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PS3 FW 4.45 coming - Trophy notification toggle [Warning: Update bricking PS3s?]

When I said an update bricked my PS3 a couple years back, you guys laughed me off the map

Har har how is this possible we're so smart and you did something wrong der der


Happy I got wind of this on GAF before I went to work. Turned off auto-update and have heard it mentioned on the news on BBC Radio One most of the afternoon

Cheers GAF


works for Gamestop (lol)

System Software Update] PS3 v.4.45 - SCEA Update [ Edited ]
‎06-19-2013 09:46 AM - edited ‎06-19-2013 09:49 AM

Hey everyone,

We are aware of reports that the recent PlayStation 3 system software update (version 4.45) has caused the XMB to not display on a small number of PS3 systems. We have temporarily taken 4.45 offline and are investigating the cause of the problem. We will announce when the system update is available for download as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

When we have updates, I'll add them to this thread. In the meantime, you can go to this open community thread to add your feedback:


Replies are blocked so as to make it easy for you to subscribe to this thread to receive updates from PSN Staff when we update this thread. Click the 'Options' above and click 'Subscribe' to track this thread. Please check your notification settings under 'My Settings' to determine when you will receive emails from subscribing to threads in Playstation Community Forums. The default option is 'immediate', but can be set to be 'daily' or 'weekly'.

Q1. I updated my PS3 to version 4.45, and now the XMB is not being displayed and I cannot play anything on my system. Why?
We are currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of this problem. We will announce further information, including additional updates, when ready.

Q2. Version 4.45 has been taken off line, but if users have already updated to the new version and they are experiencing problems, what can they do?
We kindly ask PS3 users to wait for further details. We will announce when ready.

Q3. Were you not able to predict that such an issue may occur? Do you perform appropriate verification tests before releasing updates?
SCE constantly performs appropriate verifications tests for system software updates, and strives to improve and offer quality service.
We are currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of this problem. We will announce further information, including additional updates, when ready.

Q4. How many users were affected by this update?
We are currently confirming the number.

Q5. I read in the web that the PS3 system with 500GB HDD were affected. Is this true?
We are currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of this problem.

Q6. Have you already found a solution to this problem?
We kindly ask PS3 users to wait for further details. We will announce when ready.

Q7. How are the customer service teams responding to consumer inquiries right now?
We kindly ask PS3 users to wait for further details. We will announce when ready.


Q1. I updated my PS3 to version 4.45, and now the XMB is not being displayed and I cannot play anything on my system. Why?
We are currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of this problem. We will announce further information, including additional updates, when ready.

Q2. Version 4.45 has been taken off line, but if users have already updated to the new version and they are experiencing problems, what can they do?
We kindly ask PS3 users to wait for further details. We will announce when ready.

Q3. Were you not able to predict that such an issue may occur? Do you perform appropriate verification tests before releasing updates?
SCE constantly performs appropriate verifications tests for system software updates, and strives to improve and offer quality service.
We are currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of this problem. We will announce further information, including additional updates, when ready.

Q4. How many users were affected by this update?
We are currently confirming the number.

Q5. I read in the web that the PS3 system with 500GB HDD were affected. Is this true?
We are currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of this problem.

Q6. Have you already found a solution to this problem?
We kindly ask PS3 users to wait for further details. We will announce when ready.

Q7. How are the customer service teams responding to consumer inquiries right now?
We kindly ask PS3 users to wait for further details. We will announce when ready.

Haha, worst Q&A ever.


A couple of pages back the 4.45 links to manually update the PS3 are giving out a PS3UPDAT.PUP file that is only 16 bytes. Is this the full update?


Is it really that difficult Sony? The FW doesn't work on larger sized HDD. Get to it.

A couple of pages back the 4.45 links to manually update the PS3 are giving out a PS3UPDAT.PUP file that is only 16 bytes. Is this the full update?

I have it on my PC It's 194MB.


I wonder how are the people with bricked PS3s going to be able to fix their shit. I guess the answer is they won't. This is why I always take a few days to update my PS3, this shit has happened before. :p


I wonder how are the people with bricked PS3s going to be able to fix their shit. I guess the answer is they won't. This is why I always take a few days to update my PS3, this shit has happened before. :p

I hope they have some sort of HDD repair solution. My system is fine, but I can't say the same for the hard drive.

I seriously doubt they will, though.


an error has occurred you have been signed out of the playstation network 8002A30B
Anyone else?
I can't even sign in

Rebel Leader

an error has occurred you have been signed out of the playstation network 8002A30B
Anyone else?
I can't even sign in

Seems they are doing maintance today. (EIDT: that's later in the day, MY BAD)

Hopefully it also deals with 4.45

maybe the started earlier?


A couple of pages back the 4.45 links to manually update the PS3 are giving out a PS3UPDAT.PUP file that is only 16 bytes. Is this the full update?

16 bytes eh, sure- go ahead and update, seems legit. :p
edit: late. Refresh is broken.
Dammit, forgot to turn off auto update last night so i have to hope for the best now.

Why the update? The trophy notification and sound is so cool... don´t know what the big deal is.


Dammit, forgot to turn off auto update last night so i have to hope for the best now.

Why the update? The trophy notification and sound is so cool... don´t know what the big deal is.

You don't have to hope, auto-update won't automatically install firmware updates without your permission, so you'll be fine as long as you don't go and install it manually.


Probably PSN maintenance in connection with that toxic system update. I'm on 4.41 and can't connect either (US)
I went online without updating, it was about 12 hours ago. Now EU PSN is down. What a shitty day for Sony.

They'd taken the update down over 12 hours ago. For someone that was complaining about people spreading misinformation, you're sure doing a great job at exactly that.


They'd taken the update down over 12 hours ago. For someone that was complaining about people spreading misinformation, you're sure doing a great job at exactly that.

Sorry, I didn't mean that.

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