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Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Informer details [Up2: Exploration Skills?]

Cassandra as a playable party member is cool but Morrigan not being one makes me a sad panda.

I've seen some speculation that Morrigan might take on somewhat of an Illusive Man role in Inquisition. Whether that ends up being the case or not my guess is that her role in the story is just too big to work alongside being a party member. Though I guess there's always the chance they could use her as a temporary party member for a boss fight or something. That would be something I'd love to see.


Nork unification denier
I tweeted Mike Laidkaw asking that same question. He said people were definitely asking for it but they weren't talking about it yet.

They take out controller support for all their PC versions. It is beyond infuriating, particularly when you know they actually had to do some work to take it out (the Mass Effect games and Dragon Age 2). I would have double dipped on ME2 and ME3, but the intentional removal of controller support in the PC versions was a clear message that Bioware did not want my money.
speaking of which, i wonder if witcher 3 is going to tone down nudity/sex because its coming to consoles.
What would that have to do with anything? There's already games with full nudity on consoles. The Witcher 2 didn't tone down the full nudity on the 360.

CDPR already said they won't anyway.
There was an interesting note about encounter design btw:

-They mention an armored dragon. You can have a warrior bash off its leg armor, and then a rogue can poison that leg ones the armor is gone. This causes the dragon to stumble, making it more susceptible to spells.

If that means more location based damage in a VATS style way, that would be cool. Targeting specific parts of an enemy to yield different effects.

Regular Fights:
-The enemies generally seem better designed, like prowlers who can sneak up behind you and do a lot of damage, but retreat whenever you try to take them head on, so catching them is tricky. They also try to target out characters with lower life. The mention that on their own they might not be too difficult to fight, but if you have archers pelting you, a two handed warrior throwing people around, and an enchanter buffing and healing your enemies, suddenly the encounter becomes quite difficult and it's much easier for something like a prowler to sneak in and do serious damage on one of your party members.
But this is where I am almost positive you could go back to pre-release for Dragon Age 2 and likely find where they said something exactly the same. What with how enemies would fit certain archetypes and work together against you and so forth. I almost had déjà vu when I was reading that part of the article, cause I could have sworn they said the exact same thing in the lead up to DA2.

Not that that doesn't sound good, but I can't wrap my head around how BioWare wants this to be simultaneously more action-y and instant and yet still maintain the tactical nature of party based pause and play. Those just seem in direct conflict with each other.

Looks good.

Next year is going to be a bloodbath between CDPR and BW if true.

And while they're duking it out, Obsidian will come in and wipe them both out with Project Eternity (although I don't remember if PE is supposed to come out next year or not...)
What would that have to do with anything? There's already games with full nudity on consoles. The Witcher 2 didn't tone down the full nudity on the 360.

CDPR already said they won't anyway.

well I felt like with the amount of "sex" scenes and nudity in Witcher 2, they were able to get away with it because it was only on PC. good to know they don't have to tone it down.


Nork unification denier
Are they continuing no controller support on pc like their past games?

No definite word, but probably given what Bioware has always done with PC versions of its games.

Maybe if we tweet hard enough at them they'll reconsider this stupid policy.


And while they're duking it out, Obsidian will come in and wipe them both out with Project Eternity (although I don't remember if PE is supposed to come out next year or not...)

It is. Though like I was told in the PE screenshot thread chances are it will be delayed.

Anyway yeah I fully expect PE to stomp both DA:I and Witcher 3 in the RPG department. Still it will be interesting to see CDPR and Bioware go head to head. They both seem to have a very similar design philosophy when it comes to RPGs. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top.


More strategic party game-play and more focus on customization are big ones for me, I hope they aren't just saying these things to get DA: O fans back on their side.

They are hitting a lot of the right notes, but no matter what I read, I can't have faith in the company that made DA2 and ME3. It will take a lot to make this a day one purchase.

At least I will have PE and Torment, eventually. :p


Gold Member
well I felt like with the amount of "sex" scenes and nudity in Witcher 2, they were able to get away with it because it was only on PC. good to know they don't have to tone it down.

It still gets ratings though, of which it wasn't Adult Only so no worries there.
wow. I went from tepid, but interested to hopping on the hype-train with no middle ground.

guess bioware's still got it in my book.


No definite word, but probably given what Bioware has always done with PC versions of its games.

Maybe if we tweet hard enough at them they'll reconsider this stupid policy.
Well, let's just say that if they were planning a tactical "isometric" camera, point and click interface and so on* on the PC version and then they would ditch all this because of "all your tweets" I will hate you guys for years to come.

But of course they aren't


Zero interest in this game no matter what sort of PR job they do hyping the game up. I know what to expect from modern Bioware, and I do not care for any of it.


So should I hold my nose and play DA2? Everything sounds great but I'm a bit worried about not understanding some references.
Just play dragon age 2. It is a really fun game, the story is great and so are the characters, setting and combat. People who complain about your choices not mattering, don't understand the story Bioware was trying to tell in DA2. The mass amounts of hate this game gets is saddening. Although I will agree and say the level design is utter garbage.


So should I hold my nose and play DA2? Everything sounds great but I'm a bit worried about not understanding some references.

I'd play it. It's nowhere near as good as Origins imo, but it's not a bad game. Just not too great by Bioware standards. And from what we're hearing about DAI you probably will need to play it to understand what's happening fully.


So excited for DA:I! I loved DA: Origins (even though I got YLOD halfway through my first playthrough). I enjoyed DA2 for the characters and story and even with the controversy of the levels/maps being reused, it's not going to stop me buying DA: I day-01 for the PS4.

I just hope we get news soon on how they're going to implement the cross-platform saved game transfers.


Just play dragon age 2. It is a really fun game, the story is great and so are the characters, setting and combat. People who complain about your choices not mattering, don't understand the story Bioware was trying to tell in DA2. The mass amounts of hate this game gets is saddening. Although I will agree and say the level design is utter garbage.

Level design is atrocious, like possibly worse from any game with a budget more than $10. I can't even think of a RPG longer than 10 hours that made me do the same 3 areas for all eternity.

Party control/customization is garbage.

Combat is less deep than Origins.

Story is acceptable, don't hate it.

I actually did like the characters too.

I still think all hate is justified simply because the things they did poorly, they did so poorly it's incomprehensible to me.


Well, that all does sound quite good indeed, though I'm of course still skeptical. Hopefully I'll get my issue soon enough so I can read and see all the images, but I do like what I'm reading here.

I'm still curious how the save transfer will work. I got bored with DA2 quickly and so never finished it so I can't say I'd be looking forward to finishing it. Also would have to look again at my Origins save to see if I'd like to keep it, though I don't know if I could see myself playing again.

I wonder what the chances of a Monty Python reference are in the game?


Nork unification denier
Well, let's just say that if they were planning a tactical "isometric" camera, point and click interface and so on* on the PC version and then they would ditch all this because of "all your tweets" I will hate you guys for years to come.

But of course they aren't

No, of course they're not. And in any case, I'm not asking them to take stuff out. I just want them to leave controller support in as an option. Given that nearly every other developer of a major title issued within the last three to four years has managed to somehow master the dark art of seamless controller support when it comes to the PC versions of their games, Bioware's inane decision to keep on removing controller support on the PC looks less like some (stupid) strategy to pump up console numbers and more like sheer incompetence. It's apparently just too fucking hard for them to manage it.


So should I hold my nose and play DA2? Everything sounds great but I'm a bit worried about not understanding some references.

Do you have 40 hours of precious time to throw away on bad games when there are countless better ones you haven't played yet and can just get a quick 5 minute recap of the story? If yes, then go ahead.

No, of course they're not. And in any case, I'm not asking them to take stuff out. I just want them to leave controller support in as an option. Given that nearly every other developer of a major title issued within the last three to four years has managed to somehow master the dark art of seamless controller support when it comes to the PC versions of their games, Bioware's inane decision to keep on removing controller support on the PC looks less like some (stupid) strategy to pump up console numbers and more like sheer incompetence. It's apparently just too fucking hard for them to manage it.

I want them to design a PC interface that is so slick and perfect that playing with a controller would be impossible. Can't always get what we want though.


Nork unification denier
I want them to design a PC interface that is so slick and perfect that playing with a controller would be impossible. Can't always get what we want though.

Well, here's hoping that asking Bioware and Laidlaw publicly to stop being dicks about removing controller support will get them to stop doing it. I know I'm not the only one who would double dip on their games if they'd just stop being so obtuse about this policy. They're just throwing away money at this point. It's a new gen, gentlemen, time to stop taking options away from your customers.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Wait, so they just called the second one Dragon Age II with no subtitle, and then the third one is going back to numberless with a subtitle?


I wish I could get hype for this game, but DA2 spoiled the entire series for me. Hopefully they do a reboot at some point.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
They're saying the right things. We'll see. DA2 was easily my least favorite game of the entire generation, so they have a lot of ground to cover. We'll see how much of this stuff actually makes it to final build.


I loved the first game so I want this game to be good and everything I'm reading right now sounds promising so now this game is definitely on my radar.

Please dont burn me again Bioware.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
They're saying the right things. We'll see. DA2 was easily my least favorite game of the entire generation, so they have a lot of ground to cover. We'll see how much of this stuff actually makes it to final build.

They always do this.


Level design is atrocious, like possibly worse from any game with a budget more than $10. I can't even think of a RPG longer than 10 hours that made me do the same 3 areas for all eternity.

Party control/customization is garbage.

Combat is less deep than Origins.

Story is acceptable, don't hate it.

I actually did like the characters too.

I still think all hate is justified simply because the things they did poorly, they did so poorly it's incomprehensible to me.
I know people didn't like the ending cause your choices didn't matter, and I can understand that, but on the flip side the choices you made aren't suppose to affect the outcome w/ the story Bioware was trying to tell. I think a neat little trade off for that would be to see the city environment change based of the decisions you made. Not just w/ level design, but w/ how people react to you.

The party control/customization, really didn't come off as negative or positive to me. Kinda was a "meh-ish" neutral. I remember having to dive through endless menus to customize, but I sorta liked that because the skill trees where pretty in depth.

Origin's combat, came off as clunky and bloated to me. It felt like a sloppy mess that I had to chop through to get a desired result. I would describe it almost like drinking vomit, you have a semi-fluid but bad combat system and then there are these chunks floating in the middle that are hard/awkard to swallow and difficult to avoid. What I liked with DA2, is that they made it more fluid. Sure, I would say it is less deep, but I still often find myself debating and thinking ahead on who to take or what have you.

I loved the story, it was a break from the typical "Hero's Journey" cut and paste plot you had in ME1 and Origins. And it was really refreshing to see, the player not fighting to save the world for once. Dragon Age 2's highlights where Kirkwall's politics and how
Hawke rose to power and tried to change things for the better; tried because he/she didn't succeed.

What I loved about the characters is that each one was unique and interesting; actually having a role to play in the main story arc or in a important sub-plot directly relating to the game's overarching themes/semantics. In ME2, a little under half the crew's loyalty mission involved
some sort of father/parental issues
that didn't tie into the main story for the game, nor did it tie into any of the story arcs. DA2's cast of characters was great in comparison. :)


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
For the curious, this is the default decision set if you don't import a save and don't change any settings:

DAO: Dalish Elf, warden dead, Alistair king
DA2: Mage, sides with Mages


The DA1 choices seem to contradict DA2 it seems ...

and the fact that they're going with
a dead warden
as the default, means he's (she in my case) not going to be a factor into the DA Inquisition storyline :-/

that sucks ..
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