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What is your favorite video game of all time?



Nice choice, and nicely stated. Love this game so much, I guess I technically have 6 copies of it:

US Greatest Hits release
Original JP release w/art book
JP PSOne Books release
Saturn JP version
XBLA version
PSP version (Dracula X Chronicles)

Beautiful piece of work, I can only imagine what they would have done with it if they had a bit more time.

Thanks. I'd love to get my hands on the Saturn release, but the new maps are pretty small so I can't justify the price. I also don't have a PSP... here's hoping they do something for the 20th anniversary (which is only 4 years away, god DAMN do I feel old now...) and maybe port a 'complete' version.
I cant choose one. These are the games that have left a mark on me throughout the years

Kid Icarus
Super Metroid
Super Mario 64
Pilot Wings 64
Wave Race 64
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy VII
Metroid Prime
Halo CE
Halo 2
Halo 3
TES Oblivion
Saints Row 2
TES Skyrim
Alpha Protocol
Red Dead Redemption


I've played Doom II pretty much constantly for the last 18 years, and will most likely continue to play it for the next 18. It runs on anything, looks pretty good in widescreen (thanks to gzdoom) and I literally will not live long enough to get through all the user-made wads that the community still continues to produce.

A couple of quality mods from the last few years:

Brutal Doom

Deus Vult II / Russian Overkill
Street Fighter for me. Too hard to pick out of the million iterations but if I had to probably Alpha 3.

Closely followed by FFVII and Castlevania SOTN.

Castlevania SOTN for me. So much detail in this 2D world, it is amazing. Not to mention it has the greatest game OST ever. The game is magical.

Yes, was listening the OST this weekend, it is incredible.
Overall? There's one that sticks to me as my favorite game of all time, and I have a feeling that won't change anytime soon.


Mother 3 would probably be my 2nd favorite game of all time, and it definitely came close, but Earthbound is just, well, it's Earthbound.

Beth Cyra

Final Fantasy VIII is tied with Lunar Silver Star Story Complete.

If I really had to choose I would go with FFVIII because I love Squall/Rinoa and the whole Angel Wing motif.




I will never get enough of this masterpiece. Every city, every dungeon, every square inch of terrain across the massive world oozes with brilliant design, every character shines with indelible charm, making every last bit character stick with you until the balls-tighteningly fantastic conclusion, which, for me anyway, was the first time since Majora's Mask I felt it was worth it doing all of those pointless sidequests, and its phenomenal OST continues to this day to stick with me, especially 'The Sun Rises', one of the greatest songs in gaming history.

Okami is like if somebody took a look at Ocarina of Time, took all the piss out of it, and replaced it with gorgeous graphics, frenetic combat, and an excellent story. I love Okami, and so should you.
Okami is like if somebody took a look at Ocarina of Time, took all the piss out of it, and replaced it with gorgeous graphics, frenetic combat, and an excellent story. I love Okami, and so should you.

I would give it a new try if I didn't already have lots of games to play, but when I played it on PS2 it felt like a game with terrible pacing. It was just to much of everything.



The difficulty balance might not be the best once you get certain weapons, but picking this game up is like going for a pleasant walk through familiar terrain. It has perfect control, tons of extras, gorgeous artwork, flawless map design, and the best music in any game ever. Period.

It's really hard to just pick one, though. However, I think the most "perfect" aka "best" game I've ever played has been this one:


Ingenious puzzle design, perfect balance of difficulty, perfect length, tons of extras to uncover, and a wonderful sense of adventure. Along with Symphony of the Night, it's probably my favourite of all time. Easily in my top 5, anyway.

Others that constantly come to mind when I think of this question:

Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Super Mario Bros. 3
Yoshi's Island
Crash Bandicoot 2
Spyro the Dragon

There are plenty of good answers in this thread. Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of the Colossus, etc.




I will never get enough of this masterpiece. Every city, every dungeon, every square inch of terrain across the massive world oozes with brilliant design, every character shines with indelible charm, making every last bit character stick with you until the balls-tighteningly fantastic conclusion, which, for me anyway, was the first time since Majora's Mask, I felt it was worth it doing all of those pointless sidequest, and its phenomenal OST continues to this day to stick with me, especially 'The Sun Rises', one of the greatest songs in gaming history.

Okami is like if somebody took a look at Ocarina of Time, took all the piss out of it, and replaced it with gorgeous graphics, frenetic combat, and an excellent story. I love Okami, and so should you.

Would you recommend the PS2 or Wii version? I still haven't played it.

Naked Lunch

Battlefield 2 PC - infinite depth and so much teamwork needed. Just the right balance of arcade and sim. You could spend months learning to compete in jets - and thats just a tiny fraction of the game.

Commanders simply must return in BF4.


10. Elevator Action Returns
9. Eyeshield 21: AmeFuto Yarouze! Ya! Ha!
8. Final Fantasy X-2
7. Resident Evil 3
6. Silent Hill
5. Silent Hill 3
4. Final Fantasy IV
3. Castlevania 64
2. Vampire Savior
1. Revelations: Persona


Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Absolutely perfect.

The sequels are just ok though. But probably don't even belong in my top 50.

This is a fantastic choice! This game has a ton of style, wonderful voice acting, challenging puzzles, a gorgeous soundtrack, and an engrossing story. I've never heard of someone calling it their favourite game, but I'm glad there's someone out there who does. :) It's a good one!


10. Elevator Action Returns
9. Eyeshield 21: AmeFuto Yarouze! Ya! Ha!
8. Final Fantasy X-2
7. Resident Evil 3
6. Silent Hill
5. Silent Hill 3
4. Final Fantasy IV
3. Castlevania 64
2. Vampire Savior
1. Revelations: Persona


Granted, the music is great and the atmosphere is quite good, but man, the controls and platforming sections... *shudder*
Jak 2. Lasted me months and months because of the ridiculous difficulty spikes, but I pretty much mastered it now and can wrap it all up in a couple days. Spent so so so much time with it, and loved every minute. Haven City is still my favorite hub world of all time.

I've almost definitely played BETTER games, but Jak 2 is my favorite.

Oh, and hate me, I dare you, but Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer was what brought me full time into this generation. I even loved the broken parts.
1. Chrono Trigger

2. Chrono Cross
3. Resident Evil 2
4. Phoenix Wright Trilogy
5. Devil May Cry 3
6. Streets of Rage Remake
7. Shadow of the Colossus
8. Uncharted 2
9. God Hand
10. Onimusha 2



Granted, the music is great and the atmosphere is quite good, but man, the controls and platforming sections... *shudder*

are a natural extension of the original games in a 3D space unlike the ps2 games and most series transitions into 3D.


If I had to choose without contemplating deeply I'd probably say Majora's Mask or Shining Force 2. But there are so many games I love for so many different reasons that I don't think I could ever actually choose.
I forgive my cousin for cracking the 4th disk. It is and probably will always be my alltime favorite game. The easter eggs, secrets, design, deep characters, and the battle mechanics being a mix of strategic and active time battles, even the towns were engaging (getting the tri-shot gun was a moment for me, and discovering Peats flight possibly ending in tragedy..)

i'll get it again, i miss my new years playthroughs.



You REALLY want to stay out of the red.


This thread has motivated me to finally play and finish Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. They're two of my greatest shames for never having finished either one.
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