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COMICS!!! |OT| March Harley Quinn does the Banana Splits

I've loved all the Hickman stuff I've read so far, got his FF run, avengers/secret wars run, SHIELD, all the Black Monday issues and read some of his ultimate universe stuff. Still need to get his Secret Warriors run and East is West when I get chance.

Ah dude, Secret Warriors is incredible, my favourite of his stuff at Marvel, and that is all pretty high quality as it is. You'll appreciate it especially if you enjoyed SHIELD. East of West is awesome too, although I've been letting more than one vol stack up at a time before reading more and more with the series. I enjoy it but I like to have a really big wedge to dig into, I didn't feel satisfied with just an arc at a time. You've got some of his best work ahead of you. It petered out a little towards the end for me, not sure about what other folks felt, but The Manhattan Projects was really strong for most of it's run too.

Read through volume 1 of The Goddammed. Jeez man, that is a dark dark book, maybe the darkest I've read in some time. Initially I was worried after #1 that all the book would be was violence and vulgarity but as you go on, the themes become pretty prevalent. Aaron has some pretty interesting thoughts of our nature to be led and our urge to lead and then some. Guera's art was red hot, the colours really did it justice and keep clarity to the scenes which was something I went back and forth on with Scalped. I would cautiously recommend the book but only to those who are fully aware of the subject matter, more specifically the tone and somewhat nihilistic bent to it and are interested anyway. There are small glimmers of hope and a lot to consider, but it'd be a lie to say it isn't a dark as hell book. Not for everyone, but I'll be there for vol 2.


And in regards of Agents of SHIELD: I am always just weired out that this book exists. I mean, if people like it and the guys and gals in it, more power to them, but everytime Coulson and his TV Squad shows up anywhere I am totally weired out. It feels super wrong. I have done my peace with Fury Jr. and this point, he doesnt appear anywhere anyway so there is no harm done, but Coulson appears from time to time in other books and Its always done super awful. I like that he is a Superhero Geek and knows every date of every superfight and I like when they have issues revolving around that like when he wrote Fanfics about Ms. Marvel, but I have due the movies a expection about Coulson and I have never read a comic book where I thought that I have seen him done right. Maybe I have to finally watch the show, but I really dont like this book. Its super weird.

I quite enjoy that book, but the pacing keeps getting derailed by events.

I have not really made my peace with Fury Jr - it still feels ludicrous that anyone respects him - but Coulson et al having 616 equivalents feels fine to me.
Hmm, might just wait for them at my library first then.

I'd say it's worth buying for the art alone. When he's not being a perv, Shirow can draw a badass Motoko.
Ah dude, Secret Warriors is incredible, my favourite of his stuff at Marvel, and that is all pretty high quality as it is. You'll appreciate it especially if you enjoyed SHIELD. East of West is awesome too, although I've been letting more than one vol stack up at a time before reading more and more with the series. I enjoy it but I like to have a really big wedge to dig into, I didn't feel satisfied with just an arc at a time. You've got some of his best work ahead of you. It petered out a little towards the end for me, not sure about what other folks felt, but The Manhattan Projects was really strong for most of it's run too.

I totally forgot about Manhattan Projects, will need to pick that up as well. Have a feeling it will be really up my street with the elements of science and history mixed in. I just find I never get round to picking up stories that have either finished or are ongoing with a lot of issues already. I can never be bothered getting the single graphic novel volumes and always forget to save up for the bigger collected editions.Took me long enough to pick up each volume of his FF story. That's why I'm glad I'm on Black Monday from the beginning. I actually got the first issue of east of west on release as well, but didn't carry on from there for some reason.

I wish Hickman would come to a UK con, I've managed to meet a lot of writers who I wanted to over the past few years Gillen, Remender, Snyder, Aaron, John Allison, Stan the man and hopefully be meeting Brian K Vaughan this year but Hickman never seems to come over here.
It's like the worse version of ASB.

Sadly the art is not the problem with ASB at the moment. I love a lot of Snyders work but he is definitely not firing on all cylinders in that one.

Seems to be a current comic trend at the moment of swapping artists around on a series every few issues. I really don't like it, I can understand for some with double shipping on DC but I don't get Marvels excuse. It just becomes really apparent when your reading back runs if the artists are all over the show.


I started reading the current Captain America run and I'm not sure if I like it.
Its not just the Cap being effectively brainwashed by the Red Skull bit, the whole thing is just not clicking with me.

Also has the Red Skull always been affiliated with Hydra?
Maybe I just don't know my Cap history very well but I kinda assumed he was he own thing usually.
I totally forgot about Manhattan Projects, will need to pick that up as well. Have a feeling it will be really up my street with the elements of science and history mixed in. I just find I never get round to picking up stories that have either finished or are ongoing with a lot of issues already. I can never be bothered getting the single graphic novel volumes and always forget to save up for the bigger collected editions.Took me long enough to pick up each volume of his FF story. That's why I'm glad I'm on Black Monday from the beginning. I actually got the first issue of east of west on release as well, but didn't carry on from there for some reason.

It's honestly pretty awesome, some of the stuff he comes up with is hilarious, he really works his funny bone. I'd say even the older stuff is well worth checking out but I'd wager it's not as universally accessible, I could see even a big fan of his modern stuff not being into the style of Nightly News or Pax Romana. I'm quite happy doing the regular six issue volumes and I shudder to be a proponent, but have you considered digital? You can probably catch up on that stuff pretty cheap if you pick the right time. Not really my field of expertise though.

That feeling when you see "superstar" and "Greg Land" together:

I'm not particularly opposed to individual artists per issue if it makes sense aka one and dones or something like Zero where it very much complimented the story being told. For this though, I dunno. We don't really have a grasp on the story being told yet. If it's passing through dimensions or something issue to issue it could make sense.

Holy shit Caliph, lol


That Land still has a thriving career in the industry is truly one of the great mysteries of the universe.

He traces without shame and without consequence.
And people still buy it.


Didn't Ales Kot do different artist for each issue of Zero?

I love the idea. and I love being introduced to new artists, or even highlighting new talent. But Greg Land is an automatic no buy from me.


Honestly Greg land aside the different artist thing could and is a nice, if it like Zero, Scarlet witch, or like grant Morrison maxiseries it will be fine.


I have Marvel unlimited so any recommendations for stuff to read.

Anything really but I'm mostly in a weird mood between Cosmic and Street level crime stories.


I have Marvel unlimited so any recommendations for stuff to read.

Anything really but I'm mostly in a weird mood between Cosmic and Street level crime stories.

Nextwave or X-Statix (neither of which are cosmic or street level, but you did say anything)
Different artists is fine as long as they're good. Multiversity had a fantastic set of artists for each oneshot, and it made sense in the story. BPRD does a great job with different artists for the various arcs in Hell on Earth too.

I just don't think GREG LAND is one you want to highlight in a setup like that. Get some really great artists who probably couldn't commit to a full-time monthly comic... So not Greg Land who is known for delivering everything on time (for a reason).
Slowly ruining something I am very excited for.
It's like the worse version of ASB since they can't even get one artist per arc. Also the book is now delayed one month.
I started reading the current Captain America run and I'm not sure if I like it.
Its not just the Cap being effectively brainwashed by the Red Skull bit, the whole thing is just not clicking with me.

Also has the Red Skull always been affiliated with Hydra?
Maybe I just don't know my Cap history very well but I kinda assumed he was he own thing usually.
His own thing. He's just using Hydra as a new platform.
Why are you so down on Greg Land guys

Because I love seeing my superheroes rubbing one out in the corner


I have Marvel unlimited so any recommendations for stuff to read.

Anything really but I'm mostly in a weird mood between Cosmic and Street level crime stories.

The new Black Widow series is supposed to be really good, which could technically be considered "Street Level". I also recommend checking out the Fraction/Brubaker Immortal Iron Fist series if your interested in probably the best Iron Fist story ever lol. Im currently reading Daredevil starting with Kevin Smiths run, which begins at #1, then going into Bendis and finally Brubaker.

For Cosmic stuff, Id check out Abnett's Guardians and or Nova. Which will lead you into Annihilation and War of Kings.

I've loved all the Hickman stuff I've read so far, got his FF run, avengers/secret wars run, SHIELD, all the Black Monday issues and read some of his ultimate universe stuff. Still need to get his Secret Warriors run and East is West when I get chance.

Highly recommend checking out Secret Warriors. If only Agents of SHIELD had the budget to pull off this. Such a good series that doesnt rely on reading anything else besides some stuff that sets up the book. Really wish Marvel wouldnt run these guys off. Hickman did some really awesome work when he was at Marvel. East of West has potential but I havent read very much of it yet.
Real talk is why no Adi Granov issue. Then we're half way to a young guns reunion.

I personally recommend Sir Kaare Andrews Iron Fist for some grounded Street level action and then Jason Aaron's Thanos series for some cosmic action with subtly. Pretty sure everyone likes both of these.


The new Black Widow series is supposed to be really good, which could technically be considered "Street Level". I also recommend checking out the Fraction/Brubaker Immortal Iron Fist series if your interested in probably the best Iron Fist story ever lol. Im currently reading Daredevil starting with Kevin Smiths run, which begins at #1, then going into Bendis and finally Brubaker.

For Cosmic stuff, Id check out Abnett's Guardians and or Nova. Which will lead you into Annihilation and War of Kings.
Honestly you don't have to start with kevin smith you can start with Bendis and be fine, it's among his best work.

Also remember getting a reading list for the cosmic marvel stuff.


Honestly you don't have to start with kevin smith you can start with Bendis and be fine, it's among his best work.

Love Love Love Kevin Smith's arc! Yea there can be ALOT of writing without much need, but thats Kevin Smith lol. Aside from Kevin though, Joe Quesada's art is gorgeous. Really wish he had worked on more stuff before going corporate lol.

Uncanny Avengers by Rick-god or Fantastic Four and FF by Fraction?

Gotta say Uncanny Avengers is one of my favorites. It continues directly from his Uncanny X-Force run and never lets up!


Havent read Fraction's FF, but if you had said Hickman's FF then I might say get both!
Fraction's FF was good, didn't read F4 but heard mixed things.

Uncanny Avengers is awesome once it gets going. Initial arc is OK but then it becomes really great till just before AXIS (which you can just stop at).


Have read Hickmanns Run long ago, I am talking about Fractions Marvel Now Fantastic Four Run :D
My brain apparently replaces names with Hickman when it feels threatened. Fraction FF was okay but his fantastic four was awful and the whole thing amounted to a page Messi likes and an A for effort story.


Unconfirmed Member
Started with Volume 1 of the Boom Power Rangers book I bought in the sale, and dig it. I'm glad they skipped past the origin stuff and jumped right into Tommy's deal.

The covers for that series are bonkers good.


semen stains the mountaintops
Very different. A lot more goofy and lighthearted than SAC and the movie. Motoko is very brash and hot headed. Not to mention very sexual in a couple of parts. You've probably heard about the famous lesbian orgy scene. It might as well be a precursor to the type of erotic stuff Shirow draws nowadays. Although from what I hear the Deluxe Edition got rid of it. Anyways, it is beautifully drawn to this day. This is Shirow back when he was in his A game.

Kinda weird to have a deluxe edition and remove parts of the original story.


It's like the worse version of ASB since they can't even get one artist per arc. Also the book is now delayed one month.
We've known the book was coming in July since the original reveal. The first of the teasers said June though, which is what this is referring to because Newsarama never noticed.
I started reading the current Captain America run and I'm not sure if I like it.
Its not just the Cap being effectively brainwashed by the Red Skull bit, the whole thing is just not clicking with me.

Also has the Red Skull always been affiliated with Hydra?
Maybe I just don't know my Cap history very well but I kinda assumed he was he own thing usually.
Red Skull being a part of Hydra is a new thing.


People buy Greg Lands original art 2-300$ a page. Think on that.

Thats were Zombine spends his money

My brain apparently replaces names with Hickman when it feels threatened. Fraction FF was okay but his fantastic four was awful and the whole thing amounted to a page Messi likes and an A for effort story.

Fraction's FF was good, didn't read F4 but heard mixed things.

Uncanny Avengers is awesome once it gets going. Initial arc is OK but then it becomes really great till just before AXIS (which you can just stop at).

Aye. Then its Standoff -> Civil War 2 -> Uncanny Avengers -> SIXIS -> F4 & FF
Justice League of America #2
So this shit is brutal. I don't have much to say right now, other than everyone being the best and that this book is still really good. Orlando, you are too good to me.

Green Arrow #19
FINALLY they show us what actually happened between Roy and Ollie. I feel like they've been dancing around this for so long. Good issue, and a great way to show the contrast between then and now, and how young, non-mustachioed Ollie sucks and older, mustachioed Ollie is the best.

Nightwing #17
Was not expecting that to be the twist. Really intrigued as to what was on that dagger that Deathwing used. I mean,
Dick was clearly seeing multiversal versions of him and Damien. So how? Why? Is this an effect of Superman Reborn?
Regardless, Damien and Dick are great together as they should be. This book is still great.

Titans #9
Whoo boy, now this us what I like to see in a team book. I'm liking this plot thread a lot. Really feels like a Titans book, and not just a Wally book. Good on Abnett for that. I'm really intrigued by what Psimon says at the end, and
hopefully we learn more about the differen classes of metahuman abilities, because I have no idea why that's a big deal, other than it's undiscovered. Until now obviously. Oh, and the mystic illuminati cult or whatever is cool, too.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8
Man I thought
Blackbird would be a reference to Lady Blackbird. I don't know too much about the BoP, but I know she was a part of them
. Also, Oracle is snapping rather quickly, which is good cuz I don't like him. Also it's nice to have arcs not feel dragged out.

And I love Dick's interaction with all of them, but bot has he gotten his ass royally whupped in the past few issues I've read today. Nightwing, Titans, and no this. Like damn Dick, get your shit together.

Also +1 for referencing Dick's butt.
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