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Dying Light (Techland parkour zombie game) - 12 minute gameplay video

I saw what was basically a charger and the little lightning blade from Dead Island.

man, Dead Island really was the beta for this thing. And yeah, refreshing not to hear fucking Troy Baker or Nolan North./

I hope he occasionally uses cockney slang and if he doesn't cunt at least once, I'll have no choice but to write a strongly worded letter to the developers.


i know what is wrong with tech land engine it seems most beautiful and most ugly engine at the same time


I saw what was basically a charger and the little lightning blade from Dead Island.

man, Dead Island really was the beta for this thing. And yeah, refreshing not to hear fucking Troy Baker or Nolan North./

i am glad i am not the only one that noticed that big creature look and behave like a charger from l4d2


I hate when people showing demos turn around and move so slowly. Looks pretty good though.

"I need to find out what's happening inside this house RIGHT NOW! but wait! lets look around on the roof for a bit so we can see the whole rendered world"


The most impressive thing about this demo? The moving trees, plants, window blinds...Something really missing from games this generation. Adds atmosphere.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Wow, this looks great. However, I do see one possible issue with the parkour in this game.

During the day, it looks like it would be extremely easy to just avoid all combat and parkour your way through the city without having to fight any of the slow zombies. At night, it seems like whenever you get caught, you could very easily get lost and start running in circles if there is no decent map or waypoint system since it's hard to see anything.

Other than that it looks pretty phenomenal.


An blind dancing ho
The level is very similar to Moresby map of Dead Island, melee combat too but you now have new movesset, anyway I hope they make this less repetitive and add a FOV slider.


Looks pretty good actually, I'm digging the way nighttime looks so far. It might not be the best game ever but the parkour looks like a great way to up the tension and fun.
looks really fun, id buy it day one. the visuals are nice but it needs a bit of blue and red injected into the game to break up all the yellows, browns and greens of the games art design.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Apparently throwing a knife into a barrel makes it explode :/

Better complain about running on sheet metal roofs first and climbing an wall that has a rug draped over it without it slipping out from under you causing the player to faceplant.

It was exactly the same in Dead Island. Almost anything thrown at an explosive object would cause it to go boom.


I hate the mission system already, just let me do wtf I want to do how is that so hard to understand.
No more fetch quests, no more taking damn orders!
This is one of the reasons why they show so much CGI footage, people jump to conclusions so fast it doesn't make any sense.

Which were ripped from real life!


One thing I hope about this game is that they got rid of the constant breaking weapons. As it just becomes more of a chore than actually a fun mechanic.
The point of this is to encourage people to pick and choose your fights carefully and to get out of the mindless mashing. This works great in this game and I'm glad they aren't dumbing shit down.

I hope they add co-op so I can forget about DR3 and have my zombie fix while I wait for the polished DayZ on PS4 (pls).


Looks like a solid evolution of Dead Island.

I know it's a presentation with a specific goal but that video did look awfully scripted, and I'm sure some of the lines weren't actually in-game but dubbed over the video.

Depending on how much of this target atmosphere and feel they can capture for the final product, this could be quite something.


Wow. I love Dead Island and this looks like a great step forward. Definitely buying this for the coop.


A varied amount of Zombie will be the key to this game being great. Each different type should challenge the player and make us adapt on the fly.

They hint at armed Merc groups as well which should be interesting.
The gameplay indeed takes a lot from Mirror's Edge (though anything remotely with parkour will forever be cited as "mirror's edgy" it seems) but this really looks to be the culmination of Techland's experience gleaned from Dead Island and bodes very well for the future of this now, for me, promising next gen title. Unfortunately initially the combat did look very repetitive/flaccid if not fully ripped from Dead Island (what with floaty weapon wielding/waist kicks) but, thankfully the parkour as well as dynamic meld of attacks and the environment (remember the spike wall part?) impressed me. Visually speaking the lighting seems overblown, bleached out with bloom (lol look at his extended hand when he's climbing the poll to jump into the apartment for an example) but that could be poor video compression as well as a possible game strategy to emphasize the change from light to night. Textures could really use some work (see the door when he tries to open the apartment) to and the child's face looked current gen barely (dead eyes/little emotion whatsoever), the zombie's faces have more life/detail than hers! Probably a vestige/compromise of being a cross gen title. The wind physics are absolutely next gen tech that looks realistic and beautiful for tropical weather simulation, Love how much the foliage/palms move unlike this gen with static rotating JPEG brush, yuck. All in all the game looks amazing the night parkour special infected really look
(like lickers/jeepers creepers with split jaws)


Looks very good,the parkour is cool and when it turned night was pretty scary this will make my heart adreline go faster for sure.
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