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CFA response to anti-gay alleg. "Guilty as charged." Do NOT gloat about eating at CFA

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Biblical values my fucking arse -

Biblical Values : we will abide by shit that doesn't affect our lives personally in any sort of way. Huzzah. It's religion for cowards, time and time again, believing and espousing on the shit that means FUCK ALL to their daily lives in any meaningful way yet going super-saijin on selective parts of the bible.

Huh? What? Sex before marriage? I think that's all down to interpretation - i think what God meant to say was um.... well, he definitely didn't mean i shouldn't be having sex. I can tell you that!

Simple - let's all get behind the bible - no gay marriage? then lets have no sex before marriage for anyone. Biblical values and all that.

Triple U

Biblical values my fucking arse -

Biblical Values : we will abide by shit that doesn't affect our lives personally in any sort of way. Huzzah. It's religion for cowards, time and time again, believing and espousing on the shit that means FUCK ALL to their daily lives in any meaningful way yet going super-saijin on selective parts of the bible.

Huh? What? Sex before marriage? I think that's all down to interpretation - i think what God meant to say was um.... well, he definitely didn't mean i shouldn't be having sex. I can tell you that!

Simple - let's all get behind the bible - no gay marriage? then lets have no sex before marriage for anyone. Biblical values and all that.

I don't see what the hell you are talking about, seems like this post is you just seizing an opportunity to bash the bible.

What about those who don't do sex before marriage and all that?


I don't see what the hell you are talking about, seems like this post is you just seizing an opportunity to bash the bible.

What about those who don't do sex before marriage and all that?

Far fewer amount then those who identify as Christians who are against gay marriage. I know one couple personally that did it. One. And most "cheat" by getting married really early.
Far fewer amount then those who identify as Christians who are against gay marriage. I know one couple personally that did it. One. And most "cheat" by getting married really early.

Umm, putting aside all of the other issues here, but you're wrong. The purity movement is insanely huge.


Umm, putting aside all of the other issues here, but you're wrong. The purity movement is insanely huge.

Define huge. There's a lot who agree with it, but most fail. I would bet most young people who are against gay marriage do not practice it. Hell, I bet the majority of people who say they believe in God don't believe in that. It's such a large number.
Define huge. There's a lot who agree with it, but most fail. I would bet most young people who are against gay marriage do not practice it. Hell, I bet the majority of people who say they believe in God don't believe in that. It's such a large number.

We were talking about advocating standards, not meeting them. There are lots of closeted self hating anti gay preachers and politicians too. What matters here is their religious consistency I thought.


The purity movement is huge but hilariously most people I know who wait for sex till their married, basically get married to have sex, then just divorce.

I definitely think some people treat marriage the way a lot of people treat dating these days. As a time where they experience sex. You see it especially in the south where the divorce rate is so much higher. Serial monogamy is a big issue there.
And his " wife's" account, did he even have a wife?

yes.... and you're being an idiot.

If you seriously doubt my existence, ask D&D GAF. I don't care either way. You just seem so small and petty.

For the rest of you.....

I will say this - yes, you are funding pro-traditional marriage by supporting ChickFilA. I support your right to protest. I also support Chick Fil A's right to donate their money as they see fit. Ultimately, they are a business and will do what makes business boom.

My question is -- are you going to boycott big oil because oil primarily originates from countries that execute homosexuals? How strong is your conviction? How far are you willing to go? Thus far, I'm not impressed.
yes.... and you're being an idiot.

If you seriously doubt my existence, ask D&D GAF. I don't care either way. You just seem so small and petty.

For the rest of you.....

I will say this - yes, you are funding pro-traditional marriage by supporting ChickFilA. I support your right to protest. I also support Chick Fil A's right to donate their money as they see fit. Ultimately, they are a business and will do what makes business boom.

My question is -- are you going to boycott big oil because oil primarily originates from countries that execute homosexuals? How strong is your conviction? How far are you willing to go? Thus far, I'm not impressed.

Once again an argument that has been rehashed 1000x. Our greatest source of foreign oil is from Canada who I believe supports gay marriage. Try again.
I read his posts on abortions. I think one time he basically called doctors who performed abortions murders or something that made me want to hit him in the head with a stick repeatedly.

Well technically they aren't murderers. That's a legal definition. They do, however, kill without morality. Since I know he understands the difference, please don't lie.

It's crap to talk about someone when they can't respond back.
Well technically they aren't murderers. That's a legal definition. They do, however, kill without morality. Since I know he understands the difference, please don't lie.

It's crap to talk about someone when they can't respond back.
No, they don't. Who are you, his wife? It would explain things

It's really crap to call OB/GYBNs murders when he knew its a lie.
My question is -- are you going to boycott big oil because oil primarily originates from countries that execute homosexuals? How strong is your conviction? How far are you willing to go? Thus far, I'm not impressed.

It's a contributor but no, in the U.S., they are not our primary source at all.
No, they don't. Who are you, his wife? It would explain things

Nope, I totally don't exist. Asshole.

(yes, they do. So there. HAH.)

Advantage - Kamikaze


Not all abortionists are OB/GYNs... There's a huge difference between killing and murder. Again, do you need the legal definition? Perhaps a dictionary? Do you even know what a dictionary is?
Not all abortionists are OB/GYNs... There's a huge difference between killing and murder. Again, do you need the legal definition? Perhaps a dictionary? Do you even know what a dictionary is?
I think you need to learn the difference between a human life and fetus.

Oh after reading your post history and the Tiller I can see I'm dealing with somene lacking any legal training or understanding of the law.


yes.... and you're being an idiot.

If you seriously doubt my existence, ask D&D GAF. I don't care either way. You just seem so small and petty.

For the rest of you.....

I will say this - yes, you are funding pro-traditional marriage by supporting ChickFilA. I support your right to protest. I also support Chick Fil A's right to donate their money as they see fit. Ultimately, they are a business and will do what makes business boom.

My question is -- are you going to boycott big oil because oil primarily originates from countries that execute homosexuals? How strong is your conviction? How far are you willing to go? Thus far, I'm not impressed.

You revived the thread for more of this shit?

Well, I'm not gonna be going out of my way to try to impress you, I'll tell you that.


good credit (by proxy)
I don't see what the hell you are talking about, seems like this post is you just seizing an opportunity to bash the bible.

What about those who don't do sex before marriage and all that?
If gay marriage isn't legal, why should sex before marriage be? That's a far bigger problem than anything having to do with gays if you look at the size of the demographics. Christians that want their religion as law need to quit being huge fucking douchebag hypocrites. It's not that they actually give a shit (since it doesn't affect them at all), they just want to feel superior to others.


Clearly since you have a finite understanding of the English language, perhaps you should enlighten us in this clearly off topic conversation?

But make sure chickens are involved.

Fact: In the early stages of human development, scientists can safely merge two or more zygotes without actually killing any cells.

Premise: Life begins at conception, ergo a zygote must be a person and two zygotes must be two people.

Scenario: Scientists merge two zygotes into one. No cells are killed. You began with two people, and end up with one. Where did this missing person go?

There is no scientific basis for life beginning at conception. It's a purely theological construction. Trying to impose theological basis for legislation is tantamount to religious fundamentalism.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Once again an argument that has been rehashed 1000x. Our greatest source of foreign oil is from Canada who I believe supports gay marriage. Try again.
I did some quick fact-checking. The US uses about 19 million barrels of oil per day. Of this, approximately 2 million is imported from Canada and around 1 million from Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Venezuela each (though it obviously fluctuates). The gay rights policies of these countries are obviously quite diverse. But even if Saudi Arabia supplied almost all of our oil, I don't think that the answer is obvious. At some point you have to ask yourself if you're causing more harm if, in the process of boycotting oil consumption, you're merely perpetuating other problems, the most obvious of which is the disruption of the medical industry, leading to the deaths of many lives which could be saved. But for some reason KamikazeChick seems more interested in debating abortion than addressing this topic.


yes.... and you're being an idiot.

If you seriously doubt my existence, ask D&D GAF. I don't care either way. You just seem so small and petty.

For the rest of you.....

I will say this - yes, you are funding pro-traditional marriage by supporting ChickFilA. I support your right to protest. I also support Chick Fil A's right to donate their money as they see fit. Ultimately, they are a business and will do what makes business boom.

My question is -- are you going to boycott big oil because oil primarily originates from countries that execute homosexuals? How strong is your conviction? How far are you willing to go? Thus far, I'm not impressed.

You bumped the thread after five days for this? Nice knowing you.


Most obvious sockpuppet ever. Same retreaded oil argument that's been brought up and shot down before.

Blanketing your posts in thesaurus-fueled words doesn't make it any more convincing, either.


Rodent Whores
Or just sockpuppet the stuff he was banned for so we get to hear it all over again.
Perhaps, especially since there were a couple more posts than I would have liked that strayed off topic. But there was also additional goading from other parties. Either way, I'd tend to give her the benefit of the doubt and give it a pass due to temporarily inflamed passions, as long as it doesn't get further off topic and out of hand.

Anyway in other CFA-related news, the guys who painted "Tastes like Hate" on the Torrence CFA got arrested.


Perhaps, especially since there were a couple more posts than I would have liked that strayed off topic. But there was also additional goading from other parties. Either way, I'd tend to give her the benefit of the doubt and give it a pass due to temporarily inflamed passions, as long as it doesn't get further off topic and out of hand
What goading?


My roommates and I are making the Chik-Fil-Gay recipe this weekend for my birthday. Never had CFA before and now never will. This will be a fun experiment, but I won't have a point of comparison. Still excited. :p
I'm not the one who brought it up. I sometimes read and lurk. Mostly to chuckle. I don't generally see a point in arguing because no amount of civil discourse will lend to change on a board where there is no balance.

Manos clearly doesn't understand that I don't care what he thinks. I haven't made an argument one way or another on *anything* except to point out that he doesn't know how to read.

Mostly, I just think people are tards for picking on someone who cannot defend himself. Down here, we call that bullying. It is hateful. Anyone engaging in it while complaining about hate groups is ultimately a hypocrite.

Buenas noches.


Anyway in other CFA-related news, the guys who painted "Tastes like Hate" on the Torrence CFA got arrested.



"I didn’t use violence. I used paint. Artists for centuries have expressed their opinions through this medium and I am no different," he said. "I am happy to pay for the costs of repainting the wall, but I am not — nor will I ever be — happy to sit quietly at the back of the bus."

I'm not the one who brought it up. I sometimes read and lurk. Mostly to chuckle. I don't generally see a point in arguing because no amount of civil discourse will lend to change on a board where there is no balance.

Manos clearly doesn't understand that I don't care what he thinks. I haven't made an argument one way or another on *anything* except to point out that he doesn't know how to read.

Mostly, I just think people are tards for picking on someone who cannot defend himself. Down here, we call that bullying. It is hateful. Anyone engaging in it while complaining about hate groups is ultimately a hypocrite.

Buenas noches.

Have fun back at Freerepublic once again and tell your "husband" we all said hi and to try and read a science book one day.


good credit (by proxy)
Lol at jd's wife calling manos an idiot and an asshole. so once she's banned are they going to make a new alt for anytime jd is mentioned on gaf?

Demon Ice

If gay marriage isn't legal, why should sex before marriage be? That's a far bigger problem than anything having to do with gays if you look at the size of the demographics. Christians that want their religion as law need to quit being huge fucking douchebag hypocrites. It's not that they actually give a shit (since it doesn't affect them at all), they just want to feel superior to others.

Yep. Christians are so picky and choosy over which verses in the Bible they actually want to follow. Hell, even Chick Fil A serves pork products, which the Bible bans (The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses. Deuteronomy 14:8). I wonder if they enforce cleanliness and grooming rules for their employees? Shaving is forbidden in Leviticus 19:27. Polyester in the uniforms? Forbidden in Leviticus 19:19.

People make a huge deal about the fact that CFA is closed on Sundays, as if that singular fact proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are a "biblical" company. In reality that's just another one of the rules from the Bible that they arbitrarily handpicked and decided to follow, and they did so because it's very visible. There's nothing special about CFA's brand of homophobic bigotry. They are just as hypocritical as any other bible thumper you'd see on a street corner yelling about how we're all going to hell.

On a lighter note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ephh9J5BWQ


Yep. Christians are so picky and choosy over which verses in the Bible they actually want to follow. Hell, even Chick Fil A serves pork products, which the Bible bans (The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses. Deuteronomy 14:8). I wonder if they enforce cleanliness and grooming rules for their employees? Shaving is forbidden in Leviticus 19:27. Polyester in the uniforms? Forbidden in Leviticus 19:19.

People make a huge deal about the fact that CFA is closed on Sundays, as if that singular fact proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are a "biblical" company. In reality that's just another one of the rules from the Bible that they arbitrarily handpicked and decided to follow, and they did so because it's very visible. There's nothing special about CFA's brand of homophobic bigotry. They are just as hypocritical as any other bible thumper you'd see on a street corner yelling about how we're all going to hell.

On a lighter note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ephh9J5BWQ
Oh look another person trying to apply mosaic law to Christians. Nice try.


Yep. Christians are so picky and choosy over which verses in the Bible they actually want to follow. Hell, even Chick Fil A serves pork products, which the Bible bans (The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses. Deuteronomy 14:8). I wonder if they enforce cleanliness and grooming rules for their employees? Shaving is forbidden in Leviticus 19:27. Polyester in the uniforms? Forbidden in Leviticus 19:19.

People make a huge deal about the fact that CFA is closed on Sundays, as if that singular fact proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are a "biblical" company. In reality that's just another one of the rules from the Bible that they arbitrarily handpicked and decided to follow, and they did so because it's very visible. There's nothing special about CFA's brand of homophobic bigotry. They are just as hypocritical as any other bible thumper you'd see on a street corner yelling about how we're all going to hell.

On a lighter note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ephh9J5BWQ

I think you watch the west wing too much. you're reading from the wrong book.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Doesn't matter what book he's reading from, his point still stands. There are plenty of other valid examples he could have used.

Religious nuts still arbitrarily choose which rules and tenants they are going to shove down everyone's throats and which conveniently don't matter.

Ha at the jdub sock puppet soap opera though. Really just popped up out of the woodwork. You think he just lurks on his alts waiting for his name to get mentioned? Lmao.
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