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happy Spanish April Fools

Eurogamer.es report, google translate below of the article:

The actor Antonio Banderas playing Xbox One during free time. The Malaga confirmed yesterday in Santiago, Chile, where is in the filming of "The 33" , the movie about the Chilean miners who were trapped underground 69 days after the collapse of the San Jose mine in 2010.

Antonio Banderas moments after his daily partidita Xbox One

Despite the avalanche of jokes and memes on Banderas and PS4 circulating on the Internet, this accidental hero to fans of the Sony machine has chosen the next generation console Microsoft to spend his spare time on set. In fact, the actor said he was unaware of the jokes that have become popular in recent months in sites like NeoGAF .

"Completely unaware of these jokes, but it is something for which one has to be prepared when it is a public figure. As I have said are pretty funny, so I have to see them," said the actor.

For statements Banderas understand that the game that keeps you entertained for this shoot is Ryse: Son of Rome. "I'm not a regular player, but occasionally it does distract me a while, and now I'm playing one of Romans that looks spectacular and could be perfectly in theaters," said Banderas.

The protagonist of "Murderers", the masterpiece of Richard Donner, is not the only actor who has confessed to playing in his spare time, famous are heading to World of Warcraft until the wee hours of the morning of Cameron Diaz while filming or Megan Fox's reputation as a player of Call of Duty.



Not sure about the source, but today is the equivalent of April Fools day in many Latin countries. So I would take with a grain of salt.


Well, he says he was unaware of the memes but was told they were pretty funny so he will check what the fuss is about.

Hi, Antonio!

EDIT: Wait, the Spanish have their own version of April Fools', and it's NOT in April? Goddammit guys >:|
Nobody's posted the banderas gif yet?

How ungrateful after all Sony did for him. Before the Banderas.gif, most people would have struggled to identify him as some washed up actor who they last saw portraying Zorro like a decade ago. Then he does this...


Welcome to the stupid thing that is Spanish Día de los inocentes (April Fools'), I'm from Peru and I always forget we somehow decided to have December 28th as the equivalent of April Fools'... it's stupid I tell ya, I gotta go through friends' jokes till I realize what day it is.
This is hilarious regardless of what it is (a joke or not)

Could see Banderas playing Ryse but playing videogames as part off his regular day seems a bit much
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