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Battlestar Galactica Season 3 thread

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It seems like the Baltar part of the story is going to be good and the Lee/Starbuck/Dee/Anders part is going to be dreadful...hopefullly it's not a great percentage of the episode

btw, i listen to the podcast when I work out in the gym, nothing wrong with it ;)


The extended scene online gives something away, but it's recommended viewing.
The President 'interviews' Caprica and asks her what she is called. She appears to have a revelation when Caprica uses that name as she answers Roslin. Also: "Try him, and I'll be your chief witness."

I wonder what happens to Gaeta now that he's tried to kill Baltar. Does Gaeta hold it against the Admiral for his sparring lesson is only one question I have of him. Maybe Gaeta will pack it in and leave?
That was a great episode. I thought this season was going down the toilet with all the relationship talk, but I'm glad they went back to what made the first season so awesome and kept the relationship down to a minimum.


Great episode, I thought.

I must be truthful, after the exodus from new Caprica, I have been, slightly concerned about the show's quality....but then I always worry about such things with the shows I get addicted to.

Anyhow, the Eye of Jupiter two-parter was badass, and this episode was a pretty good follow-up, I felt. Even the relationship drama, there were little moments that were great, like Lee asking the Chief if he ever thought about Sharon.


Awesome pisode, easilly the best of the Season imo, and I hope they can maintain this tone and quality going forward.


Zen said:
Awesome pisode, easilly the best of the Season imo, and I hope they can maintain this tone and quality going forward.

uhh, best of the season is Exodus Part II, and don't you damn well forget it.


It was good, but it all seemed a little dark and claustrophobic. Maybe that this was the first one I watched live, and with commercials, was what pulled me out of it a bit more than usual.

Still, we've yet to really see the next big event take shape, so we're still in the usually somewhat muddied transition stage.


Boogie said:
uhh, best of the season is Exodus Part II, and don't you damn well forget it.

I'm going to have to disagree. It was fun to see the free fall and so on, it was not the best episode of the season. I prefered the execution of the battles we saw in Ressurection ship, and Season 1 to the more artistic approach. :)


Zen said:
I'm going to have to disagree. It was fun to see the free fall and so on, it was not the best episode of the season. :)

well, I'm sorry. You're wrong. You're just going to have to accept that.


Ive jumped on the bandwagon...Gaetta is a cylon.

It makes so much sense. Perfect way to gain trust with the humans. Inform the resistance about the cylon plans on new caprica. Get inside and learn.

Hes a mole!


Gaeta a cylon? GTFO!

no way.

only Baltar aaand maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Roslin because of her visions. But I doubt it.


Its was confirmed that Baltar was the choosen one tonight. 100%.

What that means who knows! Certain parts of this show are annoying. They should put the scriptures up on the net so we can read them.

So base 7 Models

Final 5.

Choosen one.


venison crêpe
I started watching Galactica for the first time this series (start a couple of days ago) just to see what all the fuss was about.

Even though I've missed two seasons I seem to have grasped all the main plot points and have got to say I'm quite enjoying it. It fills a sci-fi hole I currently have in my life thats' for sure.


Wes said:
I started watching Galactica for the first time this series (start a couple of days ago) just to see what all the fuss was about.

Even though I've missed two seasons I seem to have grasped all the main plot points and have got to say I'm quite enjoying it. It fills a sci-fi hole I currently have in my life thats' for sure.

Dude, do yourself a favor: go back and watch it from the beginning. It's so worth it.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I haven't watched this latest episode yet but I have to say... Sunday at 10pm cannot be doing good things for this shows ratings... what a terrible timeslot...


Did you guys watch the same episode as me? It was so bad, that I could care less about the 2 week break. This show is going down the shitter fast.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
As an obvious budget-saver episode I still enjoyed it. I honestly can never get enough of Baltar's character and even the relationship bits were pretty bearable. Plus it was good to see Gaeta get a little more screen time - he's a vastly underused character and now you can't help but wonder where he stands on things.


Beavertown said:
Did you guys watch the same episode as me? It was so bad, that I could care less about the 2 week break. This show is going down the shitter fast.

You're high that episode was easilly one of the best of the season. What, didn't it have enough explosions or something?


Boogie said:
Gaeta a cylon? GTFO!

no way.

only Baltar aaand maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Roslin because of her visions. But I doubt it.

None of them are Cylons, only Starbuck.

Pikmindictator said:
What was Gaius whispering to Geata before Geata stabbed Gaius?

Listen to the podcast. It was part of a plotline that was going to play out in future episodes but they cut it.

Beavertown said:
Did you guys watch the same episode as me? It was so bad, that I could care less about the 2 week break. This show is going down the shitter fast.

Really? I thought this was the best ep since Exodus 2 or Collaborators.
I thought the newest ep was frustrating to say the least. All the Gaius stuff was approaching brilliance, but was undercut by some highly annoying editing to the most boring and irritating plotline this show has ever had. I could not care about the love quadrangle, most of the characters involved in it and the result from this romantic plotline any less than i do right now. It basically came full circle to the beginning of this plot with Starbuck and Apollo running back to their big, empty marriages. I want resolution from this mess and to leave it like this just frustrates me, because it means we have to sit through more of this soap drivel.

I have to hand it to Edward James Olmos though for getting some great acting out of these actors. The look of the episode was pretty spectacular as well.


Spotless Mind said:
I thought the newest ep was frustrating to say the least. All the Gaius stuff was approaching brilliance, but was undercut by some highly annoying editing to the most boring and irritating plotline this show has ever had. I could not care less about the quadrangle and the result from this romantic plotline any less than i do right now. It basically came full circle to the beginning of this plot with Starbuck and Apollo running back to their big, empty marriages. I want resolution from this mess and to leave it like this just frustrates me, because it means we have to sit through more of this soap drivel.

Better to leave it unresolved and / or with them with Dee and Anders respectively, considering...

... considering Starbuck's gonna be dead, or disappeared, or a Final Five, or something screwball by early March. This is somewhat assumption based on interviews, but it's a logical, safe assumption.


maharg said:
Er, isn't next week's episode related to that? Seemed to be from the preview.

I don't watch the previews, all I know is that according to the podcast
Gaius originally was whispering something to Gaeta about his role in the mistreatment of Sagittarions on NC. There was originally going to be a plotline about the Baltar administration's involvement in that, which would figure prominently in Baltar's trial, but the plotline was dropped.


I'm sure you will be on the recieving end of a torrent of sympathy.

I watch BSG on TV and have bought every DVD boxset so far


Spotless Mind said:
I thought the newest ep was frustrating to say the least. All the Gaius stuff was approaching brilliance, but was undercut by some highly annoying editing to the most boring and irritating plotline this show has ever had. I could not care about the love quadrangle, most of the characters involved in it and the result from this romantic plotline any less than i do right now. It basically came full circle to the beginning of this plot with Starbuck and Apollo running back to their big, empty marriages. I want resolution from this mess and to leave it like this just frustrates me, because it means we have to sit through more of this soap drivel.

I have to hand it to Edward James Olmos though for getting some great acting out of these actors. The look of the episode was pretty spectacular as well.
I completely agree, the Starbuck/Anders/Dee/Apollo bullshit needs to end NOW! The Baltar stuff was fantastic, some of the best this show has ever had, but then we're back to some teen drama: "Do you love Apollo?" "Maybe, i don't know." "I can't do this anymore, Lee". "This marriage is a LIE!" "I need you, don't leave me." "I can't leave my wife!" And at the end, we are right back where we started. :(


I follow this show exclusively through torrent download. Some might argue I'm part of the problem as to why the ratings aren't very good.. I just tell those people I live in Canada, so my viewership really doesn't matter anyway.


Holtz said:
I completely agree, the Starbuck/Anders/Dee/Apollo bullshit needs to end NOW! The Baltar stuff was fantastic, some of the best this show has ever had, but then we're back to some teen drama: "Do you love Apollo?" "Maybe, i don't know." "I can't do this anymore, Lee". "This marriage is a LIE!" "I need you, don't leave me." "I can't leave my wife!" And at the end, we are right back where we started. :(

I dunno to me the love uh notsubplot really worked this episode. Probably because There was less character execution going on and more people actually talking about it fully in the open. I enjoyed it, but it pissed me on the mid season cliff hanger that was for darn sure. Really I'd be happier if Lee and Starbuck are just friends again, enough with this could be bullshit staring at eachother from across the hall.

Besides the writters have spent the past season fraking Starbuck up over and over again so much that she really doesn't deserve Lee, and Lee is probably better off without her. How many times do the writters have to do the "Starbuck messes up/is a slut/is a bitch and redeems herself by crying only to have us put her through an exact same curve 2 episodes later' it's so old. Frankly it's really hurt her character. Stupid poorly handled writting.


The way I see is is that the writers always intended for them to remain with their partners and their struggle just brought them closer to one another. I don't know about you but I don't remember Lee professing his love to Dee until this episode. And Kara is the same on the flip coin because she respects how Anders has handled the situation (and been devoted the entire time). Plus there's the religious aspect too (sacrilegious to divorce).

I think it's done and over with and they'll move on from here. Also, Dee is ****ing gorgeous so Lee made the right choice!
Mashing said:
I think it's done and over with and they'll move on from here. Also, Dee is ****ing gorgeous so Lee made the right choice!

I generally like what the writers have done with Starbuck and Apollo but I think its been a little over-dose of it in recent weeks. They should take a break on it for a good number of episodes and focus on some of the other characters imo.


But when Baltar is first aboard the Cylon ship he makes mention that "And here just the same 7". Unless he got a brief vision of the Final Five before Chief stuck a gun to the back of his neck I'm not sure how he'd know who else is a cylon at this point.
So thanks to the new time slot I missed the first showing and watched last night. There's something I don't think I've seen anyone make note of here yet. Maybe it's just so obvious it didn't need it or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I loved the way Baltar in his rambling, strapped-down, imagines-he's-in-water state recalled the hybrid of a basestar.
The Faceless Master said:
except soaps have tons of RETCONS and SORAS

and sometimes, just plain ignoring previous facts with no explanation whatsoever
I'm familiar with the term retcon, but soras?
JoshuaJSlone said:
So thanks to the new time slot I missed the first showing and watched last night. There's something I don't think I've seen anyone make note of here yet. Maybe it's just so obvious it didn't need it or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I loved the way Baltar in his rambling, strapped-down, imagines-he's-in-water state recalled the hybrid of a basestar.

I'm familiar with the term retcon, but soras?

acronymfinder.com ---> SORAS = Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome



Tyrol was great in the last episode for the little time we saw him. The way he responded to Apollo asking him about Sharon had so much depth of personality to it. There were so many little things he did in that one scene that were just so believable.


(Preemptive edit: I had to wait far too long to post this. Stupid GAF servers.)

Way fracking late to the party: I just finished watching the entire new series, a task which I began by watching the miniseries last Friday. Now, though, I'm spoiled, since I now have to wait at least a week for each new episode to come out. I mentioned this in the other BSG thread that I resurrected for a brief time, but there truly are a fair number of comparisons that you can make between this show and Firefly, another of my absolute favorites of all time. For one, it's an ensemble cast that is participating in a character-driven show. Characters have flaws, deep ones, that they must struggle with. The special effects are done by the same studio, the show is (usually) shot in the same documentary-style format, and even the music, to some degree, resembles that done by Greg Edmonson. However, I think the main reason people have been comparing this to Firefly is that they need a sci-fi show to watch, and this came out just long enough after the cancellation of Firefly that people latched onto it who otherwise might not have.

All comparisons aside, this is an amazing show. I can't say enough about the cast, other than that they are just spectacular (I'm looking at you, Olmos). However, probably due to the fate of most other spectacular television shows that reach an audience that is far smaller than they deserve, I am worried about cancellation. Actually, scratch that. I'm not so much worried about cancellation as I am wary, since bad things seem destined to happen to good shows. Also, the fact that the producers wanted Billy's actor to sign a five-year contract (inconclusive as those negotiations turned out to be) does seem to bode well for the future of the series. Still, as of now, the show remains on the air, and I plan to watch and enjoy every last minute of it.


I forget the exact numbers but BSG did over 2million for "TABFAYW" which was a 1.8 or 1.9. For a comparsion, the previous episodes were average around 1.4. Pretty good jump..
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