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1UP Yours - 18/04/08 - Jeff Green guest stars


border said:
Well, Jewish and African American people were, ya know, kind of innocent victims. Whereas the Japanese were the agressors in a multi-national conflict, and engaged in their own unique forms of genocide.

you are making a big mistake...

the japanese government was the aggressor not the japanese people that died in the hiroshima and nagasaki bombing..

the people that died were civilians...

so you can call the government and the soldiers aggressors

Sure the Japanese killed many Koreans and Chinese civilians..

but still you cannot call the Japanese civilians that died in the bombing... "aggressors"


h3ro said:
Jeff, are you talking about Indian comic Russel Peters? He's hilarious!
For those that don't know... every word he says is so true... watch:
I've been forcibly subjected to his work a dozen times over, so I'm no longer very fond of it...
But I have to say that I applaud him for stomping around race.

I so very much dream for a day where nobody feels so insecure that they can accidentally be offended by well-meaning people. Comedy seems like a good starting block.


Durante said:
(FWIW I'm happy with Jeff's explanation, but crap like this post gets on my nerves)

Well it kind of gets on my nerves to see the plight of a genuinely oppressed minority equated to that of a monstrous and inhumane imperial power. It's a stupid way to make a point.


Slavik81 said:
I've been forcibly subjected to his work a dozen times over, so I'm no longer very fond of it...
But I have to say that I applaud him for stomping around race.

Yeah, his shtick gets old after a while.. that was his best show. I've also been to a few he has done around NY, same material pretty much... Its nice to have a fellow Indian guy making fun of everyone else now too, I was getting tired of hearing it from the white dudes and Chris Rock... :p

BigBlackGamer said:
hey that guy is pretty funny. never heard of him.

Here is his whole set from that show, its definitely worth watching if you have the time...
Youtube - Russel Peters Set

Again though, back OT, I think Shawn needs his own podcast... where he can just talk about Shawn stuff, like griefing TF2, youtube vids and SA Mods... and it would be awesome.... :lol



DubloSeven said:
We'll probably have to wait a few decades before we can openly joke about 9/11.

? nah



farnham said:
aww cmon

there is a difference if you say something as a joke and if you say something and actually mean that shit...

for example.. if you hang out with your friends.. you might want to brag about something and then you might actually argue with your friend about some shit just for the sake of it.. you might even insult him just for fun and because you know that it is accepted..

that situation is different from a situation where you actually argue with someone and mean what you say.. in that situation an insult could mean something way more severe..
I guess it was just the way I was raised. As a kid, 'it was just a joke' was a common excuse, but it never ever worked. And when people around here say 'just joking' it means they meant what they said, but they didn't want to hurt your feelings. For example, a classmate of mine asked me 'who cut your hair, stevie wonder?'. He was saying that I had a bad haircut, but I looked at him weirdly (mostly because I didn't hear what he said), so he said 'just joking' to try and soften the insult.

farnham said:
now in this podcast the problem is that many many people listen to this.. jeff never knew who would listen to him.
Exactly. There are probably people who don't listen to GFW or know of Jeff who may have heard the comment. Just because they don't know that Jeff's not a racist guy mean that they aren't entitled to feel uncomfortable with what he said?

Evonus said:
The sense of righteousness is funny given the offensive bullshit that is spewed across these boards every day. Its okay when a nameless user does it, but god forbid JEFF GREEN partake.

I wasn't saying that what Jeff did was wrong, I was just saying that the people who were offended have a right to be.


Excellent cast probably my favorite. Everybody was chill and it was a fun listen.

Couldn't agree more with the comment on being a PC enthusiast as long as your rig can still run the more demanding new games and then switching to console for a while. That's pretty much exactly what I do for new games. I still tend to play older PC games and some new games on low settings., but for the most part shiny new games get bought on console.

As for the edgy humor, I'm so desensitized :lol On the occasion when my heritage is the target of some jokes (even irl) I just don't care. It doesn't change who I am or my immediate opinion about a person, funny is funny.


That podcast was almost like GFW with Shane. But seriously, it was very interesting to listen to, they finally talked about GAMES.Thta's pretty much what I want from this podcast


Oh snap, got put in jail for running over a gas station attendant. What do people do if they're not running people over?


please someone make videos in the gta online thing.
i dont have the pc version and it sounds hilarious.

great podcast btw, its always great to listen to it while doing boring university work!


Jacobi said:
That podcast was almost like GFW with Shane. But seriously, it was very interesting to listen to, they finally talked about GAMES.Thta's pretty much what I want from this podcast

No shit.


MarkMacD said:
"Wow, clearly no one japanese worked on this podcast."


Hows that card installation going, Mark? :D

And hey, Shawn called "Marble Mania" as "Kororinpa" this time around. Sounds like the nerds went after him after last time :lol


JeffGreen said:
Listen back to the context of the discussion. They were trying to explain to me how horrifying the Metal Gear Online login was. At one point, Shawn said something along the lines of, which the others agreed with, that: "this is typical for Japan" (though he was careful to say he was not meaning to sound inflammatory/racist/whatever, which of course he wasn't cuz he's too smart for that). I made the point that ALL online ventures suffer from this kind of clusterfuck. In other words: I was defending Japan. Now they are telling me, "no, wait, wait, you don't understand--listen to just how bad this is!" to convince me that, no, in fact, this Japanese company in fact has screwed it up worse than anyone. This is the setup to that comment of mine. That was me saying, "Gosh, you guys are right! This is terrible! I hate Japan now!" It was sarcastic. It was a joke.
Good thing you explained that joke because some people missed the point.




Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
I much prefer the game-centric episodes of 1UP Yours like this one.

SA MP sounds awesome. I'm not interested in the reality of MMO gameplay, but the some of the exploits of Eve Online players have been intriguing. It seems to me that the GTA universe would be compatible with the corporation/alliance ideas in Eve . . .


The Orange said:
Would you tell concentration camp jokes to Jews, because hey, it happened 60 years ago? Black people probably don't find slavery funny yet either.

Step outside man
BiasedGamer said:
Good thing you explained that joke because some people missed the point.


Totally, I can't believe people missed the context in which it was said. I read this thread before I got to that part, so I was thinking Jeff Green's explanation might have been because it wasn't explicit, but in the podcast I can't believe that people didn't find it obvious that it was Jeff responding to Garnet, Shawn and David on Japanese developers, and that it was a mock-defeatist exaggeration.


JeffGreen said:
As someone else in the thread said, I'm the guy who couldn't handle 16 Candles without getting royally pissed off at the obscene racism of the Long Duk Dong character.
Okay, kids? And if you want to hear any jewish jokes, I've got a million of them. Offensive ones, too!
I used to date a Jewish girl, actually. One time, she asked if she could shave my head off, just to see how it would look (I had really long hair at the time). Growing kind of tired of the shag, I said sure and we set to business. It took quite awhile, but we kind of forgot about the fact that I had a goatee. I ended up looking like Ed Norton from American History X. So for a few weeks, I got to say that my Jewish girlfriend turned me into a skinhead.
immy said:
Step outside man

Eh, I explained what my point was, maybe I should go around with a camera filming myself telling racist jokes to people, to prove that people still get offended by stuff like that.
It's stupid that I have to argue about this, especially since I laughed at that part of the podcast, I got that it wasn't serious, I just found it ridiculous that people attacked a poster who was offended by it.
fallout said:
I used to date a Jewish girl, actually. One time, she asked if she could shave my head off, just to see how it would look (I had really long hair at the time). Growing kind of tired of the shag, I said sure and we set to business. It took quite awhile, but we kind of forgot about the fact that I had a goatee. I ended up looking like Ed Norton from American History X. So for a few weeks, I got to say that my Jewish girlfriend turned me into a skinhead.

Please tell me there was some sort of gathering with her family soon after.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Please tell me there was some sort of gathering with her family soon after.
I saw her dad later that evening and he had a good laugh about it. Granted, they're Russian and even though he's seen the movie, I'm not sure if the full impact of the reference was felt. I could be wrong, though.
If you want to know who the Iron Man villan is you can just read the novelization which is already out. I thought it was pretty good (but then again I liked the DC Cox books :\)

Villain spoiler

The bad guy is Tony's CFO and hes using Iron Man's OLD suit... loser couldn't even make his own
I like post-war Japan a lot and I think Japan is one of the US' best allies, but Japan deserved to be nuked. To claim the Holocaust and the nuclear bombing of Japan are morally equivalent is cynical and manipulative. And more so considering that Japan still refuses to fully apologize to China and Korea for what it did to them during the war.

Japanese imperialism was out of control. The US asked Japan to withdraw from China and respect its sovereignty. Japan refused and attacked the US instead because it was hellbent on establishing an East Asian empire.

Study Japan's Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere plan. It called for the subjugation of the entire East Asian region and the establishment of Japanese political and cultural norms throughout it. Look at what Japan did to Korea and how it tried to erase Korean culture. This was not a slightly out of control government, this was fully out of control government, which enjoyed wide support among its citizenry.

And after the fiasco that happened during the interwar period, there was no way the Allies were going to let Japan's government surrender and remain in place, and they shouldn't have. Japan's family state ideology had become warped. Further, the Japanese could've surrendered unconditionally and brought the war to a quiet end, but Hirohito refused because he feared the Allies would force him to step down, and the Japanese government consented to his decision.

As to the actual bombings, the bombing of other cities during the war was equally destructive. One can make the argument that citizens aren't valid targets in war, but if they support their government in waging wars of aggression and they themselves don't respect civilian immunity, why shouldn't they be valid targets? Collectively, they're accomplices to murder, are they not?

And beyond all that, Jeff was making fun of extreme jingoism. If you can't be bothered to analyize a statement within its proper context, we can't be bothered to care about your temper tantrums.


HamPster PamPster said:
If you want to know who the Iron Man villan is you can just read the novelization which is already out. I thought it was pretty good (but then again I liked the DC Cox books :\)

Villain spoiler

The bad guy is Tony's CFO and hes using Iron Man's OLD suit... loser couldn't even make his own

For fuck's sake! ugh....Hype falling


WrikaWrek said:
Some people are too sensitive.

Never watch stand ups, seriously.

OR watch Ricky Gervais and no one else.

Also, fuck dude your avatar is amazing. Its the best of those avatars floating around.


WrikaWrek said:
Master Pain did it.

HE did an awesome work on it :D

The soft sunlight washing over Jim Carrey's face seems to fit the scene perfectly. Just a lucky co-incidence I know, but great fucking work Master Pain.
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