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COD: Ghosts 30 min livestream on Game Informer (June 9th 1PM CT/2PM ET)


Anyone else pick up on the fact that he said that the game was running on next gen hardware without getting more specific. They also hid button prompts.
My thoughts are that this was not running on Xbone.
I think we all know who Riley was REALLY named after



Oh, I'm sorry. I guess guns firing bullets underwater should be just as accurate and lethal then firing a gun on land. There's no possible way that the water is enacting more resistance on the bullet being fired then if they shot the guy through air. Not to mention the casings flying out of the receiver in a fashion that isn't even taking the water around it into consideration. Then again, I guess my prior military training and learning how to move with your weapon while avoiding getting it wet or dirty to avoid possible malfunctions when you need it to work was all for naught. Let's get real. Yes you can fire a gun underwater but it would be no way as accurate or effective as Activision make it seem.

You're wrong for very obvious reasons. Can you work out why?


I used to enjoy cod

but they kept on releasing games every year that play and look almost the same, so they become boring.

I really hope distiny/titandfall breath some fresh air into the genre and COD sales go drastically down, so Activison cant get away with releasing a game which are mods/skins/weapon + map packs for COD4.
cmon folks its COD...

I lol when i see 20 helipcopters flying in formation 20 feet apart from each other in the game..

They don't take any of real life stuff seriously...
i am not sure what to say. the graphics are really not impressive. more like xbox 360 1.5

graphics wise its like the same as MW3 on high setting. next gen my ass. nothing new here. even the slow mo crap is done on the vita version.

i am not impressed. BF4 graphics wise clean the floor with this.

the game play... where to start. its like the same since MW1.

with that being said. i will buy it day one. just because of the multiplayer to me is addictive.

but this ? this is horrible.
In fairness the stream is pretty poor quality.

Also we've only seen BF4 running on a 7990. Next-gen isn't going to hit those heights...
i am not sure what to say. the graphics are really not impressive. more like xbox 360 1.5

graphics wise its like the same as MW3 on high setting. next gen my ass. nothing new here. even the slow mo crap is done on the vita version.

i am not impressed. BF4 graphics wise clean the floor with this.

the game play... where to start. its like the same since MW1.

with that being said. i will buy it day one. just because of the multiplayer to me is addictive.

but this ? this is horrible.

Very unlikely BF4 will run at 60fps on consoles. It's a compromise on consoles - you either get high-end graphics or fluid 6-fps gameplay, and CoD has always been about 60fps. Also, don't judge it by the live stream because it looked like shit. Watch the very end of the stream where they showed a direct-feed, which looked phenomenal.
You don't judge next gen graphics by COD, come on.

I know but where is my signature "gotta buy new console JUST for these visuals" game?

I guess Shadow Fall is the closest we've seen to that, but its not quite impressive enough for me, though close.

Deep Down would be another, but I'm not sure how legit that was, but that's around the level I'm hoping for.


Neo Member
Oh IW, teasing your motion sickness plagued console gamers with an engine that can handle an ultra wide FOV just to take that slider away once the game comes out.Also, can't wait for the rage of gamers getting killed by a remote juggernaut dog killstreak.


Piano theme got annoying by the end. Didn't really fit for some of the scenes they were showing.

Jangly looking animation at some points too.
Was this what Geoff was talking about in his twitter? Pretty underwhelming compared to bf4. I'll probably still get it to play online with the rest of my friends tho lol


Anyone on the Gametrailers stream? The chat there was completely ridiculous. Haters. Haters everywhere. Of course COD isn't going to change drastically. COD is the Madden of shooters. You should really know by now if you like it or not.


It certainly looked ok, but I think this is not the real next gen CoD that some could hope for. Apart from the visuals, there was no hint, that they actually changed anything substantial on the CoD formula.

They've seemingly toned it down a few noches. I'm also wondering whether there are going to be bigger environmental factors in the game and hopefully multiplayer.
Looks pretty damn good to me! For those saying it looks bad please crawl back in your hole and stop being so jaded. Because if this looks bad then so does every game on the market. I'll never understand some people on the internet forums, especially NeoGaf.


There was nothing that looked like it couldn't be done on 360/PS3 other than the bump in resolution.

Oh well, it's gonna sell 10m+ easily.


Pretty strong dudes/dog for them to bust that think solid door to pieces like that. Looks more like a grenade went off inside.


You clearly don't know how shitty the games look on 360/PS3.

i think what he/she is trying to say is that these graphics aren't anything special. being that it's running on next-gen hardware and all that.

i want to see some side-by-side comparisons of the current-gen CODghosts and next-gen CODghosts.


Looks and sounds like COD.

Same scripted linear events, coupled with the same "tango down" "wait....wait...take the shot" dialogue.

Graphics. Looked better, but hard to tell on the Steam. Didn't really blow me away. I really need to stop buying COD games.


Piano was great. Hulk dog was over the top. Looking forward to seeing the next gen gameplay.

Oh wait, that WAS next gen gameplay? Hmmm


This whole livestream deflated my hype.

This was terrible. It looks and plays the same as other COD games, but it doesn't seem like it's any fun. The animations seems stiff and that is 360 level visuals right there.

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