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Biohazard 5 Famitsu scans


bish gets all the credit :)

this pic has great caption potential.

and I cannot wait for this game, seeing as I've already played through RE4 four times.


MiamiWesker said:
Ok, well said. Yes I have seen many fans that dislike the RE4 direction, I can kind see their point but in the end for me, its far more important to have the best game possible than try to make it a less drastic change.

That said I still feel RE4 fits in fine. They just took the camera and moved it behind the characters back, with free aiming , all the controls were left the same. The focus became action rather than going around a maze like building but it worked. I would like the more open, non linear world of an RE game to be mixed with RE4 gameplay, but I think the way the action works should stay the same, even the volume of it.

Oh and if you take away all the RE characters from RE4 you still get one of the greatest games ever made, its just no longer part of the RE universe. As an RE fan I am damn proud that RE4 is a part of the series. It changed the perseption of the series from one that was getting repetitive to one that is now amoung the elite series in the game world.

The whole idea of having a non linear Resident evil game that still holds the traditional atmosphere but keeps RE4 gameplay elements would be a great (Especially in an African setting such as RE5).

I kind of see what you saying about RE4 bringing Resident Evil back into prominence, but I still think they had to trade-off to get it there. Maybe 5 will make be a compromise between the two, giving fans what they want and keeping all the new elements that drew newer people in.... I can only hope though.
The job of any game is to be fun. The job of a videogame series is to become better and more fun. RE4 was a great addition to the series because it did those things. Just because it changed the formula doesn't mean it isn't apart of the series. Deal with it.

ryan13ts said:
giving fans what they want and keeping all the new elements that drew newer people in.... I can only hope though.

Stop saying stuff like that. They did give many fans what they want. I'm very happy with what they did with the series. I still enjoy the older games, but RE4 is better, and that is what's most important.


VistraNorrez said:
The job of any game is to be fun. The job of a videogame series is to become better and more fun. RE4 was a great addition to the series because it did those things. Just because it changed the formula doesn't mean it isn't apart of the series. Deal with it.

Stop saying stuff like that. They did give many fans what they want. I'm very happy with what they did with the series. I still enjoy the older games, but RE4 is better, and that is what's most important.

Well, they didn't give me what I wanted nor many others. Would it be fair to say that since your sufficed (and some other fans too), other's should just have to 'deal' with it? Obviously, it won't make any difference on a message board, but that's the whole point of disscussion, to look at different views.

What I said was mearly a suggestion for the next game, possibly representing those who weren't content with the game as well, I did not mean it as a whole. If a developer were to change your favorite series substantually and you didn't enjoy the change, as a fan, would you just act content with something you obviously don't like about it? It's likely you'd say something about it, like I am with this.

Jeez, I barely remember how I got started on all this.
Prime crotch said:
Try posting "talking Deathclaws was a great concept!" on NMA. They're both the same kind of communities.

NMA scares me. When fallout 2 came out, they bitched about it. When Van Buren was being shown it was the end of the world. Now they talk about how three needs to follow the example of those two games.

The only thing missing from RE4 was the suspense. It started off good, but once you had 100 shot shotguns and pistols in the 5+ damage range it just got broken. Still really fun in a campy sci-fi sort of way, but it lacked the difficulty to make things scary. As far as the core story goes though, it was pure RE as long as you take the ADA stuff into account
Wesker is trying to get a sample of the Ganados infection as another test subject for his virus work.


I know who the blond girl is.

It's actually Elza Walker from the original Resident Evil 1.5 and they are bringing her back.


Psh, as if that would happen.
I like how a couple of self-proclaimed "die hards" try to speak for everyone about where the series should and shouldn't have went.

I was there when the Saturn/Playstation versions of this game came out and played nearly all of them (Except for that atrocious Game.com version...and I even suffered through ten minutes of that). Even I was bored with the formula by Code: Veronica.


WickedAngel said:
I like how a couple of self-proclaimed "die hards" try to speak for everyone about where the series should and shouldn't have went.

Considering the older games sold much better than 4, "RE4 only" fans shouldn't be talking about the series.


Reilly said:
Considering the older games sold much better than 4, "RE4 only" fans shouldn't be talking about the series.

4 is actually the third best selling game in the series, and will sell for years to come thanks to the Wii and PS2 versions. Wouldn't be surprised to see RE4 surpass RE2's 4.9 Million in the end.
I was a diehard so I don't like people assuming the 'fans' couldn't get into, but you know what, it's been over a f*cking half decade of the same damn thing before.

I had my fill after RE1, RE2, RE3, RE:Code Veronica, REmake, RE:Zero.

Thank god for RE4, I love this series again. I still enjoyed the series, but RE4 was love all over again. RE5 is looking f'n HOT!!
ryan13ts said:
Yeah, pretty much. Any true fan will tell you RE4 is by far the weakest out of the main series.

Those who say it's the best are usually the ones who weren't really into the original games and therefor miss the entire point of what Resident Evil is about. And let me tell you, RE4 is not what Resident Evil is about. I made the exact point to say RE4 is a good game, just a terrible one to bear the name of Resident Evil.

I've been a pretty big fan since the very beginning. The series was so unbelievably stale by the time RE0 came around that I was ready to forget about it completely. RE4 saved the series from itself.


plagiarize said:
did RE4 come under fire for featuring a white guy shooting lots of hispanic people?

the game is set in africa.

calling it racist would be like saying 'africa is racist because almost all the people in prison in africa are black!'

Yes ok it would be stupid to call the game racist but the game will be called racist by stupid people a la Jack Thompson hence Capcom will freak out and all. Unless Chris becomes a black guy.
Ether_Snake said:
Yes ok it would be stupid to call the game racist but the game will be called racist by stupid people a la Jack Thompson hence Capcom will freak out and all. Unless Chris becomes a black guy.

I would actually love to see Capcom handle a plot twist like that :lol
Zenith said:
Go to any RE fansite and try posting that.

I help run a fansite, many agree with that, and some dont. You are always going to have those that dont want change but it happens, luckly it happend for the better.
After playing through RE0 I was thoroughly disgusted with the milking of the series and found RE4 to be a much needed breath of fresh air...


MiamiWesker said:
I help run a fansite, many agree with that, and some dont. You are always going to have those that dont want change but it happens, luckly it happend for the better.

All the fansites I've been to are decidely negatory on RE4. Even Resident Evil sections of general boards like IGN hate on it. Even those that enjoy it don't see it as an RE game, and most definitely not a "pure" RE game in any sense.


Zenith said:
All the fansites I've been to are decidely negatory on RE4. Even Resident Evil sections of general boards like IGN hate on it. Even those that enjoy it don't see it as an RE game, and most definitely not a "pure" RE game in any sense.
I guess the "true" RE fans want pre-rendered backgrounds and tank controls again...god thanks that the people at Capcom still have brains.
Playing through the remake is only possible because it´s a remake, they kept the old controls and stuff for pure nostalgic reasons.
article said:
He spoke of the evolution to what is expected for a Biohazard game, and that he's not making the game with the aim of just going back to the root nor fixing what's broken. Its a true evolution.

Chris has probably taking some special virus and must be as powerful as wesker now or some shit maybe i am just jumping to conclusions but from now on in resident evil the main character is always gonna be an over the top supercharged superheroes.

I always thought in 4 it would have been cool if leon could have done all that crazy shit just because saddler injected him with the virus when he said lets us give you our power it actually increased his abilitys.


PnCIa said:
I guess the "true" RE fans want pre-rendered backgrounds and tank controls again...god thanks that the people at Capcom still have brains.
Playing through the remake is only possible because it´s a remake, they kept the old controls and stuff for pure nostalgic reasons.

No, they just don't want the entire story ditched for "survival action" with cutscenes that wouldn't be out of place in Devil May Cry. Rescue the president's daughter indeed.
PnCIa said:
I guess the "true" RE fans want pre-rendered backgrounds and tank controls again...god thanks that the people at Capcom still have brains.
Playing through the remake is only possible because it´s a remake, they kept the old controls and stuff for pure nostalgic reasons.
weird then how myself, CVXfreak and miami wesker all love RE4 to bits.

you'd be hard pressed to say we weren't 'true' resident evil fans unless you have a bullshit definition that is 'thinks RE4 is the worst of the series'.

you're essentially calling CVXfreak, who is hands down the biggest RE nut i've ever run into not a true resident evil fan. the guy who has almost every version of resident evil released in every country. he isn't a true RE fan? miami wesker runs a resident evil site... he isn't a true RE fan?

i'm not saying i'm no the same scale as those two. i've never written a faq and i don't have run a fansite, but you'll see me in every resident evil thread here. i've played every game in the main series numerous times. i've bought RE2 like, i don't know, half a dozen times across all the systems.

there's no game i've finished more than RE2. i still love the old games even with their fixed camera angles and tank controls. never bothered me. i think 0 is highly underrated.

and yet i think RE4 is the best game in the series yet.

i don't see how RE4 abandoned what the series was built on. RE4 wasn't the first game in the series with more of an action focus (RE2 and CVX) it was just the first game that made the action brilliant.

sure it's not as dark and claustrophobic as some of the older games, but nor was RE3 claustrophobic. RE4 tried a different kind of scary... and while i don't think it's nearly as scary as the remake, i know a lot of people that think it's scarier.

you can't tell me that the boss fights weren't scary... you can't tell me that trip into the dungeons in the castle weren't scary... and you can't tell me that the dogs weren't scary... that the regenerators weren't scary.

one thing i loved about the original when i first played it was the unfolding mystery. what was causing all this? who was behind it? RE4 was the first game in the series to give me that feeling again.

when you change anything you're always going to leave people behind and I have been there in the past. i hated what they did to Quake with Quake 2... but i can see that most people liked it. a change that brings people back to the series, that restores a series critical acclaim, and that pleases a lot of the hardcore fans who have stuck with it the whole way through is a good change.

without RE4 being what it was, i don't think you could honestly say for sure that RE5 would have the same hype and budget.

how many more classic styled games could they have gotten away with making before the series stopped being profitable?

Resident Evil was a ground breaking game. it revitalised and changed the face of horror gaming.

none of the sequels did that until RE4... so in many ways RE4 is the *only* sequel that lives up to the reputation of the first game in terms of critical acclaim, freshness, and originality.

Zenith said:
No, they just don't want the entire story ditched for "survival action" with cutscenes that wouldn't be out of place in Devil May Cry. Rescue the president's daughter indeed.

how was the entire story *ditched*? Wesker was one of the main adversaries in the first game, if not *the* main adversary, and Ada had been freelancing for him since the second game. the plot of RE4 may no longer have the umbrella corporation in it, but it featured the main adversary from the series and while, yes, we have a plot hole in the fall of umbrella, it carries on wesker's story just fine... and light is finally going to be shed on that plot hole in the upcoming umbrella stories.

we'll see if the so called 'fans' of the series that don't like RE4 embrace umbrella chronicles which has all the zombies and umbrella plot they could want.


Unconfirmed Member
So am I a pansy or something?

I had moments in RE4 that left me in terror. Your first fight with El Gigante, that first encounter with Chainsaw guy.

I've played through every single RE. RE2 was my favorite, and that was followed by RECV, but I never was really scared in any of them. RE4 scared me. I felt overwhelmed, overpowered, and damn near defenseless. It went further when I had that whiney brat I had to watch over.

Maybe some of you just remember the previous RE's being scarier then they were?


Anyway, give credit where credit is due. The only thing that hurt RE4 was the complete omission of Umbrella. And that still wasn't enough to damage that game in the slightest.

It's still the best RE out there, and it's still the only RE that struck terror in me, in the same way Silent Hill did. True fright.

Not that cheesy jump from around a corner fright like any B-grade horror flick, but real fright.


plagiarize said:
you'd be hard pressed to say we weren't 'true' resident evil fans unless you have a bullshit definition that is 'thinks RE4 is the worst of the series'.

I'm not saying you aren't, but you can't say that people who spend all their time posting at RE sites aren't also hardcore fans. And you'll find those that hate re4 outnumber those who like it there the same way those who love it outnumber those who hate it here.


Firesprite121984 said:
So am I a pansy or something?

I had moments in RE4 that left me in terror. Your first fight with El Gigante, that first encounter with Chainsaw guy.

Yes, you are :lol

One of the best ****ing games of last gen, but seriously, Dr Salvador scary?
Zenith said:
I'm not saying you aren't, but you can't say that people who spend all their time posting at RE sites aren't also hardcore fans. And you'll find those that hate re4 outnumber those who like it there the same way those who love it outnumber those who hate it here.
i'm not disputing that. i'm not saying that people can't hope for RE5 to be more like the classic games... i'm just suggesting that saying that any true RE fan thinks RE4 is the worst in the series is a bunch of absolute horseshit.

this is like that crap i get off silent hill fans all the time. despite me liking more games in the series, i'm not a real silent hill fan because i don't think 2 is the best.

how is someone who refuses to accept change, widely considered for the better, any more of a fan than someone who got fed up of the games overusing the same formula and thought RE4 was a return to glory?

no one's opinion counts any more than any one elses. the hundreds of thousands that loved the first two games, but had stopped playing by the time RE4 came out... why do their opinions count less than those that stuck with it?
Dave1988 said:
RE4 is a gem. No doubt about it but it's scare factor is close to zero.
Well the Regenerators were pretty scary/annoying good thing they weren't over-used but they were one of the best B.O.W.'s designs I've ever seen on the series.
Prime crotch said:
Well the Regenerators were pretty scary/annoying good thing they weren't over-used but they were one of the best B.O.W.'s designs I've ever seen on the series.
they're up there with the crimson heads and the leech zombies.

the first time one attacks you after you've shot it's legs off, or the first spiky one you run into... it's like you never know what the **** they're going to do next.


Prime crotch said:
Well the Regenerators were pretty scary/annoying good thing they weren't over-used but they were one of the best B.O.W.'s designs I've ever seen on the series.

That's why I said "close to zero", not "zip, null, nada";p. First two meetings with the Regenerators were definately scary.
rakka said:
Yes, you are :lol

One of the best ****ing games of last gen, but seriously, Dr Salvador scary?

Well Dr. Salvador makes me very twitchy when i am playing mercenaries. Him and the Bella sisters are pretty much the only reason i still didnt manage to get 5 starts in mercenaries. Well that and the fact that i haven't been playing a lot lately.


Unconfirmed Member
rakka said:
Yes, you are :lol

One of the best ****ing games of last gen, but seriously, Dr Salvador scary?
Not everything about the game was scary, no.

But again the only thing that really scared me about any past RE was that crazy incestous twin thing in RECV.

I can't really think of anything in any past RE that scared me. The dog jumping through the window in RE1 made me jump, but I kind of think I understood what type of scare I'd receive from the rest of the game after that and never really got a fright out of it again.

When every other RE featured that same kind of scare (Nemesis in RE3 was a great change of pace) I kind of got bored with the "frights" in the games. I played them more for ambiance then fright.

Silent Hill 1, 2, and 3 still give me the creeps to this day. RE1-CV... not so much. I still love those games, but they are far from scary. I felt more terrified in RE4 then any previous RE. Enemies that actually run at you, instead of slowly lumber towards you.

Enemies that can actually overpower you, instead of stand in line as you shoot them. The Crimson heads made RE1 scary to me again and RE4 improves upon them. Not as creepy looking, sure but flesh hungry fast moving creatures creep me out a hell of a lot more then the standard zombie I'd grown accustomed to.

Ehhh, different strokes and all that rot.
RE had become damn near 100% predictable before RE4 changed things. Almost nothing about the older games was scary anymore (aside from surprises like the Crimson Heads), but RE4 was seriously overwhelming in places.

I remember the first time I realized that the enemies could not only run but could throw their weapons. Not knowing what exactly the game was capable of throwing at me was one of the best parts of playing RE4 for the first time.
Game looks amazing, visually I like it more than MGS4 (at least comparing their respective E3 trailers :p). I am not sure if it is the higher contrast or the natural looking/moving zombies(?), but I like it.
I cannot wait for this. :)


There's going to be some media outcry about this game. While Capcom will try their darnedest to point to these being zombies and such but in the end you are seemingly shooting hysterical Africans living in poverty. I can't wait for the game but the media will walk all over this.


It's cool to see that developers are branching out in setting. It seems like for the longest time most non-fantasy games were set in either the USA, Japan, WW2 Europe or some generic future. The setting of war torn Africa for RE5 is extremely cool and unique, and the future middle east in MGS4 is looking to be really interesting as well. Kudos to these developers and I hope we see more like this in the future!
gconsole said:
Time to revive this thread by hires scan (I crop each image to reduce the bandwidth usage)
This is how you do proper scans, unlike those in the OP.

Do you have the full pages though? If you're scared of your site's bandwith, you could always upload them here.
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