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Bamco: Wii and DS market has "prolapsed"


I would actually like to compare sales of Tales of Graces if given to like Atlus or Nintendo to Namco's way of marketing.


Step 1) Release bad games
Step 2) Complain about bad games
Step 3) ???

Every day Bamco gets more and more ridiculous. It's shocking how out of touch they are with reality.


Speevy said:
That's better than most of Ubisoft's Wii catalog.

Ubisoft best (the worst is laughable) for the Wii as a publisher

Red Steel 2
Shawn White Snowboarding road trip
Shawn White Snowboarding world tour
Rabbids Go Home
Rabbids whatever 1 - 2 - 3
PRince of Persia Forgotten Sands
Anno, the new world
Just Dance

soon : SW SkateBoarding
Typical response from a jealous 3rd party developer. They will do and say anything to try and sway people away from a Nintendo system because Nintendo makes such a high quality of games its hard for their own to compete with them. If third parties had their way, Microsoft and Sony would lead in market share. But instead of complaining, 3rd parties, how about making some non-shitty games? And don't complain about poor sales if you release 1 good game on the console. The reason why Nintendo's games sell so well is their track record of good games. Same with Square-Enix. Consistantly make good games, and don't ship the shitty ones and you'll see a rise in sales over time. Trust me, I'm a pretend forum expert.


Willy105 said:
What worries me is that they actually think it has collapsed, and that they aren't part of the problem they themselves brought up.

If it collapsed, shouldn't Wii and DS sales be terrible, both hardware and software, and not take up half of the NPD Top 10?

DS and Wii hardware and software sales have gone down last year. It's less noticeable with the best selling titles on a platform, mos of which are made by Nintendo. The real problem is that third party games have been selling far less compared to previous years. Nintendo also blames R4 for a 50 per cent drop in hand-held software sales.

I agree with Bamco's view that there's so much shovelware being published for the Wii that it's actually discouraging potential buyers. There's always been shovelware on the most popular home consoles but the PS1/PS2 also had lots of quality "hardcore" games. Most of those kinds of games are now being published for the PS360. What aggravates the situation is that it's so easy for shovelware publishers to reuse all of their previous PS2 crap. The Wii is being inundated by shovelware. The general public doesn't keep up with game reviews have no other choice than to turn to known brands to weed out the good from the bad - and that usually means picking up a Nintendo game with well known characters or brands.


InfiniteNine said:
I thought Square Enix had the license for FMA games?
Oh, silly me. FMA is an Enix property, not Bandai. Though, Namco-Bandai did make roughly half of the FMA titles (including the most recent one: a PSP game that released last month).

Some company called 'Destineer' now apparently has the licence. I'm sad to say it, but they look even worse than Namco.

Now I'm even more depressed.


wazoo said:
Ubisoft best (the worst is laughable) for the Wii as a publisher

Red Steel 2
Shawn White Snowboarding road trip
Shawn White Snowboarding world tour
Rabbids Go Home
Rabbids whatever 1 - 2 - 3
PRince of Persia Forgotten Sands
Anno, the new world
Just Dance

soon : SW SkateBoarding

NO WAY. Capcom or Marvelous/Xseed are.

Monster Hunter Tri
Zack & Wiki
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Resident Evil games

Little King's Story
No More Heroes
Harvest Moon
Sky Crawlers

On a side note, I am more interested in that Colossus Forsaken Kingdom game than Enslaved from Namco.
Night_Trekker said:
I guess I'm part of the problem for not buying Klonoa, Fragile or Sky Crawlers yet.

It's their fault for not making you want it more!

Hell, they don't even have the faith in their products to publish their own games - and Fragile and Sky Crawlers are two of their better efforts.


wazoo said:
Ubisoft best (the worst is laughable) for the Wii as a publisher

Red Steel 2
Shawn White Snowboarding road trip
Shawn White Snowboarding world tour
Rabbids Go Home
Rabbids whatever 1 - 2 - 3
PRince of Persia Forgotten Sands
Anno, the new world
Just Dance

soon : SW SkateBoarding
Yeah..they also published No More Heroes 2 in the US (and the first).
But even taking NMH2 out..
Red Steel 2, Rabbids Go Home, Prince of Persia and TMNT Smash Up are all sorts of awesome has been released in around a year period..and that's already 4 more/better games than what Namco has released on the Wii since launch (excluding Klonoa at least, Tales..was decent..sometimes)..
r09 said:
The PS2 had a lot of bad games and piracy, too. I didn't see them complaining back then.

There were also many more PS2 owners who could spot no-effort shovelware from a mile away.

Hey Namco. Maybe all those soccer moms and (formerly) lapsed gamers got wise to your (low quality) game. Ever consider that?

Fourth Storm said:
It's their fault for not making you want it more!

Hell, they don't even have the faith in their products to publish their own games - and Fragile and Sky Crawlers are two of their better efforts.

That's true. It's like they think "hardcore" games don't interest Wii owners, so they flood the market with shovelware. What happens when people don't want shovelware anymore? "It's the market's fault. Also Nintendo."


Batteries the CRISIS!
I don't see how people can bash Ubisoft's output on the Wii. Sure, they've released a lot of tripe, but they've released a lot of good-to-great games, too.

No More Heroes 1 and 2 come readily to mind. Red Steel 2 turned out pretty well, too. We have Ubisoft to thank for bringing us those games, so don't be hatin'.


Danthrax said:
I don't see how people can bash Ubisoft's output on the Wii. Sure, they've released a lot of tripe, but they've released a lot of good-to-great games, too.

No More Heroes 1 and 2 come readily to mind. Red Steel 2 turned out pretty well, too. We have Ubisoft to thank for bringing us those games, so don't be hatin'.
I'm glad No More Heroes made it to the States but I definitely owe my thanks to Suda and Grasshopper for actually making the game exist. Ubisoft doesn't even do the series justice in terms of localization and advertisement.


I have an idea! Maybe they should localize Ta-

InfiniteNine said:
Boo, I want Graces!
TunaLover said:
I think that pretty much seal the fate of Tales of Graces localization =(
Mejilan said:
Bring me Graces
MidnightScott said:
Yall who wants Tales of Graces, go ask XSEED to bring it over.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
I want Tales of Graces but if they don't bring it, oh well.
Bluth54 said:
Hopefully Namco will give the Wii another shot by localizing Tales of Graces.



Master of the Google Search
This statement is from Olivier Comte, who is a part of Namco Bandai Europe. Specifically, he's the "Vice President, Head of Marketing, sales & Publishing at Namco Bandai Partners". Comte use to hold a similar position at Atari Europe back before Namco acquired it a year ago. He's the guy who has been making all the crazy Namco news for the last month such as: "wanting to make Namco one of the top 5 publishers", "Enslaved being the next Uncharted and Gran Turismo", "Ubisoft's DRM being a good strategy", "the industry must choose between E3 and Gamescom" and "3D will be the next revolution, more important than any motion controller".

Guys, I think we found ourselves a new crazy-ass gaming executive. :lol
grandjedi6 said:
This statement is from Olivier Comte, who is a part of Namco Bandai Europe. Specifically, he's the "Vice President, Head of Marketing, sales & Publishing at Namco Bandai Partners". Comte use to hold a similar position at Atari Europe back before Namco acquired it a year ago. He's the guy who has been making all the crazy Namco news for the last month such as: "wanting to make Namco one of the top 5 publishers", "Enslaved being the next Uncharted and Gran Turismo", "Ubisoft's DRM being a good strategy", "the industry must choose between E3 and Gamescom" and "3D will be the next revolution, more important than any motion controller".

Guys, I think we found ourselves a new crazy-ass gaming executive. :lol

Bless these crazies. Without them this forum would be far less entertaining.


Wii is insanely successful. So when companies make games for it and they don't do well, it's their jobs to make excuses.


darkwings said:
I think we have to look for a fan translation in hope of getting Graces.

Don't worry, I'm sure each game will take 3+ years to complete due to like two people doing the translation. Innocence isn't even done yet that was announced a fuck long time ago.


Just as a quick hypothetical -

Would the Wii market be in a better or worse position if, like GCN and N64 before it, Nintendo retained strict control and only allowed "good games" to be published for the machine? Perhaps only a quota of mainstream titles from EA, Activision, Capcom, Konami, Square Enix etc?


grandjedi6 said:
This statement is from Olivier Comte, who is a part of Namco Bandai Europe. Specifically, he's the "Vice President, Head of Marketing, sales & Publishing at Namco Bandai Partners". Comte use to hold a similar position at Atari Europe back before Namco acquired it a year ago. He's the guy who has been making all the crazy Namco news for the last month such as: "wanting to make Namco one of the top 5 publishers", "Enslaved being the next Uncharted and Gran Turismo", "Ubisoft's DRM being a good strategy", "the industry must choose between E3 and Gamescom" and "3D will be the next revolution, more important than any motion controller".

Guys, I think we found ourselves a new crazy-ass gaming executive. :lol
Ooooooh, that makes perfect sense.

Anyway, I was just looking up Bamco titles for DS and Wii on Metacritic: ... ... ... damn
M.I.S. said:
Just as a quick hypothetical -

Would the Wii market be in a better or worse position if, like GCN and N64 before it, Nintendo retained strict control and only allowed "good games" to be published for the machine? Perhaps only a quota of mainstream titles from EA, Activision, Capcom, Konami, Square Enix etc?

at least in europe they're not legally allowed to do that, they have to let pretty much any publisher that wants to release games and let them release any games they want to


You guys make fun but they're talking total sense!

There's fuck all to buy for the DS compared to the GBA! That was the best handheld ever!


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
M.I.S. said:
Just as a quick hypothetical -

Would the Wii market be in a better or worse position if, like GCN and N64 before it, Nintendo retained strict control and only allowed "good games" to be published for the machine? Perhaps only a quota of mainstream titles from EA, Activision, Capcom, Konami, Square Enix etc?

Restricting third party development like that would probably make the Wii like the GCN and the N64; fuck all support from third parties and Nintendo first-party games being the only things that would sell on the console. In other words, it would be much like what it already is.

Seriously though, I don't think restricting third party development like that would do much good for the Wii market.


TheChaos said:
Don't worry, I'm sure each game will take 3+ years to complete due to like two people doing the translation. Innocence isn't even done yet that was announced a fuck long time ago.

Innocence is out any day now


KirbyStamped said:
"DS software sales have collapsed so it's too risky of a move, so instead we're porting all our Tales games and focusing one of our major new IPs (God Eater) on the PSP."


Sounds like a Sega decision. Any ex-Sega management working there?
viciouskillersquirrel said:
It's possible that third parties' initial treatment of both platforms caused consumers to be wary of anything not carrying the Nintendo label.
From Wiki:

"Highest quality is lowest cost" is a Japanese manufacturing aphorism based on the premise that the highest quality manufacturer will earn a reputation that makes buyers prefer, price being reasonably similar, to buy its goods. This means that the manufacturer will produce more than its competitors, and thus will both have economies of scale and be able to accept a lower profit per unit—thus the highest quality goods will have a lower cost by driving other goods from the market. The production of higher quality goods can also reduce quality costs.


wazoo said:
Ubisoft best (the worst is laughable) for the Wii as a publisher

Red Steel 2

Rabbids Go Home

Once you take away the pap or the couple of good niche games published (but not made by) Ubisoft, this is what you are left with.


Slavik81 said:
Oh, silly me. FMA is an Enix property, not Bandai. Though, Namco-Bandai did make roughly half of the FMA titles (including the most recent one: a PSP game that released last month).

Some company called 'Destineer' now apparently has the licence. I'm sad to say it, but they look even worse than Namco.

Now I'm even more depressed.

Destineer made a pretty decent FMA beat 'em up on DS actually.
Pachael said:
Sounds like a Sega decision. Any ex-Sega management working there?
I'll have you know SEGA is doing much better than Namco Bandai! You should be asking if any ex-Namco Bandai management are working at SEGA the next time SEGA screws up!
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