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What is your favorite video game of all time?

My GOAT game is equally Baldurs Gate 2 and Mass Effect 2. I love the characters, atmosphere and combat of both games.
Having said that, Im really enjoying Skyrim at the moment too. Using a bunch of mods to improve it though.


Favorite PC game:


City of Heroes was not only the game that introduced me to MMO's, but to PC gaming in general. The fact that I never reached the level cap in the game but it still resonates with me so much speaks volumes about it's design, gameplay and community. I stopped playing it seriously after World of Warcraft eventually stole my attention, but every now and then I would go back and check out the new content patch.

Rest in peace, my friend :( You will be sorely missed.

Favorite console game:


I just fucking love this game, I can always have fun with it.

Honorable mentions:

- Red Dead Redemption
- Skyrim
- World of Warcraft


are a natural extension of the original games in a 3D space unlike the ps2 games and most series transitions into 3D.

It has been years since I played it, but I do have fond memories of the beautiful intro and the entrance into the castle. It definitely had the CV atmosphere down.

Btw, I also really like Lament of Innocence despite the disdain it receives from most fans of the series.
So many games that I've really loved and played over & over through the years, but if you force me to pick just one, I think this has gotta be it:




Back in the day I was hugely obsessed with 2D fighters, and this was the perfect distillation of the 90s fighter. There's still a tournamet scene for it in Asia to this day, and people still discover crazy things you can do in it. The Dreamcast version was the single best gaming purchase I've ever made. Nothing else was this deep or complex or exploding with personality and brilliant art and little character touches. Plus, Neo Geo Pocket link! Aw Yeah!


Shiren the Wanderer (SFC). One of the best Roguelikes ever.

I've enjoyed the sequels, but without the step-by-step autosave of the original they never quite felt the same.
FFVII boxart

You win.

Gonna also mention Dragon Quest 8. I have such a love/hate relationship with it. The incredible art design and cel shaded graphics, the beautiful full scale and seemingly endless overworld, and incredible symphonic score are unmatched. There is nothing else like it.


It's still Ico. For a while I thought maybe Journey, I had a better first experience with Journey than any other game, but it's not like you can play it endlessly, and it's so dependent on the other players, so I still think Ico is better.
This is pretty hard. I guess half-life for all the mods and stuff it gave me (CS, NS, Team Fortress, DoD & more), in addition to a great singleplayer story.

For console games probably OoT/Majora's mask, and more recently Dark Souls/Demon Souls.

World of Warcraft is def the game I've spent the most time and money on, it had a great run.

Hell, throw in Warcraft 3. Easily the best rts I've ever played.


Extremely tough choice but it always comes back down to this. SO many memories and great times.


Yeah, vanilla + TBC were great times. Fell out of love after TBC though, but those years of memories cement this as my no1.

Honorable mentions:
Chrono Trigger
Duke Nukem 3D
Counterstrike: Source
Uncharted 2
Demon's Souls
Link's Awakening
Timesplitters 2/3
Unreal Tournament 2004
Call of Duty
Ocarina of Time.

And the kicker is that I've only played it once. It sounds pathetic but I don't want to play it again and ruin the great memories I had of my first playthrough. Plus I have zero time to play games as it is.


Nothing beats MGS1 on PS1 for me.
For me it's exactly what I think of when I here perfect game. Memorable everything in that game, not to mention its basically what got me into gaming. He'll its more than my favorite games its one of my biggest influences ever. A lot of the things I like can be traced back to the game.

My runner up is Resident Evil 4/5
Though I like 5 more than 4, for is what really got me hooked. Though 3 is what introduced me to RE.
Can't decide between;

Super Mario World
GTA: vice City
Zelda Majora's Mask

Honorable mentions:

Pokémon R/B
Sleeping Dogs
Dear Esther
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Red Dead Redemption
Max Payne
NES: Super Mario Bros. 3

SNES: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (never owned Super Metroid for this system at the time.)

Sega Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

NGC: Metroid Prime

PS 2: God of War II

Wii: Super Mario Galaxy / Wii VC: Super Metroid

Xbox 360 (slim): Dead Space

Game of all time is..... The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


It's somewhere in this list:

Super Mario Bros. USA
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Tekken 3
Tekken 2
Kirby Mass Attack
Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Dream Land
Super Street Fighter EX 2
Super Street Fighter IV AE
Super Paper Mario
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Final Fantasy Tactics
Dragon Quest IX
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Super Mario Sunshine
Fighters Destiny
Mega Man X
Mega Man
Mega Man 6
Hot Shots Golf
Cave Story
Super Princess Peach
Mario Kart DS
Mario Kart DD!
Mario Tennis 64
Tetris Axis
Puyo Pop Fever
Pokémon Soul Silver
Pokémon White
Pokémon Conquest
Luigi's Mansion
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
F-Zero X
Super Mario 64
The King of Fighters 97
The King of Fighters 95
Retro Game Challenge
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mortal Kombat 2
Donkey Kong 94
Project Justice
Capcom vs. SNK
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
World Heroes 2
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong Country 2
Bonk's Adventure
Mario vs. DK 2
Shinobi 3D



This game has really stood the test of time for me, even despite the sub-par voice acting. It was one of the first games to teach me that video games truly can be considered art. During a time when Square was creating some of the best games out there, this was a great eye-opener that made me realize that other companies at the time were capable of creating really amazing console-style RPG's as well. This game deserves a lot of credit for originality, from the unique game mechanics down to the Norse mythology-based story. It's too bad the sequel(s) didn't hold up quite as well.

This was actually my first exposure to the Suikoden series back in the day. I had a tough time finding the first in the series, so I decided to just go ahead and start with this one. I remember thinking that recruiting 108 characters in total sounded pretty daunting, but literally everything about this game was executed nearly perfectly. All of the characters are extremely likable, and the story is fantastic.

Honorable mentions: Xenogears, Dark Souls, Silent Hill 2, Super Metroid, Metal Gear Solid.


It's between Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, Melee and Mario 64.

I'd be happy playing just those four games forever.

Eric C

This is too hard for me to pick just 1.
My favorites in no particular order.

  • Super Metroid
  • Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
  • Lunar 1 & 2
  • Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  • Link to the Past/Link's Awakening.
  • 2D Mario SMB3/World/NSMBU



I envy those whose favorite game of all time are single player games. Online multiplayer games on the other hand, especially those on consoles, don't last forever. You can never replicate your experiences ever again once the server shuts down. The best you can do is hope for a proper sequel or remake. Unfortunately for us Socom fans, even that seems highly unlikely with the way Sony handled this franchise.


Very difficult, but I'd have to go with Civilization II. Could not stop playing it until I had to stop cold turkey like an addict. Took a very long time for me to pick up the later sequels as I did not trust myself, ha ha.


A game that encompasses everything a game should be; thought provoking, visually stunning, innovative, well written, dreamy, and, most importantly, fun:



It has been years since I played it, but I do have fond memories of the beautiful intro and the entrance into the castle. It definitely had the CV atmosphere down.

Btw, I also really like Lament of Innocence despite the disdain it receives from most fans of the series.

I'd have liked LoI better had the platforming not been so abysmal and they tweaked the origin stuff a bit. I liked the basic ideas but they could have been handled better. The game also needed a real kick in the difficulty department. Still leagues better than Curse of Darkness though.

I feel LoI had bigger aspirations than the budget actually allowed and it kind of suffered because of it.


I am Homie
A game that encompasses everything a game should be; thought provoking, visually stunning, innovative, well written, dreamy, and, most importantly, fun:


You didn't find it too easy on normal difficulty? Seems like mash Triangle and attack to win so far.
I hold an utmost love for the point-and-click Indiana Jones game.

Day of the Tentacle is right alongside it, as well as Hit the Road.

GTA San Andreas (with mods). That was one helluva game. Hundreds of hours spent on that, thanks to MTA.

So many games I need to play, apparently. Damn.


This is a really hard question. But if I have to choose:

World of Warcraft

But only vanilla and the Burning Crusade. It was magical to play such a beautiful and epic game with thousands of others. Was something special and I loved it.

And people please stop listing more than 1 game...
Well my story of my favorite game ever started way back in 2001. I was doing some research in Amsterdam for my master in some institute and was pretty bored and I checked the internet just to kill some time.

Then I accidently saw a picture of the upcoming Gran Turismo III on the PS2. Not being a console gamer since the Sega Genesis I was pretty shocked by the graphics to say the least and they mentioned 60fps, so yeah...


I bought a PS2(the glorious red GTIII edition for an amazing 999 dutch guilders, like 450 euro's) a couple of weeks later. I was so happy with it and till today I still think GTIII is the best in the series.


Then there was a girl around at my study that I really liked (unfortunately she only thought of me as a brother LOL) and she always talked about her love for the Final Fantasy series, especialy FFVII and FFVIII. So in a failed attempt to gather some attention from her I bought FFX, even though I had not played a JRPG since my MSX days, the great Xanadu.


Well I must say, FFX is since then, my favorite game of all-time. I was in awe: the music (which I really digged as a prog-rock listener), the story, the graphics, the landscapes, the awesome movies (the Sending), the gorgeous pre-rendered backgrounds, the wedding, the Farplane, Lulu, Auron's speech before the Yunalesca battle, Sin, the travelling historian, Seymour which I didn't trust from the start, the flashbacks of Tidus'father. I even digged the infamous hahaha-scene and the Trials. People always say that a FF is your favorite FF because it was the first FF you've played but I really think that FFX would be my favorite FF even if I would play it later. FFVIII came close though! But FFX is my favorite, having played it multiple times and I look forward to play it again on my Vita if those guys at Square-Enix won't fuck it up!



Transport Tycoon Deluxe // OpenTTD

Civilization II is a close second. I am a huge rail nerd, so TTD and OpenTTD were a dream come true. I am still mad at Chris Sawyer for fucking up Locomotion.



There are better games I've played, but this is my favourite. I played it a lot with my best friend at the time when I was younger.


The longest Journey.

Puzzle wise its not the best adventure game by a wide margin. It's my favourite because of the setting, story, characters, and voice acting which just takes me in like no other has done.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I hold an utmost love for the point-and-click Indiana Jones game.

Day of the Tentacle is right alongside it, as well as Hit the Road.

GTA San Andreas (with mods). That was one helluva game. Hundreds of hours spent on that, thanks to MTA.

So many games I need to play, apparently. Damn.

Literally a much better story than the latest movie.

In 1998 it was THE game. For me at least. Everything about it was nearly perfect: the controls, the world, the difficulty, the pacing, the music...

Now, in 2013, it definitely has aged a bit. Some adventures are better in some aspects, like Majora's Mask at sidequests, ICO at atmosphere, Shadow of the Colossus at boss fights, or Skyward Sword at combat (if you don't hate motion control).

But I think OOT is still the best when looking at the whole package.


way to many, to decide on one, but heres a selection:


Such a great setting, great gameplay, amazing story, stunning visuals and a beautiful soundtrack, what else can I say to this masterpiece...I simply love it

Metal Gear Solid 4


While it's not perfect, beeing a huge Metal Gear Fanboy sold this game for me. Beeing basically 95% fanservice and continuity porn, it was perfect for me.

Xenoblade Chronicles


Best RPG this Gen, best Soundtrack of this Gen(ok, tied with NieR), have I said enough?

Zelda: A Link to the Past


Best 2D Zelda, best Dungons, Great pacing, wonderful music (dat Darkworld Theme)

Persona 4


Somehow Atlus managed to put that much greatness on a PS2 Disc, my favorite RPG, next to Xenoblade

Metroid Prime


Simply Amazing Gameplay and Visuals

and tehre are many, MANY more games I love...
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