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Avengers IW trailer info


Charlie Cox has said a movie is in his contract, but I honestly doubt anything will ever come of it - it's a shame though since Daredevil deserves a spot in the roster.

I could see them doing a "made for Netflix" movie with Cox and some of the other Defenders down the road. But I would rather see DD make at least an appearance in one of the large MCU films. Out of all the Defenders, he really is the best suited for them. It'll never happen though.

Cannot believe the trailer hasn't leaked yet. How the hell did no one get at least a clip of it in attendance.
Cannot believe the trailer hasn't leaked yet. How the hell did no one get at least a clip of it in attendance.

Disney/Marvel ninjas aren't just watching the actors, it seems.

Edit: And as far as TV actors in either movie, until either Clark Gregg or Feige says otherwise, I expect Coulson to show up in one of these movies, and he's the only person I expect to show up. Feige has stated before that he doesn't want people to have to watch the shows to know about things that happen in the movies, and you can write Coulson back in without having to explain anything that happened on AoS ("Remember how you thought Nick was dead when Bucky showed up? Yeah, we faked my death too").


Feige has stated before that he doesn't want people to have to watch the shows to know about things that happen in the movies, and you can write Coulson back in without having to explain anything that happened on AoS ("Remember how you thought Nick was dead when Bucky showed up? Yeah, we faked my death too").

That's a really good point. For people who haven't watched any of the Netflix shows, it would be quite jarring to have these random heroes play a role in a fight that has been 10-years in the making. Anything more than an Easter egg seems like in would arguably be too much shoehorning-in of the greater-MCU.

However, I like the idea of doing a Netflix movie/long-form episode of all The Defenders and showing what they were doing while Thanos was invading. None of them seem like the type that would go charging head-first into an alien invasion, but I feel like they'd be doing their own heroic deeds somewhere in the city.


Disney/Marvel ninjas aren't just watching the actors, it seems.

Edit: And as far as TV actors in either movie, until either Clark Gregg or Feige says otherwise, I expect Coulson to show up in one of these movies, and he's the only person I expect to show up. Feige has stated before that he doesn't want people to have to watch the shows to know about things that happen in the movies, and you can write Coulson back in without having to explain anything that happened on AoS ("Remember how you thought Nick was dead when Bucky showed up? Yeah, we faked my death too").
Coulson would probably be the only TV character that would get a significant role in an Avengers film, but they can write any character in at this point with out people needing to see a film origin or watching full seasons of shows. Just write of few lines to contextualize their place in the universe and that is all you need.
Coulson would probably be the only TV character that would get a significant role in an Avengers film, but they can write any character in at this point with out people needing to see a film origin or watching full seasons of shows. Just write of few lines to contextualize their place in the universe and that is all you need.

If Agents of Shield are still going on when IW got released, i think that show will be some sort of 'aftermath' show like what they did after Winter Soldier.


Or, and this is just an idea, you could stop projecting.

I'm perfectly relaxed. I was laughing someone interpreting a statement about not every hero being in the movie into being that the TV heroes have a chance to be in it

I will preface this post by saying I'm a fan of most of Marvel Television and that most of my posts related to them appearing in Infinity War is wishful thinking. I understand that it is unlikely they get in, but as a fan I am hopeful and thus in the excitement of waiting for the movie to come out I will continue to hope they are in it. A lot of it is also tongue in cheek, but that doesn't read too well over the internet so I'll take the L on that.


We good?

You get your yucks out?

Sweet. Now back to more postulating:

Everyone keeps talking about how audiences are going to be so confused if the television heroes show up but even if the general audience has no idea who they are...that really shouldn't matter. Time and time again in these Marvel movies there are minor characters that show up that only comic book nerds will recognize and know the importance of, but through competent directing the general audience will understand these characters' purpose and thus no confusion is had.

For example, in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
the original Guardians show up and play a minor but fun role in the story. I'm willing to bet 90% if not more of viewing audiences had no idea who these characters are. I know because I was one of them.
So when I saw them throughout the movie and the stinger, I didn't have much to go on except for the movie itself. That was enough. Because of the context of the scene,
I knew that these characters were older "heroes" or "versions" of the Guardians,
and that them coming together in the end was important moving forward.

They can do the same thing in this movie. It's so simple. Have Tony and Steve beaten down and let Tony be like, "Cap, we-...we can't do this. Not this time."
And then Steve looks at Tony and starts monologuing about how they're not alone and that they can't give up because people are still fighting for them.

When he says this, the camera goes back to Wakanda with Bucky and the Wakandan Army still fending off one of the Black Order.

Then Steve continues, "People we've never even met are depending on us to keep fighting like they are." And we cut to the Defenders fighting off some other alien minions in New York, then to Quake and Coulson with Maria Hill somewhere in California.

Then it cuts back to Steve who struggle but successfully push himself up, and sees Mjolnir (or whatever other hammer Thor has after Ragnarok) close by. "So we'll keep on fighting..." he staggers on, "...cause I'm with 'em til the end of the line." Cuts back to Bucky on his last legs fighting. Then back to Cap grabbing the hammer.


Idk haha, I'm just spitballin. Obviously this is shit writing but you get the point. As long as you contextualize the scenes well, the audience won't be confused by the television heroes appearing.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, he was better served in Ultron but I think he'd work really well in the stand alone series like Captain America.

Agreed. I was sad to see them deny the rumors that Hawkeye had a role in Ant-Man and The Wasp. Winter Soldier did wonders for Black Widow, I was hoping Hawkeye would get the same treatment.
" "You can fight it ... you can run from it," Thanos said. "But destiny still arrives. " "

Is apparently what was said when Thanos was bringing that moon down or whatever

I'm so hyped I cannot wait this movie will be so hype


" "You can fight it ... you can run from it," Thanos said. "But destiny still arrives. " "

Is apparently what was said when Thanos was bringing that moon down or whatever

I'm so hyped I cannot wait this movie will be so hype

If that moon is populated, I hope y'all give this film as much shit for needless destruction as you gave MOS and Force Awakens.


If that moon is populated, I hope y'all give this film as much shit for needless destruction as you gave MOS and Force Awakens.
But it would be a villain causing deaths?

Didn't people complain that Superman himself was causing destruction and whatnot?


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I actually didn't know Loki was confirmed for this, colour me excited.


Tone your fanboyism down a notch, sir.

I could see them doing a "made for Netflix" movie with Cox and some of the other Defenders down the road. But I would rather see DD make at least an appearance in one of the large MCU films. Out of all the Defenders, he really is the best suited for them. It'll never happen though.

i still have hope that he will do a cameo in the next Spiderman movie with Kingpin.


If that moon is populated, I hope y'all give this film as much shit for needless destruction as you gave MOS and Force Awakens.
The Russo's will have a news anchor repeatedly say that the moon is unpopulated because it's after business hours.
If that moon is populated, I hope y'all give this film as much shit for needless destruction as you gave MOS and Force Awakens.

the ultimate baddie worshipping and obsessed with death causing death and destruction..........why should we be complaining about it? He's not superman, bruh....

if you are referring to superheroes causing death and destruction...firstly, none of the marvel movies so far had caused as much destruction as the 'DBZ fight' in MOS.

Secondly, the aftermath and ramifications of 'hero vs villain destruction' had been answered in Civil War via the Sokovian Accords.


Yeah, he was better served in Ultron but I think he'd work really well in the stand alone series like Captain America.

Remember when the plan was to give Bobby and Hunter their own thing? That plan got canned before it got even from the ground. :(


Goddamnit, still no leak? I give up ;_;

They are probably waiting until all the CG is final for the trailer to realese publicly. Heres a quote on CBR about it:

Appearing Sunday on ABC’s Good Morning America, co-director Joe Russo teased, “We’re hard at work on a trailer. I don’t want to spoil it for them, but stay tuned. They’re going to see an Infinity War teaser very soon.” Asked to clarify whether that means a matter of days, weeks or months, Russo thought a moment, chuckled and replied, “Can’t say.”



In regards to TV Marvel, I really hope at least Coulson will make a (small) appearance. The previous two Avenger films had a connection to Agents of Shield so it wouldn't be out of place.

In regards to all those street level heroes, I think in case of a full scale war on earth it would be possible to do some kind of montage showing all kinds of battles featuring some of the tv-show heroes in action (DD, JJ, LC, IF, Quake, The Punisher, Ghost Rider). In other MCU films they have been saying the amount of powered people is increasing and changing the world, so I think it would be effective for world building as well, to show audiences the scope of this conflict.
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