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Dust: An Elysian Tail |OT| Become the Storm

I got my 1200 points ready for this game. I know it will not disappoint. It makes me feel good knowing that this game is being made by one person and I'm going to be supporting him by buying this game. If he gets any cut of gamer pics or anything like that I will buy those as well.

Card Boy

I was going to ask if it was a Metroidvania but looks like the OP has it covered. Any idea on length? I am hoping for 10 hours at least on a first playthrough.


I was going to ask if it was a Metroidvania but looks like the OP has it covered. Any idea on length? I am hoping for 10 hours at least on a first playthrough.

Much, much longer than that. Especially if you want to find every hidden/secret item or whatever, I think you could at least double it. Don't take my word on it though, since I haven't completed the game yet, but I think 15-20 hours is a good estimate of the length.


Much, much longer than that. Especially if you want to find every hidden/secret item or whatever, I think you could at least double it. Don't take my word on it though, since I haven't completed the game yet, but I think 15-20 hours is a good estimate of the length.



Much, much longer than that. Especially if you want to find every hidden/secret item or whatever, I think you could at least double it. Don't take my word on it though, since I haven't completed the game yet, but I think 15-20 hours is a good estimate of the length.

Oh god stop already. I liked elements of some of the Vanillaware games, but this seems to be too good to be true.



I just looked at the ingame clock and I think I'm going to finish it at around 12-13 hours, and I didn't collect everything, so you can at least add another 5 hours onto that to look in every hidden nook and cranny.

edit: And there are a lot of side quests. I unlocked the 'complete 5 side quests' achievement a couple hours ago, but there is also an achievement for 20 side quests.


Much, much longer than that. Especially if you want to find every hidden/secret item or whatever, I think you could at least double it. Don't take my word on it though, since I haven't completed the game yet, but I think 15-20 hours is a good estimate of the length.
What? Damn. That's some length.
Yes, completely self-funded. Basically lived very modestly. More than anything I hope Dust:AET does well enough to warrant making another game.

Had been debating whether to get this on release as I'd previously been set on Deadlight until the buzz died down last week but hearing this has me sure I'd like to support you for the living the dream.


Funny that a lot of deviantart is better than the professional stuff.

Not only that but a lot of professional artist/character designers post their art there as well. ( Yusuke Kozaki who did the designs for No More Heroes for example) Not seeing the big deal about there being animal characters either, games have been doing this for years. I think the art style looks quite good actually.


I think we might have quite a few, actually! Incredible bunch, aren't they? BTW, you said you are reviewing, have you been hooked up?
They really are. Did you get to come out and direct, or did you let Ed and his buddy take care of it?

Not yet. The G4 folks haven't gotten me my review code yet...you may hasten the process, if you wish. = D Not actually sure if there's an embargo on reviews, if I have to wait for the 15th to publish....


They really are. Did you get to come out and direct, or did you let Ed and his buddy take care of it?

Not yet. The G4 folks haven't gotten me my review code yet...you may hasten the process, if you wish. = D Not actually sure if there's an embargo on reviews, if I have to wait for the 15th to publish....

Embargo is early Monday morning. Please email me!


I just looked at the ingame clock and I think I'm going to finish it at around 12-13 hours, and I didn't collect everything, so you can at least add another 5 hours onto that to look in every hidden nook and cranny.

edit: And there are a lot of side quests. I unlocked the 'complete 5 side quests' achievement a couple hours ago, but there is also an achievement for 20 side quests.

The longest play time on the leaderboards is around 17hrs as of now.


La-Mulana, Dust, Darksiders. Man, a lot of good and lengthy exploratory games coming out.

Congratulations on finishing Dust, Noogy. It's amazing what you put into it.


Sketchbook Picasso
Yeah, I know what you mean. I see so much hate towards it but, like you, I just think of older animated movies and Sesame Street.

And Harry and the Hendersons!

-nodnod- Might as well throw in Alf while we're at it! Haha. But yeah, the "non-gamer" people who see this, who are of the age to have children who'd look at it... I don't think they'd see it and think "EWWWW, Sexualized cartoons!". We've got good memories of this kinda work, and I think Dust rides that idealization well.

when I first look at this game I thought it was one of those furry things that I see on youtube or games like secondlife but then I watched the video and was blown away so i look past the furry animal sort of thing.

It actually really reminds me of a classic flash cartoon that never got completed "little Ninjai"


Hey, that looks pretty cool! Never heard of it.

The whole furry complaint goes right over my head. I don't even know what the hell a furry is. "Deviantart characters" makes no sense to me because I've seen all sorts of great, varied art on that site.

"Deviant art furry" jokes are pretty old by now. i really don't understand people's weirdness over it.

Yeah, I feel like it's an "underbelly of the underbelly" kinda comment. Looks like EVERYONE on the internet feels this way, but as soon as you look to the overall world, you see these kinda ideas apply to a minimum, at best.

Really. I look at most of the art and it reminds me of Don Bluth (think An American Tale) mixed with some of the cool sword play you might see in a modern animation series. It's not like the flying sidekick has a nice ass or anything.

My mind always goes to "Secrets of Nihm", which always felt incredibly mature for me, since childhood. I need to watch it again sometimes... but yeah. Speaking of Bluth, I think I give a funnier eye to the Princess in "Dragons Lair" than most Anthro art, because she always seemed surprisingly "sexy" for what otherwise appeared to be a Disney animated epic.

On the whole subject of "ew furry art!" Here's a quote from the Lackadaisy author (the prohibition cat comic) that I always liked.

I normally don't like the "it's not my fault... it's yours!" train of thinking, but I actually agree with that element of it here. A lot of people like Animal / Human hybrid characters, because they're fun to draw. It's interesting trying to illustrate human emotions on non-human faces. Those kind of simple challenges just call out to artist in general, and it's a great way to play with something very rooted in fantasy, while possibly making a story that's very rooted in reality, or human-style drama.


But ANYWAY, past the Style drama (Which, if you can't tell, I rather like the style!)... Really? Over 10 hours? Close to 20? Amazing! How much of this is filler? XD

Oh, and about the cinematics in the trailer... are we to expect such things throughout the game, or was some of that made specifically for the trailer?


Oh, and about the cinematics in the trailer... are we to expect such things throughout the game, or was some of that made specifically for the trailer?

Mostly sprinkled throughout for story. Most of it comes through the dialogue sequences though. LOTS of voice over.

I'm happy people like the trailer music. It was custom made, but Chris Geehan scored the entire game in the same amazing way. There are also some contributions by Alex Brandon (Unreal, Deus Ex). As much as I like how the game looks and plays, I think the music is absolutely incredible.


Mostly sprinkled throughout for story. Most of it comes through the dialogue sequences though. LOTS of voice over.

I'm happy people like the trailer music. It was custom made, but Chris Geehan scored the entire game in the same amazing way. There are also some contributions by Alex Brandon (Unreal, Deus Ex). As much as I like how the game looks and plays, I think the music is absolutely incredible.

Are you planning on releasing the soundtrack on iTunes or Bandcamp?


Take it from someone that likes to pick this game apart (lots of visual elements drive me nuts): it's really, really... really good. The combat is DMC-quality and once you have your hands on it it'll blow your mind that primarily one person created this. Excited to inevitably see this sell 50,000 copies its first week. : )


Sketchbook Picasso
Mostly sprinkled throughout for story. Most of it comes through the dialogue sequences though. LOTS of voice over.

Cool, thanks!

It's great to hear such quality VA work from such a game. Magnifies how sad it is when big-company games get boatloads of sub-par voicework... it's great when quality goes beyond "Do I... have to listen to these guys? For HOW long?" to "Hey great, looking forward to the awesome story!"

Quality 2D of this style + VA work actually makes me think of Sega Saturn's "Astal"...

Big question: why 4 fingers on each hand for the protagonist instead of 5?

Traditionally, this answer is "Leaving off 1 finger saves A LOT of money, when it comes to animation. The 4 fingers are enough to let you know what's happening, and look natural."
Take it from someone that likes to pick this game apart (lots of visual elements drive me nuts): it's really, really... really good. The combat is DMC-quality and once you have your hands on it it'll blow your mind that primarily one person created this. Excited to inevitably see this sell 50,000 copies its first week. : )

I've heard the bolded a couple times but can somebody give more of a breakdown of the combat system? Cancels, dashes and the like?

From what I can see the combat looks flashy but it doesn't seem to have much more depth than something like bloodrayne betrayal or shank.


Buh...rewatching the Giant Bomb interview from PAX and it just hit me that this thing was mostly made by one person. Unreal...I can't even create my own GAF avatars.
Take it from someone that likes to pick this game apart (lots of visual elements drive me nuts): it's really, really... really good. The combat is DMC-quality and once you have your hands on it it'll blow your mind that primarily one person created this. Excited to inevitably see this sell 50,000 copies its first week. : )



Not gonna happen, since this is published by Microsoft. It might eventually come to Windows, but I wouldn't really count on it.
Not only that but one man who didn't even know how to program when he started made this whole game. Do you think he has time to make a PC version?
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