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Bubblegum Crisis's 30th Anniversary

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I like both the original and 2040.
But the 80s one still has some outstanding animation.





Great series ... I've bought so many versions of it, including supporting the Blu-ray Kickstarter lol

The characters were great, the story is a bit choppy from the limited medium, but the core concepts are solid.

Priss, Sylvia, Leon ... Great characters. I love Leon with that boss sniper shot at the end lol

I should also say how much I love the Mecha designs ... I don't totally despise 2040, but what they did to the incredible Boomer designs is an abomination.
Just returned this a few months back. I've been a sucker for Cyberpunk ever since I was a kid an this anime pulled off the look and feel to tee.

Post Script: I still rock out to Mad Machine to this day!


Gawwwwd so much this.

Also, IIRC they robbed Priss of like, ALL her personality. Dunno if that changed later since I only made it halfway through the eps before I dropped it.

They turned Silia into a blubbering alcoholic. She's supposed to be the fucking leader!!!

The only anime remake I can think of that's even worse is Sol Bianca, where all the characters are basically drug addict versions of their original selves. All the fun was sucked out of that show and replaced with mental problems, drug abuse, alcohol addiction and parental abuse. Killer soundtrack though.


I watched it for the first time back in summer, and loved everything about it. I even bought the artbook bandai put out back in the day. It comes with a bunch of great art, and a poster.


I made this music video using footage of Vision's concert from episode 7 and the song "Burnin' in the third degree" from the Terminator soundtrack. I thought it was a perfect fit tonally.


Also, has anyone played the old pen and paper RPG? A digital copy of it came with the Kickstarter Blu-ray.


110 dollars the blu though. Can't afford that.

Was that for the barebones set or the premium set? I haven't seen a listing or completed sale for either in quite a while.

Edit: either way makes me even happier I kickstarted. I was like the 15th person or so to sign up haha. Jumped on it.


Kenichi Sonoda's art is so damn good. While i like 2040, it lost so much of that charm and personality with the new art direction.
Was that for the barebones set or the premium set? I haven't seen a listing or completed sale for either in quite a while.

Edit: either way makes me even happier I kickstarted. I was like the 15th person or so to sign up haha. Jumped on it.

Only the premium is still up to sale at animeigo site.


Watched it not too long ago. I thought some of the plots were a bit on the forgettable side but super strong visuals and a bangin soundtrack.

Were any of the follow-ups worth watching?
Eberybody seems to be forgetting AD Police, which imo (and as far as I can remember) was stronger than BGC on plot (also much darker and more violent), but much more forgettable on Mech Design and specially music score.

Anecdote: the 3rd ep (only 3 were produced) is -very- reminiscent of the script of Robocop 2. They were both released in 1990 (R2 in June, ADP 3 on Nov).

Edit: I wish the Blu Ray collection wasn't $110...


I've been enjoying checking on the blu-ray release the text that appears on the screens: they used artist's names, random lyrics, etc.

The soundtrack is great!
One of several animes of the period that didn't do well in Japan yet attained classic status in the US scene.

Love the characters, mecha and music in this series. The hardsuits in particular are excellent. Kenichi Sonoda was also at his peak during this period. Was more than happy to kickstart the bluray for this series and it turned out great.

It's a shame the series died before it was finished, though if Scoop Chase and Bubblegum Crash were any indication, perhaps it was a good thing... (Also wanna add that I'm happy they pussed out of killing Priss because Vision would have been a shitty replacement.) =P


GIFs encouraged, you say?!?!

I've actually been making a whole shitload of gifs and posting them to twitter, and when you go thru a show frame by frame you notice some things

Insert frames from when Sylia hits Mackie with a newspaper for staring at her cleavage:

A weird Thundercats cameo?!?!:

I've been putting them here as I make them, though I should warn you some of them give me epilepsy concerns
As good an excuse as any to post Panthro's incredible theme.



One of several animes of the period that didn't do well in Japan yet attained classic status in the US scene.

Love the characters, mecha and music in this series. The hardsuits in particular are excellent. Kenichi Sonoda was also at his peak during this period. Was more than happy to kickstart the bluray for this series and it turned out great.

It's a shame the series died before it was finished, though if Scoop Chase and Bubblegum Crash were any indication, perhaps it was a good thing... (Also wanna add that I'm happy they pussed out of killing Priss because Vision would have been a shitty replacement.) =P
I liked Scoop Chase. I recall liking BGC at first, but I'm not sure it holds up.


Love this show. The 80's vibe and a lot of the animation is spectacular.

The blu-ray kickstarter that Animeigo did was really a godsend. Already watched it a few times through since I got it.


I wish the studios involved hadn't fallen out partway through production. Wasn't there originally 12 or 13 episodes planned altogether but the studios had a major falling out after the 8th episode was completed so the whole project basically fell apart?

One of them tried to take some of the planned concepts and adapt them into Bubblegum Crash, but pretty much everything was a sharp downturn from Crisis, and it ended up leading to more troubles/animosity between the studios as well, possibly even legal action.


Damn $110 is no joke. Considering it though..
Yeah huh, just saw that. I remember getting it for like $60 and I wasn't even an official backer on Kickstarter, just like a "late supporter" through their website.

Honestly think I would still pay $110, though. The actual show combined with the great packaging and high quality transfer makes it worth it imo.

Yep. It debuted on February 25th, 1987, and still puts most modern animation productions to shame.


It also has one of the best soundtracks ever made. Each of the eight OVA episodes had its own soundtrack, and with damn good reason.

Konya Wa Hurricane
Mad Machine
Mister Dandy

I could go on and on and on. The music is all phenomenal.

Let's wax nostalgic, and pretend the remake never happened.






Gifs encouraged.
Something about this style of animation is comforting.


goddamn, I thought they were announcing a project to celebrate its 30th anniversary

Yeah this is why I came into this thread LOL.

TBH I've actually seen and enjoyed the 2040 TV series but never sat down to watch the OVAs. I actually own copies of the OVAs but I never got around to watching them. I should do that some time.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Watched it for the first time a couple years ago and was mixed on it. I thought the first episode was fantastic, the next couple after that were good, and then the back half kinda petered out.

Classic first ep. though.
Man Im old as fuck. I remember watching this as kid. This was probably the third anime I watched, first being Akira followed by Appleseed.
Man Im old as fuck. I remember watching this as kid. This was probably the third anime I watched, first being Akira followed by Appleseed.

LOL... You're old as fuck?!? I was buying the original subbed Animeigo VHS releases of these as each episode was released back in 1991-92. One tape per episode. $65 each tape... they released one a month or bi-monthly or something... or maybe I could only afford to buy one a month; I can't really remember LOL... my gateway anime for sure... I bought BGC ep. 1 and Akira the same day and I was never the same...


Yeah huh, just saw that. I remember getting it for like $60 and I wasn't even an official backer on Kickstarter, just like a "late supporter" through their website.

Honestly think I would still pay $110, though. The actual show combined with the great packaging and high quality transfer makes it worth it imo.

Well as of right now the $60 version only ships to Canada, so basically $110 for the Ultimate Edition or bust for me. I'm sure early on they were shipping the standard $60 version everywhere.


Boy oh boy, character assassination doesn't even BEGIN to describe BGC 2040.

Nene Romanova.




Priss Asagiri:



Sylia Stingray:



And possibly the most offensive, and that's saying something.

Daley, a police officer who just happens to be gay, but in no way defines his character.



If memory serves, they made him into a flaming caricature.

If there's one thing, and one thing ONLY I liked about 2040, the OP was pretty badass.
so... was that car really possessed?

reminded me of that 80's movie where the guy gets killed by a bunch of punks and then he come back from the dead and plays chicken one by one with a souped up car
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