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Sony E3 press conference; June 10th 6PM PT/9PM ET

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I can now weep in person at Nomura's magnum opus. His gloriousness will burn my eyes with the amazing.

Such an awesome thing to experience in person if it really happens I imagine, like it will be at my computer given my excitement for that game even from just trailers and teaser gameplay. Enjoy the show.


I was just watching the Playstation Meeting video again and this statement stuck out to me more after all this MS stuff.

In his opening statement Andrew House says:
And we'll show you the many ways in which the living room is no longer the center of the playstation ecosystem...the gamer is.

Kinda jumped out to me as admitting they are no longer chasing to control the living room, just trying to provide good gaming experiences. Only pointing it out cause it contrasted with Microsoft's message so much.


I've never seen IT, it's probably for the best. Luckily, those clowns gifs did nothing to me.
Gremlins on the other hand scare the crap out of me.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
gremlins? gizmo was the cute one.

you should consider Critters. it wasn't scary. just awesome.

Plz remove the clown.

Or else someone will post a pic from the Exorcist here.


Simple doesn't mean weak. The overarching theme of a story should be accessible. The fine, intricate details of the plot should reveal themselves naturally and subtly. For example if you watch Adventure Time, it's a very simple show, any child can understand it, yet there are so many narrative details along the way that reveal something deeper that people can really dig into. Adventure Time and Final Fantasy is a pretty silly comparison, but you see my general point. The story can be complex without being an ugly twisted mess.

As for the nomenclature, if they made the story more interesting and accessible people would have easily become used to the names. However after hearing all these words a bazillion times and still having only a very basic gist of what it all meant, it just becomes really hard to care about any of it. And since the game is so linear, I have no chance to learn and soak things in for myself, it's just mumbo-jumbo that's forced upon me. Introduce new concepts gracefully and people will enjoy them.

I agree that a plot can be complex without being an "ugly twisted mess" (which are not descriptors I would use for most of the complex plots in FF games), but I disagree that a plot can be simple and complex simultaneously. I'm speaking just about the overarching plot here -- not background lore, or nuances in character development. Not to say those elements aren't important, but they are outside of the point I was making. My comments regarding a "weak" plot were more directed at the insinuation that a more WRPG approach to narrative should be used. I may have incorrectly assumed that you were suggesting this, and if so, feel free to ignore that comment. My problem with WRPG narratives isn't the plot simplicity itself, but the openness of the narrative to a myriad of player choices that lead to different outcomes altogether. Generally speaking, writers tend to build stronger narratives when they have greater control over how the plot progresses, when and where certain developments will take place, and how characters respond to those developments. That's not to say that branching, open narratives can't work -- it's just much more difficult, time consuming, and expensive for writers and developers to deliver an open narrative that is of the same caliber as a linear one. It's also worth noting that you can still have non-linear gameplay while having a linear narrative (previous FF games did this), which I advocate. I still think there needs to be some control and focus to the gameplay (not like Skyrim, for example), but less than what was present in FFXIII.

I agree that the story should introduce names and concepts gracefully and understandably. I just thought your first post argued against these things on a general level, which I disagreed with. There was a problem with how the story was told in FFXIII, but I don't think that was due to the concepts and nomenclature themselves. I personally did not have trouble understanding any of these concepts as they were presented in the game, but that was just my experience. The plot got a bit muddled towards the end, but that's an independent issue.


Kill it with fire.

that's another indie title then.

OMG, why did you post that clown picture here?!

Damn it - I'm just going to bed and I see that clown picture! Not cool.

Ugh and that pacifier...

Please stop posting clowns. :/

Guys, STAHP!

Holy crap! Fuck you! Why did I hang around here :(

I hope you're pleased with yourself.

You suck! :(

Stop posting gifs from that movie... seriously.

Damn it, why did I click this thread? :(

Granted I'll be up for a while yet, so I'll be able to "detox" my mind, but even still...

Clowns is where I cross the line. They're worse than DRM.

Holy shit. Is this why Twisted Metal didn't sell all that great? :(

No, I didn't quote to make fun of people. I'm genuinely surprised as the thread jumped a whole page while I was reading.


Holy shit. Is this why Twisted Metal didn't sell all that great? :(

No, I didn't quote to make fun of people. I'm genuinely surprised as the thread jumped a whole page while I was reading.

Almost everyone I've met born in the 70s or 80s has been conditioned at a young age to hate clowns.


I tried look, but is there anything Verendus leaked in the past pages other than the fact that major third party games will be on PS4?


Yoshida just tweeted this.

My japanese is not that good, but I am sure it says Dragon Quest. Can anyone provide a better translation?




Apparently it's in this week's Famitsu, but not much else is known now besides what's in the title. That website mentions over 150 jobs but I'm not sure if by "job" they mean "quests" or "classes", so to speak.

Edit: thing on Siliconera: http://www.siliconera.com/2013/06/0...m_campaign=Feed:+siliconera/MkOc+(Siliconera)


I'll never forget when I was a child, my parents took me to McDonald's for a meal. They had a guy dressed up as Ronald walking around greeting children, and when he "attempted" to say "HELLO!" to me...I broke out crying/screaming.

I remember the look on his face of utter disbelief and not knowing what to do. Instead, he just took off running.

That ends my talk on clowns. I fear we're getting off-topic here [and I actually want to sleep tonight]. :)


Almost everyone I've met born in the 70s or 80s has been conditioned at a young age to hate clowns.

Born in the 80s and don't hate clowns, but then I wasn't conditioned to do that at all either.

Yeah, you are probably right. I read about this game also, quite weird. Well, hope deflated :(

The reply to Yoshida makes it sound like Yoshida wasn't sure of DQ's abbreviations, so the guy was basically confirming it to him. i.e. don't get your hope up at all, sadly. :|


My problem with WRPG narratives isn't the plot simplicity itself, but the openness of the narrative to a myriad of player choices that lead to different outcomes altogether. Generally speaking, writers tend to build stronger narratives when they have greater control over how the plot progresses, when and where certain developments will take place, and how characters respond to those developments. That's not to say that branching, open narratives can't work -- it's just much more difficult, time consuming, and expensive for writers and developers to deliver an open narrative that is of the same caliber as a linear one. It's also worth noting that you can still have non-linear gameplay while having a linear narrative (previous FF games did this), which I advocate. I still think there needs to be some control and focus to the gameplay (not like Skyrim, for example), but less than what was present in FFXIII.

Yeah I pretty much agree with this. Honestly I can't really think of any WRPGs that I've played (somehow I've accidentally managed to completely avoid Bioware and Bethesda... and off topic, also Rockstar, lol), but I am not interested in narrative branches at all. For a similar reason I don't really like sandbox games that much. I want a carefully crafted experience with intentional themes.
5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
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#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.


Crystal Bearer
Favorite moment? Playing FFX for the first time back in 2001 and being absolutely blown away by the graphics and voice acting.


I'm going to have to say the intro to Wild ARMs. Seeing the animated intro and that timeless song brought me such a smile, and it still does.


Shadow of the Colossus and more recently Journey are my favorite moments in gaming period.
Truly profound experiences.
Favorite moment? Playing FFX for the first time back in 2001 and being absolutely blown away by the graphics and voice acting.
i was blown away by the besaid island opm demo, beat it about 50 times. what an amazing game

my fav moment? playing need for speed high stakes in the summer of 1999 with my sister. we both loved that game a lot


First playstation moment: FFVII international. Jumped off the train and fought some Shin-Ra soldiers. Bombed a Mako energy reactor. Met Aerith. Looked at the Loveless billboard.

It was perfect. The best moment in my childhood.


Favorite memory is my first. That's when I rented out a PS1 back in 95 and played Destruction Derby and NFL Gameday. My mind was fucking blown.


5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.
My favorite moment:

I know it almost seems cliché at this point-in-time...but experiencing Final Fantasy VII for the first time.

I didn't have enough money at that time, so I had no choice to rent the console from my local video store [none of my friends had it, either]. When I loaded the game up and experienced that opening cinematic, I knew I'd have no choice but to purchase the system for my own.

I played the hell out of the game for the 7 days I had it. Shortly afterwards, I managed to gather enough money to purchase the system [and FFVII] outright.

I still own both, and I'll part with them.


Best Playstation memory

Getting a Playstation and Spyro 1 for my birthday. Usually my parents never got me anything over $50 so I was shocked. They didn't know to buy a memory card though, so every time I had to start from the beginning. Eventually I got good enough that I could make it all the way to the secret level at the end in a few hours.

The entirety of Journey
The building collapse in Uncharted 2
Fighting The End in MGS3
Pretty much all of Demon's Souls
Several moments in Shadow of the Colossus
Crash Team Racing
Looking at Okami articles in magazines and desperately wishing I had a PS2, lol
Why hasn't anyone picked up on DemonNite's hint? Sony is making 8 Days.

I did, i thought it as a good clue. He's probably working on the game... either that or Sony Bend is making it.

Time to make out bets.

Every E3 I get hyped for

Every E3 I know it won't happen.

other than that my biggest 1st party hope is Uncharted 4.
also a new Socom would be nice.

I loved Syphon Filter, and i wish they would make a new one. Doesn't need to be a triple A title, a PSN one would be good.

Rumour has it MS is going the apple route of having newer hardware every few years so it sort of makes sense they are low balling it now. If in 2 years when the Xbox One: Two is out and is 2x as powerful things will get interesting. People will be angry, some people will be happy. Will be interesting to see if console gaming can be done that way.

Oh there will be some fun times ahead this gen.

I agree, i think their strategy is to shorten this cycle, release the XBtwo in 2018 to force Sony's hand.

I feel the biggest surprise in the upcoming years is how strong the PS3 and to an extent the 360 will thrive. I don't expect yearly Gen 8 console hardware or software will outsell Gen 7 hardware of software until 2015/2016.

Dude, didn't you get the memo? It's Gen 4, according to arrogant EA. Nothing existed before PS1.
My fave playstation memory was probably playing DQVII for a zillion hours, or beating FFVII and FFVIII 100 times each. I was/am in love with those games.

Also the first time I discovered suikoden....glorious. Now it just hurts.


5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.
The opening of FF VII.
5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.
When my Parents got a PlayStation for me and my brothers, along with Crash Bandicoot 2. Played the hell outta that game. And the Demo disc that came with the PlayStation. I played the Tekken 2 demo a ridiculous amount of times.
My fave playstation memory was probably playing DQVII for a zillion hours, or beating FFVII and FFVIII 100 times each. I was/am in love with those games.

Also the first time I discovered suikoden....glorious. Now it just hurts.

i was in love with xenogears, driver and ape escape. i played them all in the summer of 1999. good times




Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

That's awesome, heh.

As for me: My late dad told me if I do the same as I do in school every year (place first in my classes), he will get me a Playstation 1. I did that, so right after we got my grades, he took me to go buy one (this was in elementary school).

I still remember this fairly well and what makes it even better is that later, he came home with Crash Bandicoot and gave it to me as I was playing. All he said was "It just came in!". Loved that game and the next iterations so much, but loved my dad even more and I'm very glad to be able to associate him with many good memories.


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Pick 1 moment/memory.

Christmas night 2001. I had just thoroughly freaked the hell out because our parents had bought us a Playstation 2 after years of being Nintendo kids. Our first 4 games were Orphen: Scion of Sorcery (a favorite of mine), Madden 2001, Cool Borders, and Metal Gear Solid 2. As everyone else was watching TV and acting crazy, I played MGS2 by myself in my bedroom and went like this O_O as the opening Tanker scene played out. I literally stayed up the entire night to beat that game (took me 10 hours) and it was the night that turned me from a Nintendo fan to a Sony fan with Nintendo aspirations lol. It basically turned me into the gamer I am now.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.

Experiencing FFX, one of the vey first PS2 games I've played.
Christmas night 2000. I had just thoroughly freaked the hell out because our parents had bought us a Playstation 2 after years of being Nintendo kids. Our first 4 games were Orphen: Scion of Sorcery (a favorite of mine), Madden 2001, Cool Borders, and Metal Gear Solid 2. As everyone else was watching TV and acting crazy, I played MGS2 by myself in my bedroom and went like this O_O as the opening Tanker scene played out. I literally stayed up the entire night to beat that game (took me 10 hours) and it was the night that turned me from a Nintendo fan to a Sony fan with Nintendo aspirations lol. It basically turned me into the gamer I am now.

MGS 2 wasn't out in Christmas 2000......


Neo Member
5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game.

Pick 1 moment/memory.


Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Clowns are horrible. I'm almost sure my trauma comes from a Courage the Cowardly Dog episode. I'm sure there's a clown somewhere there.

Anyway, I'd say my favorite memory is watching my brother beat MGS3, such an awesome game. And then, him saying how he wanted to play MGS4 already (that was 2005!).
Booting up the playstation for the first time and just playing all the demos and finally popping in FFVII. And waking up at the crack of dawn on weekends to play Final Fantasy. Remember being a kid playing video games early in the morning? That's something I don't do anymore, lol.
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