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Adam Sessler & Albert Penello on the Xbox One (Interview)

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I'm not assuming anyone is dumb. Not at all. I can understand based on what has been disclosed, why people are arriving at that conclusion.

I'm stating that not everyone knows all the facts. There are still a lot of important details about the platforms that are still unknown. I have many, many questions about what Sony is doing technically.

The question I posed earlier, and the statements I'm making now, will come out when we see the actual shipping boxes.

The most obvious point is that anyone looking at games on both platforms do not see ANY difference, let alone this alleged 30% - 40%. Both systems are powerful. Both are capable of next-gen graphics. I'm merely saying the application of that performance will mean the actual difference will not be that great.
You said it yourself that you have technical questions about the PS4 yet you say the 40% difference in GPU power won't make a difference? You're not a Sony engineer. You don't know what the PS4 is capable of.
I think what he says about most gamers not being able to tell a difference between both consoles right now graphically is pretty accurate, at least for the general mainstream gaming population ( we not part of that group).

Can anyone show launch titles on either system that is head and shoulders above the others?? I really can't think of any.

Sony's advantage in raw gpu power I don't think will manifest itself in launch titles so what he is saying is somewhat accurate from what we have seen so far.

I just don't think comparing Xbox 360 vs PS3 scenario is accurate bc if the wild differences in architecture. These new consoles are so similar in that respect that the power comparisons at least make way more sense and may be noticable some day.

didn't he say over the next 10 years? Stop this shit...


If I was him and someone tweeted me with that nonsense I wouldn't even bother responding.

I never wrote out what i tweeted at him. I actually asked him a valid question, instead he just retweeted it in a cyber-bully kind of way. I've never been a fan of the guy, i mean, he's nothing special in my eyes - i like the GB crew better in that regard - but he definitely became a total douche when he decided to "respond" like that.


How much does Sony pay? I'm willing to switch for $$$

How should I know? But if Sony reps are in this thread feel free to pm me - here's a free example:
"PS4 is the best console ev4r - xbone is just a glorified tv guide and ryse looks shyte!"


Nobody was taking this away. Why does everyone think this?

MS was killing private sale ( aka gamer to gamer sales ) and mom and pop stores. At the same time cutting deals with Gamestop to force all consumers through "approved" resellers.

Let's not try and white wash these policies. They were reversed for good reasons.


I really don't know why some people get so offended when Albert posts. He works for Microsoft. He's not going to really act like Sony has a substantial advantage, even if they do (they do). But that doesn't offend me in the slightest because, again, his tag labels him exactly as his position so you have the context, he responds to people with respect and gives a great deal of detail in his explanations, and, of course, any human being is naturally going to cheer for and perhaps exaggerate the advantages of the system coming from their own company. It doesn't even have to be intentional, it's human nature.

I keep saying this, but Albert is good people. He engages GAF, he gives his company a good image and if you're not a fanboy it's really impossible to get offended by his brand of PR.

More specifically, I just read another interview from Albert where he was pretty harsh about Microsoft's messaging regarding the Xbox One in its original form, and you know it took Sony years before they dropped the arrogance after 2006. I just wish some could call a spade a spade and address his specific points if they disagree with him, but the overreaction and harshness to his behavior from a select few posters just seems inappropriate. He's good people.
Um no they're not.

Steam didn't always have an offline mode. Steam is digital only. Microsoft had to take discs into consideration.
Who cares if steam didn't always have an offline mode for digital, Microsoft has to compete with the features Steam and IOS has now since according to Albert that's who they were looking at for inspiration.
I'm sure they were mostly trying to make publishers happy but if that's the story they want to run with, it has to make sense.


didn't he say over the next 10 years? Stop this shit...

You think the average Joe gamer is going to tell the difference?? I know you and I will... but from what I can tell Albert is thinking more the mainstream gamers.

Maybe I am reaching here..

Can you state any launch games on either system that is head and shoulders above??
The most obvious point is that anyone looking at games on both platforms do not see ANY difference, let alone this alleged 30% - 40%. Both systems are powerful. Both are capable of next-gen graphics. I'm merely saying the application of that performance will mean the actual difference will not be that great.
To make up the difference, though, would that not mean you are suggesting the Xbox is running at 30-40% greater efficiency compared to the PS4?

That seems like a staggering amount, unless this is not the way to look at it.

I'm also not sure how you can 'see' 40% difference.


you really gonna sit here and say that MS engineers have no idea what GPU specs mean or what they are doing? lol cmon son

You guys refers to Albert and anyone else in Microsoft PR who would attempt to claim that the obvious power gap between the GPUs is inconsequential.
Actually, it's growing now because a representative of Microsoft went on a rant about how unfathomable it is to imagine that the PS4 would have a 30% power advantage, then admitted that he has many, many questions about what Sony's doing technically.

Oh you're right the thread was just fine before that. HAHAHA!


MS was killing private sale ( aka gamer to gamer sales ) and mom and pop stores. At the same time cutting deals with Gamestop to force all consumers through "approved" resellers.

Let's not try and white wash these policies.

which is still more options than the apple app store , google play , steam , impulse , origin and any others i'm forgetting


I never wrote out what i tweeted at him. I actually asked him a valid question, instead he just retweeted it in a cyber-bully kind of way. I've never been a fan of the guy, i mean, he's nothing special in my eyes - i like the GB crew better in that regard - but he definitely became a total douche when he decided to "respond" like that.

Post your twitter handle so we can judge for ourselves how much of a child you are.


extra source of jiggaflops
I just wish some could call a spade a spade and address his specific points if they disagree with him
I have done so in this thread and I've done so in the July thread where he said that the machine that has the weaker specs could conceivable end up more powerful.

I think that's a pretty extraordinary claim and requires elaboration.


I never wrote out what i tweeted at him. I actually asked him a valid question, instead he just retweeted it in a cyber-bully kind of way. I've never been a fan of the guy, i mean, he's nothing special in my eyes - i like the GB crew better in that regard - but he definitely became a total douche when he decided to "respond" like that.

Do you mind linking it? Just curious to see.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
[...], and, of course, any human being is naturally going to cheer for and perhaps exaggerate the advantages of the system coming from their own company. It doesn't even have to be intentional, it's human nature.

Pretty much. This is true in every industry. I see it every day, and I myself react the same way. People are passionate about their own products and ideas on which they worked hard and long. That's all.
Actually, it's growing now because a representative of Microsoft went on a rant about how unfathomable it is to imagine that the PS4 would have a 30% power advantage, then admitted that he has many, many questions about what Sony's doing technically.

This thread devolved into a fanboy war long before Albert posted.
To make up the difference, though, would that not mean you are suggesting the Xbox is running at 30-40% greater efficiency compared to the PS4?

That seems like a staggering amount, unless this is not the way to look at it.

I'm also not sure how you can 'see' 40% difference.

He said "alleged" difference so he basically doesn't believe its 30-40% or much of a difference at all.


How is responding to posts and having a discussion= GAF getting to him?
I get a ton of hate for saying this – but it’s been the same EVERY generation. Sony claims more power, they did it with Cell, they did it with Emotion Engine, and they are doing it again. And, in the end, games on our system looked the same or better.

I’m not saying they haven’t built a good system – I’m merely saying that anyone who wants to die on their sword over this 30%+ power advantage are going to be fighting an uphill battle over the next 10 years…
I'd say GAF clearly got to him.

It's one thing to defend your side, but this is a pretty dumb risk to take because Albert's almost guaranteed to eat these words. I see tons of denial in his future.


I have done so in this thread and I've done so in the July thread where he said that the machine that has the weaker specs could conceivable end up more powerful.

That's why I said behavior from a "select few posters", I wasn't casting all of NeoGAF under the net. I don't do GAF hivemind bullshit, that's for people who can't think for themselves so they have to blame their inability to defend their position on GAF having a hivemind. :D

Pretty much. This is true in every industry. I see it every day, and I myself react the same way. People are passionate about their own products and ideas on which they worked hard and long. That's all.

Yeah, now if he started going "you need to get a 2nd job to get the awesome Xbox One", then I'd be "now wait a minute Albert..." lol
I'd say GAF clearly got to him.

It's one thing to defend your side, but this is a pretty dumb risk to take because Albert's almost guaranteed to eat these words. I see tons of denial in his future.

Honestly I don't see how that shows GAF got to him at all. His posts always come off as clear and level-headed. He has an opinion on this and he thinks things aren't as black and white as many here are making it out to be. Doesn't really sound passive aggressive at all tbh.


It sounds like someone not working for Sony is overly invested in boxes that they do not own yet.. At least Albert works for a company that makes one of these boxes, and still he isn't rude as you guys, so what the hell are your excuses?

I'd respond the same to anyone posting that kind of stuff on this forum. But few do, because eventually they'd probably be banned for it.


I don't think he's trying assure anyone of anything. It sounds instead like he's heard back from third party devs and knows for certain that the people looking at both versions of the same game aren't seeing any differences.

Third party dev are under NDA, they're not supposed to talk about the differences between consoles especially talk to competing console owners. So maybe few of those 3rd party dev will talk to him, but many of them won't reveal such information.
Pretty sure he's calling you a delusional fanboy bro.

Well I am sorry to disappoint him. I play the games I like to regardless of platform.

No, the people on the Microsoft PR team are pretending these numbers don't matter, and it's embarrassing.

GPU: 1.31 Teraflops
16 ROPs
12 compute units

GPU: 1.84 Teraflops
32 ROPs
18 compute units

They are trying their hardest to downplay it but you can't dispute maths.


I'm not quite sure the narrative is the same this time around though. It is much easier to compare the two platforms this time around. Whereas PS3 was this exotic sort of tech that was way different from the 360 and what people were used to developing for.

Saying #TRUTHFACT in this scenario is just as fanboyish as the "buh buh buh, the numbers that people told me matters" people you are calling out. Especially considering the consoles haven't launched yet.

As many developers have said...you probably won't see what these consoles can do until several years into the generation. And I can't remember any console generation where that wasn't true.

Perhaps you are right but I was supporting Albert more for what he said and to ignore the nonsense compared to what he knows to be true based on actually working on the machine and talking with devs as they are making the games on these machines.

I'm sure he is in a much better position to know than even our most respected resident tech guys
Watched the interview. I think Albert did fine. He acknowledged the 180 jokes.
Yeah, he did fine and the Sess didn't toss him softball questions at all.

The power difference argument in a nutshell seems to be that the bone has a more "balanced" design with fewer bottlenecks, so that in the end the practical results will be negligible.

Do I have that right? I get the bottleneck part, but not the balance part so much. Balancing what and what?
Also claiming to not being paid by MSFT for posting on GAF is comic.

If you identify yourself as an employee of MSFT or any company, you are representing their views when posting on a public forum. So honestly Penello, cut the crap.

I am employed by MSFT, and I post on this forum. I posted and lurked this forum before I was an employee. Please do not equate 'being paid by X company to post' with 'being paid by X company and posting'. I'd imagine my org would probably not want me to post here.
He's reading comments and being defensive about power differences and yield issue rumors. It's getting to him.
That's kind of painting him into a corner prematurely. You can basically call any response that he gives to those two points as "being defensive".
I'm not assuming anyone is dumb. Not at all. I can understand based on what has been disclosed, why people are arriving at that conclusion.

I'm stating that not everyone knows all the facts. There are still a lot of important details about the platforms that are still unknown. I have many, many questions about what Sony is doing technically.

The question I posed earlier, and the statements I'm making now, will come out when we see the actual shipping boxes.

The most obvious point is that anyone looking at games on both platforms do not see ANY difference, let alone this alleged 30% - 40%. Both systems are powerful. Both are capable of next-gen graphics. I'm merely saying the application of that performance will mean the actual difference will not be that great.

Appreciate you coming on and walking through the fire.
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