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OXM Rumor: Halo 2 Anniversary being developed


Halo 2 had an amazing story and voice cast, compared to the rest of the titles. :)

I just remembered how good H2's Prophet of Truth was compared to H3's and got sad. :(

I do think the new actress for Miranda Keyes in 3 was an improvement, too bad her writing got worse to compensate. :/
I need to find a better way for my humor to sound like actual humor.

So either learn how to be funny or use gifs

Oh, I knew you were joking. It was a serious reply to a joke post – wouldn't need to remake Halo 3 in HD IMMEDIATELY if the next Xbox could upped the resolution a bit. Of course, playing the game I wouldn't be able to tell it was 80 pixels short of HD.

It was Chinner who I couldn't figure out if he was joking or not.


Oh, I knew you were joking. It was a serious reply to a joke post – wouldn't need to remake Halo 3 in HD IMMEDIATELY if the next Xbox could upped the resolution a bit. Of course, playing the game I wouldn't be able to tell it was 80 pixels short of HD.

It was Chinner who I couldn't figure out if he was joking or not.

Oh ok, gotcha.

Chinner is never serious. Even when he is
I'd have to agree with Stalker though.

Also, you are aware how inaccurate Major Nelson's activity lists are to guage sales right? You know, because they only give rankings and no numbers. One simply cannot assume that because Reach is 5th, it must have way less players than Halo 3. However, if you know Reach sold better than Halo 3, one could guess that the playerbase is had increased. If it is is still only 5th, then perhaps the other games sold really well too.
Can't really get excited as Halo 2's campaign was very weak. Now if they kept the general layout of the levels while tweaking the encounters and so on... maybe. Slapping a new coat of paint on it won't be enough though.

If they do remake it then I'd suggest they just use the new tech, rather than go the hybrid route like in CEA. While CE would have lost much of the feel on a new engine, H2 is much more similar from an engine and gameplay viewpoint.


I'll definitely agree that Halo 2's campaign is the weakest. It's the only Halo that really strangles its own combat eco system with its level design, and that sucks. I do feel that it has some of the strongest traditional storytelling of the franchise, though, and it's deliciously quotable. That's sort of a lame thing to like about it though, I guess, and the real reason I invite an Anniversary version is that the backwards compatibility is broken for it. It's the one Halo game you can't play, issue free, on a 360.

We're obviously on the verge of a new console generation, so unless the 720 or whatever plays 360 games problem free we're gonna be back on square 1 soon enough. But still, it'd be nice to have the whole trilogy on one platform.


Halo 2 map pack for Halo 4 would be cool too. I doubt it would have its own mp

This is one thing I Would definitely make a thread about if I could make threads.

Why don't developers KEEP previous multiplayer levels throughout franchises?

:::::Long Rant:::::Long Rant:::::Long Rant:::::Long Rant:::::

Call of Duty



Gears of War




All examples of games that would be SO much better if the levels from PREVIOUS iterations were ported to the CURRENT ones. It would be so great if I could buy a Halo Map Pack knowing that I'll be able to play those maps even when a new Halo game comes out.

Developers spend so much time starting over, and never add to what they already have. Halo: Reach NEEDs Wizard, Sidewinder, that one close quarters city level from H2, and they HAVE access to the source material. If they made small aesthetic upgrades to HCE levels and put them into H2, then made small aesthetic improvements to H2's levels and included them in H3, then continued that trend with H:Reach and H4, We'd have nothing but original levels that we know and love and the library of maps for Halo would be insane.

I consider Valve KIND of doing this with the Counter-Strike iterations. Their only issue is making new original levels.

Why start off with only new levels when people LOVE the existing ones? Keep what you have and ADD to it. It can only get better as far as I can tell.

That's what bugs me about Anniversary. It splinters the playerbase into those who have the "Remade" levels and those who don't, when in my opinion, we should have had them all to begin with. I'd feel much safer knowing that if I buy MW3, I'll at least have the levels that I liked from the others.

Rant over

Regardless, since the CEA brought SOME levels from 1 & 2, I'd like to see the rest return.


I would just love it if they actually included the MP.
Even if it's Local and Splitscreen only.

Was a bit bummed that Halo 1 anniversary was just Reach maps.


Delta Halo in next gen graphics hnnnnnggg

For some reason this reminded me of the redesign of the outer surface of Alpha Halo in CEA:


I wonder if this is now the official canon look of a Halo ring and the old style one will just be replaced in the future, or what.


It's just weird to play Halo 2, or 3, and see something that's kind of maybe been retconned away.


4 player coop please.

I was sad Anniversary only had 2 player coop (and yes I know the original only had 2 player coop). I don't care if it unbalances the game.


4 player coop please.

I was sad Anniversary only had 2 player coop (and yes I know the original only had 2 player coop). I don't care if it unbalances the game.

Also can we get rid of the BS rule from Halo 2 where if just one person dies in co-op, both players get kicked to the last checkpoint? Permanent Iron skull is no fun.


My Halo 2 hype was so huge for so long that I was blind to Halo 2's flaws for a long time after it finally came out. But for a long time now I've thought it's easily the weakest SP campaign of the series. It would potentially benefit a lot more from a remake than Halo 1 did.


Hope it doesn't have the original multiplayer. It was fine at the time, but it easily ranks as worst in the series for me and that includes Halo Wars.

I do find it funny how many are deluded in thinking ODST ruined the series despite having the second strongest campaign, behind Reach's.


Hope it doesn't have the original multiplayer. It was fine at the time, but it easily ranks as worst in the series for me and that includes Halo Wars.

I do find it funny how many are deluded in thinking ODST ruined the series despite having the second strongest campaign, behind Reach's.

The way i see it, campaign wise:

Halo:CE=Reach>ODST>Halo 3>>>Halo 2
Hope it doesn't have the original multiplayer. It was fine at the time, but it easily ranks as worst in the series for me and that includes Halo Wars.

I do find it funny how many are deluded in thinking ODST ruined the series despite having the second strongest campaign, behind Reach's.
You think Reach had the strongest campaign? L.O.L.


If this is confirmed, I hope the dub is dropped for the Spanish version. I'm still traumatized for what MS did with it.


Most likely will not include multiplayer because of "technical reasons" and because "it will fragment the Halo playerbase."
Im completely agree. Story was great cause it had dept, but the gameplay was easily the worst.

I didnt find anything extremely engauging about Reach's campaign. Here we have whats supposed to be this massive war for mankind's most import colony and it just felt barren and boring. There were some high points, but I just really didn't feel the spectacle that I feel from other Halo games.

for me its probably Halo CE > Halo 3 > Reach > ODST > Halo 2
I didnt find anything extremely engauging about Reach's campaign. Here we have whats supposed to be this massive war for mankind's most import colony and it just felt barren and boring. There were some high points, but I just really didn't feel the spectacle that I feel from other Halo games.

for me its probably Halo CE > Halo 3 > Reach > ODST > Halo 2

Halo3 and Reach imo are fairly close.


Reach's campaign is the best, I am correct on that.

I do like Halo 2's though, although it's probably my least favourite.


Bleh, no thanks. Halo 2's single player is terrible. Bad level design, shitty AI, bad story, awful ending, why would I want that again?
I'd love to see Halo2 remastered. Improved & expanded upon, even.

I'd rather they not bother making a feature that lets you switch between old/new graphics, like Halo:CE Anniversary, and just make the game look as good as possible and run at 60fps.

Oh, and 2-player co-op online. That would be really great.


The only way this would make me happy would be if they redid/included the multiplayer :/

Since they didn't do this with CE, I'm not getting my hopes up. Best case scenario would be to have the retail game include a download code for stand-alone Halo 2 multiplayer arcade game (which could be sold separately later).
I'd pay for a remake of Halo 2. Not a re-skin, CE-Anniversary style, it would have to be a rebuild so they could properly fix it. With the first game Sledgehammer and 343 had to be very careful about messing with perfection. With Halo 2's campaign, they don't have that problem.


Awesome, absolutely love Halo 2's campaign, it's missing a satisfying final act and isn't too hot on legendary but by god it's got some great moments and some wonderfully atmospheric levels. I think the impossible levels of hype (Dat E3 vid <3) damaged it's reputation and, as a result, it's merits are often overlooked.

I'm calling no multi-player with this, I mean if they were scared of cannibalising Reach's player count with HaloCE's multi then I can't see them releasing the greatness that is H2 multi. God, the selection of maps to this day hasn't been topped for me personally. I hope I'm wrong and it is the whole package.

Also ODST is a damn fine game and it actually restored my faith in Bungie making a decent campaign, something that had been destroyed by H3 but then Reach came out and well...let's say I'm happy somebody else is getting a shot.


I'd pay for a remake of Halo 2. Not a re-skin, CE-Anniversary style, it would have to be a rebuild so they could properly fix it. With the first game Sledgehammer and 343 had to be very careful about messing with perfection. With Halo 2's campaign, they don't have that problem.

This is a really good point. I would actually be interested in seeing that, maybe they could even put the section from the famous E3 Demo reveal back into the game and call it "Halo 2 Complete(d) Edition" or something.
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