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First Ryse Review


I've never actually paid for that kind of advancement-generating microtransaction. Yeah, I'll buy DLC, if not cosmetic stuff, but the first time I run into a game where I feel compelled to spend money just to play the game I already paid for, I'm done.

I think it's kind of disturbing that a lot of full priced games are starting to put that stuff in. Some stuff, like when the system they're using in Forza 5 was placed in (I think Horizon?) it was easily ignored because, frankly, you don't need it. Similarly, Ryse seems to be of that ilk; "yeah, you can pay to unlock stuff, but there's no point."

But, while it's a bit of a slippery slope argument, we're kind of starting to slide down that slope already. They wouldn't do it if it wasn't working. And that's what's frightening.
Dead Space 3 has a drone you send off to collect crafting materials. If you won't pay extra for the upgrade, that piece of shit takes forever to come back. There's no story or gameplay reason for this delay. The frustration exists solely to encourage microtransactions in a game where this crafting is a significant gameplay element. Sure, you could ignore crafting, but you'll essentially be denying yourself a portion of the game you just paid for.

It wasn't anywhere near as bad as you're describing. Unless you're absolute shite with your resources, you push on and pick it up the next bench. There's only one location where you can spam it for the time to matter, but that's really early on where you don't have the options to have it worth it to farm. If the player is waiting in such a fashion to farm, that's the player's fault. If anything, the resources made the game far easier being there, with the only worry being the insta-kill sections.

The only downside to the transactions in that game was that, even those obtained by the bot, were tied to EA servers. So if you lost connection with the servers, which was constantly, the resources you received wouldn't be saved. Not sure if that extended to constructed items with those resources. In any case, it was made more frustrating that there was no in-game way to reconnect to servers. You'd have to quit the game, reconnect at the main menu, and load the last checkpoint.
Insults don't win the neutral party. A good argument does.

And what about my argument on whales I posted in response to your previous post?

What about how FTP models where the idea of microtransactions started?

We have already seen an entire platform for gaming affected by the movement of microtransactions

To think such an effect is not just entirely possible but likely if this continues seems the most logical conclusion based on what evidence we have thus far


I like the combat in Assasin's Creed Black Flag, feels more satisfying. Maybe it's because I haven't played an AC game since Brotherhood. If Ryse had more exploration, I think people would be ok with so-so combat. It kinda seems all you do is go from fight to fight. I think that is one of the isses people have with the game. Still hoping for a PC version.
I hope everyone starts avoiding retail games with micro transactions built in like the plague so we can strangle this concept out before it becomes a common thing in games.
And they're still using cheap and insidious psychological tactics to drain money out of people's wallets. Makes you wonder why they let him go. They seem to carry on his legacy just fine.

Its really crazy that some of the animations look jarringly bad while other just look gorgeous...this is easily the best ingame facial animation I have ever seen.
Then you look at the actual cutscenes and realise they still have the same uncanny-valley dead eyes and emotionless faces. There's something about believable facial animation that only a small selection of people in the industry seem to get right, and though they're scattered around (Heavenly Swords had great facial animation for no real reason other than that they could do it), most of them seem to work for Naughty Dog.
I hated AC3 but I actually liked it's combat. :3 I just liked seeing all the different counters with the various weapons and stuff.

Ryse would probably have fared better if you had more than just a sword and shield as your weapons.
I like the combat in Assasin's Creed Black Flag, feels more satisfying. Maybe it's because I haven't played an AC game since Brotherhood. If Ryse had more exploration, I think people would be ok with so-so combat. It kinda seems all you do is go from fight to fight. I think that is one of the isses people have with the game. Still hoping for a PC version.

Not really. AC may not have great combat, but it provides a lot of options and styles. Sure, the win button is counter (usually), but you have a ton of shit to keep that at least tolerable with all the different animations or consequences of using that weapon/item.

This just seems like counter-lite with just the sword and spamming the regular attack in between. You have the spear to throw at archers, but they don't seem that significant in the scheme of things and that's it for basic options. There's the bullet time mode, but that seems like something thrown in to speed up the process rather than for strategic/gameplay value.
And what about my argument on whales I posted in response to your previous post?

What about how FTP models where the idea of microtransactions started?

We have already seen an entire platform for gaming affected by the movement of microtransactions

To think such an effect is not just entirely possible but likely if this continues seems the most logical conclusion based on what evidence we have thus far

In 100% honesty dude I was going to get to your post but I forgot about it while trying to reply to someone else's.

I haven't heard about this "whales" thing before and it sounds interesting and I need to do more reading on it but you make a really good point. Do we have a direct correlation of the F2P model of gaming effecting the market?
Goddammit Microsoft, not only are you forcing early adopters to invest in the Kinect, you're adding monetization into most of your first party offerings? What a fucking joke.

I like that he mentioned it and brought Forza's model up as well, though he should have given that some spotlight in the actual Forza review, regardless of if he felt it was an issue in that game or not.


I still want to play Ryse because Knack got hammered and it is my favorite PS4 game so far, but if Ryse's campaign is really only 5 hours then it should probably be a rental. I've never played a DR game before, but now I could buy another game. Hmm.


could never
Ryse is a weird game for me, I really want to play it but I know it's not worth the full price. I'll have to rent it I guess.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Unfortunately locked away behind some awkward behind the back TPS simplistic chucking.

You can tap a button and throw them in combat to break guard IIRC. Still, they really should have had more weapon types to sustain combat through the whole game.


So how long until the embargo for the rest of the reviews are up?

2 hours and 15 minutes. They chose to lift the embargo at 3AM PST/6AM EST. It's literally the weirdest time to lift an embargo. That should tell you all you need to know about how they think it'll review.
In 100% honesty dude I was going to get to your post but I forgot about it while trying to reply to someone else's.

I haven't heard about this "whales" thing before and it sounds interesting and I need to do more reading on it but you make a really good point. Do we have a direct correlation of the F2P model of gaming effecting the market?

No worries gaf goes fast :)

Well I don't know what effect you're looking for but if the majority of the money from a FTP game is coming from 1% of your users who do you think the game is going to be tailored towards?

Other good reads on whales and FTP


And a GDC presentation solely on FTP monetization schemes and the importance of whales


"Catching Whales" is a good talking point

I have also read antecedal reports of mobile game developers talking game design

The first and most important step? How best to monetize the game


I like the combat in Assasin's Creed Black Flag, feels more satisfying. Maybe it's because I haven't played an AC game since Brotherhood. If Ryse had more exploration, I think people would be ok with so-so combat. It kinda seems all you do is go from fight to fight. I think that is one of the isses people have with the game. Still hoping for a PC version.

Do you LIKE IT? or do you like it better* than previous titles? I know anytime I get in a scuffle I'm like, eh, this could be better. In Batman however, when I drop down like a bawss and fuck shit up, I thoroughly enjoy that.
In terms of linearity and limited game focus.. how does Ryse compare with uncharted? Are they not both shallow representations in terms of gameplay and encounter design with in their genres?

Similar how i never understand how MOH gets shit reviews and COD gets better reviews... even though they are bith shallow games.

I think i compared uncharted shallow gunplay with Ryse melee combat some months ago.
I found both shallow but the game were enjoyable just hope Ryse is less scripted then uncharted 2 was.


I still want to play Ryse because Knack got hammered and it is my favorite PS4 game so far, but if Ryse's campaign is really only 5 hours then it should probably be a rental. I've never played a DR game before, but now I could buy another game. Hmm.

Yep. I'm not buying an XB1 day 1 but when I do pick one up ill probably eventually play it for the same reason I'm loving Knack.
No worries gaf goes fast :)

Well I don't know what effect you're looking for but if the majority of the money from a FTP game is coming from 1% of your users who do you think the game is going to be tailored towards?

Other good reads on whales and FTP


And a GDC presentation solely on FTP monetization schemes and the importance of whales


Can't read right now on the count that I am in the library at my college and it is 3:50 in the morning but color me interested in what you are talking about. PM me the links and I will read them and send you a reply on what I think.


2 hours and 15 minutes. They chose to lift the embargo at 3AM PST/6AM EST. It's literally the weirdest time to lift an embargo. That should tell you all you need to know about how they think it'll review.

Thanks for that. And I live in Australia, so I didn't really notice the weird time haha, only that it was super close to release.


Is there a summary of it somewhere?



Yesterday I was annoyed that my retailer delayed Ryse until late next week. Now I'm glad. Gonna buy it used some weeks from now. Or receive it in the inevitable ambassador program down the road for early X1 adopters after the price cut. Or wait for Games with Gold. Forza 5 is all I need now.


I haven't followed this game closely, but the visuals are really gorgeous. I hope this quickly becomes the standard for most next-gen console games.

Too bad about the rest.
It wasn't anywhere near as bad as you're describing. Unless you're absolute shite with your resources, you push on and pick it up the next bench. There's only one location where you can spam it for the time to matter, but that's really early on where you don't have the options to have it worth it to farm. If the player is waiting in such a fashion to farm, that's the player's fault. If anything, the resources made the game far easier being there, with the only worry being the insta-kill sections.

I think the microtransactions in DS3 were terrible, it is just that EA made a complete mess of the implementation by not requiring you to buy more resources...or actually make another gun once you can one shot everything in the game.

Same with PvZ2. You really don't have to spend a cent in that game. It doesn't mean it is a good model, just that EA doesn't know how to force it properly.

I'm sure they'll learn eventually.


I think a great story could have saved it

Crytek though. Only this company can pump out the amazing visuals of Crysis 3 (I literally drooled at the opening rain sequence), and then have the game gets SO damn boring in the next hour.

I know everyone here loves to praise the original Crysis, but when I first discovered the alien angle, I got really bummed.

I will without a doubt buy Ryse when its in the bargain bin though, 20-30 bucks. It will be worth it for the visuals I think...maybe, who knows.


2 hours and 15 minutes. They chose to lift the embargo at 3AM PST/6AM EST. It's literally the weirdest time to lift an embargo. That should tell you all you need to know about how they think it'll review.

It's the time right fucking after Amazon ships their pre-orders, at least where I live.

So glad I caught Sessler's review before.
In terms of linearity and limited game focus.. how does Ryse compare with uncharted? Are they not both shallow representations in terms of gameplay and encounter design with in their genres?

Don't know about Ryse.

Uncharted? More specifically Uncharted 2? No. Uncharted 2 has great encounter design that certainly allows battles to be tackled in many different tactical ways, even adding verticality and traversal into the combat, which is something unusual for 3rd-person shooters. In terms of the combat mechanics themselves, there are are also quite a few options, whether it's grenades, pistols, various types of rifles, throwing explosive barrels and shooting them, etc. Plus there are some opportunities for stealth and even (a very basic) melee system to be used in a pinch.

Of course, the path between areas is strictly linear, and of course the few set pieces present in the game are scripted -- even though many of them let the player retain control -- but that is not encounter design.

So if Ryse can match the very reasonable depth of the combat present in Uncharted 2, it is by no means shallow.
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