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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless


Okay, with the Cap Falcon sale on comixology, what precisely is worth money from that? There's like 3 different series, then one with the Avengers, and then some old stuff, it seems.

Also, for the Rai sale, do I need to grab anything other than the digital "trades" to have all I need from the current universe from that sale? (Planning on going in on whatever I can for the new Valiant Universe that goes on sale thanks to Launchpad's longstanding suggestions).
I read a little of the Rick Remender solo run, couldn't really get into it, it was a bit too serious those first 2 or so issues.
I'm loving the Nick Spencer stuff though.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd forgotten that Sam had been Cap for so long. I thought it just started with the Spencer run.

I guess that forgives him being a wolf for as long as he was.
Think I'm finally gonna dive in and get the Scalped hardcovers when vol.4 drops next week. That just leaves vol.5 at the end of August. Never read the series, but I've wanted to for a while.


Saw this Hero Initiative auction on Ebay..figured I would give it a shot.

Batman 66 licensing art - Brett Breeding inking over reproduced blueline pencils by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.



Okay, let me boil down my question to this: The "Captain America and the Mighty Avengers" series that's on sale, and that older "Captain America and Falcon", are those especially good? Or not particularly worth it?

Also, gah, really waffling back and forth on if I want to say screw it and just grab Knights of Sidonia digitally or stick to my plan to eventually just grab it in print. Have a few print volumes and I don't really do digital manga, but I also do kind of feel like it wouldn't hurt to give it the punt to digital, as I found the first volume kind of eh and the other work I'd read from him, Biomega, was incredibly meh (it's super duper pretty but in my opinion that was the only thing it had going for it).

On that matter, actually, is there any way to figure out how long a sale is running, at least on the browser version of Comixology? Really bugs me that that information isn't provided on the sale page...


Okay, let me boil down my question to this: The "Captain America and the Mighty Avengers" series that's on sale, and that older "Captain America and Falcon", are those especially good? Or not particularly worth it?

Also, gah, really waffling back and forth on if I want to say screw it and just grab Knights of Sidonia digitally or stick to my plan to eventually just grab it in print. Have a few print volumes and I don't really do digital manga, but I also do kind of feel like it wouldn't hurt to give it the punt to digital, as I found the first volume kind of eh and the other work I'd read from him, Biomega, was incredibly meh (it's super duper pretty but in my opinion that was the only thing it had going for it).

On that matter, actually, is there any way to figure out how long a sale is running, at least on the browser version of Comixology? Really bugs me that that information isn't provided on the sale page...

It's on the banner. Ends 29/4

I read Wierdworld #5 loved this issue and series. Looks like #6 is the end if the teaser on the last page is to be believed. I am kind of glad it can end like this and be self contained. It's set up for a nice ending too. Gonna miss this book :(


It's on the banner. Ends 29/4

I read Wierdworld #5 loved this issue and series. Looks like #6 is the end if the teaser on the last page is to be believed. I am kind of glad it can end like this and be self contained. It's set up for a nice ending too. Gonna miss this book :(

For whatever reason that doesn't seem to pop up if you go to it from the sales page, frustratingly. Seemingly only is there if you click from the home page. Which is either dumb design or something's screwy with my browser set-up, not sure which. Still, at least now I know I can do the roundabout of going to the home page and then clicking on the sale to find out, so thanks for that!

Edit: And that doesn't work for Knights of Sidonia as it doesn't have a front page link, so I don't know how long that sale runs. :(


Okay, with the Cap Falcon sale on comixology, what precisely is worth money from that? There's like 3 different series, then one with the Avengers, and then some old stuff, it seems.

Also, for the Rai sale, do I need to grab anything other than the digital "trades" to have all I need from the current universe from that sale? (Planning on going in on whatever I can for the new Valiant Universe that goes on sale thanks to Launchpad's longstanding suggestions).

Those three trades cover everything


I'm looking at my next IST order to be made and i'm thinking of picking up a couple of the next Fables Deluxe books I still need, the Dr. Strange by aaron HC vol. 1 as a blind buy WW earth one and thinking of getting that AoA Twillight book to round out my AoA collection. I actually never read that new AoA stuff, is it alright as a blind buy?

I just saw the whole War of Kings, Emperor Vulcan, Kingbreaker and all those tie in's are getting an Omnibus later in the year. I'm probably in the minority but I loved all that stuff, always a fan of Havok and getting him in Marvel Cosmic for awhile was awesome stuff for me. I'm just disappointed with my first omnibus (AoA) quality and now i'm hesitant to pick that up. I also saw Infinite Crisis is finally getting an Absolute edition. I know it had some silly moments but i'm still down for that collection.


So, I read a couple of issues of Cry Havoc. Yeah, I'm not a fan.

The reveal of Lou's pregnancy got me to assume the worst with where the story was headed, but then Spurrier had her end up shacking up with some dude who was stalking her. Even though, up until it was oh so conviniently retconned with no reinforcement of certain negative stereotypes of queer women whatsoever, she was presented and self-identified as a lesbian.
It was otherwise a pretty weird and questionable story anyway (especially with how it seemed to treat its non-white characters), but the above really took me out of it.

Also, hey. I'm back, I guess.


I loved that A-Force #4 looped back to the reason Dazzler changed her look and attitude from Special Agent Dazzler to her current darker look. Nice to see that bit from Uncanny X-Men isn't getting left behind. What Mystique did was fucked up. Pretty sure this will end with Dazzler messing her up.

Sad Jorge Molina is leaving the book. He did amazing art.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
So, I read a couple of issues of Cry Havoc. Yeah, I'm not a fan.

The reveal of Lou's pregnancy got me to assume the worst with where the story was headed, but then Spurrier had her end up shacking up with some dude who was stalking her. Even though, up until it was oh so conviniently retconned with no reinforcement of certain negative stereotypes of queer women whatsoever, she was presented and self-identified as a lesbian.
It was otherwise a pretty weird and questionable story anyway (especially with how it seemed to treat its non-white characters), but the above really took me out of it.

Also, hey. I'm back, I guess.

Yeah that was definitely a strange leap for Spurrier to make. I'm still loving the series overall though.


The Revenant was okay, reminded me of a cross between frozen tundra national geographic special and the beginning of the Tomb Raider reboot where Lara gets the crap kicked out of her and ends up with a metal piece through her leg and she just soldiers on.


Where have you been, Nudull? You missed Secret Wars and ANAD. We thought you were eaten by ghosts.

Busy training and increasing my power levels at a local comic book store until I made clerk. My crew's made up almost entirely of women and fellow transgender folks, so that was extra cool.

Surprised no one made a Berganza thread. I've been thinking about it. The story is spreading.

Pretty fucked up that CBR dumped the story and sent it to die in the middle of the night.


Lemire and Perez are fine finished on All New Hawkeye as of #6. Is that book cancelled?? Has been a complete shit show since fraction left.
As well as the fact that DC knew, but his friends in charge didn't care.
So from what I hear they put him in a rehabilitation program and he passed. The biggest problem is that DC's "solution" is to have him only work with male writers. We don't know if he still harasses women after the rehabilitation but at this point it's too late to fire him unless DC and WB want to get sued.
Busy training and increasing my power levels at a local comic book store until I made clerk. My crew's made up almost entirely of women and fellow transgender folks, so that was extra cool.

Do they pay you in comics?

The current Superman edition being a sexual harasser.

Oh, that kind of thing is old hat at DC. They protect their creepers.

Based on what Marvel has said I'm expecting a Kate Bishop book to show up soon.

All of my want. AmeriKate one step closer to real.



What have they said.

Contact Annie Wu.

At the same time Marvel said we were getting Jessica Jones they said a Kate book was going to happen and it's only a matter of when. With Hawkeye disappearing I'm expecting a Kate book to come out relatively soon.


At the same time Marvel said we were getting Jessica Jones they said a Kate book was going to happen and it's only a matter of when. With Hawkeye disappearing I'm expecting a Kate book to come out relatively soon.

This pleases me as Clint fucking sucks and I absolutely love Kate.
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