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Assassin’s Creed: Unity Framerate Is “Atrocious”


Their eyes were bigger than their stomachs.

These current gen consoles (Previous gen x 1.5) aren't equipped to handle a few thousand peasants on screen.
Who would of known making this franchise an annual assembly line product would end up resulting in shit quality games? Never could of guessed. Totally shocked.

Asscreed is toast. Same thing Activision did with Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero and most other franchises they get a hold of. Once it makes money, it hits the assembly line and the quality goes to shit quick.


seeing the gameplay on twitch the framerate doesn't look too bad on the ps4, for the most part. There are definitely drops though.
Their eyes were bigger than their stomachs.

These current gen consoles (Previous gen x 1.5) aren't equipped to handle a few thousand peasants on screen.

Neither can the PC versions. Pop-in included. This is an engine issue not console/pc power. Not enough optimisation was done on this, which is crystal clear from all the bugs that are apparent.


Who would of known making this franchise an annual assembly line product would end up resulting in shit quality games? Never could of guessed. Totally shocked.

Asscreed is toast. Same thing Activision did with Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero and most other franchises they get a hold of. Once it makes money, it hits the assembly line and the quality goes to shit quick.

But part 4 was excellent.
This is clearly Microsoft and Sony's fault for not putting more ounces of horsepower in their systems. Ubi are doing the best with what they have.

Besides, who cares about framerate when you have NPCs oozing from every orifice?

And the NPCs pop and they pop and they pop. It's fun when they pop.
This game looked a technical mess once previews hit. Shades of AC3 on consoles anyone?

Very glad I'm skipping this! Ubi can have some of that FarCry 4 money instead.



The patch was downloadable over 1 week ago.

That's what I meant, that the videos are after the patch was applied.

There goes hope that the day one patch makes a differnce.

Pretty sad because I was ready to write off AC after 3, but Black Flag brought me back in. Looks like Unity will make me not care about the series again.
Holy crap those videos are bad. Absolutely insane pop in / various other NPC glitches, all the while the frame rate is noticeably bad - and this is coming from someone who can't see a difference between 30/60.


What the Bone4U generation has taught me:

EA has began its journey towards redemption.
Ubisoft is now the monster that was EA.
Are the framerate issues like in AC2/3, or worse?

I played all games on Xbox platforms and I think Unity is worse.

Performance issues and pop-in aside the game looks really good at times.

The cutscenes are very well done.

I would have preferred 720p with better framerate / less pop-in and better AA over 900p though.


I imagine some low level engine programmer having this conversation with the lead designer:

Programmer: Sir, we've added the last few thousand protestors to the riot scene...
Designer: Good, good. Does it look realistic yet? Is the protagonist literally elbow to elbow with a sea of human dregs?
Prog: ...well, not quite, but sir the risk...
Des: What?!? Add another thousand. No, two thousand!
Prog: The engine, she won't hold sir. She's at her limits already! It's enough.
Des: *Grabs him by the shirt collar* I'll tell you when she's had enough. Get me my three thousand NPCs, or I'll find someone who will. Are we clear?
Prog: Crystal, sir.

This is fun.

It'd go more like this:

Prog: Here's the crowd engine in action - as you can see it scales rather well up to 800 people, still keeping LOD transitions clean and good performance.
Des: Nice, we'll start using it right away.
Next day:
Des: I thought you told me this thing performs well - I put 10000 people in the scene and now look, it barely moves.
Prog: I said it scaled to 800.
Des: Soooo... It will be optimized for 10000 by next week?
Prog: ...

This is depressingly accurate.


Well that's a shame but, you know, after some time you get used to it. It sure isn't pretty though.

Is this some kind of joke or reference? What a disaster. Ubisoft is incompetent and this game deserves to be a failure. All this while massively downgrading the game from the initial reveal, as usual too.


Grimløck;138343657 said:
the game's still going to score 8s and 9s huh? reviewers better mention the bevy of technical issues; it'd be a disservice to their readers otherwise.

im not sure, giantbombs Alex Navarro said on bombing the AM that If you have the game pre-ordered maybe wait for reviews before picking it up.

if the technical issues affect gameplay then reviews should reflect that. im not sure 8+ scores will be that common unless the gameplay or story is really good.


What the Bone4U generation has taught me:

EA has began its journey towards redemption.
Ubisoft is now the monster that was EA.

I must have missed this part amid the BF4 clusterfuck and attempts to excite us with concept art at E3.
Keep making games for that quantum computer Ubi. Never change. How these guys can sustain a business by over promising and under delivering needs to be a case study.


You need to add "...all while Nintendo remains cautiously awesome."
Honestly, I've never been big on Nintendo, but I have to agree with you. The few games I've played on my cousins 3DS, I've enjoyed a hell of a lot (SSBB4 <3, Fire Emblem, etc.). I mentioned on IGN once (and got a load of shit for it) that, out of the big 3) they're the only ones in the past two generations (VR aside) who have rued to enhance the way we game. So big up to Nintendo.


15 fps? If you could get used to GTA V on last gen consoles, you can get used to AC Unity on current gen consoles. If you want more visual fidelity and a higher framerate, you should own a decent PC.

I expect the developer to do their jobs competently, which Ubisoft has failed at. If they can't get the game running well on all platforms they release on, they have no business releasing the game on any platform. "Just brute force it with the PC version" is not an acceptable alternative to developers doing the job they're paid to do.


Unconfirmed Member
Much worse than AC3 in my opinion... this is unplayable half of the time

Goddammit. AC4 was good on PS4 with a pretty stable framerate. To go back to last gen performance (or worse) is depressing.

Ubi, I don't give a shit about how big the crowds are if the game runs like shit.


Neo Member
goddamnit ubi, how can you go from AC4 to this?



Played my Xbox one copy this morning, the framerate didn't hinder game play. Not once.

I'd love 60 locked on all platforms, but I set my expectations accordingly given the developer, the series, and the scope.

If you're on the fence due to poor performance, but love the series, get the game. Promise, you'll get past it.


I must have missed this part amid the BF4 clusterfuck and attempts to excite us with concept art at E3.
Agree with the BF4 statement. However, while it was concept art, they've shown that they've
ran out of ideas
been listenijgn to fans wanting Battlefront 3 and Mirror's Edge.
Honestly, I've never been big on Nintendo, but I have to agree with you. The few games I've played on my cousins 3DS, I've enjoyed a hell of a lot (SSBB4 <3, Fire Emblem, etc.). I mentioned on IGN once (and got a load of shit for it) that, out of the big 3) they're the only ones in the past two generations (VR aside) who have rued to enhance the way we game. So big up to Nintendo.

And you know what is still one of the best-looking games available, and runs at glorious 60fps without any hitches or slowdowns? Mario Kart 8. Yep. Absolutely stellar game.


Wow, something told me to wait and I'm glad I did. I still really want to play it but technical issues like this kind of spoil the experience. Hopefully they have a patch on the way to remedy some of this.
Min: 10?

I'm still not convinced about the performance on PC.

We'll know soon enough, benchmarks and more videos will be coming out soon. However, I believe it's safe to say that based on the issues with the console versions the PC one is decent, given the circumstances.
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