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First Ryse Review

The only thing I'm surprised by is the adoption of F2P micro-transaction tactics in a $60 game. Hopefully this shit doesn't become a trend.
They already have like hundreds of DLC for Uncharted 3, LBP and Motorstorm RC.

you cant compare that stuff to buing upgrades in the game.

I have played enough of IOS games that are nuked from the start just so they can sell you a sword, or upgrade that actually makes the game fun to play.

I dont want this in console gaming, if it happens, I am out!
I stopped playing iOS games for this reason, I HATE IT.
Again, they directly affect the game design a priori.

In order to induce and accomodate a real-money economy, by definition the basic product is changed and/or gimped. It's basic economics of price discrimination.

No I get the economic backings behind the transactions. I'm saying that if they are proven to be unpopular than they won't keep putting them in games. I'm still saying just don't buy the transactions and they will prove to be a unsustainable business model for video games.

Honestly the best thing you can do to keep this from becoming the norm is to simply not buy a micro-transaction imo.
I see. Well I wish him all the best. Do you know what Crytek sorted out for him at all?
I think he made a thread earlier. Ryse team is sending him a free xbone, and signed (collector's edition?) of ryse

Lol looked like that review do go up early


Rethinking my purchase here, was originally going to get Watch Dogs, but switched to this when that got delayed. Might get AC:BF or DR3 instead depending on reviews. 5 hours does not sound worth it.

I haven't played DR3 yet, but I can tell you that I'm very much enjoying AC:BF for what it's worth and it's probably the most fun I've had with a launch title on PS4 so far.

Wasn't really expecting much either after the dismal disappointment of AC3. Eitherway, seems like you are better off with one of these games instead.


No I get the economic backings behind the transactions. I'm saying that if they are proven to be unpopular than they won't keep putting them in games. I'm still saying just don't buy the transactions and they will prove to be a unsustainable business model for video games.

Honestly the best thing you can do to keep this from becoming the norm is to simply not buy a micro-transaction imo.


Unfortunately, the microtransaction business model is quite profitable.


Than if they aren't popular than they won't make their games around this idea. Just don't by the micro transactions in the games than the developers won't make their games around them.
Publishers though will see the microtransaction money out there, and push developers to build their games around them even if no one is really buying hoping that the next game will be the 'Candy Crush' game for them that will strike gold. If there's no perceived downside from the publisher angle, there's nothing to stop them from pushing it even if the initial outings aren't successes.


Rethinking my purchase here, was originally going to get Watch Dogs, but switched to this when that got delayed. Might get AC:BF or DR3 instead depending on reviews. 5 hours does not sound worth it.

Edit: Maybe Lego Marvel, isn't that back at launch?

Get Black Flags. It's a comprehensive game, solid length, tonnes of content and diversity in gameplay, great visuals and the highest rated out of the bunch.

Sorry to hear of his loss. Hopefully him and his family are ok. That is nice of Crytek though. Sejutsu is one of their staunchest supporters, second only to KRT00, so it's only fair lol.
Right but we still have to suffer through potentially great games now that are potentially overtuned to try to push ppl to spend more money in the mean time. You're right that if people don't buy them, they may drop them from future games but I don't have faith in the general public

Does anyone have any raw data on how successful this model has been in games? Honestly I can only see it being supported in a competitive multiplayer model. Single player games probably won't be to successful.
Kind of a shame really. On the one hand, the game got rightfully skewered after that terrible E3 demo that made it look like Dragons Lair and press X to awesome.

On the other hand, it always seemed like this game got a lot of hate purely based on that awful E3 showing. I'm a sucker for Rome-era stuff, but I suck at RTS games, so that eliminates the Total War franchise. I absolutely loved Shadow of Rome. The impression I get is that it's a mindless hack and slash with a little bit of flair thrown in.

The thing is that, obviously, by today's standards hack and slashes and beat-em-ups are looked upon as shallow. But on the other hand, I grew up playing games like Golden Axe or Final Fight. Hell, I even really liked those old PS2 Lord of the Rings hack and slash games by EA.

I don't even plan to get an Xbox One for awhile, but I honestly kinda wonder if Ryse is being unfairly judged because of its genre. Like, when I was a kid I fucking loved all those classic arcade games like X-Men and TMNT. I guess that's a dead genre now though.

I'm just wondering what people were expecting. Maybe like a Dark Souls type of thing.

Shadow of Rome was great though. I still want my sequel that you hinted at the end of the first one Capcom.


Also it's late here - what's the bleeding obvious twist that Sessler hints at in the video review?

Spoiler tag answer, obviously.

I bet that the giant twist is that Nero is actually crazy (wow who would have thought that) and he betrays you or something. You come back to your home and find your wife dead. Your character screams out to the heavens while the camera pans upwards. Of course, it's just a guess.

rdrr gnr

Its a real shame this game turned out so awful. After watching Spartacus, I would have loved to have had a badass Rome action game. With the money they spent making this janky, shallow combat QTE thing, we could've had something special.
Have you seen Rome (HBO)?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Also it's late here - what's the bleeding obvious twist that Sessler hints at in the video review?

Spoiler tag answer, obviously.
I haven't even seen much of the game and from just Sesslers review I would say the spoiler is:

the emperor is behind the deaths of his family and Marius will kill him at the end of the game


They make their money elsewhere. Crytek is a profoundly untalented studio outside of tech engines. They don't make good games and they never really have. I don't know why people are so late to this conclusion.
Because you're wrong. Far Cry was a good game and Crysis is one of the best shooters ever made (if you ignore the alien part, which admittedly is a significant chuck of the game). Unfortunately all the good parts seemed to disappear out of their game when they started making console games (I'm not saying that's necessarily what caused it though).


No I get the economic backings behind the transactions. I'm saying that if they are proven to be unpopular than they won't keep putting them in games. I'm still saying just don't buy the transactions and they will prove to be a unsustainable business model for video games.

Honestly the best thing you can do to keep this from becoming the norm is to simply not buy a micro-transaction imo.

"Vote with your wallet" is optimistic thinking. All it take is some rich guy to pay,
micro-transactions do not have max pay limit, publisher can earn more from just tiny percent of pay user. Eventually, they will start making game around that and sustainable(or earn more) just from those few players.
They're probably making too much money off of military contracts to give a shit.

Partially true in some ways. For them to get contract like the microsoft one... they at least have to show they are someone competent in game design.
They make their money elsewhere. Crytek is a profoundly untalented studio outside of tech engines. They don't make good games and they never really have. I don't know why people are so late to this conclusion.

I mean... they made Far Cry and Crysis 1... some of the best shooters ever.

ANd it is not like Crysis 2 and 3 sucked shit or something... even in all their mediocrity they play much better than the single player campaigns of many other modern FPS games. But then again, mediocrity is not something to aim for in a sea of shit.
Publishers though will see the microtransaction money out there, and push developers to build their games around them even if no one is really buying hoping that the next game will be the 'Candy Crush' game for them that will strike gold. If there's no perceived downside from the publisher angle, there's nothing to stop them from pushing it even if the initial outings aren't successes.

Well I'm going to keep not buying them cause honestly the best thing I think I can do. I've never liked the idea of these transactions but I'm not about to get all bent out of shape over them either. If the people simply don't buy them (Like I've been doing since I first saw one) Than the model will just be abandoned.


Forza 5, Killer Instinct.

Dunno if others are doing it, but kind of an unsettling precedent by Microsoft Studio games.
Crimson Dragon does it to. Eventually you hit a F2P point where hits aren't powerful enough to kill any enemies, and you're forced to play old stages to level up...

...Or you can pay $3.99 to level up right now.

The game is basically an Xbox 360 up port being sold for $20, and they still have the balls to add F2P money grabbing. So annoying. Makes a good game much worse.


Dude, you don;t know what micro-transactions's damage to game design.
It might not impact much now, when player pay for it, publisher get those money and start design games around it, please ready for lots of grind work and repetitive.

Exactly. How can people not see this is beyond me. Isn't it obvious that the games with MTs will be designed so as to make non-paying players to grind and grind.
"Vote with your wallet" is optimistic thinking. All it take is some rich guy to pay,
micro-transactions do not have max pay limit, publisher can earn more from just tiny percent of pay user. Eventually, they will start making game around that and sustainable(or earn more) just from those few players.

Call me when it becomes obvious that it is going down that road cause I haven't seen any that have been to unfair so far. (Well Mass Effect 3's multiplayer comes to mind.)


Well I'm going to keep not buying them cause honestly the best thing I think I can do. I've never liked the idea of these transactions but I'm not about to get all bent out of shape over them either. If the people simply don't buy them (Like I've been doing since I first saw one) Than the model will just be abandoned.
I doubt it. It makes too much damn money elsewhere. Publishers are more likely to double down and have developers use various tactics to squeeze the player, and encourage them to pay more. Until the free 2 play model completely crashes and burns, if it ever does, expect to see this in more and more games in the future.
Fine, I'll post it again. Sterling addresses your very opinion, directly.


No that's kind of BS

If YOU dont have the self control or patience to play without buying these game accelerators its your own fault. I bought the limited edition of Forza Horizon and it came with a code for the token accelerator pack (gives you advance access to things and boost XP). Not only did I not use it I gave it away for free to another GAF member. The game also lets you know that you can buy tokens during loading screens, and I was never once tempted to buy one because I never felt the need to do so. But I could care less if someone else does. Just because its there doesn't mean you cant play the game if you don't buy these things.
New Zealander here. 3 News is one of the two big news networks (the other being One News - I know, real creative).

And it's true. We beta tested it in the future.


Is that combat really that bad? I mean, unless I'm missing something, it doesn't seem all that different to Assassin's Creed. And people don't seem to go on about that much anymore.
People shit on Assassin's Creed for having shitty combat all the time... for the last 6 years.


No that's kind of BS

If YOU dont have the self control or patience to play without buying these game accelerators its your own fault. I bought the limited edition of Forza Horizon and it came with a code for the token accelerator pack (gives you advance access to things and boost XP). Not only did I not use it I gave it away for free to another GAF member. The game also lets you know that you can buy tokens during loading screens, and I was never once tempted to buy one because I never felt the need to do so. But I could care less if someone else does. Just because its there doesn't mean you cant play the game if you don't buy these things.

It affects game balance. Bottom line. They want your money. It's ignorant to think otherwise.

Like a tacked on money making scheme has the gamer's best interests at heart.
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