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Battlestar Galactica Season 3 thread

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Kak.efes said:
Is there actually any validity to the concern that BSG wont be picked up for a fourth season?

I thought that it has already been picked up. How long did Moore say he wanted the show to last anyway?


Big-E said:
I thought that it has already been picked up. How long did Moore say he wanted the show to last anyway?

Well, like I said before, Billy's actor was asked to sign a five-year contract, a deal he declined, so we know the intentions of the creators. I don't know much about what we've heard since, though.


Big-E said:
I thought that it has already been picked up. How long did Moore say he wanted the show to last anyway?

Near the beginning of this season, he said that he sees the story lasting for two more years.


B.K. said:
Near the beginning of this season, he said that he sees the story lasting for two more years.

As in "That's all the story arc I've got planned out for now" or "That's the series finale"?


Quick thought: are we giving any credence to the idea that (Season 3 Episode 13 spoiler)
Gaeta was truly a double agent, as Baltar accused him of? My original assumption was that it was just more "Help! I'm trying to save my own skin! Again!" Baltar-speak, but I'm not entirely sure.

EDIT: Series finale? Really? Damn. Still, it's two years away, and if creators can end shows on their own terms, fulfilling their own vision of how the show should go, I'd have no problem with it (except for the whole No More BSG thing).
I know there is no new episode today due to the Super Bowl, but I just saw a commercial for the show that had some interesting info.

In it, they said: "This season... Someone will die... Someone will fulfill their destiny... and Someone will find Earth."

So, any speculation on which three characters will occupy these roles?
Vyse The Legend said:
I know there is no new episode today due to the Super Bowl, but I just saw a commercial for the show that had some interesting info.

In it, they said: "This season... Someone will die... Someone will fulfill their destiny... and Someone will find Earth."

So, any speculation on which three characters will occupy these roles?
Heh. People are dying and/or fulfilling their destinies all the time on this show.
Vyse The Legend said:
I know there is no new episode today due to the Super Bowl, but I just saw a commercial for the show that had some interesting info.

In it, they said: "This season... Someone will die... Someone will fulfill their destiny... and Someone will find Earth."

So, any speculation on which three characters will occupy these roles?

Welcome to a month ago!


Did they change it? I thought it was someone will die, someone will be revealed as a Cylon and someone will find Earth

My guess would be


Crab Shaker

Doesn't pay his sources
Anyone fooling themselves into believing Gaeta is not a cylon needs to listen up. Pull out your little dvd boxsets, and go back to season one, where
Boomer shoots Admiral Adama, or maybe commander at that point
Watch Gaeta. Watch as he looks down right before the shit goes down.

I may have even said this earlier in this thread or in another, just remember though. REMEMBER.


Crab Shaker said:
Anyone fooling themselves into believing Gaeta is not a cylon needs to listen up. Pull out your little dvd boxsets, and go back to season one, where
Boomer shoots Admiral Adama, or maybe commander at that point
Watch Gaeta. Watch as he looks down right before the shit goes down.

I may have even said this earlier in this thread or in another, just remember though. REMEMBER.

The camera also zooms in too


Crab Shaker

Doesn't pay his sources
icarus-daedelus said:
Yeah, but Gaeta has been everyone's guess since like day one. He seems too predictable a pick.

And I don't think we have to spoiler tag season 1 plot developments in a thread about season 3...
You give the writers way too much credit. I spoiler-tagged just in case.


Crab Shaker said:
You give the writers way too much credit.

And why shouldn't we? Sure, the show occasionally has its down episodes, but for the most part, each one is new, uncontrived, and a treat to watch.

Crab Shaker

Doesn't pay his sources
adg1034 said:
And why shouldn't we? Sure, the show occasionally has its down episodes, but for the most part, each one is new, uncontrived, and a treat to watch.
You're right, they are, but eliminating it as an option would be naive. I can understand not completely wanting to buy into it but it is definitely a big possibility.
Vyse The Legend said:
You're so awesome. Thanks for your contribution!

A link to the discussion or a recap would've be far more helpful.

Um...it was in this very thread. Your contribution has been great too thanks.


after going to the mainboards of BSG. They think Gaeta, Starbuck +3 others are hybrids..

Alot alot of cylons.

a phillip K. dick ending would be cool. But unorginal, hopefully they come up with something strait up nuts.


Nicodimas said:
after going to the mainboards of BSG. They think Gaeta, Starbuck +3 others are hybrids..

Hybrids? You mean the incoherent babblers that control basestars? o_O Or do you mean they are humanoid Cylons?

And there's no way five more main characters are Cylons, that would be ridiculous. Probably only one of the Final Five is a main character.


they feel that the final five are five main characters..there was a screen cap that is very very vague that proves it. Id rather not say who as this may spoil it. It would be wild though.

I dont know if I believe it. But if they have a plan they would absolutely need control of the humans to make it more possible. Could be why they are not chasing them..
Nicodimas said:
they feel that the final five are five main characters..there was a screen cap that is very very vague that proves it. Id rather not say who as this may spoil it. It would be wild though.

I dont know if I believe it. But if they have a plan they would absolutely need control of the humans to make it more possible. Could be why they are not chasing them..

I saw a hi-res version of the picture in question and honestly couldn't identify any of the people there. :lol

Except, of course,
Starbuck, I think?


Is the screencap with D'Anna in front of the 5? Because if it is, I wouldn't look too mjuch into that picture because it's most likely stand ins.

Do you have a link to this thread?
These are pretty good










So, tonight's the night! Who is incredibly psyched?

Also, on another note, does anyone else make a point of closing their eyes during the "flash-forwards"? I don't know about you guys, but I want my episode experience to be as unsullied as it can be when I watch.

12.5 more hours...


Chili Con Carnage!
adg1034 said:
So, tonight's the night! Who is incredibly psyched?

Also, on another note, does anyone else make a point of closing their eyes during the "flash-forwards"? I don't know about you guys, but I want my episode experience to be as unsullied as it can be when I watch.

12.5 more hours...

Yeah i hate that bit, I'm already watching stop trying to sell me the bloody show!


adg1034 said:
So, tonight's the night! Who is incredibly psyched?

Also, on another note, does anyone else make a point of closing their eyes during the "flash-forwards"? I don't know about you guys, but I want my episode experience to be as unsullied as it can be when I watch.

12.5 more hours...

:D , Can't wait for tonight's episode.. I love the drums lol, so I kinda just turn around. Never watched those ever..


Yeah, it really did suck. It didn't feel like Galactica at all; it could have been the pilot for a run of the mill medical drama.


That sucks to hear. It comes on where I am in ~25 min. I heard this has more of the "Baltar as Number Six's conscience" stuff in it, which I absolutely loved in the other episode it was in, so I hope that works out well.


That episode is right up there with Scar and Black Market. Apparently the podcast is very entertaining so im going to probably listen to that tomorrow at the gym. From what I read this episode was suppose to tie into what Baltar said to Gaeta.Next week's episode should be good because it's going to be
a flashback episode about Adama and his wife.


Coop said:
From what I read this episode was suppose to tie into what Baltar said to Gaeta.

hmm, if that's the case, I wonder if that's what
Tom Zarek was so spooked about when he said the trial would spark a "hurricane"
Heh, I enjoyed the episode. I guess I'm a sucker for Helo's repeated acts of rebellion for his love of humanity, though.

adg1034 said:
Also, on another note, does anyone else make a point of closing their eyes during the "flash-forwards"? I don't know about you guys, but I want my episode experience to be as unsullied as it can be when I watch.
I always avoid previews and commercials, but I watch that. It's legitimately in the show, so it's something they want me to see. It's also too quick to piece much together, so rather than being an episode spoiler I just get the occasional "Oh YEAH" familiar feeling when something I've seen a brief flash of happens in full.


Thought it was a pretty good ep, I've been wanting for a while to see more of the day-to-day stuff on this show.

darkiguana said:

I can see both sides of it. The Sags are dying anyway, save your time, effort, and sickbay space for people who have (want) a chance. Extreme conditions etc etc
I might agree with it if he was just withholding the medicine, but to just out and out poison them is pretty ****ed up if you ask me.
Frog said:
I can see both sides of it. The Sags are dying anyway, save your time, effort, and sickbay space for people who have (want) a chance. Extreme conditions etc etc
That didn't really seem to be the case, though. Other than the people he was getting in their sleep, he was only able to get rid of those who did want a chance. Even back in relative good times on New Caprica, he was offing people with appendicitis.


I am Korean.
Frog said:
Thought it was a pretty good ep, I've been wanting for a while to see more of the day-to-day stuff on this show.

I can see both sides of it. The Sags are dying anyway, save your time, effort, and sickbay space for people who have (want) a chance. Extreme conditions etc etc
Fine. Don't treat them just like they asked. Don't go that extra mile and kill them for kicks in the middle of the night.

"Whatever happened to do no harm?"

Damn straight.


JoshuaJSlone said:
That didn't really seem to be the case, though. Other than the people he was getting in their sleep, he was only able to get rid of those who did want a chance. Even back in relative good times on New Caprica, he was offing people with appendicitis.

oh yeah


I rarely comment if a episode is bad. This one was terrible. I really fealt like I wasted a hour. Hopefully, next week is better.
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