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Bamco: Wii and DS market has "prolapsed"

Nirolak said:
Well, the biggest issue is that Microsoft and Sony are so willing to placate third parties that they feel fine about not making their major core games for Wii audience.

However, the good news for Nintendo is that they don't actually need to make a Halo/Gears type game themselves, they just need to back it.

If Nintendo threw $20 million at Take-Two to make Max Payne 4 a first year Wii 2 title, they would probably do it. If the game released in the Wii 2's first post launch holiday and managed to sell 2-3 million copies worldwide, you would likely see a lot of third parties start to follow suit and try making their traditional first/third person shooters for the platform.

However, since I have a really hard time envisioning Nintendo doing that, I imagine the Wii 2 will have the same third party situation we see on the Wii, assuming there is still a notable gap in hardware power.

Given the success some third parties have found in the casual market on the Wii though, we will most likely see much stronger third party casual efforts on the Wii 2 early in its lifespan.

I disagree. With Wii2, I think all Nintendo has to do is make a halfway modern system (not necessarily as powerful as PS4/Xbox3) and encourage third parties from the outset to develop original IPs, which will then grow over the course of the generation. As Vicious Killer Squirrel expressed in his excellent post, they simply missed the boat on Wii, and now they don't want to pool resources into developing AAA content from the ground up, which is not easily portable to the HD twins. Core gamers have felt forsaken by Wii, leaving only Nintendo loyalists and Wii's new expanded audience.

Iwata is not a fool and doesn't seem like a stubborn person either. In recent Q&As, he seems to realize that Nintendo must make greater efforts to woo third parties. Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest are two examples of cooperation...but they are AAA games. There is no way Nintendo is going to have any sympathy for shovelware which has the potential to send the market into another crash!

If anything, hopefully they bring back the REAL Nintendo Seal of Approval and create some sort of standard - something like Apple is doing now and what Nintendo itself did during the N64 days. The balance between quantity and quality in software will have to be carefully evaluated.

Edit: Here's a legit question. Are many developers fanboys at heart? Obviously, it is fun to develop for cutting edge technology, but who makes the decision on what projects get the green light? Shouldn't there be some suits saying: "Wii is the market leader. Like it or not, your next project will be for that platform and I want our best men and women on the job."

Dave Long

“…The reason we didn’t do Wii or DS, or anything else like that, is because we wanted to bring it into the mainstream. And in many ways mainstream gaming is Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. We didn’t want to do a family friendly version. This is a pretty dark game and just wouldn’t work on the Nintendo systems.”
This cracks me up. It's completely backwards. If you wanted to bring it to the mainstream, Wii is the option. That's where the mainstream is, not on 360 and PS3.

If all you want to do is reach the same gamers who bought every other Castlevania, then yeah, you picked the right platform.

All this does is make Castlevania obsolete over time. New players won't come from the existing 360 and PS3 playerbase. They're going to come from all those kids who are playing games on the Wii.


I really don't think we will see a new console from the big 3 until 2012 as the earliest. I seriously doubt their new consoles will be much more powerful than the previous. There is just no way Microsoft and Sony will sell their consoles for a loss again. They are definitely going to go after the mainstream but the problem will be their new consoles is what sort of gimmick(s) are they going to use to attract the mainstream? I don't neither company is creative in that area. Nintendo on the other hand is very apt in that area and they know the mainstream will not jump on the next Wii just because of OMGz HD Graphix!

I don't believe 3rd parties missed the boat so they can't sell anymore theory. There hasn't been any examples to back it up. There has only been one AAA Wii third party game that is not super niche and it managed to sell over 1.5 million and the best selling iteration of the game on console outside of Japan.

If NBA Jam is as good as they are hyping it up that will be sn easy multi million seller. Same with Epic Mickey. If Capcom released Resident Evil 6 for Wii I wouldn't doubt it sell as much or even more than the HD versions.


Dave Long said:
This cracks me up. It's completely backwards. If you wanted to bring it to the mainstream, Wii is the option. That's where the mainstream is, not on 360 and PS3.

If all you want to do is reach the same gamers who bought every other Castlevania, then yeah, you picked the right platform.

All this does is make Castlevania obsolete over time. New players won't come from the existing 360 and PS3 playerbase. They're going to come from all those kids who are playing games on the Wii.

The producers of such masterpiece revivals like Golden Axe Beast Rider and Bionic Commando made similiar statements before the release of their games and we know how it ended. :lol

Maybe he just doesn't want to meet any Judgement.
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