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Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts - Demo on XBLM Now


Kafel said:



I'll say it again because there was no awesome pic 5 pages ago, but the height at which this thing jumps is absolutely incredible.

And how fast it crashes is quite incredible too :D

But with the "gyro" thing you get later on I'm sure it could do wonders :)

George K.

SapientWolf said:
They didn't charge full price because Viva Pinata's sales show that the XBox 360's fanbase is adverse to anything heavy in primary colors and light on chainsaws and shooting people in the face. Yet I don't think there is anyone here who hasn't owned or used a set of Legos, K'Nex or other construction toy. It's basically a trojan horse.

Unfortunately, this is actually true.
George K. said:
Unfortunately, this is actually true.

Ever thought of putting out two covers for the game, ala Harry Potter. One bright and colourful and full of gaiety, the other with Banjo walking towards the viewer, a blood stained wrench in one hand and Gruntilda's head in the other.

Or put in an 'Adult Graphics Filter' option, something that raises the contrast and adds a brown filter :p


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Is it too late to get the preorder bonus?
sionyboy said:
Ever thought of putting out two covers for the game, ala Harry Potter. One bright and colourful and full of gaiety, the other with Banjo walking towards the viewer, a blood stained wrench in one hand and Gruntilda's head in the other.

Or put in an 'Adult Graphics Filter' option, something that raises the contrast and adds a brown filter :p


I played a whole lot more this evening and it's started to grow on me, despite the many problems I've got with the idea of "missions" in this game. It's like Tony Hawk 4 when they started putting in stupid other shit for you to do, like drive a car, and took out the 2 minute timer, changing how everything was done.


played the demo for over 2 hours and i love it.
the game has some huge problems (shitty missions, small text, text scrolls way too fast) but i still like it.

going around showdown town and collecting more parts is very cool. btw. can you upgrade your vehicle in s.town?

the visuals are awesome: i love the art style, the colors and all the little details. i think the game has almost too many details (in banjo-land).

what i really love about this game: its so different. there is nothing like it out there (in terms of graphics and gameplay).

i really hope that the missions are better in the full version (football: ok, time race: good, race: horrible, protecting the eyes: frustrating at first, decent when you get the hang of it).

and thanks microsoft for charging the full price in europe. its like ms is not even trying.


I'm loving it, but I really hope there are intricate platforming challenges to be had. Whilst I'm enjoying the use of vehicles, every little detail of the demo is reminding me of the great challenges Banjo-Kazooie had to offer. I just want to run around as the bear and bird for a bit.

Other than that, the graphics are awe-inspiring. It's so wonderful to see Banjo, Kazooie, Bottles, Gruntilda, and the rest of the cast make a departure from the N64 polygonal beings to these fantastically crafted, textured-down-to-the-pixel models. Everything is so colourful and vibrant. In terms of graphics, the game is true to its roots.

The music is just magical. Hearing the orchestral remix of the Banjo classics sold me as soon as I saw the title screen, but the new tunes are instant classics. I can't wait to discover the rest of the score.

The humour is well-implemented, and well-received on my part, although I'm having a really hard time reading the text, which is very distracting. Please fix this with a patch or something, as I really want to enjoy being able to read the text AND watch what's going on (see anime fansubs) at the same time, rather than concentrate on one and miss the other.

Also George: are there really going to be 6,000 notes in the game? Because I really doubt it, somehow.


When you go into the second door (and finish it) it says "Banjoland Act 2". Is this the same level again, but with a seperate 5 missions, or an entirely different level with a similar theme?


I preordered the game from play.com right after trying out the demo. It's so awesome :D I think it's the first time I spend so much time playing a demo.


I liked the demo more than I thought I would, with 2 caveats:

1) The text is way too small. I have excellent eyesight and was straining to read it constantly. Please fix this or if it's too late, get some kind of patch ready for when it launches. I like the dialogue and sense of humour but I don't want to be straining through the whole game. Also there are points where the text changes too quickly. I'm 23 and a fast reader, I feel sorry for any kids playing this, struggling to keep up with how fast the text moves and how small it is. This is a pretty major oversight and I'm not sure how no-one at Rare has picked up on the issues this is causing.

2) I think including so many default blueprints at the beginning was a mistake. You have people complaining about how clunky the eyes and football challenge are, for example, but that's because they're using the default vehicles. If you made them start from scratch and come up with designs themselves, they would not only get used to building vehicles themselves (which is the whole point of the game) but they would have to be creative and then I think the sandboxy nature of the challenges would be more apparent. I have a feeling that, for the football challenge for example, a lot of people used the default vehicle that lets you trap a football, tried to dribble round all the players and enemies to the goal, found it annoying and frustrating (which it is when you use that vehicle) and quit without even considering that they could build something that could let them do the challenge so much better. If blueprints are available for every challenge I think many people will miss out on the bigger picture (trying, in effect, to 'break' the challenges).


Rlan said:
When you go into the second door (and finish it) it says "Banjoland Act 2". Is this the same level again, but with a seperate 5 missions, or an entirely different level with a similar theme?
When you enter the second door, a video plays and the demo ends. Go there when you're done. But in the final game, I believe it will be the same world with different missions. I'm guessing that a world's doors are similar the stars of 3D Mario worlds, each with a different mission and slightly altered level layouts or starting points.


Jealous Bastard
Rlan said:
I played a whole lot more this evening and it's started to grow on me, despite the many problems I've got with the idea of "missions" in this game. It's like Tony Hawk 4 when they started putting in stupid other shit for you to do, like drive a car, and took out the 2 minute timer, changing how everything was done.

adding in the mechanics that weren't skating related was rather stupid, but removing the two minute timer was a smart move on their part i think. i'm not sure they ever handled it as well as the far superior aggressive inline though, which still stands as the best extreme sports skating game to date.


beelzebozo said:
adding in the mechanics that weren't skating related was rather stupid, but removing the two minute timer was a smart move on their part i think. i'm not sure they ever handled it as well as the far superior aggressive inline though, which still stands as the best extreme sports skating game to date.

Just wanted to add to the love of Aggressive Inline.

MUCH better than the Hawk stuff at the time.


Great demo, hopefully Dell does a sale again soon so people can reap the benefits of the even cheaper price.
I will echo the text woes, I'm not really happy about no voice acting (though I can understand why for localization) but the game is SO pretty that for the first 10 seconds you're looking at the game world as it's panning and ignoring the text. When you finally get to reading it 3-4 panels have already passed by.
Even if you're very proactive in reading the text the panels fly by WAY too fast, if this game was to be aimed at more casual people then they NEED to put 'A' options after each panel and/or let people adjust how quickly the text goes by.
That is my only complaint with the game really.
Well, and maybe they needed to have more tutorials on how to make vehicles from scratch, the creation tutorial is extremely basic and once you get to the first world to make a vehicle capable of performing (football game) you really need to experiement. I don't think throwing people off the deep end like that is a good idea (I loved it but I can bet that more casual gamers will be pissed off).

I'm so glad I preordered, even if I hated the game I would have bought it for the visuals alone (this is a game you show off your HT setup for) but the game is fresh and new and a great start of a new sort of gameplay mechanic.


I've tried like tons of vehicles for the eyes challenge but I still can't make it, meh.

Actually I don't even know when I'm supposed to win. I guess I have to defend the eyes successfully for a given time, but I don't see how much.


Comics, serious business!
What's with Rare and text this generation? Viva Pinata had horrible text too. Comic sans? Who the hell uses that anymore? It hurts my eyes! And now the text is too small? I forget what kind of text Perfect Dark had...

Don't mean to hate but it's just strange.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Ramenman said:
I've tried like tons of vehicles for the eyes challenge but I still can't make it, meh.

Actually I don't even know when I'm supposed to win. I guess I have to defend the eyes successfully for a given time, but I don't see how much.
Yeah, you have to defend the eyes for a given time. Altough the vehicle might be a bad choice, I took the standard tank one and just rammed most of the eneimies and shot the ones I couldn't reach fast - it's easy enough to get a jiggy this way.


Yoshi said:
Yeah, you have to defend the eyes for a given time. Altough the vehicle might be a bad choice, I took the standard tank one and just rammed most of the eneimies and shot the ones I couldn't reach fast - it's easy enough to get a jiggy this way.

I did the same initially but I was thinking that the vehicle I created for the football challenge with some tweaks might be even better to corral the baddies and hold them till the timer finishes.
Ramenman said:
I've tried like tons of vehicles for the eyes challenge but I still can't make it, meh.

Actually I don't even know when I'm supposed to win. I guess I have to defend the eyes successfully for a given time, but I don't see how much.

Add an egg gun and ammunition to your vehicle and that'll get the job done. I still hated that challenge though..


Yoshi said:
Yeah, you have to defend the eyes for a given time. Altough the vehicle might be a bad choice, I took the standard tank one and just rammed most of the eneimies and shot the ones I couldn't reach fast - it's easy enough to get a jiggy this way.

It would be far more easier if the head wasn't that slippery. I keep losing control and gliding to the ground :(


Currently eating crow right now. I was one of the people preaching to give this game a chance, and to be honest I'm very disappointed with the demo. It's completely different to what I was expecting and completely different to what Banjo should be. I know it's not fair to rate games for what they should have been rather than what they are, but rating it as it is it's still pretty mediocre in my opinion.

*cancels pre-order*
after finishing the demo i love the world, characters, humor, art style but the vehicles and time-based challenges are more frustrating than fun, and i see them getting repetitive and boring fast. i think rare dropped the ball by not doing a next-gen straight-up platformer. vehicles + platformer doesn't mix. also, there's so much great details in the worlds but they are just window dressing rather than being a part of the level that you need to platform around. in banjoland for example, you've got chomping mouth, ice machine, cloud mobiles and stuff that look cool but are not utilized for gameplay. even though it's only $39., cancels preorder


SapientWolf said:
They didn't charge full price because Viva Pinata's sales show that the XBox 360's fanbase is adverse to anything heavy in primary colors and light on chainsaws and shooting people in the face. Yet I don't think there is anyone here who hasn't owned or used a set of Legos, K'Nex or other construction toy. It's basically a trojan horse.

Or maybe because it's based off a cartoon that isn't even that popular(or at least here) for little kids and people just assume the game is babyish too?


I played the demo again and I started to enjoy it some more. I managed to finally beat the soccer game by trying out a few different things. I'm still having trouble with the eyes but I'll figure it out.

I'm keeping my pre-order.

Someone needs to take a few pictures of the snow area with the water. There's a part above that area that has a crashed plane, and the view from inside that plane of the falling snow is amazing.

Btw, anyone have that gif of the shocked eagle handy?


Majora said:
1) The text is way too small. I have excellent eyesight and was straining to read it constantly. Please fix this or if it's too late, get some kind of patch ready for when it launches. I like the dialogue and sense of humour but I don't want to be straining through the whole game. Also there are points where the text changes too quickly. I'm 23 and a fast reader, I feel sorry for any kids playing this, struggling to keep up with how fast the text moves and how small it is. This is a pretty major oversight and I'm not sure how no-one at Rare has picked up on the issues this is causing.

This can't be repeated enough. I can't imagine who thought it was a good idea to make this tiny text that auto-scrolls before I even get to read it. I played the demo again today and on my SDTV it was seriously hurting my eyes to read the instructions on screen. I think I might have to pass on buying this game if it's not fixed.

This may sound like a minor complaint but the text is REALLY SMALL on SDTVs. I have to get up and go close to the tv every time any text is on screen and even then I have to squint and hurt my eyes to read it. That makes the game very annoying to play and I'm not going to purchase a game that annoys me like this.


Ugh, text is too small even on my 42" plasma and it scrolls too fast. I only got two jiggies and I used the vehicles that were already made. I did this racing challenge the soccer one. Controls were awful for the vehicles and the soccer challenge made me want to throw my controller. I haven't created any vehicles, but I will because I've read some posts that indicate that making your own is more fun. I enjoyed what I played for the most part, but I wanted more platforming especially to get some jiggies.
Darklord said:
Or maybe because it's based off a cartoon that isn't even that popular(or at least here) for little kids and people just assume the game is babyish too?
The Viva Pinata cartoon is based off the game.
ruffles said:
Controls were awful for the vehicles and the soccer challenge made me want to throw my controller. I haven't created any vehicles, but I will because I've read some posts that indicate that making your own is more fun.
The whole point of the game is to tweak vehicles for specific challenges. Am I the only one who sees the whole point to there being a vehicle editor?


Yeah, the text is a pain, but I was really pleased with everything else. I was a bit worried that I wouldn't get the Banjo feeling, but it was THERE already at the main menu screen!


Ramenman said:
I've tried like tons of vehicles for the eyes challenge but I still can't make it, meh.

Actually I don't even know when I'm supposed to win. I guess I have to defend the eyes successfully for a given time, but I don't see how much.

Get out of your vehicle and use the wrench. It's easy.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Stumpokapow said:
Which, it should be noted, has virtually no similarity to Comic Sans beyond being as sans-serif font.
Even it were Comic Sans, it's a game about cartoon animals, FFS. Hive mind FTL.


I got the T.T trophy for the eyes challenge by using the missile launcher you get at the top of logs tower and the egg launcher in conjunction. If I ran out of ammo I just barged into the enemies. I completed it in about a minute I think. I haven't figured out how to get the T.T trophy on the football game yet though. That's the thing, you can get the jiggys using the default vehicles, at least in the demo, but it's awkward and you'll never get the T.T trophies with them.
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