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What's the worst game you played all year?


Party Pooper
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor

While a novel approach to Kinect functionality, the game is asking way too much of a sensor that was never terribly accurate to begin with.

Couldn't finish the game because about halfway through I got stuck on a mission where you are trapped on a bridge. After about 20 tries I rage-quit.

Thankful for gamefly.
Stay away to the videogames, then, you waste your time. I have played only the ps3 demo & it's one of the best game of the whole generation, simply ingenious, gameplay wise; if someone is unable to appreciate it, he deserves the annual COD release for the whole life. I join to the party: RE6 demo was one of the most disturbing thing that I have played in this generation; everything is an incredible mess, I can't believe capcom has screwed all the good things of this series for the sake of the marketing, congratulations to them.

Why does someone who doesn't like bayoneta deserve repeates of popular franchises?

there is literally no correlation between those 2 things.


Black Ops 2, absolutely terrible game in SP. It's MP was a bland and uninteresting affair. The only SP part of a game i would rate as badly would be BF3's and that was mainly due to frustrating glitches, although that SP campaign is also just as bad in some areas.

Considering how popular the games are it's amazing how the series can get by on MP alone, especially MP which imo is boring compared to what the WW2 games were like.



Well not in so any words but yeah, you basically did. You said, "if they can't appreciate Bayo, they should be punished by having to play the annual COD release", implying that if they can't appreciate "good" games, they should have to play "bad" ones.

No, I didn't. Where I am talking of bad game in my quote? :/ If you want to see the thing in this way, it's your problem, but it's not what I'm trying to say.


at last, for christ's sake
Darksiders 2

It's not a terrible game, I tend to avoid buying them, but it's way, way worse than the others I played


Unconfirmed Member
Max Payne 3

-The length of the cutscenes
-The content of the cutscenes
-The direction of the cutscenes
-The intrusive nature of the cutscenes
-The unskippable nature of the cutscenes
-The cutscenes
-The butchering of the character, and the awful story in general
-The clunky gameplay (yeah it's clunky, clumsy, thoroughly average stuff apologists)
-The shorts

this guy gets it.
Black Ops 2, absolutely terrible game in SP. It's MP was a bland and uninteresting affair. The only SP part of a game i would rate as badly would be BF3's and that was mainly due to frustrating glitches, although that SP campaign is also just as bad in some areas.

Considering how popular the games are it's amazing how the series can get by on MP alone, especially MP which imo is boring compared to what the WW2 games were like.


I was disappointed with BLOPS 2 single player mainly because a lot of reviews made it seem like it was as good as MW1's. None of the games have repeated that games feel with its great sniper mission and bomber mission etc. They are all now just splosions and set pieces. This was no different. Bad Guy hulking out pretty much set the tone for the rest of the game on at that point as well.

The choices were nice but apart from that is was very much just the same old.

Multiplayer im bored of already. Spawn next to enemies and quick scoping etc etc. Meh.

Wasnt worse game though.
Snorederlands 2.

I'll give it credit for being a bit less boring than the original but it's still boring ! boring story, boring objective and boring characters, I enjoyed resident Evil 6 more than this game to be honest.


No, I didn't. Where I am talking of bad game in my quote? :/ If you want to see the thing in this way, it's your problem, but it's not what I'm trying to say.
Stay away to the videogames, then, you waste your time. I have played only the ps3 demo & it's one of the best game of the whole generation, simply ingenious, gameplay wise; if someone is unable to appreciate it, he deserves the annual COD release for the whole life.
So they deserve to have to play CoD for the rest of their life because it's also awesome?

OK then, whatever.



I do most of my gaming on Nintendo hardware, and was looking forward to playing a much hyped 3rd party game representative of games typically found on the HD Twins.

One of the driest, most boring games I have ever played. It simply was not fun.

too true. AC2 was great. Didnt feel like playing the sorta sequels. This one was a fucking chore to play for the 4 or so hours i gave it
The Walking Dead
The numerous save game glitches and Telltale's embarrassing lack of patch support kept me from enjoying the game. This mess was 13€ when I bought it and I regret every cent I spend on it.
I don't think I've played anything I would rate as fundamentally bad this year. There was one game that gave me grief though: Farcry 3. I had loads of stability issues and sound issues while playing it and I usually don't have any grief with bugs these days so it irked me quite a bit. The 'so and so' story and annoying QTEs probably didn't help either.
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3D

Why Atari, why oh why, you mistreat your most succesful saga of games and the one that gives you more money.
This games wouldnt have been so horrible if only for one thing...
The fucking limitations, you have limitations FOR EVERYTHING. Coaster lenghth, number of coasters, number of rides, number of decorations, even number of litters and roads for god's sake.
And you maybe would think, well, maybe the numbers are high...
NO, its so bad they even give a patch of land that you will never have full, not even half of it, only becuase of this restrictions.
Its absurd.
Trying to do a port of 1 or 2 would have been amazing (i know theres problems with the code and that neraly impossible to make a good port of it, and the only way is restarting from scratch). But no, they needed to fuck all up, make it in shitty 3D and call it a day.
I love 1, 2 and one of my favourite games ever is 3, with its expansions and mods, and when I boot this game, I cry a little inside.

I got this free from PS+, so praise the saints above that I didn't shell out money for this festering pile of manure because it seemed to fail in every way conceivable. It's a game that presents to you this giant playground, one that allows you to go where you want, do what you want and says "hey, venture forth and have fun!" and then goes out of its way to prohibit you from actually engaging in any activity resembling 'fun'. There's just so much wrong with this game.

It's soulless for a start. Creating such an immense world seemed to be its undoing. It's a pretty looking collection of islands when you're base jumping and the draw distance works its magic, allowing you to see the sunbathed paradise all around you. Up close, everything looks like ass. Lazy, flat texture work everywhere, character models that look like they're constructed from Play-Doh, and then you realise the game has wholly sacrificed detail and character for a big, empty, bland world that has nothing of interest to see. Just compare the open-world of Just Cause 2 to something like Sleeping Dogs, a world much smaller in scale, but visually striking and seeping with personality and atmosphere. It's no contest which one is better.

The shooting mechanics are borked. There's no cover system, so you just have to kind of stand infront of a piece of the environment, and then edge out left or right until you can get the enemy in your sights. Problem is the hit detection is screwy and unreliable, so even though you've got that enemy soldier's bonce right in the middle of your crosshair, you'll probably end up hitting the tree you're using for cover instead. And bullet sponges much? Even 50 Cent can't take as many bullets as these guys. And I thought the first Uncharted was bad.

It's repetitive beyond belief too. Give it an hour or two and you've already seen all the game has to offer. The same villages, the same military bases, the same harbours, the same missions, the same takeovers. The game's idea of presenting a challenge is to just pile wave upon wave of respawning enemies at you, which is huge fun when you simply want to take over a base and have already decimated a horde of soldiers, a couple of tanks, a helicopter or two and a kitchen sink. Then it decides you haven't had enough and throws another army at you. I JUST WANT TO GET 100% ON THIS BASE - LEAVE ME ALONE! Just the sheer amount of helicopters you have to deal with. Having to engage in the same QTE every time you hijack one of these enemy vehicle is borderline retarded game design, and it never ceases when trying to take over a base.

All the land vehicles handle like they're on ice, skidding and sliding all over the fucking place when you 'strain' the analogue stick too much left or right, which makes weaving in and out of traffic a needless fucking chore of epic proportions great barrel of laughs. And it actually beggars belief how ineptly the planes handle. I can't even explain it, it's just so twitchy that to control one looks like the thing is being driven by a pilot who gorged on a concoction of whiskey and absinthe beforehand.

A non-entity of a main character, who doesn't even appear to have a consistent physical representation across the promotional material, the loading screen images and how he looks ingame. Your average space marine has more personality in his pinky than whoever the name of the protagonist in Just Cause 2 did in his entire empty vessel of a body. Not to mention a cast devoid of charm, spark or chemistry, a script deprived of wit or compelling dialogue, and of some of the most appalling voicework my ears have ever been exposed to in a game. That female revolutionary - WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! She sounded like she had a lobotomy, visited every corner of the Earth and then decided to morph all those different, exotic accents into one collective ear-raping screech of a sound.

If I'm missing anything out then it's only because I've tried my darndest to erase it from my memory. Not just the worst game I've played this year, but possibly this gen. It literally has nothing going for it whatsoever.


Outside of some retro/arcade games I played (I'm looking at you, Kageki) I'd say I was really disappointed with Sound Shapes.

After getting over the coolness of the design and music, the game is just a really boring platformer with no challenge whatsoever. No lives to worry about, nothing really challenging or unique about the level designs (except for the aesthetic I guess), and the whole experience felt like a cheap ass present wrapped in nice looking paper, and give me that "why the fuck am I playing this crap" feeling.

Completely overrated.


Oh wow, I forgot about Halo 4. That was just a bigger disappointment for me than Borderlands 2.
I made it up to the part where you're fighting the new Alien race, with the most unoriginal "alien" weapons I've ever seen in a game. Y'know, alien version of scoped rifle, shotgun, pistol, and machine gun. Amazing how they look so similar to Earth weapons! Before getting to that point the game consisted of Chief hitting switches or shooting some power core, while going through the token Halo gunfights, which were about as exciting as doing the dinner dishes. Oh, and I've never noticed the corridors so much in a FPS until Halo 4.
I just couldn't take it anymore and returned the game to Redbox. 343 Studios can work some magic in the graphics dept, but other than that they're no Bungie.
Max Payne 3

-The length of the cutscenes
-The content of the cutscenes
-The direction of the cutscenes
-The intrusive nature of the cutscenes
-The unskippable nature of the cutscenes
-The cutscenes
-The butchering of the character, and the awful story in general
-The clunky gameplay (yeah it's clunky, clumsy, thoroughly average stuff apologists)
-The shorts

but hey, that soundtrack was great huh?
This guy probably summed it up better then I was going to.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Kid Icarus. The controls made the game simply unplayable for me. Sucks to be left handed.

Trine 2. I really don't get it. Absolutely gorgeous game but everything else about it is dull, the story, the characters, the game mechanics. The entire package is one that really bored me which I still find hard to believe given how pretty it is.



I got this free from PS+, so praise the saints above that I didn't shell out money for this festering pile of manure because it seemed to fail in every way conceivable. It's a game that presents to you this giant playground, one that allows you to go where you want, do what you want and says "hey, venture forth and have fun!" and then goes out of its way to prohibit you from actually engaging in any activity resembling 'fun'. There's just so much wrong with this game.

It's soulless for a start. Creating such an immense world seemed to be its undoing. It's a pretty looking collection of islands when you're base jumping and the draw distance works its magic, allowing you to see the sunbathed paradise all around you. Up close, everything looks like ass. Lazy, flat texture work everywhere, character models that look like they're constructed from Play-Doh, and then you realise the game has wholly sacrificed detail and character for a big, empty, bland world that has nothing of interest to see. Just compare the open-world of Just Cause 2 to something like Sleeping Dogs, a world much smaller in scale, but visually striking and seeping with personality and atmosphere. It's no contest which one is better.

The shooting mechanics are borked. There's no cover system, so you just have to kind of stand infront of a piece of the environment, and then edge out left or right until you can get the enemy in your sights. Problem is the hit detection is screwy and unreliable, so even though you've got that enemy soldier's bonce right in the middle of your crosshair, you'll probably end up hitting the tree you're using for cover instead. And bullet sponges much? Even 50 Cent can't take as many bullets as these guys. And I thought the first Uncharted was bad.

It's repetitive beyond belief too. Give it an hour or two and you've already seen all the game has to offer. The same villages, the same military bases, the same harbours, the same missions, the same takeovers. The game's idea of presenting a challenge is to just pile wave upon wave of respawning enemies at you, which is huge fun when you simply want to take over a base and have already decimated a horde of soldiers, a couple of tanks, a helicopter or two and a kitchen sink. Then it decides you haven't had enough and throws another army at you. I JUST WANT TO GET 100% ON THIS BASE - LEAVE ME ALONE! Just the sheer amount of helicopters you have to deal with. Having to engage in the same QTE every time you hijack one of these enemy vehicle is borderline retarded game design, and it never ceases when trying to take over a base.

All the land vehicles handle like they're on ice, skidding and sliding all over the fucking place when you 'strain' the analogue stick too much left or right, which makes weaving in and out of traffic a needless fucking chore of epic proportions great barrel of laughs. And it actually beggars belief how ineptly the planes handle. I can't even explain it, it's just so twitchy that to control one looks like the thing is being driven by a pilot who gorged on a concoction of whiskey and absinthe beforehand.

A non-entity of a main character, who doesn't even appear to have a consistent physical representation across the promotional material, the loading screen images and how he looks ingame. Your average space marine has more personality in his pinky than whoever the name of the protagonist in Just Cause 2 did in his entire empty vessel of a body. Not to mention a cast devoid of charm, spark or chemistry, a script deprived of wit or compelling dialogue, and of some of the most appalling voicework my ears have ever been exposed to in a game. That female revolutionary - WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! She sounded like she had a lobotomy, visited every corner of the Earth and then decided to morph all those different, exotic accents into one collective ear-raping screech of a sound.

If I'm missing anything out then it's only because I've tried my darndest to erase it from my memory. Not just the worst game I've played this year, but possibly this gen. It literally has nothing going for it whatsoever.

I second this, but I didn't finish it because I got bored very quickly in the campaign and quit before making a final verdict. I hear its good for the open world, so I should go back to that game sometime soon.

What takes the cake is Black Ops II on the PS3. The campaign is terrible, I couldn't understand what the baldie in the wheelchair was talking about besides cussing every 4 seconds. I couldn't get a good feel of any of the characters either.

Zombies is repetitive and boring. I don't understand the point in it, because I am not having fun playing it and find it more frustrating to shoot zombies off the bus with the limited ammo you have and dieing in a few hits? That wasn't my main issue though, I guess the point is survival but I find that its a really shitty way of doing a zombie mode.

Multiplayer is decent, but thats it.

My first time playing a call of duty game and I was really dissapointed. I don't understand the appeal in this to the masses.
What's the difference? It's always just going to be your opinion. There is no objectively "worst game this year", just what you think was the worst.

There is a difference between the worst game I've played this year and the game that other people like and have heard of that I didn't like but they did so let me be shocking by saying I didn't like it.

If we are going by the second definition then Demon's Souls. If we are going by the first definition then Army of Two.
There is a difference between the worst game I've played this year and the game that other people like and have heard of that I didn't like but they did so let me be shocking by saying I didn't like it.

If we are going by the second definition then Demon's Souls. If we are going by the first definition then Army of Two.
Well maybe some of us looked at Army of Two and said "Oh yeah, that already looks like shit, no way im playing that in the first place". So things like Diablo III and Max
Payne 3 were the worst things we played this year.

Not everyone is bashing these games just to go against the grain.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Dungeon Fighter Online for XBLA was easily the worst game I played this year. Deleted it almost immediately.

Resident Evil 6 was a huge disappointment, but it was decent enough that I still played through the entire game.


SSX was a deep disapointment. I was so excited to have the series back at last, but I could not find the magic of the 3 first entries anymore.
Well maybe some of us looked at Army of Two and said "Oh yeah, that already looks like shit, no way im playing that in the first place". So things like Diablo III and Max
Payne 3 were the worst things we played this year.

Not everyone is bashing these games just to go against the grain.

RE6 is legit. Steel Battalion is legit. Bayonetta, Just Cause 2 really?!? Even Diablo 3 was good. It may have been disappointing for fans of 2 but it was a good game. Those games may have been disappointing compared to expectations but they were not bad by any means.

Mass Effect 3 disappointed me but it wasn't the worst game I played all year. I quite like the multiplayer which is something I'd never thought I'd say.

Some of the games mentioned seemed to be mentioned for effect.


Well maybe some of us looked at Army of Two and said "Oh yeah, that already looks like shit, no way im playing that in the first place". So things like Diablo III and Max
Payne 3 were the worst things we played this year.

Not everyone is bashing these games just to go against the grain.

Pretty much this. Objectively speaking Max Payne 3 wasn't the worst game released this year, but of what I've played (and I played a lot) it was the one I enjoyed the least. If I'd played titles like Steel Battalion or Ninja Gai... wait I did play Ninja Gaiden 3. I change my answer to that.
Castlevania: Lord of Shadows. I really tried to like it, but after trying to get into it on and off for a few weeks I just found it tedious. I think its down to the glacial pace of the story, as I usually enjoy hack and slashes like God of War and the DMC series, but yeah, just didn't get into this at all.
This won't end well. Heck, there's already been some nasty crossfire...

"worst of" or "terrible games" threads seem innocuous enough at the time, but sooner or later one too many people are going to pile on someone's else's favorite game, and then that person will feel the need to comment about the taste, mental capabilities and/or emotional health of the original posters. :/

From those frequently mentioned here, I'll say I loved (and still do) Guild Wars 2, but I can completely understand why many would hate it or not find it addicting at all.
Looking over the list of games I played this year, Bayonetta is the only one I actively hated. I finished and immediately traded it, which is something I've done kinda never.
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