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Biohazard 5 Famitsu scans

TheJollyCorner said:
it's already started :(

if you are (very) easily offended, don't click.


cause black africans are just the same as african americans.

this stupidity is going to piss me off for *years* most likely, until the game comes out and there are black people that aren't possessed/infected/whatever in the game who aren't racistly portrayed in any way (like Luis and the policemen in RE4) and everyone realises... *finally* that it's just a horror game set in a continant that is almost universally over looked.
plagiarize said:

cause black africans are just the same as african americans.

this stupidity is going to piss me off for *years* most likely, until the game comes out and there are black people that aren't possessed/infected/whatever in the game who aren't racistly portrayed in any way (like Luis and the policemen in RE4) and everyone realises... *finally* that it's just a horror game set in a continant that is almost universally over looked.


Regardless, there will still be people that overlook the positive qualities anyway and go straight to the jugular with this game. It's gonna be a fun few years for RE5... -_-


WickedAngel said:
That's what makes the least sense of all. The game doesn't look early.

knowing Capcom's development history for the RE series, what you see here may not be even the final product =)


Game looks KICK ASS.

But after playing RE4 on Wii I don't know how I will react to normal controls. I think I will need to play on Easy to compensate for my shitty skills.
One interesting thing about the setting of this game is that it's totally different from your typical Resident Evil or horror game. They're going to have to rely on unconventional ways to scare you out in the hot African sun. And that could be cool if they do it right. RE4 was a little more traditional in its creepiness, so this approach could be really interesting.


There ARE two black protagonists in the Outbreak games, and they kill a bunch of white zombies.

Capcom's been racist for years!
cvxfreak said:
There ARE two black protagonists in the Outbreak games, and they kill a bunch of white zombies.

Capcom's been racist for years!
the thing that's depressing is it's going to be every goddamn thread for the next two years or whatever.

we should just work together on a single post with Jolly Corner that we can copy and paste into every RE5 thread.

i'll start...

it is not racist to portray africa as being inhabited by a vast majority of black people.


It would be cool if there was a black or asian protagonist...

in ... ANY game...

Edit: When I say "any" game, I mean a popular one that has come out recently... the only one I can think of is Crackdown... but that was a create a character...

"Despite a direct opposing of the 'darkness' featured in past Biohazards, if we were to rise it to a certain level, we can achieve the same result. Take for instance, Chris enters a building without a door. Because the surrounding is brighter, the interior will look darker. When you enter the building, your eyes will need some adjustment."

THIS is awesome. Using brightness as horror is an AWESOME idea. Hats off to Capcom.


cvxfreak said:
There ARE two black protagonists in the Outbreak games, and they kill a bunch of white zombies.

Capcom's been racist for years!

Aw snap, I better contact Jesse Jac....Al Shar....

Barry Lightning said:
yeah but he was a car right?

do transformers have ethnicities beyond Autobot/Dinobot/Decepticon and so on.

is Jazz the eminem of the autobots or the mc hammer?

so many questions.


"The enemy is neither a zombie nor ganado. Takeuchi described them to be 'human-like with intelligence'. From the shots, we can see a massive amount of enemies on screen. In comparison to '4', the enemies behave closest to the ganado in the village. What is Chris fighting for? Actually, these screens were shown over at the E3 event. In the trailer, Chris mumble to himself 'what am I fighting for?' Maybe his inner thought is one of the things that the game will be portraying."
"When we were thinking what to do for a new generation Biohazard game, we always look at Shinji Mikami's '4'. That game is like the peak of the series, that seems like a wall so high that you think it's totally impossible to pass it. When we think of how to 'give birth' to '5', we realised we have to stop having the idea of just following his footsteps. In that case, even if we used '4' game system, we will have the hardship of adding in new elements, which is where we will spend most of our time on. After playing this game, I think everyone will feel as if they have just completed '4' for the first time again."

Those 2 statements scare the hell out of me. While many people seem to think RE4 was the greatest in the series, it's still by far the worse in the series simply because it betrayed everything that was great about Resident Evil and turned it into a run & gun fest (Albiet a good one) with no horror what so ever. It wasn't bad game at all, just a terrible Resident Evil. To say about 5 that "It'll feel as if they completed '4' for the first time again" makes me want to steer away from a purchase already.

I like the whole setting and the appearence of these new creatures, but dear God, I do NOT want any more Ganado type creatures, they're just not scary or interesting. Hopefully this new virus (or whatever it is) makes them similar to 28 days later type creatures (zombie-like and fast), which would be a nice step up from Ganado's. I'll reserve complete judgement for the game until I actually get to see some gameplay, but those interviews are already making me weary.
ryan13ts said:
Those 2 statements scare the hell out of me. While many people seem to think RE4 was the greatest in the series, it's still by far the worse in the series simply because it betrayed everything that was great about Resident Evil and turned it into a run & gun fest (Albiet a good one) with no horror what so ever. It wasn't bad game at all, just a terrible Resident Evil. To say about 5 that "It'll feel as if they completed '4' for the first time again" makes me want to steer away from a purchase already.

I like the whole setting and the appearence of these new creatures, but dear God, I do NOT want any more Ganado type creatures, they're just not scary or interesting. Hopefully this new virus (or whatever it is) makes them similar to 28 days later type creatures (zombie-like and fast), which would be a nice step up from Ganado's. I'll reserve complete judgement for the game until I actually get to see some gameplay, but those interviews are already making me weary.
"while everyone but me thinks RE4 is the best game in the series... nay... one of the best games of all time by any metric... they are all wrong!"


plagiarize said:
"while everyone but me thinks RE4 is the best game in the series... nay... one of the best games of all time by any metric... they are all wrong!"

Yeah, pretty much. Any true fan will tell you RE4 is by far the weakest out of the main series.

Those who say it's the best are usually the ones who weren't really into the original games and therefor miss the entire point of what Resident Evil is about. And let me tell you, RE4 is not what Resident Evil is about. I made the exact point to say RE4 is a good game, just a terrible one to bear the name of Resident Evil.


ryan13ts said:
Yeah, pretty much. Any true fan will tell you RE4 is by far the weakest out of the main series.

Those who say it's the best are usually the ones who weren't really into the original games and therefor miss the entire point of what Resident Evil is about. And let me tell you, RE4 is not what Resident Evil is about. I made the exact point to say RE4 is a good game, just a terrible one to bear the name of Resident Evil.

I concur.
ryan13ts said:
Yeah, pretty much. Any true fan will tell you RE4 is by far the weakest out of the main series.

Those who say it's the best are usually the ones who weren't really into the original games and therefor miss the entire point of what Resident Evil is about. And let me tell you, RE4 is not what Resident Evil is about. I made the exact point to say RE4 is a good game, just a terrible one to bear the name of Resident Evil.

I think you misread something.

Anyway no, the ones that say RE4 is the best is the grand majority of fans no matter when they got into the series. I was there since day one back in 96, played every single one, not one of them is as good as RE4. The series was due for a change and RE4 brought that, it is now what RE is about, get used to it. Series change, few if any have changed into something as excellent as RE4.
ryan13ts said:
Yeah, pretty much. Any true fan will tell you RE4 is by far the weakest out of the main series.

Those who say it's the best are usually the ones who weren't really into the original games and therefor miss the entire point of what Resident Evil is about. And let me tell you, RE4 is not what Resident Evil is about. I made the exact point to say RE4 is a good game, just a terrible one to bear the name of Resident Evil.
RE4 is the natural evolution of the formula, the game is a pure RE game. The only thing that was lacking was some more true scary moments, but it's a lot better than some RE games like Nemesis for example.
I also been with the RE series since the Saturn days and even before when we called it Alone in the Dark.
Can we get a mod sanctioned policy up on GAF somewhere that says anyone mentioning racism in any RE5 thread gets a 3 day ban?

Because seriously this is going to get old, annoying and even more retarded very quickly and I don't want to be reading the same shit in every RE5 thread.

Besides we have had mod policies for other silly stuff

"Xbox 360 port confirmed" for any PS3 exclusive (especially MGS4) used to result in a ban
Image shack users get a ban because the yellow frog is a slight annoyance
The term "downgrade" being a banable offence, as well as the list of various "banned" websites because they talk alot of shit.
And then most recently we have a ban for anyone spoiling a new Harry Potter book....a childrens book that has nothing to do with gaming.

I say we add a RE5 disclaimer because otherwise this is going to piss me off every time we have a RE5 thread.
Ryujin said:
Can we get a mod sanctioned policy up on GAF somewhere that says anyone mentioning racism in any RE5 thread gets a 3 day ban?

Because seriously this is going to get old, annoying and even more retarded very quickly and I don't want to be reading the same shit in every RE5 thread.

Besides we have had mod policies for other silly stuff

"Xbox 360 port confirmed" for any PS3 exclusive (especially MGS4) used to result in a ban
Image shack users get a ban because the yellow frog is a slight annoyance
The term "downgrade" being a banable offence, as well as the list of various "banned" websites because they talk alot of shit.

I say we add a RE5 disclaimer because otherwise this is going to piss me off every time we have a RE5 thread.

I ****ing agree 100%


Ryujin said:
Can we get a mod sanctioned policy up on GAF somewhere that says anyone mentioning racism in any RE5 thread gets a 3 day ban?

Because seriously this is going to get old, annoying and even more retarded very quickly and I don't want to be reading the same shit in every RE5 thread.

:D I countersign that!


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Urk... why release a trailer for a game that might not come out for 2 years.

Does the hype really need to begin that early.


I actually think Robocop is right to an extent, just being a little too full of himself with this "true fan" bullshit, and that's making his opinion come across rather obnoxiously.

But for as awesome as Resident Evil 4 was, it wasn't really wasn't scary in any way.

What they really need is the tension of the first few games combined with the better mechanics of the fourth.

I'm sure they can balance that out. What I can see so far certainly looks promising, eh.


ryan13ts said:
Yeah, pretty much. Any true fan will tell you RE4 is by far the weakest out of the main series.

Those who say it's the best are usually the ones who weren't really into the original games and therefor miss the entire point of what Resident Evil is about. And let me tell you, RE4 is not what Resident Evil is about. I made the exact point to say RE4 is a good game, just a terrible one to bear the name of Resident Evil.

Times are changing (or they did 2 years ago). Resident Evil's moved on and the RE series has two meaningful gameplay styles now.

It sure means something when Shinji Mikami is the one who changed it, after all.


MiamiWesker said:
I think you misread something.

Anyway no, the ones that say RE4 is the best is the grand majority of fans no matter when they got into the series. I was there since day one back in 96, played every single one, not one of them is as good as RE4. The series was due for a change and RE4 brought that, it is now what RE is about, get used to it. Series change, few if any have changed into something as excellent as RE4.

I suppose to say "Any" true fan would be a bit outreaching, but I think it's agreeable that quite a few fans of the series were disappointed in RE4. I agree that series need to evolve in order to stay fresh, but in the case of RE4, it just went too far and pretty much alienated the series and many fans by getting rid of everything that made it "Resident Evil" (Zombies, cleaver puzzles, creepy locations). In fact, if you take away the characters (Ada & Leon), you'd practically have a whole new game with a science fiction theme. I thought the beta version of RE4 (3.5) was a step in the right direction since it had the RE4 gameplay, but still maintained that horror atmosphere... since after all, it's suppose to be a horror game. We all know what happened to it though....

I hope 5 will prove to be different and return to it's roots while still retaining something new, because the way it seems, horror survival games are going the way of the dinosaur in favor of mindless action based shoot-out fests.


Thunderbear said:
Urk... why release a trailer for a game that might not come out for 2 years.

Does the hype really need to begin that early.

They hype begun in July 2005.....It was toooooo early for a game that might not come in 2008....
ryan13ts said:
I suppose to say "Any" true fan would be a bit outreaching, but I think it's agreeable that quite a few fans of the series were disappointed in RE4. I agree that series need to evolve in order to stay fresh, but in the case of RE4, it just went too far and pretty much alienated the series and many fans by getting rid of everything that made it "Resident Evil" (Zombies, cleaver puzzles, creepy locations). In fact, if you take away the characters (Ada & Leon), you'd practically have a whole new action series with a science fiction theme. I thought the beta version of RE4 (3.5) was a step in the right direction since it had the RE4 gameplay, but still maintained that horror atmosphere... since after all, it's suppose to be a horror game. We all know what happened to it though....

I hope 5 will prove to be different and return to it's roots while still retaining something new, because the way it seems, horror survival games are going the way of the dinosaur in favor of mindless action based shoot-out fests.
I'm sorry, but clever puzzles? I think we played diferent games. And as far as creepy locations go, RE4 had them.
The only real thing missing from the classic formula were the zombies. Everything else was there, even if the game was indeed more action focused.
ryan13ts said:
Yeah, pretty much. Any true fan will tell you RE4 is by far the weakest out of the main series.

Those who say it's the best are usually the ones who weren't really into the original games and therefor miss the entire point of what Resident Evil is about. And let me tell you, RE4 is not what Resident Evil is about. I made the exact point to say RE4 is a good game, just a terrible one to bear the name of Resident Evil.


ryan13ts said:
Yeah, pretty much. Any true fan will tell you RE4 is by far the weakest out of the main series.

Those who say it's the best are usually the ones who weren't really into the original games and therefor miss the entire point of what Resident Evil is about. And let me tell you, RE4 is not what Resident Evil is about. I made the exact point to say RE4 is a good game, just a terrible one to bear the name of Resident Evil.

Funny you mention the whole "true fan" thing, since ive been playing the series since the N64 era yet I think RE4 is the second best game of the series, I bet your next comment will be "Take out all the Resident evil references and you end up with an average shooter" or something of that effect, just save that pretentious "true fan" bullshit to whatever elite forum you belong, im sure many people will agree with you and then procced to post several idiotic fanfics and photoshops of Mikami dying.


ryan13ts said:
I suppose to say "Any" true fan would be a bit outreaching, but I think it's agreeable that quite a few fans of the series were disappointed in RE4. I agree that series need to evolve in order to stay fresh, but in the case of RE4, it just went too far and pretty much alienated the series and many fans by getting rid of everything that made it "Resident Evil" (Zombies, cleaver puzzles, creepy locations). In fact, if you take away the characters (Ada & Leon), you'd practically have a whole new game with a science fiction theme. I thought the beta version of RE4 (3.5) was a step in the right direction since it had the RE4 gameplay, but still maintained that horror atmosphere... since after all, it's suppose to be a horror game. We all know what happened to it though....

I hope 5 will prove to be different and return to it's roots while still retaining something new, because the way it seems, horror survival games are going the way of the dinosaur in favor of mindless action based shoot-out fests.

:lol I called it. So typical.

And what exactly made 3.5 any more close to the Resident Evil series than Re4?
Was it the killing dolls?
The ghost shit?
Captain ****ing Hook?

That doesnt sound sci-fi at all!


JDSN said:
Funny you mention the whole "true fan" thing, since ive been playing the series since the N64 era yet I think RE4 is the second best game of the series, I bet your next comment will be "Take out all the Resident evil references and you end up with an average shooter" or something of that effect, just save that pretentious "true fan" bullshit to whatever elite forum you belong, im sure many people will agree with you there.


:lol I called it. So typical.

Nice one bud, considering I posted that over 7 minutes before you made your "prediction". And had you bothered to actually read it all, I already said "true fan" was outreaching a bit. I'd give you a virtural .gif sticker for being winner of the day, but I'm too lazy to bother.


Can be a pamphlet against some pharmaceutical giants unethical drug experiments in Africa, and a "hommage" to the voodoo movies (Though that would be Haïti) and early Zombie ones (before Romero stepped in). Graphically AMAZING ! I can't wait !
Undeniably, RE4 was a great game. I was disappointed that Capcom chose to abandon what the series was built on, however. I'll be the first to admit that the Resident Evil games were getting old and maybe even rehashed. The sequels gave fans minute evolutions in gameplay and the games began to grow tiresome as a result.

The biggest problem with the games were the aforementioned "tank controls". That was always my biggest complaint about the games and Capcom resolved these issues, though I felt the aiming was a bit too slow. On the other hand, they removed the zombies and made the game into an action game. RE4 was effective as an action game, but I really missed the the mood and tone that was prevalent in the past games.

I would really like to see them keep the control scheme, bring back zombies (but make them much faster like the zombies on 28 Days Later), and slow the game down a bit. I really don't agree with the removal of zombies and it disappoints me as a fan. It would be like if Konami decided to remove the filters and composed music from Silent Hill.
ryan13ts said:
I suppose to say "Any" true fan would be a bit outreaching, but I think it's agreeable that quite a few fans of the series were disappointed in RE4. I agree that series need to evolve in order to stay fresh, but in the case of RE4, it just went too far and pretty much alienated the series and many fans by getting rid of everything that made it "Resident Evil" (Zombies, cleaver puzzles, creepy locations). In fact, if you take away the characters (Ada & Leon), you'd practically have a whole new game with a science fiction theme. I thought the beta version of RE4 (3.5) was a step in the right direction since it had the RE4 gameplay, but still maintained that horror atmosphere... since after all, it's suppose to be a horror game. We all know what happened to it though....

I hope 5 will prove to be different and return to it's roots while still retaining something new, because the way it seems, horror survival games are going the way of the dinosaur in favor of mindless action based shoot-out fests.

Ok, well said. Yes I have seen many fans that dislike the RE4 direction, I can kind see their point but in the end for me, its far more important to have the best game possible than try to make it a less drastic change.

That said I still feel RE4 fits in fine. They just took the camera and moved it behind the characters back, with free aiming , all the controls were left the same. The focus became action rather than going around a maze like building but it worked. I would like the more open, non linear world of an RE game to be mixed with RE4 gameplay, but I think the way the action works should stay the same, even the volume of it.

Oh and if you take away all the RE characters from RE4 you still get one of the greatest games ever made, its just no longer part of the RE universe. As an RE fan I am damn proud that RE4 is a part of the series. It changed the perseption of the series from one that was getting repetitive to one that is now amoung the elite series in the game world.
Absinthe said:
I would really like to see them keep the control scheme, bring back zombies (but make them much faster like the zombies on 28 Days Later), and slow the game down a bit.
Fans were bitching about that already back in the day. Because aparently the only zombies that can ever be are the Romero's kind. Oh and 28 Days Later didn't had zombies.


ryan13ts said:
Nice one bud, considering I posted that over 7 minutes before you made your "prediction". And had you bothered to actually read it all, I already said "true fan" was outreaching a bit. I'd give you a virtural .gif sticker for being winner of the day, but I'm too lazy to bother.

Yeah man, im sure you are too tired after doing all those "clever puzzles" like putting the "Spencer emblem" in the "Space where the Spencer Emblem used to be", Lord knows that shit is too hard for some people.
I don't think it's elitist to criticize Capcom for abandoning what the Resident Evil series was built on. As I've said before, I think that the game needed to be reinvented, but I also think that completely eliminating zombies from the game was unneeded. In a sense, not only was Resident Evil 4 a departure from the prior games, but it was almost an entirely different game. If one were to remove Leon and Ada from the game, it would be virtually unrecognizable as a Resident Evil sequel.
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