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Black Ops sold $360M in sales day one, 16 percent increase over MW2

Great sales. I had planned to skip this game, I hated WaW, but I decided to pick it up and I am glad I did. The campaign was not as good as WM2's campaign, but the mp feels so much better.


I'm enjoying blops, but it's just more of the same. Even if IW was intact I think the series is on a path to where it will begin to fall off after another installment or two. Someone else will come up with something fresh, and it'll take COD's place. COD4 came out what, two months after Halo 3? Halo 3 was hyped to be the multiplayer game of the next few years. CoD4's huge popularity really derailed that. It'll be the same when the game that dethrones CoD arrives. I guess the question is - who'll make it? Bungie, Respawn, Sledgehammer, the remains of Infinity Ward, DICE, or someone else? Maybe it'll be Gears 3, or even Rage.


Good for Treyarch but great for Activision. I can't help but wonder if they will do the same thing they did to IW and hold out on paying them their bonuses when it comes time...
Just want to ring in a few points I've observed from work & come to analyze over the years from friends & acquaintances.

The series now has a great launch window, the week of November 9th is right on the tip of hoilday madness & its right when more folks have extra time.

It caters to a huge fanbase & gives them more reason to always comeback and grow

The launch window coincides when most become new console owners & its the number 1 game by hype and the above

Folks are completely comfortable playing only each entry until the next. It covers all the proper aspects of online gaming well.

Great marketing campaign always, I mean really the TV ads get the job. I've seen the aforementioned always motivate people on the fence to go for it.
Vigilant Walrus said:
In Japan they are seeing this news, thinking "wtf... all those games are the same. good that we have Dynasty Warrior!"

But seriously, this is... Disturbing. I dont own the game yet, but it looks really weak.. What new does the game bring? I havent played Reach, but that series plays differently. Halo feels different. COD and everything else feels the same in pace, and gameplay time.

The fast death/ and fast respawn mentality, has reduced the aspect of dying/losing the game, to nothing, and thus suspense and a want to not die is removed, as the punishment for dying is good. if there is no risk, there is no reward. COD has become a cumbersome feeling of fuck.
COD4 was sorta fun, but I have not enjoyed this series to its fulliest since the first one, but even WW2 was getting stale back then, and already there, in the series inception the game rode on the fucking laurels of Allied Assault and everything-wanna-be-saving-private-ryan. ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

God, I want a true sequel to Battlefield 2 so bad. I am so sick of this shit.

COD lacks sophistication, and balance. There is no healthy ego system. its a bundle of michael bay type narrative shit, but without the campy fun, pulled down by a majestic military porn setting, that takes its aces from war films through boring scripted events to hide the simplistic AI, respawning enemies, lack of balanced weapons, lack of authentic non-cheap difficulty(demons souls, ninja gaiden...) and just a peerless boring bunch of linear levels with many invisible walls.

The lack of imagination is disturbing. any setting has to be more fun than this modern crap. I'll say that Black Ops looks more interesting than the last two, as they at least swap the goddam era for something else, but my fiery heart is further enraged when I see that we're getting to ride down a stream in vietnam with more goddam vietnam rock music. As the klichee was not klichee enough. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Curses! But so what? So what? The world would be wrong if this mainstream game - This is the X factor/American Idol of video games. COD is Jonas Brothers and Lady Gaga. COD is Transfomers.
But I wanted this to be more like a high quality mainstream affair... Sure Dark Knight/Inception are overrated as crap in some areas. But if COD had that place in the gaming world, instead of the place of boring irelevance. Then the world would be a tiny bit better place.

EA and BF3 will not save us. It will not be the return to form for them. They will look inwards and at what COD is doing. That's what they are doing wrong. The last thing they should be doing is looking at COD.

I think I will buy Black Ops, but the multiplayer does not sound like anything, I was hoping for. Why are we going backwards? Stuffing everyone throat with modes, guns and weapons and just shit you dont need... What you need is fewer things that work. Less is more GODDAMIT. LESS IS MORE.
Give me 3 guns that are fun to use, rather than 30 mediocre once.

This post made my week!


DMeisterJ said:
Not the news the folks over at Respawn wanted to hear... CoD doing fine without IW/Respawn means that it really isn't about the dev in this case, so hopefully their following will follow them to their next game.
Most people don't know or care who the developering studio is. They only care about the game name. If Respawn can get the Modern Warfare name it would be a huge. If not, they will have to build up the name. If that's the case, no way they are beating COD on first try. I am sure Respawn and EA expects this. Maybe, second if their game was better and word of mouth gets around.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
gundamzeta209 said:
Games aren't movies or music. Games aren't high art, and they don't have the possibility to be high art. I don't see where this hispter-ish elitism comes from. There's no foundation for it to begin with.

Off course they can but this high horse elitism comes from the "game-ish" side, not the "art" side.
i bet the marketing budget increase over MW2 is much bigger than that %16, the visibility of this game is at insane levels. TV shows, paper ads, continuously running "news" segments on local tv... Hold on to your beloved indies, emperor Kotick's out for blood.


acm2000 said:
and CeX 2nd hand copies update...

(available online)

x360 - 123
ps3 - 71
wii - 6 :lol

i think this is a good indication of platform split
Wow, The Wii version is the best version, who would ever thought of that?
Vigilant Walrus said:
Point was that Reach plays like the other Halo, but that's okay, because there are few other games I have tried that play like Halo.
Maybe Pariah and a bit Planetside, felt a bit like it back in 03, but they are both a stretch.

Point is that, Halo has not made big leaps either but I at least forgive that franchise, even though I dont care about it that much anymore, because of the gravity, and its way of doing things. Your generic run of the mill shooter feels nothing like Halo.

But everything now feels like COD. And the rest nobody on a global level, really cares about. Nobody really doesnt care that much about Resistence or Killzone. Those games are not played 10 years down the road. They dont have enough style and umpf to keep them up there.

Yeah, so in another way of approaching it - Is that everyone else is failing for stigmatizing COD.

But here is the kicker - Infinity Ward was created because, EA raped the employees at 2015, after they had done Allied Assault. And Allied Assault, was if I remember correctly - Not generic at all. It stood against RtCW, a lesser game in single player at least, but its overall pace and feeling was different.

Anyway... IW is created to spite EA, and to stick it to the big man.
Acti publishes. Acti buys IW, and COD goes through its round of looking inwards not evolving. The biggest leap this series ever made was going to Halo health in COD2. Didnt suit the game IMO.

Acti screws over IW, and the guys leave Acti to again stick it to the big man.

But they return to EA at Respawn. LOOOOOOOOOL. GODDAM LOL hypocracy, all over my face. I am sure the founders are basking in the capitalist game of playing favorites between the big pubs!

LOL...goodp point, which is why I didn't understand all the controversy when IW and Activision had their parting. None of these guys are broke or missing a meal. They'll just go somewhere else and start over and continue to get paid. It'n not they were from a low budget studio. <shrugs shoulders>


MrMister said:
Buzz off, I like the game and it was a damn quality experience. Treyarch did a great job after CoD3 and World at War.
Yeah no matter what you think of how their games stack up to IW's, you have to admit that Treyarch has stepped their game up.
Black Ops is well worth $60. It has a ton of content (all new campaign, TONS of multiplayer modes, Zombie mode, and top-down arcade) and actually takes substantial steps to address multiplayer problems with MW2.

It is very easy to name dozens and dozens of big-publisher games from the last year that are a much worse value at $60.

If Activision can manage to put out a release of this quality every year, I don't see the franchise failing. Shooter fans will happily pay the price.

Now, the $15 DLC, that stuff is complete assrape. 3 new maps and two recycled ones? THAT is the bad value.
Vigilant Walrus said:
Every new shooter will play like COD.

Before MW2 I had never heard of games being removed their release quarter to avoid getting released with another game.(MW2). Even games in other genres, for other target audiences.

Either gamers have become more hive minded, or else, developers are afraid to take risks and are getting paranoid.

You might as well play COD. What else would you play? Medal of Honor, Battlefield... They all play like COD now. There is nothing left. Your going to get the modern day play as a US/British thing versus USA unfavored places like China/Asian/Middle Eastern/Russian were the bad guys are always from.

And its boring. Why cant they just make a medival COD. That would be fun. a first person trainwreck through the 12 crusades! YES! Historical epic fun. Thats the game I would make. playing as both Mamuluks, Turks, Egyptians, Templar Order, the hospitaliers.

Man, that would be epic. or world war 1.

But devs wont make this for us. They are speaking down to us. It's insulting. Just imagine how different gameplay would be if you used world war 1 rifles. if you had to use bayonet for a large majority of the gameplay, and the large threats involved with mustard gasses. jesus christ. imagine how different level designs would have to be with levels in trenches.

man, COD is not a bad idea, but like Dynasty Warriors it needs to evolve. We didnt need MW2, we dont need Black Ops. COD4 was PLENTY of modern warfare. BF2 took its series to a modern day back in 05. it was old years ago.

And its all just raining on current world events, from a stupid B movie Steven segal perspective. terrorists are boring. they are boring villains and cant hold a candle to nazis. there I said it. nazis are better enemies than terrorists.

I see what you're getting at. They keep serving us from the kiddie menu and you'd like to see developers step up and offer some serious cuisine. But that involves risk, and risky IPs just don't do well. I could rant off the title of several games in the past few years that I thought were truly genre shaking and evolutionary, but the sales don't seem to reflect that. Look how CoD has changed the industry. Until until a few years ago, I had to juggle my gaming budget to get all the holiday hotness, but now EVERYTHING moves out of the way for CoD. There aren't many triple A titles coming for the rest of the year, as many have been bumped to Q1 2011. CoD is one of the franchises that has just become a juggernaut. It's the game that "everyone" is playing. It's is the very definition of mainstream. And as long as it sells like hotcakes, the madness will continue. And the bang for buck you get with multiplayer keeps the franchise in everyone machine playing constantly. People love this game and they WANT more of the same with incremental tweeks.

But on a side note, I'm actually liking the single player campaign story in Black Ops. The hold Cold Wars slant they're taking is VERY interesting to me.
Apharmd Battler said:
I see what you're getting at. They keep serving us from the kiddie menu and you'd like to see developers step up and offer some serious cuisine. But that involves risk, and risky IPs just don't do well. I could rant off the title of several games in the past few years that I thought were truly genre shaking and evolutionary, but the sales don't seem to reflect that. Look how CoD has changed the industry. Until until a few years ago, I had to juggle my gaming budget to get all the holiday hotness, but now EVERYTHING moves out of the way for CoD. There aren't many triple A titles coming for the rest of the year, as many have been bumped to Q1 2011. CoD is one of the franchises that has just become a juggernaut. It's the game that "everyone" is playing. It's is the very definition of mainstream. And as long as it sells like hotcakes, the madness will continue. And the bang for buck you get with multiplayer keeps the franchise in everyone machine playing constantly. People love this game and they WANT more of the same with incremental tweeks.

But on a side note, I'm actually liking the single player campaign story in Black Ops. The hold Cold Wars slant they're taking is VERY interesting to me.

And now you have made me intrigued. Something about the way you announce you like it, but without coming across like a madman. It's the best way to rile someone out of control down. Just whisper, and they will stop screaming, to hear what your saying.

Damn. I am sitting here reading this, feeling like I am going to have a nervous breakdown of some sort. Maybe I would actually really just like Black Ops, if I didn't overthink it. A bit like the Jersey Shore, becoming the scape goat for any behavior. "It's a jersey thing". Like that would excuse the termination of the jewish people under WW2. "Its a jersey thing says Hitler.

In the same way I see the BS errors in my ways of bringing down the game for something it can't help. CoD can't help it is Lady Gaga. And even Lady Gaga makes a few good songs(Bad Romance!). So maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I guess music artists have the advantage that it takes fewer people and resources to get high quality out there. To make a triple A 3D competently made visually stunning game full of impressive effects... It just takes much more than the creative spirit of a few people, making a band and uploading songs to Youtube.

I will denounce any remarks about anti COD people being hipsters. I will not accept that statement! I value mainstream. I value the good things we all can angree to enjoy - Like Gaming, Ben & Jerrys, and breathing fucking air!


gerg said:
And the series keeps on growing. I wonder whether the legs will be more front-loaded, though.

For the sake of comparison, what were the legs like for MW2?

Modern Warfare 2 was just in the top 10 for NPD recently.


A lot of butthurt activision haters in this thread

Black Ops is fantastic and shits all over MW2.

It's also a much better game than both BC2 and MoH (what a disaster of a game)


Diablohead said:
I am one of those 16%, sorry

Same. I rented Modern Warfare, skipped Modern Warfare 2, and hopped on the franchise again with Black Ops. I wish the resolution wasn't such crap on the ps3 version though.


So 2011 we'll be enjoying the sledgehammer call of duty. Maybe a fresh new look at the franchise and giving infinity ward some room to breath and regain some of their former strength. Then 2012 modern warfare 3 for world domination and Kotick running for president.


Felium Defensor
The crack of "hardcore" gamers ain't it? They just can't seem to get enough call of duty.
Crazy numbers.


Gold Member
_dementia said:

*insert a million YouTube vids of One Man Army Noobtube Extravaganza, Commando Invincibility Knife Lunge of Ascending Stairs/Crossing Rooftops Death, Supersoldier On Crack Lightweight, Akimbo Secondaries Bullshit, Modern Airfare, Boosting 101, Game Ending Nuke FTW, etc. Oh, and a spawn system that is terrible.

I don't get whats so bad in that video anyway. One of those guys should have just turned around and killed him.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Fularu said:
A lot of butthurt activision haters in this thread

Black Ops is fantastic and shits all over MW2.

It's also a much better game than both BC2 and MoH (what a disaster of a game)

Not true, but it's still fun. As a package it's better than BFBC2 though.


Played some of the campaign yesterday, fun as always, but too much scripted events, IMO.

I don't understand the hate for the series. It's not like the existence of COD makes your favorite games go away.


Call Of Duty is a franchise to be reckoned with. I'm still partial to Modern Warfare, but lets face it... anything with the COD name on it will sell bajillions.


About time for that subscription-based one. Audience ain't going anywhere in enough numbers to do shit to this thing cleaning up on subscription fees.
Wow, that's a metric fuckton of dinero.

Just when I thought, after MW2, that the franchise had probably reached its peak, Black Ops comes out swinging, shattering the previous CoD day one numbers.

I wonder how long can they keep like this.


Felium Defensor
SteelAttack said:
Wow, that's a metric fuckton of dinero.

Just when I thought, after MW2, that the franchise had probably reached its peak, Black Ops comes out swinging, shattering the previous CoD day one numbers.

I wonder how long can they keep like this.
Has every COD game outsold its predecessor? Cause that will be freaking crazy if it continues like this. Activision making a ton of cash off of this franchise; amazing business for them.


Kaako said:
The crack of "hardcore" gamers ain't it? They just can't seem to get enough call of duty.
Crazy numbers.

No not really. The gameplay of CoD appeals to more people as compared to say... CS. Its easy for anyone to pick up and play and do decently. And there is enough depth there for players who want to dominate every match as well. Its a good range that, for the most part, is pretty well balanced. Its also fast, leaving people with no downtime or a chance to get bored/stop playing, so its easily addictive. This is all on top of a working formula that does not (not yet) need to be changed, as it remains obviously very successful.

These things combined with an endless amount of content makes for what can only be a successful game, regardless of what you think of Activision's cow milking ways.
I hope they don't nerf Hardline on SAM and Sentry drops.

So GAF, is my Xbox about to get the RROD? It's a Jasper from September of last year, bought it new. It sits horizontally on top of my oXbox and beneath my Saturn, with about a half foot clearance on the back side and a PS2 fairly close to the bottom vents (on the right as it lays horizontally). Last night I'd been playing Black Ops for about two hours when suddenly I'm getting a shitty framerate - just horrible - every match. My buddies were playing in the same room in the same lobby and they were fine - definitely not lag.

When I restarted my Xbox it was fine?

So, am I about to Red Ring?


I was thinking of finally taking the plunge and buying a CoD game, never have before. I have a couple questions (I googled and got conflicting results..).

Is there splitscreen co-op for PS3? Offline or Online? Some sites say no, some say yes.
Is the splitscreen multi for PS3 online?

If those are my limiting factors, should I get this or another CoD?
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