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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Taker looks so goddamn funny giving high fives. I understand why, it just doesn't fit his character.
Thanks Sun!

Rey vs Eddie was a lot of fun, good opener - Rey did well selling the arm throughout and the spot where he dodges the frog splash at the last second was nice.

Also, I forgot this was around the time where HHH looked like a member of Metallica circa-1984.

Money in the Bank up next!


Ah, Wrestlemania 21. The show where my thought of Cena sucking was cemented. His match with JBL is one of the worst in the history of wrestling.


No One Remembers
I will never get why they have people cutting promos during a PPV. It should be matches, a backstage segment or two. If there IS an in-ring promo it should be to setup their match.


No One Remembers
Holy shit the new Botchedspot :lol


And because he deserves the hits: http://botchedspot.com/

Apparently the guy recently was at some comic convention in St. Louis


Wouldn't be awesome if there was a match that had a single iota of a chance of being anywhere near this good at this year's WrestleMania?
Wouldn't be awesome if there was a match that had a single iota of a chance of being anywhere near this good at this year's WrestleMania?

I don't think we're ever gonna have a top 5 or even a top 10 WM match ever again.

HBK is gone. Taker is old. Cena is booked like shit for the buys. By the time Kurt leaves TNA he'll have no one to feud with. Bryan, Ziggler, etc probably won't reach main event level anytime soon. Therefore, will only have 10 min at most each year.

Punk is our only saving grace. But his WM matches are decent so far. With good talent too. So yeah, classic wrestling matches are done. :/
Kurt vs HBK was AWESOME! I don't think I've watched this WM since it aired and I'd totally forgotten how great this match was - my only complaints were that Shawn milked the tap too long and the mat work at the start went on a bit long just to establish that Shawn could more than hold his own against Angle. So many awesome spots though, that Asai crossbody onto Angle over the announce table, Olympic Slam off the top rope Olympic slam countered into a sunset flip, Shawn's outta-nowhere Sweet Chin Music, etc. Great fun.


The writers were pretty good around that time. HHH/Batista and HBK/Angle had amazing build up.
Yeah, they were awesome. I still think the Triple H and Batista angle is one of the best in the last decade. It was pretty much perfect. It showed just how much a proper angle matters. Batista became the most over star in the company thanks to it. It's a shame WWE don't really seem to care about putting any effort into feuds now.


Yeah, they were awesome. I still think the Triple H and Batista angle is one of the best in the last decade. It was pretty much perfect. It showed just how much a proper angle matters. Batista became the most over star in the company thanks to it. It's a shame WWE don't really seem to care about putting any effort into feuds now.

The Cena vs. JBL angle was also very good. That was the last Wrestlemania where they really did a good job building new stars. Both storylines were planned months ahead of time, but if you look at today's card it's like they purposefully tried to make it as random as possible. Look at Cena's rise. WM 20, wins US title. WM 21, wins WWE title. That's clear, definable progress. Same with Austin. WM 13, epic match with Bret Hart that got him mega over largely due to the finish. WM 14, wins WWF championship. Now look at The Miz.

WM 25: Loses tag titles
WM 26: Defends tag titles
WM 27: Defends WWE title
WM 28: In tag match to determine the leader of Raw, an angle that lasts for like two more months
WM 29: Maybe contesting the IC title

They've had five years to make this guy something and failed. Even when he defended his title against Cena at the biggest show of the year, they never moved past that and just arbitrarily tossed him aside. You could argue that's The Miz's fault, but there have been countless guys who have been pushed to the top who probably didn't deserve it but turned out ok.

Don't make me break out the Kofi Kingston list.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Angle was always one the the best things about the 00's. If he ever comes back to the WWE he should make Cena tap in a retirement match.
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