintendo to avoid another Wii situation.

I'm actually European, so it was 2011 for me. :p

So an article begging Nintendo to make a more powerful system 5 weeks before they unveil the final hardware design at e3 is going to do what exactly?
Only saw this now

My original question was: "where is the HDJRPG that rivals Xenoblade's scope?"

Didnt play this game. I'll have to ask fellow GAFers if it compares to Xenoblade.

They are hard to compare since LO is more of a traditional JRPG as opposed to a open world more action based JRPG like xenoblade.


Jesus Christ? Hes pushing for a GAF account so we can have even MORE of 2006 channeled into the present?

No thanks, serve your time in the queue bro, we will make due with the crazies we already have. You've said your piece, begone.


Jesus Christ? Hes pushing for a GAF account so we can have even MORE of 2006 channeled into the present?

No thanks, serve your time in the queue bro, we will make due with the crazies we already have. You've said your piece, begone.

already been approved


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Jesus Christ? Hes pushing for a GAF account so we can have even MORE of 2006 channeled into the present?

No thanks, serve your time in the queue bro, we will make due with the crazies we already have. You've said your piece, begone.

Relax. He's not the guy who beat you up in high school. He's a punter for chrissakes


I got grudge sucked!
Welcome to fucking 2006. Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the better looking games on the Wii, at least artistically. I don't get why people hate on it.
I dunnooo...LO does have HD towns...

Truth be told, Xenoblade's towns are'nt really that great. They are just kind of there, and hardly interactive. This is actually a complaint that some people have with the game. That despite all that great scale, a lot of the game world is pretty much not that interactive and kind of like wallpaper. Can't say I agree, but the towns don't do much more then look cool.

But then again outside of the main city, LO's towns were pretty forgettable and probably would'nt have mattered if they were cut. All I remember about going into a town other then the main one is that it was now time for the game to slow down and be boring.


Truth be told, Xenoblade's towns are'nt really that great. They are just kind of there, and hardly interactive. This is actually a complaint that some people have with he game. That despite all that great scale, a lot of the game world is pretty much not that interactive and kind of like wallpaper. Can't say I agree, but the towns don't do much more then look cool.

I was kinda bummed out that The Last Remnant's towns were segmented into 3 or 4 sections. They're great otherwise.


You can get your point across without sounding like a disgruntled teenager WITH CAP LOCKS and *sigh* taking a sigh It can be, Really annoying if you, Can not write consistently as an adult.


already been approved

Figures. Lets all have a seriously seriously serious panic attack over the power of a console thats already dead a month or so before its successor is fully unveiled. Nows the time for outrage.

I dunno, I just think I'm so over it by this point thats its hard to read anymore. Its almost as bad as RROD and $599. Its like, whats done is done, and has been done for a little over half a decade now.


There was this fine technology called PCs which existed, where you could play at 720p back in 1997.

None of the people begging exclusively for 360/PS3 ports when bashing Nintendo are PC gamers and you know it.

They played cutting edge games like Final Fantasy VII on their home consoles, which you knew had the best and most awesome graphics because its trailer was in the movie theater. Movies: the ultimate comfy couch.


<A wild Chris Warcraft approaches>

a) Lurk and /popcorn
b) Ask a question
c) Troll
d) What the hell is he talking about

So I think most of us would like some clarification on what your point really was with your article. It doesn't seem like you have anything but positive feelings towards Xenoblade Chronicles. Are you just upset with the Wii because you feel like the franchises on the Wii would be better set on technology with higher capabilities?


Neo Member
@WanderingWind He never tried to punt (sadly, it would've been hilarious to watch), and no. I had him pose with the cards because I thought it would be a funny juxtaposition.

@Diablos54 Critical popcorn hit! You have contracted Itchy Throat.

@Kusagari Will do so tomorrow.

@Seda After I finish with the fine folk in here :)


@WanderingWind He never tried to punt (sadly, it would've been hilarious to watch), and no. I had him pose with the cards because I thought it would be a funny juxtaposition.

@Diablos54 Critical popcorn hit! You have contracted Itchy Throat.

@Kusagari Will do so tomorrow.

@Seda After I finish with the fine folk in here :)

You can use the + under peoples names button to multi-quote.

Also, I think the topic of your article was fine, the tone was asking for a bit of an up-roar.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
@WanderingWind He never tried to punt (sadly, it would've been hilarious to watch), and no. I had him pose with the cards because I thought it would be a funny juxtaposition.

@Diablos54 Critical popcorn hit! You have contracted Itchy Throat.

@Kusagari Will do so tomorrow.

@Seda After I finish with the fine folk in here :)

Ah, well. Stop by the NFL thread. Eznark is your biggest fan, and it would mean the world to him.
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