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COMICS!!! |OT| March Harley Quinn does the Banana Splits

How is the GitS manga? Closely matches the anime or does it have a lot more depth like Nausicaa?
Nothing like anything seen in anime...at all. It's got a strange and sometimes goofy/silly tone. Shirow mangas are....bizarre. It's the one instance where the adaptations always end up being better than the manga source material


I'm thinking I'm done getting singles of the Star Wars comics. I never read them month to month and I just have stacks and stacks. I'm looking for hardcover omnibuses of the books, but I can't find any really aside from Kanan and Darth Vader. Am I not looking in the right places? Or should I just settle for trades?

Get the oversized hardcovers. They aren't labeled as omnibusses, but they're the exact same paper size and production quality. They are often the cheaper route despite this and a lot are already out. In addition, the Kanan "omnibus" is not really an omnibus and is just an oversized hardcover. It doesn't even say "omnibus" on the spine.


semen stains the mountaintops
Does the Stray Bullets uber alles edition have all of Stray Bullets? I remember people saying it took the author forever to put out new issues but I'm not sure if that was before or after this edition came out.
How is the GitS manga? Closely matches the anime or does it have a lot more depth like Nausicaa?

Very different. A lot more goofy and lighthearted than SAC and the movie. Motoko is very brash and hot headed. Not to mention very sexual in a couple of parts. You've probably heard about the famous lesbian orgy scene. It might as well be a precursor to the type of erotic stuff Shirow draws nowadays. Although from what I hear the Deluxe Edition got rid of it. Anyways, it is beautifully drawn to this day. This is Shirow back when he was in his A game.


I can't decide if I want to buy the east of west hardcovers, I'm starting to really dislike buying things I've already read, but if I quit the flop I'll need it in another format. Rebuy next digital sale? Buy ohc and then wait for,the third ohc?


Probably for just one story arc.

I might cry. What could otherwise be a top quality team book get's brought down boring art. And I'm saying this as someone who didn't mind Brett Booth work in the past, but when someone of quality shows up on the title is just makes it harder to cape for him.

Like this page right here. Can you imagine how soulless this wood be with Booth's art?!

Read Laid Waste by Julia Gfrörer

It has its good qualities and succeeds at what it sets out to do. Its art really communicates the tone and narrative well. I do feel it got overhyped for what it is. Which idk if that's actually a thing. An overhyped fantagraphics book


Does the Stray Bullets uber alles edition have all of Stray Bullets? I remember people saying it took the author forever to put out new issues but I'm not sure if that was before or after this edition came out.

it's got all 41 issues of the original run, but there's been two follow up series since that have been published under Image: Killers which is 8 issues long and Sunshine and Roses which has been going on for the last twoish years
I might cry. What could otherwise be a top quality team book get's brought down boring art. And I'm saying this as someone who didn't mind Brett Booth work in the past, but when someone of quality shows up on the title is just makes it harder to cape for him.

Like this page right here. Can you imagine how soulless this wood be with Booth's art?!

This is a little too basic, imo.


Brett Booth is an acquired taste. I like him.

I honestly liked him on the launch of Teen Titans and for part of his Flash run. He has a bad habit of over-detailing characters a bit for his style but if he were to get a good inker (not Rapmund), I think he would be good in the same vein as Bagley.
Supergirl #7
Wacky brain episodes are always a potential hit or miss, because they are completely character-focused, and if the character writing isn't strong, then the episodes fail. In this case, it hits, because Orlando is good at what he does. Lar-On is a compelling character who I hope we see more of and what he can do, but we also see some struggle with Kara's identity and proving her power. Clearly the encounter with her pops still shakes her up a bit. That said, I'm happy with how this issue turned out. It's a nice chaser to the big brawl that was the last arc, and the ending definitely pushes my interest forward.

Super Sons #2
I don't know how, but this book somehow manages to jump from fun to horrifying really well. Incoming new favorite? Incoming new favorite. I love Damien and Jon's chemistry (and also the mad shit Damien talks). They compliment each other extremely well. Tomasi da gawd up in here.

So amazingness aside, I have one question:
When was the Amazo Virus introduced? The book doesn't specify, but according to what Damien says, Luthor deployed it "last year," so I should assume something pre-Darkseid War?

Action Comics #975 a.k.a. Superman Reborn Part 2
Even having spoiled myself on the reveal before reading this, I can see how this could be shocking. The montage and everything. Not having a solid history with Supes, however, prevented it from landing that punch completely with me. The back-up helped really lend a lot of emotional weight to it, and definitely showed that this is a very different kind of game. Really great issue, and so far Superman Reborn is 2/2 on this issues. On to the next.

Superman #19 a.k.a. Superman Reborn Part 3
Another intensely emotional issue that doesn't fully connect with me because up until now, I never invested in Superman at all. So now that I am, I'm getting really interested and invested, but previous stuff doesn't hold weight aside from my never-ending fascination with DC continuity. Pretty big ending, but it's really intriguing, because how
the fuck do they show up? I guess I don't really comprehend where Mxy is holding them. He's doing in some sort of custom space, so how do they show up? Is it based on the energy and memories that Mxy (whom, might I mention, is only getting creepier and scarier as this story goes on) is siphoning off of them? He does mention that Clark was split in two (obviously pre- and post-Flashpoint), and that New 52 Clark took a red energy form upon death, which we know jumped into Lois and Lana. The former of which we know is dead, and I believe Lana is still running around? Clark and Lois both being dead and reforming from this red energy makes sense to a degree: he turns into red energy, and then returns from it. This probably explains the blue fire attacking Pre-Flashpoint Clark's family. One blue, one red.

Very compelling story, and only one more part to go.

Action Comics #976 a.k.a. Superman Reborn Part 4
Whoa shit, there is a lot to unpack here. First of all,
I love how Superman's separations are identified by his boots. A small detail that no one noticed on the surface, but their costumes identified the two halves, with Superman Red a.k.a. New 52 Superman having a high collar with red trim and red boots, whereas Superman Blue a.k.a. Pre-Flashpoint Superman had no collar and blue boots. This is genius in that the Rebirth design was saying, "this is only one half of the whole." Amazing foreshadowing when brought into focus, as when they are merged, Superman now has red boots with no collar. The next part is a bit heavier and, well, more confusing. So, Red remembers playing the entire game. Does this mean that Mxy actually had both Clark's kept in parallel dimensions, with Jon as the focal point allowing them to switch between? It explains why Jon could communicate with both sides, and why when one was physical, the other was energy. These two forms then merged, and what's interesting is that they merged when Red was in physical form. I think this is telling us that Red is "remembering" what's happened. The Pre-Flashpoint universe. This is achieved by him absorbing Blue, who "didn't belong," as Swamp Thing put it back during the annual. He was out of synch with the universe, because he was only part of the true Superman. This also explains why Prophecy never grabbed him up: because he wasn't the whole Superman, only half, and thus would prove useless.

Let's dig further on to my next point of interest:
Him. This ominous "Him" is supposed to be Dr. Manhattan, I would assume. GIven the focus on Mars at the end of the issue, and the fact that this was an "unprecedented" (to quote Oz) event. Manhattan (assuming that's who 'Him' is supposed to refer to) created the DCU with Superman as the focal point, but since the focal point was fractured, then no one would be able to remember? Otherwise I can't understand what the point of them bringing that up is. Oz didn't see it coming either, but I assume he had to have an idea? Why else would he keep Mxy in prison? He mentions that he doesn't want Mxy around because it would 'derail' Superman's path, but then what is his intended path and what is Oz's agenda? Is he in fact Ozymandias creating an opposition to Manhattan? Is he trying to course correct this universe? But that doesn't play, because wouldn't 'correcting' the universe mean merging it? And if so, why wouldn't he want that to happen? In fairness, he does say he didn't expect it. So then what did he expect? What we really know is that pieces are moving on the board, and Manhattan is not going to sit lightly whilst this continues.

One final point, separate from the issue, is that I want to break down Oz's prisoners. We got insight into a couple of them, but I want to delve into the full scope.

  1. Mr. Mzyxptlk
  2. Doomsday
  3. Prophecy
  4. The Atom (Ray Palmer)
  5. Red Robin (Tim Drake)
So here are my assumptions:
Mxy was imprisoned because he caused too much chaos and would derail Superman. In this case, we can assume that is exactly what happened, since neither Oz nor Manhattan expected to occur. We know this is definitely something that Manhattan didn't want to occur, given what Mxy says before he bounces out of the dimension. He's terrified of Manhattan more than Oz, but he also wasn't a fan of Oz. The big question is how he learned about Manhattan. Mxy hasn't shown up post-Flashpoint, correct? Yet he knew. That's the truly interesting point (it's also assumed, dipping all the way back to JLvSS that Waller's first Task Force plus Max Lord are all fully aware of Flashpoint occurring, though I'm only basing that on the Emerald Empress' need to search for the Legion of Superheroes, specifically Saturn Girl). Oz's prison exists outside of that. Now Doomsday, if we go along the line of keeping Superman on his course (again, whatever that means), Doomsday would have killed Superman. Oz, being aware of Superman being split into two halves, obviously wouldn't want the only active half to be killed, which Doomsday was more than able to accomplish. Prophecy was stealing Supermen and absorbing their powers in order to 1v1 Manhattan (again, completely assumed). At this point we are made aware of Oz's course: he needs specifically Prime Superman to fight Manhattan. That's painfully obvious. Prophecy would have prevented that from happening (by taking his place), along with Doomsday (by killing him), and Mxy (by derailing him in his eternal fuckery).

So now we have to bring up Ray and Tim. These two don't fit into the Superman mythos. My only assumption of these two is simply that Ray found his prison/base of operations, since all we have to go off of is the communique he sent to Choi. My assumption for Tim on the other hand, brings more light to Oz's motives, and that's that he is assembling a force to bring down Manhattan. Why? Because Tim knew about Batman's plans. That he was simultaneously building and seeding multiple teams in, as Tim puts it, "preparing for war." We don't receive an answer, and going by the upcoming crossover, The Button, I assume it's because he's aware of a greater multiversal threat, and is prepping for it. Oz sees this as advantageous in his favor, and so he wants to keep that. Tim finding out creates a risk that would expose that whole endeavor.

Whooo boy. Sorry for the extra long post, but I found this extremely fun to analyze and break down.


Super Sons #2
I don't know how, but this book somehow manages to jump from fun to horrifying really well. Incoming new favorite? Incoming new favorite. I love Damien and Jon's chemistry (and also the mad shit Damien talks). They compliment each other extremely well. Tomasi da gawd up in here.

So amazingness aside, I have one question:
When was the Amazo Virus introduced? The book doesn't specify, but according to what Damien says, Luthor deployed it "last year," so I should assume something pre-Darkseid War?
It was a whole arc when Luthor forced himself in the justice League book so yeah it was
pre Darkseid War


I figured, I just wanted to be clear and make sure. So then
is Kid Amazo reprising from that arc, or was he just introduced in this book?

This is his first appearance
him and hiswhole family. The only thing to know about the arc is that a virus either kills you after giving you powers or turn you into super zombies, without the brains diet.
This is his first appearance
him and hiswhole family. The only thing to know about the arc is that a virus either kills you after giving you powers or turn you into super zombies, without the brains diet.
And in this case
he's an anomaly because he didn't turn into either?


semen stains the mountaintops
it's got all 41 issues of the original run, but there's been two follow up series since that have been published under Image: Killers which is 8 issues long and Sunshine and Roses which has been going on for the last twoish years

Ah, I see.

Huh. Reading that Gail Simone thing about social media clauses on BC, it's hard not to imagine she's talking about Bendis and Angela. Maybe that's just me. I had no idea Layman had been on the end of this stuff either. Comics, crazy business.


Huh. Reading that Gail Simone thing about social media clauses on BC, it's hard not to imagine she's talking about Bendis and Angela. Maybe that's just me. I had no idea Layman had been on the end of this stuff either. Comics, crazy business.
I gueess i should stop sending death threats and harrasements to the writers but at marvel head instead.

Seriously it must suck for writers where they can't defend themselves while receiving a lot of hate from both whiny and legitimate angry fanboys/girls.


semen stains the mountaintops
I was flipping through Sunstone at Books-a-Million the other day and I felt like I was gonna get arrested.
I gueess i should stop sending death threats and harrasements to the writers but at marvel head instead.

Seriously it must suck for writers where they can't defend themselves while receiving a lot of hate from both whiny and legitimate angry fanboys/girls.

Hahah oh dear. Really you need to go to the core of the matter if you want change, and start sending death threats to the characters themselves!

I always take this stuff with a grain of salt, it is effectively gossip aired to us from one side, but definitely in this case, on face value, it must be pretty vad to be trapped in that circumstance.


Hahah oh dear. Really you need to go to the core of the matter if you want change, and start sending death threats to the characters themselves!

I always take this stuff with a grain of salt, it is effectively gossip aired to us from one side, but definitely in this case, on face value, it must be pretty vad to be trapped in that circumstance.
Don't give Gaf any ideas,


So, I read three more Issues of Avengers: Standoff last evening.
This book is very helpful in regards of getting a overview of most Teambooks since basicly all of them have a couple of issues.

Until now, I have read All New, All Different Avengers, SHIELD (Most pointless team ever), Uncanny Avengers and I think New Avengers. And while I like the story overall, its really baffeling how poor the current state of Marvels teambooks is/was. I had no moment where I thought, yeah, thats a cool concepted team, most the time I thought man, thats okayish but far inferior to the original concept. Which doesnt mean to be a bad thing in general, but I had here really never the feeling that I now have here the best version of this team and that they just slapped names on random books.
Next up is Illuminati, which I already dont like, because its nothing like Pre-Secret Wars and has nothing to do with the concept that I loved about this team.

In Regards of New Avengers: I see what they have done here, but why not make these guys the Mighty Avengers? New Avengers should be the AAA of the Marvel Universe as a B-Side next to the original Avengers. For me, Mighty Avengers are the Avengers for the Streetlevel. Uncanny Avengers always looks and feels so subpar compared to the original run. The book and the concept have a reason to exist, but I really didnt felt this issue. And All New All Different Avengers is just not interesting. No hard feels now that I canceled the OHC.

And in regards of Agents of SHIELD: I am always just weired out that this book exists. I mean, if people like it and the guys and gals in it, more power to them, but everytime Coulson and his TV Squad shows up anywhere I am totally weired out. It feels super wrong. I have done my peace with Fury Jr. and this point, he doesnt appear anywhere anyway so there is no harm done, but Coulson appears from time to time in other books and Its always done super awful. I like that he is a Superhero Geek and knows every date of every superfight and I like when they have issues revolving around that like when he wrote Fanfics about Ms. Marvel, but I have due the movies a expection about Coulson and I have never read a comic book where I thought that I have seen him done right. Maybe I have to finally watch the show, but I really dont like this book. Its super weird.

The only team book I am excited about is Ultimates because Ultimates as a concept was pointless 10 years ago after the second Volume from Millar, so I am fine with the changes, but also because it deals with stuff like Marvel Time. And Peter Parkers funded Avengers team because its more what I expect about a book with this name. But I most likely wont read it because I dont like jumping in mid-volume when there is a different number then a 1 on the trade.

Comic book haul: Reveangence. I got some more in, this and the others from yesterday will do me a few weeks I hope. The only one I was iffy on picking up was Tokyo Ghost vol. 2. I didn't love the first volume, but I guess I didn't have enough of an issue to want to straight up taking off the shelf or leave it open ended, so I figured why not, take a chance, hopefully not trash. Dept H HC is real nice and damn, the Black Monday Murders trade is super thick? Haha
Comic book haul: Reveangence. I got some more in, this and the others from yesterday will do me a few weeks I hope. The only one I was iffy on picking up was Tokyo Ghost vol. 2. I didn't love the first volume, but I guess I didn't have enough of an issue to want to straight up taking off the shelf or leave it open ended, so I figured why not, take a chance, hopefully not trash. Dept H HC is real nice and damn, the Black Monday Murders trade is super thick? Haha

Black Monday Murders is great, one of the best new series around at the moment, though I might be a bit biased as a Hickman fan- I love the world set up he does, you end up with more questions than answers so far but I like that about it, I'd rather he spend issues building the characters and the world rather than give us all the answers early on

I always seem to be around to post in time for your new deliveries ha

Manged to catch up on a few single issues yesterday and it was surprising both issues I read were issues where the last issue of the series werent so great but they both came back strong.

Shutter, this was what I've been waiting on for a while,
it seemed really weird that for a while now Kate just has seemed to have no feelings for Cassius whatsoever with him being her friend for years before his crazy turn, so though this was long overdue it was good to reflect a bit on there relationship and past.
Just a few more issues to go now till were done. Its a series full of hits and misses for the part of the story but for the art and imagination used throughout its been well worth the ride.

Black Panther was back to what it does best. Covering politics, relationships and big themes like morality and responsibility. I tell you if Coates could learn to write his action scenes as good as the rest of the book he,d be a hell of a comics writer. Also looking forward to where the series looks like its going for series two, with there being focus on the panther gods and
T'Challa now having the freedom to go out into the wider world again with Ororo and the crew.
Also Black Monday Murders, the single issues were all double sized on release, so that will be why its so thick. They were priced a little bit more expensive because of that but well worth it for new Hickman stuff :)
Dr. Strange #4 - #10 and Last Days of Magic #1 - The second third of the arc was very strong but the resolution was a bit rushed and less than what I had expected/hoped. The whole arc also seems to be kinda mirroring his Thor run, including groundwork for an "Empirikul was right" refrain. Still looked great and I really enjoyed the Last Days of Magic issue with all the other magicians/sorcerers. I actually want an ongoing for Chondu at this bar in the vein of Shinya Shokudo/Midnight Diner. Imagine what Busiek/Anderson could do with that. A The Wu series set in HK would be cool too.

Also, why is there a Deadpool tie-in for Last Days of Magic and should I try to track that down to read?

Nothing like anything seen in anime...at all. It's got a strange and sometimes goofy/silly tone. Shirow mangas are....bizarre. It's the one instance where the adaptations always end up being better than the manga source material

Very different. A lot more goofy and lighthearted than SAC and the movie. Motoko is very brash and hot headed. Not to mention very sexual in a couple of parts. You've probably heard about the famous lesbian orgy scene. It might as well be a precursor to the type of erotic stuff Shirow draws nowadays. Although from what I hear the Deluxe Edition got rid of it. Anyways, it is beautifully drawn to this day. This is Shirow back when he was in his A game.

Hmm, might just wait for them at my library first then.
Also Black Monday Murders, the single issues were all double sized on release, so that will be why its so thick. They were priced a little bit more expensive because of that but well worth it for new Hickman stuff :)

Ahhh this makes sense. I noticed when I was buying it that they hadn't did the usual image vol 1 discount price thing, but if they were double sized. Really looking forward to digging in though, I've pretty much enjoyed all of his own work, back to the nighty news.

Ha are you UK time? I've just been posting these when the mail man has been :L

Yesterday ended up hectic so I'll attempt to read more of The Goddammed today. Dr Strange was cool though, I loved the cloak as a character, and the whole thing was better than I probably would have guessed.

Dr. Strange #4 - #10 and Last Days of Magic #1.

Pretty dark ending for the Empirikul though huh that gave me shivers a little


Dr. Strange #4 - #10 and Last Days of Magic #1 - The second third of the arc was very strong but the resolution was a bit rushed and less than what I had expected/hoped. The whole arc also seems to be kinda mirroring his Thor run, including groundwork for an "Empirikul was right" refrain. Still looked great and I really enjoyed the Last Days of Magic issue with all the other magicians/sorcerers. I actually want an ongoing for Chondu at this bar in the vein of Shinya Shokudo/Midnight Diner. Imagine what Busiek/Anderson could do with that. A The Wu series set in HK would be cool too.

Also, why is there a Deadpool tie-in for Last Days of Magic and should I try to track that down to read?

Hmm, might just wait for them at my library first then.

It did seem like a lesser God bomb to me, I was done with Strange after that arc finished.
I mean, Dr Strange
ended up doing the exact same thing that the Imperator was fighting against? While still saying "I'm not like that".

haha pretty much, then shackling him in the basement blind, after realising how bad an idea that was with his pain demon thing.
guess he's not perfect, but kinda grim. I did enjoy the story though and I don't mind a story where
the lead hero does something inherently wrong or shortsighted
, I just wonder if that was intentional or if it'll come back later as a point. Also, I'll be honest
the secret defenders of Strange was such a big reveal to me and seemed a game changer and the resolution seemed to make it irrelevant.
I did enjoy it though, by and large.
Ahhh this makes sense. I noticed when I was buying it that they hadn't did the usual image vol 1 discount price thing, but if they were double sized. Really looking forward to digging in though, I've pretty much enjoyed all of his own work, back to the nighty news.

Ha are you UK time? I've just been posting these when the mail man has been :L

Yeah UK based here near Manchester. I tend to just log onto GAF during quiet times at work so usually between the work 9-5. Well I say quiet times, its usually can't be bothered days when I'm on

I've loved all the Hickman stuff I've read so far, got his FF run, avengers/secret wars run, SHIELD, all the Black Monday issues and read some of his ultimate universe stuff. Still need to get his Secret Warriors run and East is West when I get chance.
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