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Bubblegum Crisis's 30th Anniversary

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The Orz

It would be pretty cool if they could continue off the OVAs one day, keeping the retro style and all.

You know that if they ever did this the majority of the actual Knight Sabers scenes would be CG, for better or worse. I'd still watch it, though. :_;
I think I have listened to the soundtrack of this way too many times since this thread got opened. To the point I might cave on that 110 blu ray.


It's a shame the series died before it was finished, though if Scoop Chase and Bubblegum Crash were any indication, perhaps it was a good thing...

Boo! How can you hate on Scoop Chase? If you think about it, letting Nene star in a light-hearted episode before the final story arc made perfect sense. Only problem was that the final story arc never got made.

Crash wasn't awful, artistically at least, and I liked the intro. It's just a shame that it was written as if the writers were completely unfamiliar with the original series.


If you live in Canada you can still buy the standard Blu-ray from their site. Not sure why they won't sell those copies to the US. It's the same region.
It's because AnimEigo uses fulfillment houses for deliveries to Canada and the UK/EU. The Canadian fulfillment house still has the basic edition in stock.
Good stuff. I remember first watching this fansubbed in 1987/88 or so. I was about 7 or 8 so it blew my mind. I picked up the bluray as a post-kickstarter backer around Dec '15, and I have the keychain on my keys to this day. They did a great job and as a result I have backed Otaku no Video and Riding Bean as well. I've been going back and listening to the music and loving it all over again.

Additionally, I managed to somehow find this artbook at a Half Price Books about a year and a half ago for $20



Does Crash hold up today? I haven't seen it since I first saw it yeaaaaars ago, but the OP song sounds amazing.

Crash didn't really hold up ever.

It's....Ok at best. But it was kinda rushed out to avoid legal problems I think, and the story was sort of a mish mash of leftover half-ideas for the remaining episodes of Crisis that never got made. The animation and designs were a noticeable step down as well.

The original English dub was hilariously bad though, even for a dub fan like me. For some reason they got an entirely new voice cast who all sounded like it was their first time voice acting. We're talking near Chaos Wars levels of bad.
Fortunately it was redubbed at some point with the original voice cast from the dub of Crisis.


Rewatched Tinsel City last night... I can't help but notice some continuity things.

Nene fights the female boomer, she dodges a blast, then she's gone?

Maybe Leon killed her?

Good stuff. I remember first watching this fansubbed in 1987/88 or so. I was about 7 or 8 so it blew my mind. I picked up the bluray as a post-kickstarter backer around Dec '15, and I have the keychain on my keys to this day. They did a great job and as a result I have backed Otaku no Video and Riding Bean as well. I've been going back and listening to the music and loving it all over again.

Additionally, I managed to somehow find this artbook at a Half Price Books about a year and a half ago for $20

Need more imagery!
Good stuff. I remember first watching this fansubbed in 1987/88 or so. I was about 7 or 8 so it blew my mind. I picked up the bluray as a post-kickstarter backer around Dec '15, and I have the keychain on my keys to this day. They did a great job and as a result I have backed Otaku no Video and Riding Bean as well. I've been going back and listening to the music and loving it all over again.

Additionally, I managed to somehow find this artbook at a Half Price Books about a year and a half ago for $20

Great artbook, picked that up on a Japan trip years ago. Love Sonoda's art.

And same on backing Otaku no Video and Riding Bean. Hadn't seen either of them in the past, Otaku was great and made me super nostalgic for the early days of anime fandom. Can't wait to see Riding Bean.


Great artbook, picked that up on a Japan trip years ago. Love Sonoda's art.

And same on backing Otaku no Video and Riding Bean. Hadn't seen either of them in the past, Otaku was great and made me super nostalgic for the early days of anime fandom. Can't wait to see Riding Bean.

I have VHSes of both, and neither are as great as BGC... but they have their moments. I just really dislike how OnV's story plays out.

Riding Bean is fun, but it's really uneven in the animation category. There'll be a few seconds of MIND BLOWING intricacy(like a car blowing apart with insane detail), then lots of cut corners for everything else.

The dub is absolutely god-awful. Fun to make fun of, but AnimEigo are the worst at dubbing, the only exception being Oh My Goddess.


The dub is absolutely god-awful. Fun to make fun of, but AnimEigo are the worst at dubbing, the only exception being Oh My Goddess.

Their Crusher Joe dub was really good, every character's voice fit, I prefer watching it with the English dub on it's that good.
Great artbook, picked that up on a Japan trip years ago. Love Sonoda's art.

And same on backing Otaku no Video and Riding Bean. Hadn't seen either of them in the past, Otaku was great and made me super nostalgic for the early days of anime fandom. Can't wait to see Riding Bean.

I had to back Otaku no Video, saw that unsubbed years ago before it was released here in the states. The american guy they interview is named after 2 acquaintences I knew in my anime club back in the 90's that worked for Gainax back in the day. They had some interesting stories to tell.


The voices fit. The direction is terrible.

I disagree, it wasn't handled by Animeigo's usual studio, it was handled by Coastal Recording, which did a lot of ADR for North Carolina based television productions, and has a polish to it other Animeigo dubs (Including Bubblegum Crisis and Riding Bean) don't usually have.

Here's a great take on it from ANN's Justin Sevakis:

AnimEigo's 1997 dub features a strangely soft spoken Michael Brady in the title role, and while I had a slight problem with his somewhat stiff portrayal of a young man who's clearly brash and headstrong, the dub overall is exemplary of the legacy of director Scott Houle and his studio Coastal Recording. For those new to the scene, Coastal was famous for its incredibly watchable English versions (apparently accomplished by requiring so many takes of its actors that the overtime pay drove them out of business) and its intelligent screenplays that rewrote just enough to feel truly like real dialogue. (Coastal also did ADR work for North Carolina area film and television productions, most notably Dawson's Creek.) The recording itself is strange, and without being an expert, I have a sense that the sort of mics and equalization used was intended to imitate the halting, warm sound of an old sci-fi show done on now-ancient analog equipment. The credits gleefully point out that Dongo the Robot's voice was, in fact, voiced by an aging Amiga 3000. For whatever faults it may have, that's the sort of attitude and attention to detail that went into a Coastal dub, and what makes them so missed today.

Is the A.D Police series any good? It's the only one I haven't seen yet.
It is good, but it's much darker tonally than Bubblegum Crisis. Expect way more of the 80's OVA blood, gore and casual misogyny that plagued 80's direct to video animation than what's in Bubblegum Crisis.
I disagree, it wasn't handled by Animeigo's usual studio, it was handled by Coastal Recording, which did a lot of ADR for North Carolina based television productions, and has a polish to it other Animeigo dubs (Including Bubblegum Crisis and Riding Bean) don't usually have.

Here's a great take on it from ANN's Justin Sevakis:

Are they going to include that on the re-release? I haven't seen any word on that.


I disagree, it wasn't handled by Animeigo's usual studio, it was handled by Coastal Recording, which did a lot of ADR for North Carolina based television productions, and has a polish to it other Animeigo dubs (Including Bubblegum Crisis and Riding Bean) don't usually have.

Here's a great take on it from ANN's Justin Sevakis:

Oh wait, you mean OnV? My bad, I never saw the dub. I was talking about Riding Bean.

Are they going to include that on the re-release? I haven't seen any word on that.

I'm sure it will, BGC included the dub too.


Are they going to include that on the re-release? I haven't seen any word on that.

Discotek is doing the re-release. I haven't heard if the dub will be included or not, but knowing Discotek almost always gets the existing dubs on their releases, I'd say it's highly likely. They've announced the dvd release as early this year, but the blu ray release should be coming as well. I assume they haven't announced the blu ray release yet since it just got released in Japan and the licensees are terrified of reverse imports.
Discotek is doing the re-release. I haven't heard if the dub will be included or not, but knowing Discotek almost always gets the existing dubs on their releases, I'd say it's highly likely. They've announced the dvd release as early this year, but the blu ray release should be coming as well. I assume they haven't announced the blu ray release yet since it just got released in Japan and the licensees are terrified of reverse imports.

Right, I wasn't sure if I had missed one of their tweets/facebook posts at this point where they mentioned the dub. It sucks that they have to wait so long on the bluray, feels almost pointless to do a DVD release knowing the bluray is coming and that it looks so damn good at that. :/


GIFs encouraged, you say?!?!

I've actually been making a whole shitload of gifs and posting them to twitter, and when you go thru a show frame by frame you notice some things

Insert frames from when Sylia hits Mackie with a newspaper for staring at her cleavage:

A weird Thundercats cameo?!?!:

I've been putting them here as I make them, though I should warn you some of them give me epilepsy concerns

Slick loops here:



The shading, I just can't.


Lol at the text, I noticed this last night.

Humble request for some Scoop Chase or Revenge Road if you get to them before I do. ;)


Lol at the text, I noticed this last night.

Haha, yeah, that was one of the first things I noticed when I first watched the OVA over twenty years ago.

Canonically, Budweiser diversifies into developing police hardware HUDs in fifteen years, I guess.

Humble request for some Scoop Chase or Revenge Road if you get to them before I do. ;)

Oh definitely. I plan on doing each episode and Scoop Chase is probably my favorite.

In the meantime... well, I did make this one years ago after the japanese BD release



I've heard it's very good. It's also REALLY dark.

I found the tone slightly weird to be honest. Maybe it's just me, but the AD Police anime seemed to have a slightly misogynistic tone to it. Strangely, more so than its source manga despite the stories being adapted from there. It completely lost the humour that was present in the manga too (as well as a funny cameo from the Knight Sabres).


Just thought I'd add, for anyone interested in AD. Police, the manga stories that I assume were the basis for the first and third episodes of OVA series are in AD. Police 25:00, not the AD. Police manga that was released in English by Viz. Unfortunately it was only released in Japan, but that's no problem since it's bilingual! The English isn't great but it's good enough.

I'd recommend both manga to anyone interested; they're both still plenty violent but IMO they fit better with the tone of Bubblegum Crisis than the OVAs did (plus, bonus Knight Sabre nudity in 25:00, not that anyone would be interested in that sort of thing...).
I tried going back and watching this but for the life of me I can't remember if I first watched it in English or Japanese. Its throwing my nostalgia off.


I tried going back and watching this but for the life of me I can't remember if I first watched it in English or Japanese. Its throwing my nostalgia off.

If you make it past the first line of any dubbed song, you're a braver soul than I. What they did to Mr. Dandy saddens me.
Wow it really sucks the basic blu Ray is Canada-only. The premium set looks cool, but $110 is a lot for something I've never seen and know very little about. How is the dvd quality?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Never seen a Bubblegum Crisis show, but I'm sooooooo into the nostalgia for 80s and 90s cyberpunk anime lately. I should probably give this a shot.
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