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Adam Orth no longer with Microsoft


I'm getting Dyack vibes.

This is just delicious. I love how we're just the "enemy" to some of these people. I'm so glad I finally decided to register. I love being someone's enemy!

Nope, it's not Aegies, it's gaf. Ever wonder why Che Chou, Adam Greenberg, Cliffyb, and a bunch of other people have said they don't like gaf?

I know, banned already and everything. I just requoted it because it was so goddamned stupid it needed to be seen again. Who the fuck cares that game industry celebrities doin't like us?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
No he wasn't. Incredibly over-sensitive and bored internet dwellers got upset with him because he shared his opinions. All he did that was dumb was talk about a rumored feature of the yet-to-be-unveiled console. And again, he didn't deserve even a suspension for that. "Hey, don't do that again" and "Please make your games as awesome as possible" should've been the end of it.

If that were all it was, he wouldn't have been fired.


Straight forward? Or another analogy first?

Don't walk into a tiger's den and then throw rocks at it expecting it to be your friend.

Nah... that one was kinda wordy.

Don't shit in the street and expect no one to say it stinks.

Crass, but more to the point.

In other words, it's not twitter's fault the guy did something stupid just like it's not the bear's fault if a camper stumbles onto it's den. We all assume some risk when we do things, and to then blame other people for said risks is just childish. That was his problem, and the thing is, it was caught early enough he could have appologised for his remarks. He could have said "Hey, I didn't mean to take it this far, just a little stressed out." Instead what he did was he continued to taunt and place blame on other people. I said when I first posted in this thread that I didn't think he should have been fired for it, but he did something stupid and now he he (and others) will learn to be more cautious.

so you think the internet is a bear and when you're on it you're not responsible for your actions as long as you can fade into the fur? I don't get it. Unless you're saying the bear is... publicity and exposure? is that the bear? don't say that shit in public or else a bear will rip you apart?


Actually no. Gies was sufferable back in the day when he was mostly known as Anthony Gallegos's buddy. It's within the past 9 months that he's demonstrated to be a moron on Twitter time and time again. Some people on GAF may be rough but he deserves to be called out especially when he resorts to shit talking on Twitter.

No, that's just when people started paying attention.

I listen to RebelFM every week, I think it's a great show and I think Geise is a great personality on it, but I rarely agree with his opinion. I have room in my podcast roster to listen to someone who likes games but doesn't have the same stance on things that I do. I think people lose sight of that a lot and the most vocal people in the Geise hate party are the ones who haven't actually read/seen/listened to a lot of his work. It's the major strokes that he does that people cling to, the changing scores, the taking money for building sites, the headline stuff that's controversial, but I feel like most people aren't READING those articles that are so enflamatory, they're just...waiting for the next gif to show up.

Rabble rabble rabble, I'm going back to playing Guacamelee...


He was on this forum for a while before anyone started hating on him.

He acted like a bigshot with sources in the rumor threads and everyone who disagreed with him was a peasant and got talked down to by him, and when at the end of it all his information turned out to be bullcrap he kind of dissapeared.

Yup, he dropped a whole lot of turdlets about upcoming stuff. Not surprising he hasn't come back. The bitterness afterwards was a little surprising though.


Here's the flaw in that. GAF is not a person. GAF is many people. Anyone who says "GAF loves sony" or "GAF are jerks" or whatever are generalizing to the millionth degree.

On the flipside, those people you named are, in fact, people. Singular gaffers may have said correct things to them. They may have said stupid things to them. They may have said things completely off topic. But that doesn't make "GAF" anything.

Are you arguing that tendencies don't consistently bubble up on GAF? I think it's pretty disingenuous to say people who point to GAF as a whole don't have a leg to stand on because GAF isn't a singular entity with a singular opinion.

I love reading GAF for the up to the minute news in the industry. But it's depressing reading many threads because more often than not it's highly negative and cynical. And to turn around and say someone can't point to GAF as a whole and should instead single out dozens, if not hundreds, of individuals instead is pretty unrealistic.

A community is an entity unto itself and like Orth the people here represent GAF as a whole. If negative tendencies are the norm then that's what they're talking about when they discuss GAF as a whole.

That's just my two cents.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Quit inferring he was fired without any actual source.

OK. Given Orth's attitude, I think we can assume that he wouldn't just up and resign simply because he got some hate on the Internet.
Are you arguing that tendencies don't consistently bubble up on GAF? I think it's pretty disingenuous to say people who point to GAF as a whole don't have a leg to stand on because GAF isn't a singular entity with a singular opinion.

I love reading GAF for the up to the minute news in the industry. But it's depressing reading many threads because more often than not it's highly negative and cynical. And to turn around and say someone can't point to GAF as a whole and should instead single out dozens, if not hundreds, of individuals instead is pretty unrealistic.

A community is an entity unto itself and like Orth the people here represent GAF as a whole. If negative tendencies are the norm then that's what they're talking about when they discuss GAF as a whole.

That's just my two cents.

Pretty reasonable response. I dig it


I hate how this is written as if it were some passive event that happened TO Orth.

No, dude. Orth's life got fucked up because of some stupid shit, that HE DID. So, in other words, Orth fucked up his own life. That's all that happened here. You can't fault people for reacting negatively to bullshit from a person who should damn well know better.

Nah man, you got it wrong. WE decided Orth should say some stupid shit on twitter, WE decided to write all those articles about Microsoft's potential DRM based on those tweets and make it a media affair, WE brought him inside a Microsoft office and told him to resign or fired him outright.



No he wasn't. Incredibly over-sensitive and bored internet dwellers got upset with him because he shared his opinions. All he did that was dumb was talk about a rumored feature of the yet-to-be-unveiled console. And again, he didn't deserve even a suspension for that. "Hey, don't do that again" and "Please make your games as awesome as possible" should've been the end of it.


Are you telling me that no microsoft customer lives in Janesville, WI or Blacksburg VA?

There were ways to share your opinion without insulting people or places where people live.
Unless you're saying the bear is... publicity and exposure? is that the bear? don't say that shit in public or else a bear will rip you apart?

The original person I quoted said something to the extent of "Twitter is at fault!". Twitter didn't make the man do that to himself. Just like if you aren't careful where you go camping or what you do camping you could run into a bear. You can't blame the bear in that situation, he was just minding his own business. This is true of twitter. Twitter didn't do anything in this situation that the guy couldn't have done anywhere else public with his name attached to it.


tagged by Blackace
Other victims of the internet under Arthur Gies definition:

Judge Richard Cebull, a disgraced judge that was forced to resign after sending e-mails joking that Barack Obama's father was a dog.


The Steubenville Rapists, who recorded their crime on video which leaked on to the internet (at least Gies isn't alone on thinking this is someone else's fault?)


Anthon Weiner, former Representative who tweeted his penis to a young lady, which he absolutely would not have done if not for twitter existing and women on twitter being hot. Shame on you, internet.

Just wanted to quote this beautiful post.


Despite what he said, he should have known what was coming to him.

If you're going to be working at any company, it doesn't matter if you're the janitor or the creative director. Once you're employed there, you are now a representation of that company, regardless of where you are on the social ladder.
Tough luck but that's how most businesses act with their employees on social media. Don't comment on company related stuff without an official green light.

Yup. Pretty much every well-written employment agreement includes vague clauses about how representing your company in a negative manner can, at any point, be terms for dismissal.

Not only did he make a fool out of himself by saying illogical, contradictory, dickish things, but he turned a considerable fraction of the consumer base against his employer. What's more is that he probably would still have a job if he didn't feel the need to respond to anyone criticizing his initial post(s).

Are you telling me that no microsoft customer lives in Janesville, WI or Blacksburg VA?

There were ways to share your opinion without insulting people or places where people live.

That's an insult? Wow.

Funny that you forget to put the picture when the person that is baiting him puts the hashtag cityslicker, which seems to be an insult?

The sweet billy thing was funny, in a sad way.


The fact that he was fired over something as slight as this tells me all I need to know about how highly he was valued at Microsoft.

Or it could tell you how highly MS values gaming going forward. Or how highly it values any employee. Or a million other things that don't fit the narrative you're grasping for...


Despite what he said, he should have known what was coming to him.

If you're going to be working at any company, it doesn't matter if you're the janitor or the creative director. Once you're employed there, you are now a representation of that company, regardless of where you are on the social ladder.
I'd say even more so when you're NOT on the social ladder.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man, twitter is pretty deadly.

A public forum consisting of millions of users and even more people who can view it freely? It's probably the easiest way to get people's eyes on your words that currently exists. Of course it's deadly when you stay stupid shit and insult people.


That's an insult? Wow.

Funny that you forget to put the picture when the person that is baiting him puts the hashtag cityslicker, which seems to be an insult?

Do you live there? Why Microsoft should be telling us that the towns where we live aren't up to their standards?

The person baiting him is not a Microsoft employee. The Microsoft employee said foolish things in public that made Microsoft look bad in the press.

This is not hard, you guys.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Nope, it's not Aegies, it's gaf. Ever wonder why Che Chou,

Constantly instigated GT5 vs Forza3-4 threads. So no loss there.

Adam Greenberg,

Forget who this is.

Cliffyb, and a bunch of other people have said they don't like gaf?

Cliff is love/hated by GAF. But for the most part his opinions are shot down and he doesn't bring counter-points to the shot-downers.



Are you telling me that no microsoft customer lives in Janesville, WI or Blacksburg VA?

There were ways to share your opinion without insulting people or places where people live.

Even Manveer himself told people to calm down about that comment, and that Orth was just trolling. You're only highlighting how people are over-sensitive and can't take a joke.


Man, twitter is pretty deadly.

But, see, it doesn't have to be. Just be cognizant of what you share and how it can be perceived.

I can share pictures of my retro collection, talk about pinball games, react to sports, share life experiences, and more without being controversial or antagonistic. If I have an opinion that might offend, I think about how to word it or even if I should share it at all.

It's possible to have a fun and fulfilling social media experience. But you have to think about what you post in social media and realize that it follows you. It's a positive or negative experience based on how you act and what you share.



Are you telling me that no microsoft customer lives in Janesville, WI or Blacksburg VA?

There were ways to share your opinion without insulting people or places where people live.
That was a joke with a friend.

He did say other stupid things, but getting fire over such little bullshit is excessive.


Even Manveer himself told people to calm down about that comment, and that Orth was just trolling. You're only highlighting how people are over-sensitive and can't take a joke.

Adam shouldn't have had "Creative Director - Microsoft Game Studios" in the description on his Twitter account. That's what this all comes down to. It wasn't an official work Twitter account because he wasn't authorised to speak for Microsoft, yet his account bragged about it all the same. If I put my job title and company in my Twitter description and start talking shit I'll be fired too.


Even Manveer himself told people to calm down about that comment, and that Orth was just trolling. You're only highlighting how people are over-sensitive and can't take a joke.

Why should a Microsoft employee clearly identified as such be trolling people?

This "trolling" cost Microsoft a lot of bad press for absolutely no good reason.
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